Shocked about this Page

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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post25 Feb 2009

Please let us know what you are going through. Also, If I may suggest, can you take a brief break and stop thinking yourself as a Soul! Indulge in things ... enjoy food, start dating if possible, take a class, take up a hobby.

Dear Deccani

Thanks for your reply. I think i have shared quite a bit about what i am going through over the last couple of years. It is really not easy to express everything but I have been trying my best.

Also, I do not think of myself as a soul and have been doing other hobbies, taking classes etc and enjoying food, having therapy, having massages, having homeopathy and the list goes on ...

When it comes to dating, well, I don't know where to start as I have never dated anyone in my life. Also, I have the baggage of being sexually abused by some members of the BK organisation which I am still trying to heal, and so, it could be that until I deal with all that. I won't be ready to date anyone or have a partner. Besides, most people do not want to be around people who have baggage and so it's hard to find someone to even be friends with. So, you may now be able to see my dilemas.

Kind regards

What happened to exbrahmin who began this topic? Are you still there? I hope we haven't scared you away!! It would be nice to hear from you again.
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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post25 Feb 2009

enlightened wrote:being sexually abused by some members of the BK organisation which i am still trying to heal

This is where all words are meaningless. I am speechless.

These bastards should be all sued.
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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post25 Feb 2009

enlightened wrote:I think i have shared quite a bit about what i am going through over the last couple of years. It is really not easy to express everything but I have been trying my best.

Sorry! I apologize for not doing my homework. I went through all your previous posts and I can identify quite a bit with you. I feel very sad to see how you are taken advantage of.

BKWSU feeds on the vulnerable. They are no better than vultures!!

Though in a different setting - the devastation on our family because of BKWSU philosophy, especially on us, kids, was the same. It is always difficult when one parent is pukka and the other is not. I have seen dishes flying, caught up between fights - as a kid not knowing what to do. Shocked, frightened, confused and helpless!! I know it is very hard to explain ... and also everytime you recollect it, it is as if you are living through those moments all over again.

In some of the posts, I saw that therapy was working for you (I am refering to those 'anger' threads). So, what changed? Also, I gather that some of your siblings were lucky to escape all this. Do they support you now? I have seen that friends are good, but healing family wounds and having that support is also helpful.

I hope you feel better today.
tom wrote: This is where all words are meaningless. I am speechless. These bastards should be all sued.

I am absolutely shocked that other don't express the same outrage, Tom. I guess they are applying BKWSU's Karma philosophy. Some theorize that it is nothing new when it comes to cult kids.

As they say, "Recession is when someone else loses their job. Depression is when you lose yours". And we talking about our innocence, dignity, our psyche, our relationships and our own identity!!
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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post25 Feb 2009

In some of the posts, I saw that therapy was working for you (I am refering to those 'anger' threads). So, what changed? Also, I gather that some of your siblings were lucky to escape all this. Do they support you now? I have seen that friends are good, but healing family wounds and having that support is also helpful.

Hi Deccani,

it does look like you've been in similar circumstances but maybe not the same as myself. Also my guess is that a male child would deal with it differently to a female in most cases, however, I cannot generalise.

Therapy has been and is working for me, however, it can sometimes be an extremely powerful and tiring process while you are undergoing therapy. With abuse and traumas, it can take years depending on how long you've suppressed all the emotions. As i suppressed everything for more than 35 years, well your guess is as good as mine as to how long it may take to heal and recover.

It is a roller coaster ride meaning you could be up and down on a daily basis, the pain of facing yourself and your traumas and dilemas can sometimes be overwhelming to the extent that you may have thoughts of not wanting to live anymore etc. But my one of my only hopes in life has been and is professional therapy. Some power from up above miraculously placed a wonderful therapist on my journey of life and I am so grateful to them for what they have done for me so far.


    It made me realise how withdrawn and unhappy I had become in my life
    It made me realise that my there was hardly any life and sparkle left in me
    It made me realise that I was being controlled by other people all these years
    It made me realise how limited I am in many aspects
    It taught me how to say no to people
    It made me get more in touch with my being and my feelings
    This therapy inspires you to constantly stay with your feelings in the now.
    It has helped me to work through some of my traumas so that i can accept forgive and move on (I still have a fair few to work through)
    It has helped me to uncondition some of the very deepseated BK dogma and restricted and disciplined lifestyle
My list could go on and on but i think you get the gist of it.

Some of my siblings have been supportive, however, they do not really know or understand the depth of my traumas. I have said that I am going through depression, however, I do not feel that anyone really understands how to deal with a person who is suffering from depression unless they have experienced it themselves. Also, I think that the siblings have their own problems and issues they are dealing with and so, they don't really have time for me. There has been death of family members as well as family crisis on top of everything else I am dealing with and so it has been extremely overwhelming and painful.

But I have the hope that one day I will get there as difficult it may be right now. I am just hanging in there with the grace of god and with the blessing of some people on this forum as well as off forum.

I hope this helps someone in some way ...

Kind regards
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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post25 Feb 2009

enlightened wrote:It has helped me to work through some of my traumas so that i can accept forgive and move on

I will never forgive these lowest creatures on earth, disguised as archangels, what they did to you dear enlightened, and what they did to you, deccani and to other innocent dear ones. These bogymen all deserve to be punished in front of a court and spent rest of their lives in jail.
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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post25 Feb 2009


I think my life will never ever be as free or as normal (if there is such a thing as normal) asI would like it to be. However, I want to try and spend whatever time I do have left on this earth in the best possible way, and in a happy and peaceful way. And to do that, there has to come point in time when I have to let go and move on whether I like it not, whether it was injustice or not. That is the only way forward for me at least. I cant see another way out.

Given time, I think that the power of the universe will take care of those whose actions have been unjust and damaging to others! That is the law of life no matter how hard we try to fight against it.




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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post26 Feb 2009

“Twenty five years of helping cult victims has thoroughly convinced me that the wrongdoing by destructive cults will stop ONLY when ALL profit is removed from that wrongdoing by holding the cult’s top executives PERSONALLY accountable before the law! If you or a loved one has been harmed by a cult, get a lawyer and sue the cult’s senior executives today. They are ultimately responsible for the harm that the cult has caused you and your loved ones. By getting full legal and financial restitution from the cult’s ill gotten profits you will not only help make your life whole again you will also do the most effective thing possible to prevent the cult from doing the same harm to others. Be encouraged, there are now many legal precedents established on cult abuse and mind control. Destructive cults have already paid former cult members hundreds of millions of dollars either though secret out-of-court settlements, pre-trial settlements or through enforced court judgments. Stop letting your former cult keep victimizing you. Use the law to go get your life made whole again and to help stop the wrongdoing, I did.” - – Lawrence Wollersheim co-founder of Factnet, former cult member.
tom wrote: These bogymen all deserve to be punished in front of a court and spent rest of their lives in jail.

There is a lot of anger and rage on these pages, and in itself that can be a worthwhile outlet. But are you Tom, or anyone else, willing to fund and run a legal case? Has anyone checked out the structure of said organisation to see if any individual can be held culpable? Or the organisation held to account for dereliction of duty of care? Maybe Enlightened's approach, to move on, is wiser? Or maybe a class action or individual case can regain a sense of empowerment? It is a big call Tom, and words should be used carefully.

There was a gang rape case concluded here recently, 3 or 4 years after the event. The defendants were found guilty and locked away for 20 + years. The teenage victim became something of a hero because at every step of the way she insisted on proceeding with prosecution and doing it publicly, even though people were telling her of the stresses, time and other factors involved. She also received verbal threats from supporters of the defendants etc. She appeared like what we'd call here a bogan, i.e. from the wrong side of the tracks. Maybe it was that toughness that got her through? The number of sexual crimes that get reported are small, the number that go to court smaller, and the successful prosecutions less again.
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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post26 Feb 2009

terry wrote:Has anyone checked out the structure of said organisation to see if any individual can be held culpable?

By "said organisation" do we mean the Brahma Kumaris or the BKWSU? Its simple. Its the trustees who are responsible.

This is where one place where the BK slipperiness and deceit really starts to shine through the veneer of holiness. We saw it in the BKWSO's constitution where they claim to have "no members" ... and thereby no responsibilities to anyone. BK Speak calls non-members who given them money "students". In a normal situation, even that would imply some contract and duty of care. The BKs reckon they have none ... but where there is no written contracts, there are implict contracts based on common laws. 'Undue Influence' is what we are looking at. Its a lot easier in cases of undue influence, the religion has to prove that they did not abuse or took adequate steps to protect their followers rather than the other way around.

My guess is that responsibility would fall to the local center in charge who has no real training, no liability insurance.

One doesn't need to fund and run a full case ... one only needs to start and then see what the other side does. Now we have good evidence to prove their deceived us, quite likely they will quickly settle, as happens in many cult case, so as to avoid the bad PR. You also have the right to fight the case yourself and will generally find legal advisors who will help you ... even in places like India and especially relating to "women's issues".

One should not confuse criminal cases, such as those you mention, with civil cases. The state has the responsibility to try criminal cases, not the individual.

I don't see "anger and rage" on these pages. Those sound like words the BKWSU would use. And as I am one often accused of the same, I can promise you it is just 'quietness, persistence and determination' which is of quite a different order.

"Anger" is such a BK put-down ... a real "tut-tut". What we are really talking about is creating a very positive, productive determination to make change. As those changes are not self serving, I cant see any negative aspect to it.

People come out of the BKWSU incredibly broken, disempowered and (strangely for a movement that supposedly teaches "meditation") ... unable to focus. Why is that?



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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post26 Feb 2009

I don't see anger and rage as negative. They are human emotions. (and I am human you know, I love my species). I also said it is also worthwhile to express that. To talk of legal action should mean that you are willing to go down that road, and it is a big ask, emotionally, financially, and time.
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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post26 Feb 2009

Well, given that you know the BK conditioning very well, you should be careful in your use of language. An allegation of anger is enough to freeze an exiting-BK dead in their steps, over exaggerating difficulties will crush an already broken spirit from doing exactly what they should do.

In the BK world, even their use of the word "negative" is so loaded. It is used as such a one-size fits all put-down. "Negative" includes anything that is questioning, non-submissive, non-conformist, righteous etc etc etc.

Anyone tinking about engaging in legal action against the BKWSU should see it in the first place as an excellent opportunity to expose what the BKWSU is really like ... and publish it widely. See that as your public service. Do not be too attached to any results but just do it to draw them out into the light of public scrutiny.
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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post26 Feb 2009

enlightened wrote:I want to try and spend whatever time I do have left on this earth in the best possible way,

enlightened, you are too young to talk from whatever time you do have left on this earth. You have a whole life in front of you. For the surviving victims of the extraordinary violence cases the universe gives a silent call and a huge potential together with opportunities to help other victims under similar conditions.

Don't give a damn to the words of those who try to paralyze you. Find ways to expose the real responsible ones without harming yourself. Only on this way you can experience real happiness and peace. And never ever forgive them.
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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post26 Feb 2009

I'd like to point out here that it is possible that when an exiting member/follower of the BKWSO finds this forum that it too can bring up huge stress in their lives, as they now begin to take note of the facts of their processes and know that they actually have a choice on how they can live.

This could potentially cause a huge problem for them, so this forum many not always be able to do what it was designed to do; namely provide supportive "Independent discussion of life in & after the so-called 'Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University cult'". Some people may well find that choice extremely difficult to make, considering the perfectly normal human feelings of guilt/anger/etc; that may arise 'after' finding this forum could be rather intense for a person who has lived without the 'human' experience of duality for so long.

I remember my journey well.
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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post26 Feb 2009

enlightened, you are too young to talk from whatever time you do have left on this earth. You have a whole life in front of you. For the surviving victims of the extraordinary violence cases the universe gives a silent call and a huge potential together with opportunities to help other victims under similar conditions.

Don't give a damn to the words of those who try to paralyze you. Find ways to expose the real responsible ones without harming yourself. Only on this way you can experience real happiness and peace. And never ever forgive them

None of us know how much time we have left on this earth. None of us know what may be around he corner. but I also believe that nature and the universe has its own ways of dealing with those who have done injustice to others.

No one is trying or can paralyze me. I am the one in control of my life now. I think the only way I can expose those responsible right now is through this forum. As to whether this is harming me or not I don't really know or don't really care. If what I say on the forum saves even one soul from the traumas I have had to go through, then I will be happy with that. But I do believe that I can find a certain amount of happiness and peace by trying to let go.

I think my priority right now is to save myself as I am feeling extremely low. But as I mentioned before, I do not think I will ever be able to live a really free and normal life as I would like to. But the least i can do for myself is to develop the coping mechanisms through my therapy and to try and enjoy whatever life i have on planet earth otherwise these precious moments that I have now are also slipping by before my eyes.

I believe that despite all the traumas and complexities i have been through, I am a simple person and would like to keep things simple in my journey of recovery as I cannot cope with complicated things right now. Some of these discussions can get a bit overwhelming for me and my recovery. I would like to suggest that please try and keep it simple like Mr Green and co in order to help us recover as well as expose. Keeping it simple may also help the wider audience to comprehend what this is all about.




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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post26 Feb 2009

Enlightened - You are sounding stronger and stronger with every post. Go girl!

And I second what paulkershaw said.


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Re: Shocked about this Page

Post26 Feb 2009

And so do I. GIRLPOWER!!!!

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