Conception, pregnancy, childbirth and abortion

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Conception, pregnancy, childbirth and abortion

Post30 Sep 2006

Divine soul Brothers.

I had posted this article on the xbkchat site about a year ago but it was removed from that site for reasons best known to the administrators. I am posting it again on this site, if someone has already read it he may kindly ignore it and those who are reading it for the first time may share their views if they so wish. This is a new concept not known to many doctors (let alone the lay persons) and i have written it with Baba's Godly knowledge as the base which says that the world revolves around the female (shiv-shakti)

Myth: Sex of the baby is chosen by the male.

Reality: Sex of the baby is chosen by the female.

Discussion: For centuries before the advent of modern medical science, it was believed that the woman was responsible for the birth of a male or a female child and that the male had no say in choosing the sex of the unborn baby. Even today in many Indian villages and other rural areas around the world (where ignorance of medical knowledge still prevails) it is the woman who is still incriminated and blamed for repeatedly giving birth to a female child. But now with the discovery of the x-chromosomes sperms and y-chromosomes sperms in the semen, the medical scientists proclaimed that it is the male who is responsible for choosing or selecting the sex of the baby. But the medical scientists have overlooked one very important factor : namely the patho-physiological conditions, status(of the sperms and the ovum) and other unseen factors leading to chemotaxis(attraction of the sperms towards the ovum) which finally leads to conception and eventually decides the sex of the baby.

Now let us examine the patho-physiology and the ionic status of the 'x' and 'y' sperms, and the variable charge of the ovum which ultimately decides which sperm (x or y) will fertilize the ovum.

By prior knowledge we now know that sperms containing the X chromosome are negatively charged while sperms containing the Y chromosome are positively charged. This fact was observed when the sperms were separated by electrophoresis. Numerous studies have revealed that when a weak electrical current was passed through a solution containing spermatozoa, those with the X chromosome were attracted by the anode (+) and those with the Y chromosome by the cathode (-). Some scientists have also identified the appearance of a brief luminous ring at the moment of contact between spermatozoon and ovule. This phenomenon has since been measured and is proof of an electrical involvement in fertilisation. Also the charge on the ovum membrane was not fixed but alternated from positive to neutral and to a negative charge in a cycle. This was called the polarity cycle of the ovum membrane. This polarity was found to be predictable but totally separate from the menstrual cycle. The polarity cycle, which is unknown to most of us, was there in addition to the ovulation/menstrual cycle.

The argument behind this finding is that gender(sex) of the baby is influenced by what scientists call "ionic factors" which generate the charge on the ovum membrane and on the sperms.

First let us view this in a different way - according to the Laws of nature - whatever is happening at the microscopic level is reflected in the happenings at the macroscopic level or - in other words whatever happens at the physical (gross) level is a reflection of what happens at the subtle (cellular) level. So we now come to the most important aspect of man-woman relationship ie. marriage (selection of the partner for mating).

Let us now consider the marriage ceremony in various religions:

In Christianity; it is the bride who is first asked by the priest "whether she accepts the would-be bridegroom as the lawfully-wedded husband".

In Hinduism; it is the bride who first garlands the bridegroom, meaning that she has accepted him as her husband and she will bear his children only.

Also it would be worthwhile to note that in Muslim marriage; the would-be bride only is asked by the Muslim priest whether she accepts the invitation of marriage (nikah) from her would-be husband following which the marriage is solemnised.

So in man-woman relationship; man is always the proposer and woman is always the chooser, never vice versa.

From the above observation we can say that the proposing rights are a male prerogative and the choosing rights lie exclusively with the female. Just as a woman cannot be impregnated against her wishes, similarly at the micro level both sperms (x and y having different charge) are attracted to the ovum having a variable charge but only the sperm which has the opposite charge from that of the ovum will be able to fertilize the ovum and the other sperm will be rejected.

So when the ovum membrane is positively charged, it will attract the sperm carrying X chromosome (which is negatively charged) and a baby girl is produced. When the ovum membrane is negatively charged, it will attract the sperm carrying the Y chromosome (which is positively charged), and a baby boy is produced. In short, we can say that the 'mating rights' are exclusively with the ovum only. Once the ovum is fertilised then only the x or y sperm determines the sex of the baby (xx means a female and xy means a male).

So would it not be most appropriate to say that it is the female which chooses the sex of the baby (by virtue of selecting which sperm to mate with) and the male only determines the sex of the baby after conception. (So it is not only unfair but also wrong to blame the male for choosing the sex of the baby as the poor male has absolutely no control over which sperm (x or y) will finally fertilise the ovum because it is the mother nature (ovum) who finally decides which sperm(x or y) to mate with in accordance with its polarity which eventually decides the sex of the baby.

Conclusion: Female of the species are more powerful than the male.

Views and comments are awaited.

ok---om shanti---shivsena
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Post03 Oct 2006

Every thing is pre-destined. Final thoughts lead to the destination. Personal sanskars create the world around us, including our own bodies. The female ovum may create a positive or negative electrical field. This is inaccordance with the macro/micro world you mentioned. The egg is simply receptive to the vibrations of the incoming soul. At the right moment the soul casts its 'blue print' on the egg and imbues it with divine life energy, growth of the egg corresponding with the 'core' imprint of the incoming soul i.e., male or female, in accordance with sanskars.

If I take a female birth in my next birth it will be because of the company I keep. I, the soul, am a Master Creator. I create my own destiny, (even if it is pre-ordained).



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Post03 Oct 2006

button slammer wrote:Every thing is pre-destined ... If I take a female birth in my next birth it will be because of the company I keep. I, the soul, am a Master Creator. I create my own destiny, (even if it is pre-ordained).

Dear slammer Bhai.

I fully agree with you that it is the soul which dictates everything as per drama and as per its sanskars of 84 births instilled in that particular soul; but it is mother nature (ovum) which first decides which body to produce (male or female) in accordance with its power of selecting which sperm to unite with; and then it is the sanskars of the soul which decides which instrument (body) it is going to enter in the 5th month of gestation period of the foetus.
This is what i feel ( first the body is made and then the soul chooses its body).

OK Om Shanti;
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Post03 Oct 2006

shivsena wrote:but it is mother nature (ovum) which first decides which body to produce (male or female) in accordance with its power of selecting which sperm to unite with[/color]

Point of information, please. At what age does the foetus start to generate sexual charateristics? 5 to 8 weeks? At what time does the soul incarnate into the foetus?

Does the incarnating soul, or Drama, have influence on the foetus ahead of its incarnation?

To be honest, one of my own personal developments since stepping away from the simplistic orthodoxy of BKWSU teachings is to accept the random nature of life. Does the egg, nature or whoever "decide" or is it just a lottery, a game of chance? There is a yearning in certian sorts of minds for have everything ultimately fixed and BKWSU lore uses this to capture those minds by offering tidy answer, that in truth we have no way of proving one way or the other, in order to shut them up so that they focus on "yoging" with Shiva. Karma and pre-determination being the obvious one. They could just be mind plugs, not actual factual understanding.

Does the egg, mother or nature "decide" or is it just random? What intelligence and abilitiy is there to decide?

Strangely though it might, and there might be, how otherwise do the sexes remain so equally balanced almost 50:50 regardless of time, location, creed, color or race? Mathematically, one might expect the balance to spiral out of control at one time or another. BK Gyan cuts out the external influences and strips reality down to soul, the god of BK and one thing called matter. It may not be a complete picture.

If a mathematician asked you to prove an equation but only allowed you to use numbers 1 to 4, what chance would you have?
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Post05 Oct 2006

If a mathematician asked you to prove an equation but only allowed you to use numbers 1 to 4, what chance would you have?

ANS By understanding One, 'the ten thousand things' are understood.
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Post05 Oct 2006

I fully agree with you that it is the soul which dictates everything as per drama and as per its sanskars of 84 births instilled in that particular soul; but it is mother nature (ovum) which first decides which body to produce (male or female) in accordance with its power of selecting which sperm to unite with; and then it is the sanskars of the soul which decides which instrument (body) it is going to enter in the 5th month of gestation period of the foetus.

Perhaps so, however, we are talking primarily about ancestor souls who have a tremendous potential of influential vibrations. It's more fitting that it is the soul which predetermines it's future body, otherwise the arrangement of the future body is a completely random affair. . Otherwise it goes like this ...

How can some other entity be responsible for the condition of my body, if my body is good or bad then is it just the fruit of some random act, ie the electrical current of the egg was one moment +ve the next -ve. What is it that compels a couple to perform the act of lovemaking, at any time during The Cycle?

I think there are several factors that have to be in place, some thing akin to planetary alignment for any conception to take place (here reference to the planets is not in relation to modern astronomy). I do belive the whole affair to be of a truely cosmic/spiritual nature. Unseen and dimly comprehended forces bring a couple together ... people meet ... sometimes after years of travel accross the planet ... they make love ... a child is born ... The Cycle spins ...
but it is mother nature (ovum) which first decides which body to produce (male or female) in accordance with its power of selecting which sperm to unite with...

I don't think mother nature here 'decides' to do anything. Here it is not so much a decision as an event where universal forces are focussed in an intense concentrated 'moment' in time. There is nothing random about this event, it is completely pre-ordained/pre-destined. Mother nature is not the decision maker, her role is that of supreme medium whereby the cosmic energies can be harnessed and nurtured in complete obedience without interferance, ie 'you get what you asked for'.

On another level womb is the mind. It will nurture both good and bad seeds.
A further interesting parallel; Mother within the Brahmin world is one - Jagadamba. It seems there are no other souls really claiming that role. There are several personalities who would claim to be ShivBaba. Its like all the sperms trying to fertilize the egg. The egg/mother earth/Jagadamba, surrounded by all the millions of sperms will accept only one. All false diamonds prove themselves to be fake, the real diamond doesn't need to prove anything, and is accepted/planted in the womb/egg of mother.

So, I guess you are right in a way Shivsena. Egg selects sperm and the gates of heaven open. The rest is history, and the future.
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'Virgin births' for giant lizards

Post20 Dec 2006

There have been two reported cases of Komodo dragon "virgin births" The largest lizards in the world are capable of "virgin births". Scientists report of two cases where female Komodo dragons have produced offspring without male contact. Tests revealed their eggs had developed without being fertilised by sperm - a process called parthenogenesis, the team wrote in the journal Nature.
British scientists have reopened the debate over why some organisms, including humans, reproduce sexually. Evolutionary biologists have long puzzled over why sex evolved at all. Asexual organisms simply split themselves to produce offspring and can reproduce twice as fast as sexual organisms. So why go to the trouble of having sex? Until now, the main theory has been that sexual reproduction, which requires combining both parents' DNA, helps eliminate harmful genetic mutations from the genome. But researchers said on Thursday they had disproved this theory by estimating the mutation rate in related species, including humans, chimps and monkeys.


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Post20 Dec 2006

Tests revealed their eggs had developed without being fertilised by sperm - a process called parthenogenesis, the team wrote in the journal Nature.

More of this, here.
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Post22 Dec 2006

Great stuff, see ... we actually are in the Golden Age :lol:.
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Post26 Dec 2006

Granting that science succeeds (a possibility) in modifying the mode of reproduction of human beings from sexual to asexual through genetic engineering (sounds scary to me), then the reproductive organs may reduce their activities, and therefore, the vice of lust may decrease in time.

Some BKs think that through the power of Yoga, virgin birth is attainable. If they really believe this to be true, why cannot they set an example themselves, i.e. SS and Dadis will give virgin births? 70 years of tapasya and Yoga are quite long enough, and up to now, we haven't seen any extra physical manifestations.

In my opinion, the responsibility of this virgin birth was becoming cloudy, and therefore, the task was transferred by the BK, to some advanced party group (unknown place of living, not PBK as what BK teaches), so that the "burden" of setting an example of virgin birth would not fall onto them. The Murli is clever enough to put this task to that unknown group while BKs are just doing Yoga whilst sitting.

Why would some so-called pure, unknown (cannot be found), non-BK Advanced Group, living in this degraded world, give a virgin birth? I thought everyone is going down except the BKs (going up). So, if virgin birth is possible through the power of Yoga, then it has to be started by BKs themselves. Unfortunately, everythiing just got mixed up.
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Post26 Dec 2006

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Post26 Dec 2006

tinydot wrote:In my opinion, the responsibility of this virgin birth was becoming cloudy, and therefore, the task was transferred by the BK, to some advanced party group (unknown place of living, not PBK as what BK teaches), so that the "burden" of setting an example of virgin birth would not fall onto them. The Murli is clever enough to put this task to that unknown group while BKs are just doing Yoga whilst sitting.

I was just reading up on the Sai Baba controversy. Basically, time and time again he was caught cheating at his allegedly magic tricks. Likewise, other Baba's that were supposed to be able to manifest ash or sugar were also unveiled. The notable similarity was that in such cases, the devotees felt unable to bring the gurus to question on why they did cheat and instead turned the question on themselves, e.g. they retold the fraud as the god guru "testing their faith", and modified their belief system to adopt to this. That is to say, the belief became that Sai Baba sometimes manifests magically but at other times just does cheap magic tricks to fool people - according to his divine, unquestionable wisdom. (To which we then add the numerous incidents of pederasty, rubbing magic oil onto young boys' privates. At this point the devotees just seem to go into denial and are unable to consume such information, as in ... "he may be a paedophile ... well, OK, he is a paedophile ... but he is still my God". And he is still worshipped by millions.)

I am not a psychologist, and so cannot name this phenomenon, but am sure that this is part of some well studied reflex within the human mind that happens on the total failure or contradiction of faith/belief. Equally, I am sure that it is used abusively by those conscious of the minds limitations and failings. On a simple level, politicians telling absolute and opposite lies in The Knowledge they will get away with it if they try because a majority do not wish to believe they could be lied to and the rest do not have the power or courage to challenge them.

Applying this to the BKWSU scenario, it would appear that "The Knowledge" is a series of tagged on and patched up "truths" built up, and developed over years, as matters arose. Mental plugs to stop individuals thinking. A supply of sweeteners, new "truths" to keep them hooked. It does not ... yet ... work as a whole but that does not seem to matter against the desperate need within the devotees for it to be "The Truth". From my knowledge of how "The Knowledge" came about, it came about in response to external stimuli, e.g. Sikh was not mentioned and then a Sikh came and asked questions, then some "Knowledge" of the Guru Granth was added. Personally, I would have expected "The God" to have delivered a fairly complete piece of work upfront. Of course, it helps a lot if your followers are largely illiterate, basically uneducted and you control what htey think by Shrimat such as "don't read newspapers or watch television".

One thing that appears to be consistent is the lack of consistent laws that apply to all. Reality, and the re-written Knowledge, keeps changing on a whim, being changed by human beings, or is expected to resolve itself on the wave of a magic wand ... somehow ... to adopt to these contradictions. In other words, another fairy story to put the kids to sleep, examples;
    • death of Om Radhe and others ... an Advance Party that does take re-birth.
    • death of Kirpalani ... an angel Brahma that does not take birth. Somehow. (I prefer the PBK model here).
    • the question of where deities emerge from ... on one hand "virgin births", on the other hand, diety babies popping out of thin air full dressed as Krishna.
    • the need for Golden Palaces and flying machines ... suddenly the emergence of a generation of scientists that work with the Advance Party to build them. No mention of the labourers may be the Bhils are going to stick around to do it ... ! Nor how or why or where these souls and their karma come and go from.
Frankly, it is garbage. But this is the compost of The Knowledge that the Yagya has been built on, and as such, no wonder its foundations are sinking. I have high hopes of the PBKs resolving these contradictions because, post-Jagdish Chander and the demise of Julian Boles, the BKs have given up doing so intelligently and are just editing them out and getting on with the marketing and political affairs consultancy.

One then tries to square virgin birth theory with parthenogenesis. OK, we know that if you do not have two sets of different genes, different parents from different families, very quickly you are faced with very serious and negative mutations. This has been the result of cloning in mammals. Ah, but the answer will come, "not in the Golden Age because everything is pure ... Iron Age logic does not apply". Magic wand fix.

Sorry to be the party pooper as ever ... but we have to try harder and we have to demand more of our gods and gurus. Why don't the BKs have the courage or allow BapDada to be challenged over these things?
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Post28 Dec 2006

ex-l wrote:Sorry to be the party pooper as ever ... but we have to try harder and we have to demand more of our gods and gurus. Why don't the BKs have the courage or allow BapDada to be challenged over these things?

My guess is ... BapDada and Sai Baba are pretty much the same thing, i.e. devotees cannot question them.

The only difference is "subtlety of performance of magic tricks" - an unobservable subtle magic talks versus a grossly observable deceptive ones.


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Abortion - * sensitive *

Post07 Mar 2007

Anyone know the BK views on this very sensitive subject? Ever raised in classes? How about in India?

Abandoning an unwanted soul during its foetal stage. Even if the concensus to the conception was not agreeable between the man and woman. Is there any difference in abandoning the soul later when born or even later in life.

Can someone remind, according to BK, at what month/week of the foetal status does a soul enter the womb?
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Post07 Mar 2007

Sister Bansy,

Omshanti. It is mentioned in the Murlis that the movements (chur-pur) of the soul start in the womb after three or four months. So it is inferred that a soul enters into the foetus after three or four months.

So, once a soul has entered the foetus, opting for abortion would be like killing a living being, which would definitely attract karmic bondages. But there may be difference of opinion with regard to abortion in the initial three or four months when the soul has not entered.

I personally am against abortion - whatever the stage of the foetus. It would be interesting to know ShivBaba's response (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit).


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