BKWSU: business, beauty and big bucks in the Philippines

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BKWSU: business, beauty and big bucks in the Philippines

Post29 Jan 2009

"Ang Brahma Kumaris po, Hindi kulto, Hindi religion, at Hindi rin po pyramid scam, (The Brahma Kumaris ... not a cult ... not a religion ... nor a pyramid scam ...)" joked Mount Abu attendee and comedian Tessie “Teysi” Tomas, 3 more true word than perhaps she realised, whilst in the Philippines, another lipstick BK takes the world stage, to do some schmoozing and introduce the BKs to the world of another developing nation's super elite ...

Timmy Cruz, Chin-Chin Gutierrez and the Brahma Kumaris
In a nation of extremes of wealth, where 40% of Filipinos (more 30 million people) live in abject poverty and sex slavery, child laborers and shanty towns are common place, its no surprise where we find the Brahma Kumaris doing Godly service ... yes, at the parties and business launches of the super rich like Philippino "old money" Jose Yulo's new real estate venture, the Montecito residential development. See below ...

Canlubang's fertile lands have been taken forcibly from indigenous ownership, through the slavery of the Spanish Holy Roman Empire and then suffered the coming of American corporations. Since the late 1990s and under President Ramos (whose Sister Leticia Shahani BKWSU chief Jayanti Kirpalani boasts as a good friend), 400,000 families have been displaced by the government for the corporations from the area alone. Dumped on an old US air base. But last year, the 'tres charmant' Yulo family opened their gorgeous sprawling home to some "close pals and other guests" so they could experience life in once sugar plantation of Montecito, entertained by newly Brahma Kumari Timmy Cruz no less, conducting

    ... a Brahma Kumari Raja Yoga meditation.
Brahma Kumari Timmy Cruz
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Yes, dahlings, 90s perky Pinoy popstar and now BK, Timmy Cruz is back serving the super rich and with a new album to sell called "Uptimmystic!" ... all care of the God Father Shiva. Timmy, whose family deals in property leasing, lives in a modest 3,000 square meters of gently rolling grounds but is reported to up for Amrit Vela.

The BKs must have thought heaven had come early. Sprawling estates looks like a huge garden with two lakes fed by an artesian spring, a shoreline of 1 km with awesome view of Mt. Makiling and Banahaw with geese swimming in a fish stocked lake. Clear your karma and purchase a gated hacienda with an electronic intrusion system wiring the 4-km perimeter, and security guards roaming 24/7! Price Range: 5,000,000 to 15,000,000 Pesos. Sounds a like Mount Abu really. The wealthy ladies got a free massages courtesy of Holy hand-maiden masseuses brought in by Sister Gloria of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary and the potential paying clients's minds were soothed by the University of Santo Tomas’ Conservatory of Music string ensemble hoping they would open their wallets.

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Shame about Gaita Araneta Fores's exquisite food though ... like the 'Pork Canlubang' and 'Chicken Inasal' which had everyone going back for seconds. But the brave "world serving" vegetarian BKs must have been able to "be detached" from such simple mayas as those. Gaita, who mother was asked by Salvador Dali to pose for him and was featured as "one of the 12 most beautiful Filipinas" in 2007, is the granddaughter of the Araneta Coliseum's creator ... business tycoon Amado Araneta. The Arneta were once the wealthiest family in Asia ... more of which we will read later.

Gaita Fores, porks, BKs
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Following on from giving a good stage to the BeeGees' Robin Gibb, the god of the BKs gets into reviving the careers of 90s popstars, bolstering the reputation of local business class and putting on a high fashion show in the Philippines. Or is it that the pop stars and business people are so famous, and their 'values' and virtues envied, that it is the BK god whose reputation is being raised? Either way ... please make your donation cheques, have over cash, free labor and services to the same BKWSU center. Commissions both ways.

"Bagong Ako, Bagong Mundo, Bagong Anyo" (New Life, New World, New home), was a free musical and dance concert with a fashion event taking place at the International Delphic Arts Olympics in Baguio City, Philippines.

The novel BKWSU service event also showcased the famed designer 'Narda' of "Narda's Fibers of Life" and Timmy Cruz (again), supported by the First Allegro Dancers, University of the Cordilleras dance troupe and The Shadows from UP-Baguio. Interspersed with video snippets of interviews illustrating "human greatness". A nice contribution from BKWSO, then?

The co-sponsors of the event were ... everyone getting a credit and a business boost naturally ... Narda's, the Brahma Kumaris Philippine Foundation and the "cooperation" of the Baguio City Government and Department of Tourism-Cordillera region.

Does "cooperation of" not increasingly seems to mean "money of" in BK Speak?

Narda and her company is famous in the Philippines for her weaving which has made it into exclusive 'haute couture' (high fashion) world internationally selling in stores like New York's Bloomingdale's and Neiman Marcus. At a recent show of hers, models came from the ranks of finalists in past Miss Teen Philippines pageants, beauty queens, celebrities in government and the professional world. Narda is a member of the Brahma Kumaris and says her looms make “wearable healing art.”

Timmy Cruz was also the celebrity host of the a "prayer rally ... Time and Transformation" at the 10,000 capacity Araneta Coliseum in Cubao, Quezon City on June 18 (see above and wonder how they got the good deal). Song, dance and snappy video exchanges between more 'famous people' were directed by director Floy Quintos. Copying a model established at the Wembley JAM, The First Mime Artists and Apostolic Catholic Church Choir also did some numbers but the 'medium of god' Hirdaya Mohini headlined.

Time and Transformation with Grace Nono & Joey Ayala, BK Gulzar and dancers.
Brahma Kumari Narda claims "Ikat weaving better than sex" and who is argue. Selling haute coutoure at Neiman Marcus is certain more profitable than a young Philippino selling herself outside an American military base.

But Narda and her husband do have good environmental credentials. The Capuyan's are the primary financial contributors and have provided their personal land as the location for the Winaca Eco Cultural Village in La Trinidad. So do BK contact souls, and cultural icons for their social conscience work, musicians Joey Ayala and Grace Nono. I wonder how much they know about Destruction and so on ... doing their 'Eco-Ethnic Soul Music' and how soon it will be before La Trinidad or Winaca because the Pinoy BKWSU upscale retreat center?

Raja Yoga meditation conducting Timmy Cruz, aka Ms. Fatima Angelica Cruz, is back with a new album called "Uptimmystic" (Optimistic - Up Timmy Mystic) following her previous album "My Guiding Light".

Uptimmystic! is about the passionate love of God and is selling even to the Christian church going markets. My Guiding Light is a collection of easy-to-listen, religious songs. "My Guiding Light", "Glory 2 God", "Impossible Dream" etc is described by reviewers as for "people who are into religious music ... but others would find it too boring."

The Montesito properties were sold under the campaign, "Welcome back to how life once was ...".

The real Philippines for the ordinary people looks a lot more like this (recommended viewing, turn up the volume and listen to the lyrics) ... this is poverty created by the rich, the politicians and the very corporation that afford the few the comforts like the Montesito ones;

The peace, democracy, economic development and prosperity for ordinary Filipinos are mere illusions. The International Monetary Fund-World Bank (IMF-WB) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-World Trade Organisation (GATT-WTO) agreements are creating increasing misery and poverty for the local people. Displacements, land deprivation, economic dislocation, unemployment and wage slavery will continuously be the reality.

Chin-Chin Gutierrez for the Brahma Kumaris
At the The Women of Spirit events, the Brahma Kumaris also targeted famous actress Chin Chin Gutierrez, a vegetarian who uses her fame and beauty to become a noted environmentalist trying to save the Philippines from exploitation.

It appears somewhat hypocritically, when the Brahma Kumaris are working for the "Destruction" of the world by nuclear holocaust, which will bring on the sinking of all contients except for India, their god telling them they will "give courage" to the scientist and politicians to use the weapons.

The bombs have been made ... they will be used ... heaven on earth will belong to the Brahma Kumaris alone. Enjoy your luxury condos whilst you can but the message is ... don't expect a return on your investment unless you hand them over to the BKWSU.

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Re: BKWSU: business, beauty and big bucks in the Philippines

Post29 Jan 2009

Hmmm, time to go for a visit methinks - the shiny shorts on that male dancer needs taking off and replacing with a floor length kurta pyjama ... ;).
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Re: BKWSU: business, beauty and big bucks in the Philippines

Post29 Jan 2009

My simple concern is that some of these young people and volunteering artists, such as Grace Nono, Joey Ayala or even Narda herself, are genuine and have fine credentials in both social activism and environmentalism. Chin-Chin Gutierrez has become renowned for her work as an protector of the environment, earning the distinction of being named on the cover of Time Magazine's as an "Asian Heroes" for using her celebrity stature to further the cause of ecological awareness and receiving the 2004 The Outstanding Women in Nation’s Service Award for environmental advocacy. She is highly educated about and committed to the causes of ecological waste management, sustainable development, ecology and wustainable consumer lifestyles.

Do they know what the the Brahma Kumaris agenda REALLY is ... is it ethical for the Beakies to use them if they don't ... where do they get the money to put on such mega concerts ... the Brahma Kumaris teach "total Destruction" of this old, impure, world and humanity.

    And in an empoverished country where injustice, inequality and exploitation rules, such as the Philippines, is there really no better "SERVICE" of humanity to do rather than to suck up the rich, blow the trumpets of their own old girls ... and put on pop and fashions concerts for the middle classes!?!
Hands up any one that has been paying attention and remembers what their charities have been registered to do. What is the aim and object any more?

There are also contradictions here. The Brahma Kumaris also teach that souls being beautiful, talented, fortune, rich, powerful ... having their heaven at the "fag end" of the Iron Age ... must be new souls. "One or two birthers", they say. Their 'god' is "The Lord of the Poor", "old soul" BKs must be in an unfortunately and "degraded" state and yet his Brahma Kumari instruments spend inordinated time and money chasing after the rich and famous to increase achieve status. To use them as "microphones". Surely the super rich of Asian, or other developing nations, living in "heavenly" gated communities, out of sight from the reality of the Iron Age around them, must be "new souls having their Golden Age now"? So why serve them and their business ventures? ... Money and the power it brings.

Offtopic: Paul, I think the picture above is already a record for the amount of bare flesh on display at a Brahma Kumari gig. I don't think I have seen so many well-packed lunchboxes since I last left Abu Road station.

For the "real men" amongst the ex-BKs, or those Hindu bhagats gone back to polishing their Shiv Lingum, here is Chin-Chin back for an encore. Is not this all just becoming a little bit too "lokik" ... it would have never have happened in the old days. I mean nature goddess Chin-Chin below, with apologies to our sniggering Japanese readers, could well be the embodiment of Maya in an old BK poster.

Do they just not care any more?

The Brahma Kumaris and naked ambition
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Re: BKWSU: business, beauty and big bucks in the Philippines

Post31 Jan 2009

Sorry ex-l, once more I have to take issue with the style of the opening piece of this topic (not the substance).

Preface - I agree completely with you about the way VIPs are approached, buttered up and exploited for "service", and the inequality, privileges and other issues.

I disagree with attacking the actual VIPs (who are not fully informed they even serve meat at a BK event!). Sarcasm and wowser-ism is just the start of an attack on them for daring to be associated with the BKs. Only much later in the piece do you mention their other interests in a positive light. The opening of your next contribution (3rd post in this thread).
My simple concern is that some of these young people and volunteering artists ... are genuine and have fine credentials in both social activism and environmentalism.

Is far more measured, and maybe should be the opening of the first piece.

Think about the fact that they - or other potential honeypots - might actually come across this site and this post, and ask yourself, "What kind of article would be more likely to make them seek further information or double checks about what they are getting involved with" ... that's what you want them to be doing. And what kind of article would make them feel "my enemy's enemy is my friend"? Who would the ones you are trying to 'save' from being exploited be more likely to feel aligned to, upon reading this piece?

What is your goal? To attack all and sundry who have any association with BKs, or to warn them? Why would they listen? To sensationalise the article to gain/maintain readership? Are you The National Inquirer/News of the World or The New York Times/The Independent?

If you were back in your pukka BK mindset, new and enthused and a fully proud BK, how would you respond? You know the answer, you cop it here all the time.

You may know your goal, you have a strategy, but tactics let you down (same etymology as tact). Do you reflect and review these things?
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Re: BKWSU: business, beauty and big bucks in the Philippines

Post31 Jan 2009

Thank you agreeing about how BKs use unsuspecting VIPs. It is all very body-consciousness and against Shrimat, is it not?

I mean, these are all extremely good looking, rich and talented individuals they are using to front up for them. On one hand, what are they being told and, on the other, what are people being attracted by?

But you missed the details. It was not "meat being served at a BK event". It was the BKWSU entertaining the rich and powerful with a devotional song from their latest album ... and a BK Raja Yoga meditation ... at a sales event for a top priced gated community.

Personally, given the choice of saving the rainforests and fighting for the under privileged behind Chin-Chin Gutierrez ... or sitting on my bottom with the BKs willing the scientists to explode the Nuclear Bombs to end it all whilst pretending to be something I am not ... I'll swing with The Tree huggers. I am sorry but BKs and environmentalism ... no thanks. The BK point of view is, saving the planet is all a waste of time. Its all going to be destroyed in "two or three years time".

Its funny how IPs and VIPs are increasing "serving" the BKs ... giving them better ideas on how to improve themselves, or at least their public image. Stuff the spirit guide of the BKs or the BK leadership never thought about or even opposed. It is almost as if enlightenment is coming from the outside not top or inside of the movement.

But is not it always 'money' the BKs go for first?
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Re: BKWSU: business, beauty and big bucks in the Philippines

Post08 Feb 2009

In the latest Murlis of the season, Leticia R. Shahani gets to meet the god of the BKs. I am not sure who she thought it was.
Senator Shahani was born on September 30, 1929 in Lingayen, Pangasinan to late Foreign Affairs Secretary Narciso Ramos and Angela Valdez. She graduated elementary and secondary level at the University of the Philippines. She finished her Bachelor of Arts in English Literature at Wellesley College in Massachusetts and her Master in Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York. She earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Literature after defending her doctoral thesis with highest honors.

Shahani was a former Dean of the Graduate School of Lyceum of the Philippines. She taught English Literature, French, Spanish, Comparative Literature, Humanities, Social Psychology and others. She was former member of the faculty of the University of the Philippines from 1954 to 1957, Queens borough Community College, New York in 1961, Brooklyn College, New York in 1962 and New School for Social Research, New York from 1962 to 1967.

After passing the Philippine Service Office Examination, she held various high positions such as: she was appointed Ambassador to Australia from 1981 to 1986; Secretary-General of the World Conference on the UN Decade of Women in Nairobi, Kenya in 1985. Shahani left her UN post and returned to the Philippines to become the Deputy Minister for Philippine Affairs after 1986 EDSA Revolution.

She ran for the 1987 Congressional elections and won as Senator. While in the Senate she was the Chairman of various committees like committee on Foreign Affairs, committee on Education, Culture and Arts, committee on Agriculture and member of the Commission on Appointments.

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