Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post10 Jan 2009

Just for the record, and especially for our readers in white ...

    a) No, I did not write these emails, nor the letters or any emails that must have proceeded them
    b) No, I have had no part in their creation whatsoever
    c) No, I have no idea who these BKs are, nor where they are
    d) No, I had absolutely prior no contact with them nor inceptive role in all this
Is that quite clear? Try guessing again.

A lot of the above is complete news to me, and there is no way on earth that I could have know about some of it ... but I am looking forward to the rest of it and promise to ensure this time it is not swept under the carpet.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post14 Jan 2009

With respect to opinions voiced above, it is worth pointing out that the word "defamation", usually as "defamation of Baba" or "the family" has a slightly different meaning within Brahma Kumari circles and is used as a tiresome mechanism of mind control in my opinion. "Do not cause defamation of the Father" etc. In the real world, "truth", as in true facts not some philosophical ideal, is the best defense to any claims of defamation. In the BK world is means something like bad PR etc. So I think even if something is true, but bad PR, they would consider even discussion it "defamation".

Now, on to related practical matters ...
Letter sent to BK Mohini Panjabi of New York and the Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations

Dear Mohini-bhen, You offer ideals, principles and values that you parrot and don’t follow through.   You’re a glutton for your food, coke, coffees, teas.  You are not an instrument for your body, let alone Baba or the Yagya.

The Brahma Kumaris come from, and have their headquarters in, a country which UNICEF found almost 46 per cent of children under the age of three were undernourished. That is worse than conflict-plagued, drought-stricken Sub-Saharan Africa. Starvation deaths are still common, especially amongst the untouchable castes. Horrifying details of starvation deaths in the BKs' home state of Rajasthan came to light only a few years ago. Does one have a right to expect them to practise what they preach on a personal level? Do the Brahma Kumaris tend to over look their leader's personal indulgences and, instead, deflect their adherents' attention onto theoretical issues. Are "our senses" not "our kingdom"?

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) found Twelve Indian states have "alarming" levels of hunger while the situation is "extremely alarming" in Madhya Pradesh comparable to the African countries of Ethiopia and Chad including 60% of children. India has more people suffering from hunger - a figure above 200 million - than any other country in the world, it says.

BK Mohini Panjabi
bk-mohini.jpg (19.46 KiB) Viewed 34147 times
Gluttony is considered a sin within most religions but it seems that it is bad, i.e. "body-conscious", to mention it within the BKWSU. We discussed here how the Seniors often put down BK followers for being "health bhagats" in the past. That may have changed to some extent but I can report on how sports and exercises were discouraged ... pointless distractions from 'doing service' ... and hard work looked down upon as "not royal".

Its one thing to become obese on one's own money but surely becoming obese from a charity based in the developing world money is not on? Compulsive eaters consciously or unconsciously use food to manage their anxiety, to calm themselves when they feel stressed, and to bring comfort when they feel lonely or sad or afraid.

What benefit is there is coffee, cokes, and too many calories? Surely this all speaks of unresolved psychological issues being masked by overeating?

I also found this interesting; It documents a "private company" operating out of Global Harmony House of The Brahma Kumaris, in New York. Can anyone shed any light on what this might be? Book sales perhaps? Is it "God" Baba's, Mohini's or is there no difference between the two? The income is modest, $38,000 but what is a private business being done run out of a BKWSU center, especially when it is a registered charity? Do we know if 'B K Mohini Panjabi B/P' is a wholly own subsidiary of the BKWSO?
B K Mohini Panjabi B/P
46 S Middle Neck Rd, Great Neck, NY 11021-3456
Contact Phone: (516) 773-0971

Business Category: Amusement/Recreation Services in Great Neck, NY
Industry (sister in charge): Amusement and Recreation Services, NEC

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Est. Empl. at Loc.: 1
Est. Annual Sales: $38,000
Year Started: 2006
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post14 Jan 2009

and exactly WHY does a mainstream BK like this need a business - "considering destruction is so close" ?

Could it be that, privately, they are all realising that they have to look after themselves because many are now not longer believing the old teachings and the only way to do it is to piggy-back off that which they know (considering many of these elder BKWSU members have no formal education or business background)?
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post14 Jan 2009

I think Mohini is unusual in that she does have an university education but when the issue of Janki Kripalani having a private bank account was being discussed, it made me wonder if some of the rest of them did. I have no direct knowledge of it. I have always thought BKs making business interests off the back of the movement is wrong.

Bachelor's Degree in History and Political Science from the University of New Delhi and a diploma in Journalism.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post28 Jan 2009

ex-l wrote:Just for the record, and especially for our readers in white ...

a) No, I did not write these emails, nor the letters or any emails that must have proceeded them
b) No, I have had no part in their creation whatsoever
c) No, I have no idea who these BKs are, nor where they are

I suppose the hierarchy could say that they refuse to take such anonymous letters seriously (as genuine).


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post28 Jan 2009

They just wait till it all goes away ...!
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post28 Jan 2009

To Torch, with all my respect,

whatever the leadership does and says ...

all evil is coming from the low level earth bound ghosts/entities who possessed Dada Lekhraj and later the Seniors. They take the energy from the BKs.

How? What do you think is going on during Amrit Vela, 06.00 a.m. morning meditation, drishti and Murli, 5 times traffic controls, listening to the special songs, evening meditations and additional bhattis, during BapDada meetings, during taking drill, even looking at BapDada's video and/or listening audio, when we feel (felt) ourselves good and light?

Why do you think in the Sakar Murlis reading books, cinema, TV, all means of getting information is forbidden? And since 19th Century, there is an age long accumulation of spiritual science knowledge and experiences in this world. There are so many books and articles about obsessions between low level ghosts and human beings. Why do you think the Seniors look at spiritual science as taboo never to talk about?

This is how these entities take control over our minds and just suck our energies and turn off our self control mechanism and make us into zombies. How could we otherwise endure so much humiliation and so much loss in our lives which we realize only after leaving the center and cutting off all relations with the BKs?

It needs enormous courage under so much control to do what you have done and to write the responsible ones that you are aware what they are doing. But they get all support from their so called "God", their beloved and worshiped entities Bap and Dada.

Just waken up you BKs, you have nothing to loose but your chains.

These ghosts have only one aim and objective, and this is expansion. To take over in the world. To get as much believers as possible, whatever it costs. They allow the Seniors every wish to please them, to hold them under control. And the Seniors with the full support of these entities know very well how to manipulate the hypnotized BKs and use all dirty means and methods for expansion.

Please don't tell me that there are so valuable jewels in the Sakar and Avyakt Murlis. We all fell into this trap as we were under their control. Do you think anything in the Murlis was not said before anywhere anytime in the world?

Such possessive ghosts are very clever stealing ideas from the space and changing a little or more and adding some shocking issues and offering these copied and modified ideas through the possessed mediums to the preys as a so called "new" concept.

The Seniors as you noticed and explained well are guilty in this world and afterlife and they will pay sooner or later. I would add to your facts, they are guilty, because they are voluntarily co-operating with these entities, fulfilling their orders and contributing to their devilish work, disguising a low level entity as "God" of all humanity.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post29 Jan 2009

Has anyone heard any more from these individuals?

It strikes me that ... again ... we are extending a goodwill and welcome to the BK movement and not getting anything back. Of course, I imagine that these guys will just be ignored out of existence too. But, I think there sentiments are the best. They should clean up the Yugya ... the odds are stacked against it. I imagine that the only way they will make a change is to create a sufficiently big fuss or obstacle to 'business as usual' that the leadership will have to change.
uddhava wrote:I suppose the hierarchy could say that they refuse to take such anonymous letters seriously (as genuine).

We saw way back in the correspondence with Jayanti Kirpalani that the inner circle were considering just that as a 'get out' clause. It was BK Vasanti Patel who wrote in conversation with Jayanti, Neville etc that, "In most places any complaints made by anonymous people are ignored - they have no real value and so we want to make thing real and work with real people."

    Of course, this is not true.
Most reputable organizations of their size (within the develop nations at least) have either pastoral or ombudsperson services who take up issues or complaints anonymously on behalf of victims and ensure the complaints are taken serious, handled properly by the leadership and the victims are not in any way persecuted.

It is all part of normal 'accountability' within good governments and NGO organizations.

A number of BK related individuals coming forward have tried to make an issue out of this "anonymous" thing. This suggest that it is what the BK leadership are pushing out as consensus. It would be very useful if someone honest within the BKWSU was to report back on what they are saying and what the current "policy" is.

Such "policies" are almost entirely spread by word of mouth and often in a foreign language. No paper trails.

The big difference is, here, all our discussion is entirely in the open and our evolution and findings documented 'on the record'.

Within the BKWSU, it appears to be all 'off the record' and disguised behind tortuous "angelic" darna or 'BK speak' ... that is to say, the facts and real sentiments whitewashed.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post13 Feb 2009

So what is the news???
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post25 Feb 2009

Recently received from the BK above.
We've been getting a lot of emails privately, as well as reading the responses on this forum. We will respond in the next few days with an update on the situation. We will also respond to the points raised in a long email we recieved from the Admin of this site as soon as possible.

However we would like to say that we do not consider ourselves to be a "Justice League". We do not call ourselves anything. "The Torch" was just one of several email addresses we've set up to communicate ... We have made our intent and purpose clear from the beginning.

The reason we have communicated with the administrators of the BKWSU has been to give them the opportunity to realise and change the policies and the abusive systems endemic within their organisation. Our concern has always been for souls who have been hurt before us, with us and who might be hurt after us. It is a loving spiritual concern. There is no hysterics or vengefulness involved in the steps we have taken.

We appreciate your sharing and we think that the discussions have been very healthy and healing. We are spread all around the world and we would like to give a unified response so please be patient with us with our update. We also appreciate the Baba's quotes and the negative criticism directed towards us.

We have never communicated with ex-l, whoever he/she is and we do not know who they are.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post25 Mar 2009

Hi. we'd sent this as an email to the Admin earlier , but just in case they are away, or not able to post, we are using this user id to post our response. Hope that is OK. This has been also emailed to centers worldwide and some BK individuals.
Dear All,

Here's an update:

1) The immigration, tax departments as well as religious bodies of 3 countries have been notified of irregularities, financial and emotional abuse, as well as abuse of the legal and immigration systems of those countries, by the BKWSU requesting them to carry out investigations and take steps to deal with those countries as they wish.

We have felt that the teachers, instruments be given all possible opportunities to “clean their house” before taking any concrete measures. Nine months is enough time. Going public with all of you was a second opportunity; they have not responded to us.

2) However, they may have responded in small ways. Many of the teachers mentioned have been taken to Madhuban or been sent off for service for 3 months on average. They have all had “reasons” .

3) Regarding Dr Nirmala. The Avyakt Murli at Shivratri – Baba acknowledged Sister Nirmala's (Australia) great courage in moving to Gyan Sarovar permanently. Internal reports say that the discussion had been going on for over 7-8 months. The external “cover” is that she has moved there to take Dadi Manohar's position in the Admin. Dadi Manohar was a figurehead with the Admin and Bhandara (formal Admin) managed by two souls for almost 10 years.

In response to Terry – we don't know how much you have had to do with Sister Nirmala, but even up to 2 years ago, the reports have been that she is regimentalised, hard core disciplinarian, controlling, loud and fascist in her attitude.

There have been financial discrepancies in at least 3 situations we know of personally within the group, abuse of power and money demanded of volunteers who wish to go and serve at the retreats in Australia, even if they are from other countries – It is a policy that she established.

Sister Nirmala has systematically been abusing other souls into giving Robin's scatterbrained creative mentality weight in order to keep him and his daughter happy in whatever they do. There are deity statues at the retreat (because he wants them) rooms are repainted, redecorated (because he's changed his mind) decisions taken at meetings changed (because he has changed his mind). No one was asked, they were told.

People were put in centers, kicked out if they fill ill or couldn't “serve” at the speed and the hours expected of them (by favoured residents at the retreats or by Sister Nirmala).

Brother Charlie has again and again played the placater, the negotiator, the appeaser and the feminine role of motherhood in that country.

Question : Did Sister Nirmala really give up her independent ruling position as head of Asia Pacific etc. happily?

Read between the lines. Baba congratulated her especially for her courage! And again yesterday he singled her out for special attention before even the Dadi's came on stage. Gyan Sarovar residents are wise. No one gets away with false pretences. She will have to walk her talk, and they will test her – we believe that they have already started.

Gyan Sarovar residents are on probationary residency for 7 years before they can surrender. Did any of you know this? We found this out 3 years ago. Previously it was 3 years.

4) A “Senior” Madhuban resident recently visited London and UK after many many years of no foreign visits. The reason? He has a wife and children. He has at least 2 businesses; a coach company and an internet café at Abu Road. Very lucrative for transporting BK double foreigners between Ahmedebad and Mount Abu.

For at least 6 years he was not allowed to go on stage with the other “senior” Brothers as they found him out about 7 years ago. So why wasn't kicked out like other BK Brothers of Madhuban who transgressed? He knows where the skeletons are hidden, so they are keeping him close. And what has he done now that he can come to London for the 18th January.

5) Be warned! Dadi Janki grooms new BKs to empty their pockets. Perfect recent casualty of 7 years of
long sustenance; a Gujarati Brother - the only one to be made a trustee. He owns residential homes and has lots of properties. He came to the BKWSU with his wife, they were tidied up and presented as the perfect couple, sent to meetings, conferences, retreats etc in the UK, Europe, America and Asia as a couple – spiritual surrendered, Dadi Janki's pets – put in front of the BK family as wonderful examples.

He was made a trustee in less than 5 years of joining the organisation, and now as per direction has donated large (quite a few zeros) amount of money - “to use it in a worthwhile way” and received a mention at the end of the Shiv Ratri Murli in appreciation of the return that he has given in return of the sustenance he has received! Sounds like a business transaction!

He offered (5 years ago) to donate a residential home for the BKs who are getting a little less mobile and so can live together and have company etc. He was told by Dadi Janki that there was no need! It was a categorical “NO” - when he tried to push it.


1) For those who seem to understand our pure intent, motivation and purpose - we thank you. We may not be articulate and 100% logical, but we are sensible and have given our processes a lot of thought and been as far sighted as possible in our limited divine transformation as we are!

2) We believe in God as the one who has established this Yagya for the purification of all souls and matter. In that process, we believe there at least 5 dimensions and we have seen them as the different stages of our spiritual development. The fundamental understanding of the transformation – (whether you believe in The Cycle, the Brahma factor or whatever) with our consciousness what we understand is this – we do need to be transformed and see beyond our noses, eyes and mouth, otherwise we are heading for personal Destruction (one of the dimensions that aids purification).

We have to go beyond; blame, justification, victimitisation, perpetration of abuse, fears, guilt, shame, avoidance, denial - to transcend to love.

To achieve this; openness, honesty, integrity are very necessary. Deep, deep self-love and love for everything that we see and touch is absolutely fundamental.

However, none of that is possible unless responsibility and communal responsibility is taken on board with full 100% accountability. We have seen very few souls who do take this step – BKs or no BKs – it does not matter! So this has been our way of first taking responsibility and throwing the gauntlet to do so too. To be again – this is important for us. So we can truly make space and have honesty for the real love to emerge.

God has no businesses interfering with any of this. That's part of the law of respect and love. We have waited for over 8 years before taking these steps - then eight months before taking the steps mentioned at the beginning of this update. We will wait another 5 weeks before taking steps to contact/notify 5 other countries of discrepancies and irregularities if we do not get a response. It is necessary to amputate gangrenous limbs if they are going to kill the whole being. That will hopefully allow the cleansing process to begin.

It is a shame we have to go this far, but we are resolved to do it if “they” don't want to listen.

3) Response to Terry: Some of us know you from the past. It is good to see that you are still fiery in nature! We also see that you can still jump to conclusions. It's good to see ex-l's response to you too! You have always had a strong personality and you don't let people get away with anything. You are and have been fortunate.

4) When we take spiritual birth (with or without BKWSU), most of us go into the psychological state of being a child. All of us in this group have experienced this. We become adoptees, feel safe to open up our hidden hurts, insecurities and fragile states to God and His instruments. It is unconscious.

Most of these BK teachers are not reverent or honourable in that role, because most of them have no awareness of what that means, not because they don't want to be reverent or honourable – but they have no knowledge of it through their training or mentoring from “senior” teachers. All of them have no idea of the privilege of trust that they are honoured with.

They are spiritually and emotionally challenged souls, unequipped and unqualified for the position and privilege of trust that they find themselves in – we have seen few rise to the occasion once they realise it - if they have been willing to see it that is. This is also true of physical priests, teachers, counsellors, mentors and therapists in the wider world out there.

We have received many emails privately and we have seen that most are in denial of their own states and past actions, and offer us advice and counsel – whilst empathising with us as if we are victims. None of us in this group feel or see ourselves in that light, though we accept that we are allowed (gave permission) to be abused actively or passively. We have only had 7% of responses which have pure good wishes and hope for benefit and goodness for the future.

5) Response to Tom: We wish you good luck with understanding the nature of energies and karma. It is indeed a tangled web that we weave!

6) If we did not believe we could not be catalyst for change, we would not have taken these steps. If one soul is empowered to be spiritual and powerful with love through these discussions, and if teachers who are secretly reading these updates start their steps of change and instigate policies of kindness and consideration with their centre and these bring them into their relationship with their “Seniors” - then there is hope for the future. So fare thee well on the journey, we are with you on the way.

7) It is good that the BK Sister brought up Baba's direction about parchintum, pardarshan, parmat. It is exactly the drive that rules the “Seniors”. They do it day and night. Their focus in their lives is about sorting out all of us and taking about us, having vicarious relationships with us through other teachers and their opinions, vision and thoughts of us. We have observed this over many years.

Most of us in this group have been part of this lifestyle for over 25 years. Some of us for 10 - 20 years. We – the horse-riders and the infantry – adhere to the directions – most of the time. We know people who won't even discuss or give their opinion unless asked very clearly, and they make a point of this.

However, our Seniors give their opinions all the time and most of them are tainted with judgemental attitudes and disapproving vision. We wish that souls would think long and hard before speaking Baba's directions like arrows of how to be, adhered with a threat of Bhakti wrath. Please be very careful and take care of yourselves.

P.S. We will answer the questions that the Admin has put forward to the best of our ability as time goes by. Some we may not answer, as it involves the privacy and sacredness of other people's processes. We will do our best to reply with honesty and openness.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post26 Mar 2009

Dear Kerwin.

Congratulations on the efforts and courage of your group.

Besides reforms of the movement what about the issue of only 5 years worth of Sakar Murli being available, when according to BKSWU Shiva has been with them since 1936/7? What about the other 28-ish years worth is this ever brought up as questions to the ruling BKs?

If not, then is Murli actually that important to BKs any more?


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post26 Mar 2009




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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post26 Mar 2009

Wow! That's something! Inspires a long response, but I will stick to points (which for some reason) mention me particularly, though others made similar points.

Any criticisms I made on the Torch letter were not aimed at the goals described, but merely at the tone of some sections which I felt might alienate the recipient rather than seduce them, and that it was, to my mind, "overwritten", not succinct enough. (But that is a BK trait - better written than the Murlis at least)..

It is easy for me to sit back and criticise - in the end actions speak louder than words anyway, and you did make your point. Congratulations Kerwin/Torch on the courage of your convictions.
kerwin wrote:In response to Terry – we don't know how much you have had to do with Sister Nirmala

If you read my posts that was clear, but you may be not be avid readers of this site. I have never had much to do with her. Even as a BK, I never played the silly games that many BKs are drawn into. My experience finished back in the early 90's but I would suggest that a major personal weakness of hers is that she gives way to the empty vessels that make the most noise, drowning out more sensible voices.

I think she could have been a happier person in life, like many BKs, if she felt able to leave what is obviously an unsuitable role for her. I do not know of recent politics or soap operas which led to her change of role. Hopefully your actions will be a catalyst to shake many of these people out of their "stuckness".
Read between the lines. Baba congratulated her especially for her courage! And again yesterday he singled her out for special attention before even the Dadi's came on stage.

Your God seems to willingly plays his part in all this petty political maneuvering, huh?
Robin's scatterbrained creative mentality

They know which side the bread is buttered, whoever pays the piper calls the tune etc etc - at least he has some taste to go with the money, which is more than can be said for the Yugya generally. Maybe the work force needs to join a union? (Yoga, union, get it? Ih well, I try).
3) Response to Terry: Some of us know you from the past. It is good to see that you are still fiery in nature!

No, I am not! I cannot let you get away with that! How dare you!
We also see that you can still jump to conclusions

It appears you have jumped to one here too. What conclusions?
It's good to see ex-l's response to you too!

The difference is that I am right and he is not! Of course, he'd say the opposite wouldn't he?
You have always had a strong personality and you don't let people get away with anything. You are and have been fortunate

Yes, but you make your own fortune, and I worked my way out. I am no longer a BK, and can love, laugh, argue, dance and surf. Hey, whoever you are kermit, I mean kerwin, send a PM and let's catch up.

OK, over to the more serious replies now. Good luck with your reforms - sorely needed (but I won't hold my breath).
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post26 Mar 2009

Dear Kerwin/The Torch,

I am new to this forum but I want to say thank you. Being a secret agent is a tough job but somebody's gotta do it! (Can we call you 008?). So thank you again and may the force be with you!

Peace and love to all of you working from within to bring order, justice, reform and truth into the light. As we know, God is light, so God is supporting us in this. I think 2009 will be a good year :D.

I know it's best to stay detached and cool but just this once I would like to say, "YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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