Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post06 Jan 2009

The following responses to the above letters of concern were received by other active, 'to remain nameless' BKs. They are published here by way of a snapshot of the response of an average BK teacher and as a reflection on the organization.
A nameless BK wrote:Om Shanti

in the Murli of 30-11-08, Baba on pg. #2 say's you have to finish three expression in order to be one who uplift other's & the world,

1. parchintan .. one who think of others in a negative way of thinking such as that one is no good etc.

2. pardarshan .. looking of others in a negative way, looking at their mistakes etc, which is a curse from a Brahmin. You should in fact be giving blessings. These blessings will be added to your stock, so at the time it is needed you will draw from it.

3. parmat .. mat mean directions, so to follow the directions of others will pull your mind in a negative way. This takes away from your stock, you should be following the direction of the Father's Shrimat.

These soul are not doing you or the others, any good.

Om Shanti
Om Shanti divine Brother,

I do not have evidence that what those letters contain is the truth. I have read them, but do not wish to accept the informtation as the truth and defame anyone. Since the splinter group that produce those letters have provided no imperical evidence, up to this point in time it is hearsay. In a recent Murli Baba says,



These letters that have being forwarded to me are news to most of us. I do appreciate your concerns. Should these Brother's and Sisters in the system have factual evidence, then my advise is to go to the police.

If the BK leadership allow tax and immigration crimes to happen, and I had that evidence, then I would have gone to the police in which ever country that the crime is being committed. I do agree, that what is wrong is wrong. Going to the police will help keep Baba's house clean and pure.

In my region the issue is different, it is one of race, and class.

May you be blessed.

Om Shanti



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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post07 Jan 2009

BKforChange on 06 Jan 2009 wrote:more effective is real, concrete examples on the events that have occurred ... The way it seems, sadly, is that it is a lashing out because of personal issues with the Leadership

A number of other respondents say the same - if you are willing to go to authorities, which they say they are, you need hard facts and evidence. The Justice League say they have such evidence.

For their own sakes I hope they run it past some legal minds, prosecuting attorneys to be sure it has legs. If it does, they'd be glad to act on behalf of the plaintiffs. Then a quiet letter from a legal firm outlining:

    - the charges
    - the evidence
    - the expected outcomes/actions required
    - the consequences of inaction
This would be more effective. Loud but ineffectual threats, whether public or private, only encourages an abuser, and the accuser seen as "crying wolf''. This needs to be handled professionally so that innocent people are not dragged in or hurt. Put up, do it properly or shut up. That's the real world.

PS without a strong case based on real facts and figures, they also leave themselves open to counter charges of defamation. If no real evidence, if the case is not strong enough. If, for example, it's built on hearsay or even facts that can be disputed, discounted or ruled irrelevant, then forget it. Legal action is extremely expensive and the deeper pockets have a distinct advantage.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post07 Jan 2009

Sounds as if a BK 'coup' is afoot. :|. But also a beautiful example that what most of the ex-BK members of this forum say (and has been) is the non-emotional truth. Let us hope that this group calling themselves "The Torch" truly do have the hard B&W evidence and are strong enough in membership and mentorship to use it accurately and efficiently whilst also maintaining their integrity and drive to ensure that the BKWSU Seniors make the changes they suggest/demand.

My suggestion to them is to remember that Aristotle wrote that "Law is reason without emotion". Please do join this forum as a group and perhaps it would be beneficial if just one of you acted as 'spokesperson' ??? for the forum - this truly may assist many others in their spiritual journey.

IMO though, many member of the BKWSU will still not (and will never!) believe what they see and hear, despite the facts and evidence being made openly available by this new group, who it seems have aligned with the 'correct' intention of doing service of their Baba.

Ahh, 2009 - a year of great change and self-mastery awaits us, and here we see an interesting angle coming into play.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post07 Jan 2009

Were not "we Brahmins" meant to be above all this, the purest and most divine of all religions? Should not we be able to handling such matters internally? I think the individuals have done exactly the right thing. In fact, I think they have been WAY too kind and lenient. They should not be afraid and they should report whatever they have to the authorities. Its the best thing for it all to be documented where the Kripalani Klan can bury it and for it all to be discussed publicly so that others can gain courage and start to speak out. It is for the authorities to prosecute ... not individuals.

If a BK wants to ask for their money back and damages due to abuse due to 'undue influence', on the hard evidence we have on this website and on the bookshelves of the BKWSU, any BK would WALK a case based on undue influence. The leadership has lied blind, and covered up their past with falsehoods, whilst continuing to making utterly fallacious claims and mess with people's minds.

You might not have read, but one follower got back £20,000 recently. Someone that could show that they lost out because their career was damaged could claim for that too.
terry wrote:you need hard facts and evidence ... they also leave themselves open to counter charges of defamation.

They don't have to and they won't. For a start "defamation", by which you mean libel or slander, is not a crime but a civil offence which would demand the BKs to start extremely expensive legal action for damages, and prove those damages. Do you honestly imagine the BKs wanting to go anywhere near a public court?

Doubtless one of their own might do it on the cheap. We were threatened by BK Ray Bhatt with BK Chris Drake's Father who, allegedly, was a "libel judge". I wonder if that is same Bro the Hon Mr Justice Drake DFC, PJGW, Officer of United Grand Lodge of England Bhatty Bhai was full of Masonic "conspiracy". Again, if it happens ... nice bedfellows I say.

You also cannot be "done for libel" if you believe you are reporting a crime to the respective authorities in good faith.

In the cases above, that would be tax and immigration departments mainly. There might be a tiny fraud element but I am not sure that any police force would be interested enough and a tax department would handle that if necessary. I think the individuals have shown more than adequate good faith for flagging the issues up.

They don't need hard facts and evidence either. All they have to do is raise a 'level of suspicion' and the authorities job would be to provide the 'preponderance of evidence' which could include simple witness statements. Evidence beyond reasonable doubt is only really need in criminal trials. What we are talking about here are fairly trivial issues.

One of the big problems is that all the evidence is scatter over many jurisdiction internationally. From our point of view, it proves the long term modus operandi but from a legal point of view, each individual crime or offence would fall under a different legal system, many of which are in developing nations. There is no international court at this level and I do not think the crimes are serious enough, or valuable enough, to interest Interpol. The lesser problems are,

    a) most people are culturally bound not want to be seen as "sneaks" ... even when they are doing the right thing
    b) most people exiting the BKWSU want so little to do with it afterwards that they purge their life of it
    c) many people out of the BKWSU are so mentally conditioned that they cannot speak out
    d) some people in the BKWSU are in such a vulnerable position that they are afraid to speak out even though they know damned well what is going on
    e) for the rest of us "statue of limitation" ... it is too long ago to take action but even our witness statements would be useful enough
    f) its business as usual for Indians emigres and that are up to their own "family business". Please correct me if I am wrong.
All the same, it would be entertaining to see the BKs tried for 'human trafficking' if moving full-time surrendered Sisters around on no or dodgy visas proved to be true. Even if BKs did have some kind of visa, rather than faking a marriage or whatever, it would be interesting to see what they were, e.g. the cultic religion that claims not to be a religion using religious teacher visas for its Indian Sisters. Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, harbouring, or receipt of people for the purposes of bonded labor and servitude.

Every BK has the right to have their doubts about these questions answered. It should all be on record somewhere. The onus is on the leadership to prove they are innocent.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post07 Jan 2009

paulkershaw wrote:IMO though, many member of the BKWSU will still not (and will never!) believe what they see and hear, despite the facts and evidence being made openly available by this new group,

Hi Paul, please, don't say never! It is possible that some abused people never open their eyes, some, eventually do when pain becomes unbearable and nonsense evident. Some diffuse the grief they received by climbing The Ladder of power, so that they can be glorified and become perpetrators, rather than victims. Or they become valuable enough in the BKorg, so that they are left in peace including, as it was pointed out in other topics, to break the rule of celibacy or whatever.

In any case, I just wanted to add to your post, that fear of gurus, God, of what will happen if I leave, if I say no, if I speak out, being gagged and forced to adopt an a-critical mind posture, are proofs of undue influence and make the BKWSU smell like a cult.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post08 Jan 2009

I hope "Justice League" is not a derogatory term. We are discussing very serious matters.

I like the sound of a "Truth and Justice Commission" as practiced in Kali Yuga widely now. I am not so fussed about the idea of a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" as in South Africa because if the BKWSU had been in charge of that, the white people would have remained in power ... Too much effort is put into sustaining the BK elite's unquestionable positions of power and fooling people that they have some value in the system in my opinion.



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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post08 Jan 2009

Dear ex-l

you go round in circular argument. The internal review process has been discussed ad nauseam even in my brief time on the forum. Most conclude it's more of the same - "bread and circuses". The South African "Truth and reconciliation commission" was set up under the NEW regime, AFTER the handover to the ANC government. Most people don't acknowledge the heroism of De Clerk, the last white president of South Africa, who saw that the maintaining the status quo was untenable, and undertook to negotiate with Mandela and bring about a peaceful transition. Who is the De Clerk in this situation? I do not see that in the current generation of top BK brass.

So it has to be externalised. Whether the BKs are "supposed" to be above such ways of dealing with problems, we know we are all human. The Torch and the rest of the JL are going in the right direction, but "softly softly catch the monkey".

BKSWU have very deep pockets, and losing a case on domain names won't put them off defending their reputations if seriously threatened. So the allegations have to be solidly backed up with numbers, dates, names, documents. Nothing else. No vendettas or cries of "not fair".

It is very important to remember that the J L are still "in the family", and they will suffer if what they try to do falls over ... or it may be what is needed to remove the wool of idealism from their eyes.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post08 Jan 2009

I don't see any circular argument. I see an increasing number joining together, from all sides, going in one direction and gaining strength. I suspect, there are an increasing number of individuals who have been protected from the potential of abuse. I hope an increasing number are encouraged to speak out and start documenting evidence. I am sure discussion will carry on right until the end of this forum's life when, I hope, it has no more abuse to document nor raise publicly. That was said first about two years ago and not by me.

The watered-down internal review process, which was in response to open discussion over here and elsewhere on the internet, has yet to bear any visible fruit as far as I know. Perhaps this is the Brahma Kumari's internal "ANC" rising?
terry wrote:BKSWU have very deep pockets, and losing a case on domain names won't put them off defending their reputations if seriously threatened. So the allegations have to be solidly backed up with numbers, dates, names, documents. Nothing else. They will suffer if what they try to do falls over ... or it may be what is needed to remove the wool of idealism from their eyes.

You make two good points here. The latter is that the individuals might be going through the painful steps of realizing that the BKWSU is not what it was sold to be and their faith and life commitment being tested. In other words, they have woken up to the truth and the dissonance between belief and reality.

The former is the need for evidence. But I had to disagree with your insane suggestion that putting in a report to the authorities would bring a defamation case upon the individual doing so! It read like scaremongering. Collective evidence is also the job of the authorities. All they need are sufficiently good tip offs and reason enough to investigate. Someone could ask the senior for Shrimat on what they should do if they know of a crime or abuse being carried out. Don't tell them what it is, just ask what the official procedure is ... and then please come back and publish it here. Why was the individual that carried out the child sex abuse never charged?

I don't know about the "softly softly catch the monkey" approach. What are you suggesting? Its fine if you want to catch a monkey ... I don't. I am happy for the monkeys' organ grinder just to change their tune. It was Winston Churchill who said, "never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room".

    I disagree, we should not lower ourselves to act like them. Do it all openly and upfront. Secrecy is also the cornerstone of abuse. We all have a little piece of the jigsaw puzzle.
Personally, I think that open discussion, in the public interest, is the starting point. If the BKWSU leadership read it, which they do, reflect on it and then change ... then that is good. Answer me honestly, would the Brahma Kumaris REALLY ever wish to enter the public legal system teaching and believing what they do? It would be the worst PR disaster since the McLibel Trial was to McDonalds. And which jurisdiction are they going to fight it in? Every nation they make business in ... every nation that has a webserver? The 'McLibel 2' were ultimately victorious against UK Government.

Just as a reminder of the nature of the beast we are up against, I copy this old topic linked to below. When there was another suicide in Panipat, the center-in-charges did the same again ... abscond from the police and then cast the blame in the donor for being mentally ill. BK MO.

Did anyone ever heard of any official position on these events?

A young woman from Orissa was burnt alive in the ashram for Gyan and shanti (knowledge and peace) belonging to Brahm Kumari Samaj a week ago, but the police and the intelligence agencies are still groping in the dark for the body and other relevant clues which have deliberately been cleared or concealed.

Senior police officials say they are still looking for the kingpins of the ashram who have disappeared after the crime, but a case of murder has been registered ...

Residents of the Trans Yamuna colony were shocked to hear shrieking cries, and see leaping flames that almost burnt the ashram at the dead of night. A few vehicles later arrived and carried away what looked like dead bodies, according to eye witnesses. A woman named Bharti from Orissa has since been missing. Police suspect she was burnt alive in the back yard. The police found birth control pills from her room. This has naturally given a sexual twist to the crime.

Some people at the centre believe Bharti had self immolated herself. The Centre-in-Charges Satya Behan and Anita Behan admit Bharti is no more but they too have no idea about the dead body and who tried to clean up the whole place of vital clues.

The headquarters of the Brahmakumari Ashram at Mount Abu have been sounded and efforts are on to sort out the murky mystery, which one ashramite said was part of the conspiracy to malign the movement.

Meanwhile, the police has recovered the white Qualis which was used for transporting the dead body to some unknown place. The driver Prem Singh and two others are still missing. The Ashram-in-charge said there was no information available about the background of the deceased. The police is either under pressure from some high quarters or is just not interested in the case. No vital breakthrough appears likely as the investigating agencies are seen dragging their feet.

Only ten days ago the big wigs of the Brahma Kumari Ashram were in Agra for the inauguration of a new centre near the Taj Mahal by UP governor Acharya Vishnu Kant Shastri.

Bharti [was] planning to get married soon. Since the Ashram management generally frowns on such relationship, the deceased Bharti was under mental strain for quite some time. At one stage the couple had decided to run away. The Bharti murder case has become a challenge for the police which has so far failed to work out the case nor nab the three accued in the FIR including Hari, who have all gone underground.



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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post08 Jan 2009

ex-l wrote:I disagree, we should not lower ourselves to act like them. Do it all openly and upfront. Secrecy is also the cornerstone of abuse

Not talking about secrecy. The aim is change. The content of the letter is too broad and almost hysterical. A revised letter, containing the hard facts to be presented, etc leave out the hearsay and the personal stuff so it is not making them feel that they are backed into a corner.

Sorry about the cliche, but the establishment need to feel it will be a win-win situation. After all, the Torch and his Justice League believe in the same Gyan. Although I don't know the individuals involved, I sense there is direct 'history" between the personalities.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post09 Jan 2009

I was just thinking ... why does the BKWSU move its Seniors or center-in-charges around? Would it be anything to do with having to get tourist visas for them to come back in to run the business? I am just asking.

I am sorry to read what you have written, Terry. Any "enlightened" leadership should not require followers to jump through literary hoops in order to make a point. I think you are being too harsh and unreasonable on them using words like "hysterical". We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg here. I cannot agree with passing the buck from the leadership to systemic issues inherent in any large organization. There is no organization, there are only the people.

Anyone sensible person would know that if you have organization, you put systems in place to take care or those followers, e.g. an independent ombudservice with powers over the leadership or chaplaincy, and keep proper records. I have had it myself with Jayanti, "its not what you said, its the way you said it". My attitude to that now is, "well, **** you. Learn some humility and accept the best in people for what it is". Its just twisted game play. I am sorry but we have experience of the haughty contortions they attempt in order to avoid serious discussion.

Divinity, which is being debated, is no excuse for amateurness, corruption or a lack of duty of care.

The fact is, most of this part of the discussion is besides the point. The BKWSU is a family run mafia, a sort of unchallengeable, dynastic feudalism with a few comfortable courts at the center and some attractive anarchies at the edges.

Has the BKWSU fiddled tax and immigration in a number of countries? Yes, and the leadership knows. Do they work their adherents and contact souls for property? Of course. Come sue me. Such is the nature of "God's work" on earth.

Personally, I do not have any hopes for change at all. I am primarily interested in protecting folks from going into their system in the first place. Making them think and giving the materials to ask the sort of questions I should have. If we accept "laws" then entropy ... as in decline ... is a pretty, damned sure one.

There is no mechanisms, for example,

    to censor, reprimand or remove a senior
    to question their right to remain "on the books" for eternity
    to hold them accountable for some demented "Shrimat" they pronounced or dishonest PR spin

    no record kept of these pronouncements
    no disciplinary record
    no detailed published accounts
Its all done on the basis of a 'mystical mafia' grace and favor whim in my opinion ... largely prejudiced by how much money you have or can pull ... in which the followers are treated like children. "You pays your money and you does your Yoga". Its an expensive farce that turns nasty on a regular basis when people die or have years of their life wasted.

The funny thing is ... even "god" cannot handle these people. There was an incident a few years ago where they decided to move all the center-in-charges around from "their" own centers; many refused, many complained, many hated it and within a few days/weeks they were all back at "their" house. I do not know the details, Arjun remembers it.



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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post09 Jan 2009

ex-l wrote:you are being too harsh and unreasonable on them using words like "hysterical".

I do not argue the faults, limitations etc of the leadership, the structure or the teaching itself. It is rigid, stubborn, self serving and entrenched. They may have every right to be so, but the letter writer's tone does come across to me as hysterical, at the very least over-written, and so undermines its ability to achieve its stated aims.
why does the BKWSU move its Seniors or center-in-charges around?

In the case of Dr Nirmala - I suspect it is to bring her closer to the centre of power and decision making. There has been less controversy, more stability in her areas. She is more circumspect and less confrontational than most "heads".
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post09 Jan 2009

I was thinking of centers where the Brahma Kumari teacher does not have a proper visa and they have to leave the country to come back in again on a tourist or short visa. I can name specifics if pressed.

That expense ... going back to India and then returning "on invitation" ... must come out of "charitable" donations either in the host nation or India.

Let me add 'marriage for visa' and "fixing" employment for folks without work visas into the history too.

You could always offer to re-write it or mediate for them I suppose? They are doing their best.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post09 Jan 2009


First, I don't know who 'The Trust' is and apart from being light hearted at your reference of the Justice League, I must take umbrage (being kind here, given my background) to your use of 'hysterical' to reference the BKs seeking reform within their organisation. I must say if my family member told me I was 'hysterical', Destruction would be sooner than predicted at present by the BKs and, no, I would not permit that slight. Name calling only serves to detract from the issues raised and would the presentation in sweet words be any better received? Child Abuse, for instance in Eromain's report ... could we say, the children were molested? ... or the children were sexually abused? ... or the children were brutally raped on the most holy compound???????? What would bring this message across without being 'hysterical''?

During the legal case, I was astonished at the BKs (with Dr. Hansa Raval at the helm) insistence that we provide proof of said violence and sexual abuse of children. I, personally, took great offence at the insistence to produce said children (otherwise it was all a lie), which would only serve to re-abuse them. To my humble surprise, someone who was abused as a child came forward and gave their statement, knowing that they could be thrust forward into the light to suffer further abuse. I was also humbled to learn that victims of physical abuse, came forward, from societies that don't afford protection (which were held back due to the gravity and the clear danger to their well being), to provide proof of the violence they suffered too, and included documents to prove it. So, when push comes to shove, those suffering in the shadows will find the courage to protect those whose only crime was to try and protect others, and in so doing find their power, by standing up to those that seek to silence them.

I, too, had to come out of the shadows and state that my family had been affected, my extended family, his family, and even my minor child. So, I take umbrage, and as everyone knows, I don't bash BKs and I am very open to religious protection but will not stay silent about abuses perpetrated against the vulnerable, undue influences, violence against the fragile, and will NEVER be silent about the abuse of children (who will speak up for them?).


After thoughts: Why aren't more of the long term BKs coming forward to seek change, to better the organisation and rid it of the ills that are causing harm to its members, its children, their members families and the spiritual path? It must be easier to 'shoot' the messenger than to dare to listen to the message.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post10 Jan 2009

tete wrote:After thoughts: Why aren't more of the long term BKs coming forward to seek change, to better the organisation and rid it of the ills that are causing harm to its members, its children, their members families and the spiritual path? It must be easier to 'shoot' the messenger than to dare to listen to the message.

Its because the whole thing is so "middle-classed" and I meant that is every pejorative sense of the word applying to both to Western BKs and the Indian merchant-guru caste.

That is to say, it is mostly about keeping up appearances and social climbing or acting in a faux 'aristocratic' fashion ... "Being Royal" in BK speak, rather then getting real about issues. If it is not Western BKs acting like a goodie-goodie Hugh Grant or pretending to be inspired apocalyptic 'spiritualist', like Lee James, or if anyone is under any illusion about the head-headed and heard-hearted snobbery existing in Indian society (beyond putting on posh English accents and pretending to the British Raj), then it is time they had their eyes and ears opened by speak speaking.

    Yes, run a 'counter-intelligence' spy ring just like theirs to gather evidence.
    Yes, I agree to proper formulated letters or reports.
    But, no, I do not agree that an individual's lack of education or ability to, disqualifies their vision, virtue or purity.
    And, absolutely no, to wasting money on lawyers ... unless you wish to pursue a case of fraud due to 'undue influence'.
The real value of such well formulated letters or reports are not at the BKWSU, to where in my opinion is it a waste of effort to send them, but to external agencies and third parties that are currently being duped. I am sorry Terry but these people are beyond reason.

I, personally, do not know of any "brutal rapes" within the BKWSU but I do know of child sex abuse that could not be described as such and that there has never been a public statement nor, to my knowledge have the Brahma Kumars that carried the acts out in the Delhi and Mount Abu Brahma Kumari centers been prosecuted. We do not know how far their actions went nor with how many children.

In other words, I suspect they have been covered up for by the BKWSU leadership in order to save the face of the Brahma Kumaris and our sources of 'intelligence' have told us just that.

Come on ... get real ... if they were to come forward and identify themselves, how do you think the Kripalani Klan would react to them?

You are talking about an organization whose leaders, by the above reports clean up the evidence of burnt corpses out of their centers and abscond from police!!!



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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post10 Jan 2009

Ex'l on 9th jan - asks about the reasons for moving Centre-in-Charges etc around - cannot answer that one specifically. But you say already you have specifics, so why ask me? Some transfers would be practical/logistical, but there's widespread awareness of a number of sideways moves over the years to get a troublemaker (or worse) out of the way. Similar to the Catholic church and its priests, no?
ex-l wrote:(1)... must come out of "charitable" donations ... You could always offer to re-write it or mediate for them I suppose? (2) They are doing "their best".

(1) if they asked me nicely to help get some protocols together, I'd consider it, but they'd be more likely to ask you! Donors are aware of a lot, if not all, of the use of moneys. You cannot hide the huge real estate holdings, costs of maintenance, or the mentioned constant travel. If donors want to keep contributing that is their choice. You say they are unduly influenced or mislead. I say they choose to be. Any donor, like any investor, can do 'due diligence' to see how finances are used by that organisation, and what their expected returns are.

But, to repeat so you don't come back with this, If someone is hurt, laws or regulations broken, that is something else again. Yes, the organisation should have procedures in place, but most individuals and organisation (structures, ego) have to feel real pain before they decide to make a big change. Ego believes what it is now, is what should be, and it must defend that.

(2) I meant that most people (as in individuals, not organisation) are doing their best. By that I meant that if they were doing less than their best, they would hit serious inner crises, have to face up to things, have breakdowns. It takes a huge amount of effort using one's beliefs to block one's conscience and keep your head together ... and that's the irony, the cosmic joke - they end up the opposite of what the whole practice is supposed to be about !

Most people (and organisations), when they feel their core is "crumbling" within (every revision, every failed prediction, every case of abuse will attack the core), will do everything possible to reinforce the consciousness. They'll do their affirmations/mantras/Yoga even more religiously. They'll further avoid other influences (reading matter, media, company) that might undermine the ego's need at the time. Why? Because they instinctively know that they may very well be influenced. They "sense" they are on shaky ground. They fear what is outside - its a kind of spiritual agoraphobia.

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