Sister Sudesh

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Sister Sudesh

Post05 Jan 2009

I think I should perhaps move some of this documentation over to the Encyclopedia but as folks are not contributing info to it, you can use your forum name and password to do so, I will plant this seed here.

Looking at the recent blurb for the BKWSU service device (... etc) The Tao of the Traveller, Sister Sudesh is listed down as having been an active Brahma Kumari for 50 years. That would date her involvement to 1958 well after the failed prediction of Destruction around 1950, the Prajapati God Brahma phase, the move to Mount Abu, the various exoduses of BKs, the so-called 'Beggary Period' etc ... but within the limits for the 1976 failed prediction of Destruction and the mid-1980s predictions. She knows the Murlis are being re-written and as a "official confessor" will hear all the choicest gossip. In recent events reported elsewhere, she is accused of acting as "Dadi Janki's spy".

    I wonder how much she knows about the earlier period or if she too has been misled by her Seniors and has been acting in good faith?
Many will remember Sudesh as one of the yogi powerhouse of the early to mid Western service. She used to be bedded down in London town along with Janki Kripalani and Jayanti, contributing a motherly warmth to Jayanti sharpness. The talk was, and I would need the events concerned, that London became too small for the two of them ... or perhaps, I ask, was her move to Germany inspired by the exodus of Jayanti's ousted rival Suman and the need for a Senior Sister out there?

It seems she is on the roster of international airfare service and moved around continents by the BKWSU. I am not sure what exactly the NEED for flying corpses all over the world at great expense and pollution is when there are fabulous video, satellite and internet links now. Perhaps someone else can justify it. I do not know if she is in the "flies business class" sub-sect of the BKWSU yet or who finances her. Is it her zone or the zone that is receiving her for some publicity event that pays?

I don't have anything bad to say about her except that she was sharp with money. My impression was that because she was not a trance messenger her status was eclipsed by Jayanti's then publicly practised psychic abilities and more Western "corporate" attitude, but that she was probably had a more rounded, matured and loveful character. I think she was Punjabi rather than Sindhi (... which would not help her standing within the Kripalani Klan). Efforts seemed to being made to make a balance between the younger and junior Jayanti and her but she was not given so many opportunities at high level service.

She was prone to laughing at herself and her mistakes, tears of laughter at times, and that is healthy from my point of view (... although strictly against BKWSU Shrimat). She was loyal to the interest of the organization first - naturally - and a little "pro-Sister", I have no idea about how much discuss when on between them behind the scenes. The one time I experienced her make a mistake, she was quick to do a U-turn when she realised it.

Can anyone add any insight? Is she safe to leave your children with?

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Re: Sister Sudesh

Post06 Jan 2009

My impression of Sudesh was a warm caring soul with a twinkle in her eye, who probably knew a thing or two about 'behind the scenes' activity but was keeping quiet. Kind of like your aunty knowing something that your parents got up to in their younger days but ain't telling.

I think that she must know a lot about early days.
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Sudesh Didi, please!

Post07 Jan 2009

I read with interest what has been written on this topic. ex-l said "She used to be bedded down in London town along with Janki Kripalani and Jayanti, contributing a motherly warmth to Jayanti sharpness".

Apart from the love ad respect I always felt for Sudesh bhen, or SudeshDidi, as it became "politically correct" calling her in more recent years ;), it is true that in the BKWSO, the "bad cop/good cop" trick, is commonly played.

Many students have been disappointed and hurt by the fact that often good cops fail to keep infos they received as confidential.

BTW, other posters recently pointed this problem out in other topics in reference to exposing abuses going on at BK centers. These are made even more serious when there are language barriers between students and Seniors, and the translation is done by the sister in charge we are having problems with, or the meeting with the visiting SS is not granted at all (no time for you, sorry!).

Due to such despicable circumstances, trust in any SS eventually is bound to be broken. In Gyani terms, the explanation is that this is the lesson teaching us that we should not be impressed by anyone, not put anyone on a pedestal. The practical result is that you end up lonely (with Baba, if you wish), incapable of trusting spiritual gurus and walking on a tight rope all the time with no assistance of a wise or compassionate human being.
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Re: Sister Sudesh

Post08 Jan 2009

There is truth to that. In my experience, if you told one, the other got to hear about it super-quick and so who can tell how they talk to each other. All done in a different language you had no idea what they were saying or how. It was ridiculous we put our god faith into them.
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Re: Sister Sudesh

Post08 Jan 2009

I always found her nice but a bit weird.
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Re: Sister Sudesh

Post10 Jan 2009

Sakar Murli 2009/01/08 Revised
Daughter Sudesh is very clever at explaining. She has made a lot of effort and has thereby gone ahead of the older ones. She can make more effort in this too and go ahead of others. Everything depends on effort.


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Re: Sister Sudesh

Post10 Jan 2009

Daughter Sudesh is very clever at explaining. She has made a lot of effort and has thereby gone ahead of the older ones. She can make more effort in this too and go ahead of others. Everything depends on effort.

The statement before this is "So the names of you children should also be glorified. The Father glorifies the names of the children. Daughter Sudesh is very ..."

Now this is a Sakar Murli. So did the original have this mentioned about Sister Sudesh pre-1969? Secondly, when such a Murli is distributed in 2009 to all around the world, and BKs are reading this ... which Daughter Sudesh do YOU think most people believe this statement to be referencing? Would your stable mind on that morning just a couple of days ago (8th Jan 2009) cast back to someone pre 1969 ... or would you assume that statement to be of a more commonly known Sister Sudesh of today ?

Well, perhaps that this "Sudesh" in this Murli point actually refers to someone pre-1969 (and who could also be currently in the BK still, and given such a long time it takes little to guess who this "Sudesh" actually is unless you know of another "Sudesh" being in the Yagya for at least 40 years), then what of any other names of BKs in previous Murlis ... have they been edited out, or were there no names glorified previously?

There is a lot of strange editing and twisting that seems untoward.

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Re: Sister Sudesh

Post11 Jan 2009

I knew Sister Sudesh as she was then known in the Tennyson Road days. At that time her English was good but not that good and the English class students would correct her sometimes a little harshly, she took it all in her stride. Sometimes others thought it necessary to remind the class that, in India, Brahma Baba had called her "Nightingale" due to her great eloquence in Hindi.

There was a Brother a teacher, I think his name was Mike. He was the only person to visit me when I stopped going to the centre. Mike was very impressed by Sudesh, having had a very powerful experience of peace whilst she chanted OM.

One day in the middle room in Tennyson Road, a cupboard door by the window slammed shut with great force. I was near the door on the other side of the room and the extremely loud bang shook me to the core, Sister Sudesh did not even flinch.

Another day Dadi Kumarka came to visit and Sister Sudesh grinning in her imitable fashion said, "I thought there was nothing missing since I came from Madhuban, maybe there was just a little bit" whilst holding her finger and thumb together looking at the smallest space between them and shaking with happiness, the situation was an informal celebration of Dadi Kumarka's arrival in the kitchen at Tennyson Road.

Sudesh had a sense of humour too, once calling Gyan, "The Knowledge that makes old men young." She, when someone was a little cheeky, would give a little seemingly inane chuckle, the incident was never dismissed from her mind because it had never lodged there in the first place. Seemingly inane can be so razor sharp intelligent.

In those days, she asked me to source some books that her Brother required. Despite enquiring of many secondhand Bookshops in many areas of London I found none. She was very matter of fact about her family members not being in Gyan.

I would on occassion drive her to Ilford for service. She was much more obviously a Divine Being on those occasions when she sat on the Guddi, one arm bent at the elbow, the hand resting on her waist and looking to me like a balloon with nothing inside. There were sometimes very special experiences. In retrospect, that was probably as close as I could get up to that point to perceiving the angelic body of light stage, where one looks just like a hologram and which I saw clearly in Madhuban. Sudesh said my experience there was very good.

A most memorable experience was one sweetmeat time in Tennyson Road. She took toli from Dadi Janki who leaned forward and gave her a hug. I am certain her thought had been on the lines of "I am a child of the Supreme Soul" she was shaking with happiness, I never before or since have seen anyone as happy as that.

Sometimes during a break in service she would serve me masala tea most excellently made.

Sister Sudesh was very, very good at explaining to people what they were doing. She only ever misunderstood me once. I wanted to become as peaceful, or even more so, than the people around me. Sister Sudesh sat me down and gave me very peaceful drishti and said there, that's what you want. It was not a temporary boon that interested me, it was the ability to generate that experience within myself and to share it with others. I did not complain.

She had no part in the reasons why I left Gyan. The last thing she said to me was, "you are a true heart, come and we will help you all we can". It seemed to me at that time that she was the only one of the Brahmin Clan that could see anything good in me. But the hurt from other directions was too great and I left.

Sometime later I was in deep trouble, having meditated far too deeply, even though I had left the centre I could not put The Knowledge down, which is to a lesser extent the case today. I decided to go to St. Gabriels Road and ask for guidance. I was treated very harshly indeed and told that I could not be helped for a month. Had Sudesh been there (she had I think gone to Germany) I feel sure she would have had something insightful to say. She could really listen. She is a true Mother of the World, estranging no one.

Sometimes I recall her fondly as the value of her company became for me apparent long after I knew her. I recall her saying that some conditions take a long time to cure, which is in direct contrast to "this is a hopeless case" :D which is, of course, never true and which she, of course, never said. Her favourite saying that I recall was, "Simple and Sample."

Long live Didi Sudesh, Rah Rah Rah!
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Re: Sister Sudesh

Post13 Jan 2009

Thank you, John Morgan, for a nostalgic snapshot of Sudesh Didi. My experiences of her were very much like yours. She seemed only ever to see the good in all, and overflowed with love and joy at all times. When criticized or shown disrespect, I remember her striving to adapt her own behavior and continue to serve.

Many Westerners preferred the more intellectually satisfying classes of teachers like Denise, Heidi, or Jayanti, but for those who responded to pure love, Sudesh was their favorite. I attended Sudesh functions in various countries and cities, and drove her around in London for a while. She was truly dedicated, tireless, and a joy to watch in action.

I also remember that she was not afraid to make her own decisions. She was the only one to offer any explanation of Heidi's summary dismissal and departure from Madhuban (1989??). Those of us who had become swept up in the "Heidi phenomenon" and enthralled by her classes were shocked and bereft when it suddenly ended. No explanation was offered officially, but Sudesh picked up on the mood of those that felt let down and held a little get-together for us. I have always remembered and appreciated her for that, all the more so since it was obviously not sanctioned from above.

I always felt appreciated and understood by Sudesh. She seemed to have the knack of knowing what an individual or a situation needed at any time, but when she got it wrong she was humble enough to accept that and try again.

Fond memories!
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Re: Sister Sudesh

Post13 Jan 2009

leela wrote:I also remember that she was not afraid to make her own decisions. She was the only one to offer any explanation of Heidi's summary dismissal and departure from Madhuban (1989??). Those of us who had become swept up in the "Heidi phenomenon" and enthralled by her classes were shocked and bereft when it suddenly ended. No explanation was offered officially.

Never explain. never apologize ...

There is a topic about Dr Heidi Fittkau, would you care to post your recollection of her and the "exit"? Dr Heidi was kind of like the Brian Bacon of the BK 1980s. Janki Kripalani loved her (as she does any useful IP), she was often the talk of the family, given special treatment and was handed over the throne. What happened?

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Re: Sister Sudesh

Post13 Jan 2009

Thanks Leela,

Yes, Didi Sudesh expressed no holier than thou attitudes in direct contrast to her peers.

Recently I have realised that if God screws you up it cannot possibly be God or anything to do with him. The ocean of love and mercy, how could he screw anyone up? Yet many of the BK do a remarkable job of doing just that.

Another of Sudesh's favourite quotes was, "I am your humble servant". It seemed she was remembering Brahma Baba as he spoke those words.

The mass of sudden disappearance of so many people without comment, also the practice of ice cold detachment. God really will have to help us, if the BK rule the world.

Yet Didi Sudesh has tiptoed through this minefield, it may be that she put herself in the position of having to make adjustments in order to show others what to do.

Its nice to find one of those rare BK whose qualities one really can appreciate.

So it was you who took my job was it? :D

No, the BK had many drivers - I was just one of them for a short time.
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Re: Sweet Sister Sudesh

Post13 Jan 2009

Hi, in my experience with Sister Sudesh, I can say to you that often I spoke with her, in different times, and she always gave me an answer, outside the system. She listened to me and she oriented to me, inclusively she said not leave the things like are in this moment.

I only have good experiences and memories of her.

Cheers to all

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