No convictions, no apologies in BKWSU child sex abuse cases

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No convictions, no apologies in BKWSU child sex abuse cases

Post15 Oct 2008

Yet another year ... but no convictions, no apology, no acknowledgement and no damages paid in the BKWSU child sex abuse cases. Incidents, of an increasing number reported, rocked the movement after events happened at the so-called Spiritual University's two main Indian centers. One called Madhuban, or the "Forest of Honey" headquarters in Mount Abu Rajasthan, is considered by Brahma Kumaris to be the only place on earth pure enough for God to incarnate on earth.

Today, even the Vatican plays penitent for the crimes of its own past pedophiles offering public apologies and victim compensation payouts leading some dioceses into bankruptcy - even decades later. Yet critics claim the so-claimed feminist religious movement, one led by mostly virgin crones who think of themselves as "world mothers", acted in a manner more redolent of the "systematic conspiracy to conceal the misconduct" committed by the Catholic Church of the 1960s.

Brahma Kumari leaders in both the UK, where the children came from, and the India headquarters, under whose care the children were, are reported to have instructed its management to ensure that no connection between child sex abuses and the BKWSU should arise to either the attention of the public or the awareness of their followers. Many of them real mothers. No one knows of the results of any internal investigations.

At first privately accepted, then publicly denied and covered up, one Father who spent more than four years pursuing the BKWSU to put in place a Child Protection Policy reports that the administrators of the the Brahma Kumaris' British charity, administrators Jayanti and now global chief Janki Kripalani, have still not supplied any formal acknowledgement.

Within the Brahma Kumari religion, it is believed that sex abuse in this life is a sign that the individual performed the very same actions in a previous incarnation and needs to "purify their karma" by suffering or performing more "Yoga" and "service". Servicing being to offer free labor and evangelize their religion. To "repay" karmic accounts at the organization's most holy site is thought to be additionally auspicious. To suffer is said to be a sign that their religious devotion or practise is weak.

Global chief Janki Kripalani, aged 92, is reported to have also indicated that efforts to institute a 'Duty of Care' programme for her followers is of little point and what is need is more meditation and more "remembering of God" whilst lawyers appointed by the BKWSU (UK) on her behalf, claim that she, a relative of the religion's founder, is unable to respond to letter regarding the ethics of the organization and ensure repayment of legal costs in a failed legal dispute ... because letters to her were addressed to her current residence in India and not in the UK.

What with the unaccountable nature of the BKWSU, its secretive and undemocratic leadership, the lowly status of women and children in India ... as with the pattern of suicides, who knows the true extent of events?

Child abuse is not limited to sexual abuse. Many of effects happen on a mental and emotions level. What are the influences onto children growing up in an environment where they are lead to believe humanity is about to be annihilated by nuclear war or old, uneducated Indian lady gurus, some of who left their own family and children to live with their god Lekhraj Kirpalani, are future deities in heaven twice as omnipotent as Jesus or Buddha ... amongst the 8 most powerful human being on earth?

jankifeeding-god.jpg (10.95 KiB) Viewed 3860 times
"Who's your Dadi?"
Global chief of the Brahma Kumaris, Janki Kripalani, seen feeding God, and the spirit of the deceased founder
Lekhraj Kripalani, via a female medium at the organization's headquarters in India.

When a child is sexually abused, its family members, neighbors and other so-called-experts try to give their advice to the abused child and their family members. Although they try to help, their advice might be nothing but a myth and can actually hurt the child and people who surround that little one. Here are most common myths and what you should do about it.

Myth 1: Children have big imagination and everything they say cannot be true. This particularly means they make up stories about sexual abuse.
The truth: Although kids do have wild imagination, stories about sexual abuse are not part of it. Sexual behavior is unknown to children, and there is no way they know something about it unless they experienced some kind of sexual abuse. It is proved that, after investigation, most sexual reports are true.

Myth 2: Child abusers are mostly unknown to their victims.
The truth: Most abusers know their victims and children trust them.

Myth 3: Child abusers look dangerous, cruel and different.
The truth: Child abusers come from different social parts and families, and they look like everyone else. They can be known as great parents, fun babysitters, social workers ... religious workers.

Myth 4: Acts that involve cuddling, french kiss or touching male sexual organs are not actually considered to be sexual abuse. They don’t hurt the child - they help it get more mature and grow up.
The truth: Any type of inappropriate sexual touch, direct or indirect, of adult person ( sometimes even older Brothers or Sisters ) and a child is a sexual abuse.

Myth 5: If a girl isn’t complaining during the sexual act, then it isn’t considered to be a sexual abuse.
The truth: Physical reaction of a child are way of healthy biological functions. They are never to be signs that show a child is enjoying this cruel act. Sexual assault and abuse has to be punished and sexual abusers have to be put in jail. It very important to state that abused child doesn’t understand a sexual act.

Myth 6: A child who provokes sexual abuse is also responsible for it.
The truth: A child is never responsible for any sexual act that was made by adult in child’s presence. Adults are 100% responsible for every act they commit.

Myth 7: Sexually abused children are damaged for the rest of their life and there is nothing that can be done to avoid that.
The truth: Many children who were sexually abused find a way to cope with their past and horrible experience. They can lead a healthy and normal life, just like anyone else. But, they do need help to realize that what happened to them wasn’t their fault. Most of these sexual abuses don’t leave a physical mark, so if the child doesn’t want to report it, there is a great possibility nobody would ever find out what happened.

Myth 8: Children who were abused by people who were same sex as them, become homosexuals.
The truth: Sex of sexual abuser has nothing to do with child’s later sexual orientation.

Myth 9: If you report your wife/husband who is sexually abusing your child, you’re risking not seeing your little one again.
The truth: Police will not take your child away, but the abuser. Reporting the abuser is the only right thing you can do to protect your child and yourself. Not talking about the sexual abuse and not reporting it makes it worse.

Myth 10: Sexually abused children come from families who don’t take good care of them.
The truth: Sexual predators have their own tactics they use to get in contact with their victims. Man of them are the experts in manipulating with their victims and their parents.

Myth 11: The abused child will eventually become the abuser.
The truth: Although many abusers have been abused themselves when they were younger, nobody can state this with certainity. Abused children need help understanding what happened to them.

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