Recovering your own life and self again

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Recovering your own life and self again

Post13 Oct 2008

Well, I think we have deviated somewhat since the inception of the topic Having a partner, getting married & becoming a mum, dad etc.

The original question posed was this:
My social life revolved around the BKs and their dogma and so I never really got to experience living a normal social life. It's an area in my life with which I am still struggling and trying to come to terms with.

Has anyone else had similar frustrations in their life as a result of the BK doctrination? If so, how do you go about dealing with your frustration?

From both my experience and observations I think that post BK life is a huge challenge for a number of reasons, but social functionality is the most common area of concern. If one was "surrendered" when they left (as I was) social functionality is amplified by unemployment or having a crap job and having little money. Having no lokik family or friends who can even begin to grasp what a "new ex-BK" is going through means that there is no meaningful support either.

So what I learned since leaving:

that the whole world is socially confused - not just you and me. The social codes that are the basis of social function are something we learn in our peer groups from age 3. Historically, the world was a place that changed slowly and social codes would last one a lifetime, and would continue through generations. But now that the dynamics that so heavily influence our lives have changed so much, social codes don't seem to last even a single generation. The bottom line is, no one actually knows the code anymore! Generally, people are all socially confused, given only occasionally to moments of lucidity.

In the new world, everyone is just guessing what is appropriate. Everyone is, by degrees, socially insecure. And the materialistic, egocentric world that we live in is innately self-doubting.

So, the first big lesson was: it is not just me, it is everyone. There is actually nothing wrong with me :D. I just think there is because I am having trouble relating. Well, we all are. So, I got over my self doubt, realised that I am actually normal, that I am an equal, and my existence is as valid as anyone else's.

The next big thing I learned, which took far too many years, was to forgive myself. I was frustrated and angry for a very long time. I was divorced from my spirituality because I could only associate it with the BKs. What was theirs and what was mine - I couldn't tell the difference, so I left it out. It was another tremendous cost from having "belonged" to the BKs but eventually I met a spiritual guy who pointed the way back. I was angry with him because he was spiritual - I somehow felt threatened by "gurus" and "masters" in case I got sucked in again, and because I was just cynical. But he could see my anger and said, "you need to forgive yourself". I thought he could stick his advice.

Anyway, I sat and thought about forgiving myself and then had an epiphany - what do I have to forgive myself for? Well? Actually - nothing. I was the one who got done over here! And suddenly I just let go of everything. I found a peace that I have never experienced before. Effortless and constant. I accepted myself completely for the first time in my life - and then I could accept everything else. It was the melting of my ego - that self doubting, angry, rejecting self. It released me from the fear that I was trapped in. I was free to meditate again. I can say, "Om Shanti" without shuddering at the idea of the BKs.

There were many, many lessons along the way. I found life as an ex-BK to be at times humiliating and painful, and extremely depressing. I tried to take my own life several times and came very close indeed. But somehow I am still here and genuinely content. The world is how it is and I am free to be who I am - it is not about bowing to the ceaseless pressures of the materialistic and egocentric world that we find ourselves in - have a good job, a good house, a beautiful wife - in other words we live in a world in which we have to be always proving something, trying to establish our worth, contantly struggling for validation by our peers. But everyone is in the same boat - there are no winners, only critics.

So my point here is, that when we leave the BKs we are entering an innately confusing and contradictory world riddled with values manufactured in our culture by marketing and media. It is an imperfect world, but that is fine - just don't confuse yourself with it, or be confused by it.

Anyway, I am not an ex-BK anymore. I am me. I have, at last, moved on. I meditate. I practise peace. I filter my thoughts. I am conscious of what I say. I think about how I affect others. None of this is owned by the BKWSU, as they would have you believe. So I have recovered my spirituality. The big difference now is that I think about the future, my beautiful wife and the daughter we are expecting next month.
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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post13 Oct 2008

You have come a long way, further than me ... I was surrendered too, I can relate to everything you say.

Hey, congratulations on your daughter.
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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post13 Oct 2008

primal.logic wrote:The big difference now is that I think about the future, my beautiful wife and the daughter we are expecting next month.

I wish your daughter a safe and happy landing on your lap. :D Daughters are always special for the fathers.
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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post13 Oct 2008

Classic post status.

But perhaps if you slipped Ramesh a few rupees, he would get The Medium of God™ Dadi Gulzar to do a special Bhog offering trance message just for you and tell that your daughter is the reincarnation of some "powerful" BK yogi, destined to lead the Advance Party and marry one of Krishna's cousins.

I have heard that the more baksheesh ... erm ... 'donations' you offer, the higher her status in the Golden Age will be.

Do you want us to start having purification Yoga with your wife's cervix in order to clear the child's birthing karma?

OK ... I was joking. I bet you ARE glad to be out of all that madness.


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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post13 Oct 2008

Thanks for this beautiful and inspiring post primal.logic.
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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post13 Oct 2008

Thanks for such a lovely post ... I really liked it when you finally let go of all the burden of being an ex-BK ...

Wish you and your family a wonderful daughter.

Om Shanti (it just feels different).


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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post13 Oct 2008

Well, primal.logic,

It seems that you are making an excellent go of it. That your daughter is "landing" in a most loving and nurturing home is her very good fortune.

:D :D :D
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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post14 Oct 2008

Thanks everyone! It really does feel good. It guess it goes to show that hope is not the fallacy it seems when we are down on the bottom of the proverbial sea of despair. Somehow, somehow, it all worked out.


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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post14 Oct 2008

primal logic wrote:The big difference now is that I think about the future, my beautiful wife and the daughter we are expecting next month.

They also think the same for you. That's the special blessing.
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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post16 Oct 2008

Congratulations to you and your family. I do really hope you will share with others how you become normal after all this situation with BKWSU. Because there are a lot of similar situations in the world. It is not enough just to post here your story. I hope you will agree to speak some lectures on that issue. Of course, not as act of charity, because you and your family have to maintain your standard of living. If you will have a desire to help others in this way, you may calculate how much money you need for that job.
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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post16 Oct 2008

shivshankar, what a bizarre comment on primal.logic's sincere sharing of his liberation from BK cult and happiness in his private life. You seem to be jealous and confused to write a weird post like this, as if trying to spoil the nice atmosphere primal.logic's post has created.

Dear primal.logic, I wish you and your wife a happy and healthy life with your child. Your life should be a lesson to all BKs who are slaves of their beliefs and suffering under loneliness and emptiness of their life but pretending to be a "happy sweet child of Baba!"
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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post17 Oct 2008

Dear Tom, bizarre is your reaction on My post. I am offering to primal logic help others by sharing his experience in public. Of course, all conditions will be discussed if he will have such a desire. Of course, they will be discussed by phone. I don't understand what relation do you have to that issue.
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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post17 Oct 2008

shivshankar wrote: I don't understatnd what relation do you have to that issue.

It is BK's ugly sanskar to use every opportunity and immaterial issue to make money. And you seem to be representing them well.

john morgan


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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post17 Oct 2008

Tom is no friend of mine. He does not live near me but if he did I'd shun his company. I find his propensity for attacking people most distasteful. Full Stop.
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Re: Recovering your own life and self again

Post17 Oct 2008


May the wonders of parenthood hold you and keep you well and your new family with many blessings. Becoming a parent is by far the most rewarding thing one could ever hope for and it so delights me to hear of your blessed event to come. Bringing a child into the world from the love that two people share is still one of life's best treasures.

Please keep in touch and do drop a photo or two now and then via e-mail. I am happy that you have found your way, found love and that the joy of parenthood is now part of your life's journey. :D


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