News reporters wanted!!!

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News reporters wanted!!!

Post12 Oct 2008

Have some news reporters become cult apologists or stooges?

Some journalists write hard-hitting news stories about destructive cults, which have often led to further action. They expose wrongdoing and the authorities often follow-up through criminal prosecution or some other enforcement action. However, there are those reporters who seem to be more interested in presenting a pretty picture for their community, than exposing the truth about cults.

Three recent stories about well-known groups often called “cults,” expose what looks like a penchant for puff pieces. This is a term used to describe uncritical articles that are more positive spin and/or froth than substance. In such puffery reporters largely let the “cult” tell the story, without asking anything really tough, or follow-up questions. Here are some recent examples that seem to fit into the category of “puff piece” if not cult apology.

A recent story written about the notorious group “Ananda Marga,” which has been accused of violent crimes, child abuse and linked to suicide, described members as “covered in a life of peace.” The journalist did ask a member about the “C” word (cult) though. A devotee answered evasively, "You won't lose your mind and be brainwashed." And according to another member they are "not a religion." Right.

I guess that resolves everything, well at least the reporter seems to think so at the Kingston Jamaica Gleaner.

However, P.R. Sarkar the founder and “God-Man” of Ananda Marga who died in 1990 did some time in an Indian prison. And that government felt he was important enough to publish a book about his group titled, Ananda Marga: Soiling the Saffron Robe. This was not a “puff piece” and Sarkar comes off as little more than a "sociopath," hardly "covered in a life of peace." And not apparently respected by Hindus. The next journalist to offer up what amounts to cult apologies works in Ithaca, New York. This time the group is the “Twelve Tribes,” a racist anti-Semitic “cult” led by Elbert Eugene Spriggs, a former carnival barker.

The Twelve Tribes has a horrific history of child abuse, terrible custody battles, kidnappings and harsh exploitation, which rivals some of the worst “cults” in America. In numerous news reports former members have spoken out about the abuse they endured under Spriggs harsh totalitarian rule. But the leader they now call “Yoneq” lives in luxury, travelling between his homes in France, the United States and South America. Forget about all this.

The reporter for the Ithaca Times says the Twelve Tribes are a “unorthodox religious group ... that worships Jesus.” Right. Didn’t Jim Jones make that claim? “And they have now chosen Ithaca as their newest community,” the reporter happily adds. The upstate New York journalist then essentially dismisses virtually every allegation against the Twelve Tribes offering readers instead their version of events. No former member is quoted, no other opinions offered except, “Much of the content found on the Web can be described as derogatory.” Is this in-depth journalism?

The article reads almost like an infomercial with a plug for the group’s website at the end.

Such positive spin for “cults” in not limited to America. “Down under” an Australian journalist seems to be plugging away for Scientology. This Sydney Morning Herald reporter tells us the story of Hindu boy named Raja who found happiness at the Athena School in Sydney run by Scientologists. There is nothing said about the troubled history of this controversial church, that Time Magazine named the “Cult of Greed.” Instead readers are regaled with how happy the little boy is at his new school, which teaches from text originated by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology’s founder.

This Australian article puffs on almost like an ad campaign, complete with a price quote per school term and a mention for a booklet by Hubbard called The Way to Happiness. However, Lisa McPherson didn’t seem to find her “way to happiness” and instead died after a breakdown, while under the care of her friends at Scientology. Somehow the Sydney reporter didn’t bother to include that little titbit. Certainly these articles will not be nominated for Pulitzers. Instead of reflecting professional journalism at its best these reporters seem be treading down a different path.

They didn’t do their research and/or chose to ignore it. Their motto appears to be; Make nice, be happy and ignore reality. Maybe that is “The Way to Happiness”?

But cults have a nasty way of getting headlines, through bad behavior and shattered lives. And eventually that cannot be ignored, even in Ithaca, Kingston or Sydney.


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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post02 Nov 2008

I want this to become a hot item topic!
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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post29 Nov 2008

Begs the question "when is a journalist a scientologist?"

I am thinking of starting a cult. The Puff Piece reads "exploitation at discount prices" - or rather - "The Way to Happiness for just the cost of a house".
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spirituality cash and carry

Post30 Nov 2008

Hi Primal. Maybe I am misinterpreting your post, but anyway, it inspired in me the idea that we should start a multinational franchise cult at discounted prices, a sort of LIDL cash and carry, to beat competition. I think it would work. Or charity/thrift shops and flea market style. With the middle-class shrinking worldwide, either you aim high and charge rich people top money when selling them spirituality through seminars and courses, or you go for the masses with made in China, poor quality, use and throw, no brand, or even sell second hand items.

Where on the market do BKs locate themselves? They do not give anything for free anymore, neither it is outrageously expensive, so, are they destined to disappear?
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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post30 Nov 2008

Aaah but the BKs have a special method - keep them thinking it is free even when they are giving all they have. Never before have so few given so much and received so little! (well, if you exclude promises).

In Australia the BKs were funded by the Australian govt. As many BKs were unemployed and the BKWSU was quite happy to take even that pitance off them, the Govt was funding them. Maybe the BKs inadvertantly tapped into a niche market - the unemployed.

I also know of one Brother who won a car and promptly gave it to the BKs. Another I know received an inheritance and handed it straight over and then bizzarely left Gyan thinking he was not good enough. So the BKWSU has a proven business model - exploit the poor and make them grateful for it! Make them feel they are getting something when they are not. And if they don't feel like they are getting something, make them believe it is their fault! I mean most business is based on making people think they are getting more than they actually are. IKEA is a perfect example - make something cheap look expensive and sell it somewhere in between. But even IKEA can learn from the BKWSU - how to give nothing and take them for everything.

I mean, look at it seriously, what do the BKs actually give in return for your time, money and efforts besides promises?


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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post30 Nov 2008

Its not their problem ... its your problem feeling that you have to get something in return.

That's how they get away with that. Making you feel guilty asking yourself. That is why you don't have to think.


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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post25 Jun 2009

Our topics keep growing and everyone of them is more than interesting.

Still we did not make any effort ( tell me if i am wrong)to get out of the box. If we really want everybody to know about this all, we at first must come forward. Help to create letters of concern that can be send by email or post to let people, governments know what this organization is really about.

We have some good writers on this forum (ex-l and others), so let's make up a good professional letter that can be send to all and everybody that needs to know about this cult.

Copy ... paste!!!

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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post25 Jun 2009

jannisder wrote: Still we did not make any effort (tell me if I am wrong) to get out of the box.

What about making a real book with many of these worthwhile posts over here, the classics. If the authors are willing to hand over their writings to an editor who can skip too specific Gyan parts and make sure there are no mistakes in writing or grammar, this could be an opportunity.

I know from experience, letters and press releases do not make a huge impact for a journalists. Many of those go straight to the bin, except the ones who are relating to the news which is 'hot' at the moment. However, a publication with real time stories, can have an impact. The reporters who will write about the book, give a review, and they are the ones making publicity for this. Ha ... we can even sell it at, just like the BK does :shock:.

It's a pity my English is too poor. My writing skills are restricted to a different language.

Let's open a bank account for donations to write and publish the book "What the Brahma Kumaris does not want you to know".

I am in!
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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post26 Jun 2009

Lokila wrote:Let's open a bank account for donations to write and publish the book "What the Brahma Kumaris does not want you to know".

My suggestion was always, "What the Brahma Kumaris does not want the United Nations to know".

These are great ideas. Hold on to your enthusiasm ... keep documenting things as they are. It would also be great if someone would to go to India and do some more research there. I can advise on some starting points.
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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post26 Jun 2009

Another suggestion: if we have a short standard piece of text about what the BKWSU really is, suitable for leaving comments, we could easily copy-paste it and leave it on websites where there are articles written about the BK, like here;


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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post10 Jan 2011

Ex scientology members are coming out more and more every day with their stories!

A thing ex-BKs also have to do to get the wrongdoings in the open. Do you want to tell you're story and want to be anonymous? Send it to me and I will make it into an article for the media under my full name. I am willing to be a representative for you all who are damaged by BK, like myself in any way.
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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post11 Jan 2011

jann wrote:Ex scientology members are coming out more and more every day with their stories!

A thing ex-BKs also have to do to get the wrongdoings in the open. Do you want to tell you're story and want to be anonymous? Send it to me and I will make it into an article for the media under my full name. I am willing to be a representative for you all who are damaged by BK, like myself in any way.

good stuff
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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post11 Jan 2011


You can use any of my postings!


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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post01 Oct 2011

David Love on the move!

If we keep sitting here, nothing will change.


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Re: News reporters wanted!!!

Post04 Oct 2011

Fw: David Love -vs Scientology-Narconon Trois-Rivieres: Investigation Request (14 - Files Attached)

FROM: David Love

Monday, October 3, 2011 6:49:17 PM

Dear Honourable Celine Hervieux-Payette, P.C. - Senator

I have gathered addition evidence documents and filed complaints with the Quebec Human Rights Commission, College of Physicians, Ministry of Health and Social Services, and the Trois-Rivieres Police.

At you convenience, I would request another visit to you at Parliament in Ottawa Canada, to submit addition evidence documents and discuss a matter of grave concern.

Thank you and I look forward to your earliest reply.


David Edgar Love

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