[Notice] Good byes from members leaving the Forum

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Mr Green


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I will be low key now

Post26 Sep 2008

I can see now my posts are jokes, so it's probably time I wish you all well and adieu.

Good luck in your drama, but remember they are supposed to be all the same# dramas that is.

Love to all.
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Re: I will be low key now

Post28 Sep 2008

mr green wrote:I wish you all well and adieu.

Please don't leave us mr green. You are the voice of wisdom and lightness. If we take everything as serious as it is, we should leave this body and this world immediately.Without you this forum will be dry and boring.

I remember your blue joke which made me laugh days long, even now I am laughing when I think of it. This was a joke about that pure Bhakti ritual which they followed since Dada Lekhraj in order to please the Hindu origin people, to gain new followers, to collect money and make PR work with the VIPs.

They have taken with that promise our years, our chances for happiness from us with initially maybe innocent lies, then with compulsory lies,then with ill intentioned lies and now today they are getting drowned under the snow slide of their own lies.

I see, that even for an intelligent BK who is still a follower of the BK religion, but who has by chance a family of his own, and who has also this chance of reading this forum and so can protect himself from blindly surrendering his bones to the Seniors, it is impossible to understand the situation and the black humor of the senior ex-BKs in this forum who have sacrificed all their carrier, money and most important years in which they could create a family for their lives- voluntarily for "service for Baba" and who have awaken one day from the illusion the Seniors have created.

There is sometimes black humor and a blue joke useful not to feel the pain of the loss. This is, of course, only for those who share that loss.
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Re: I will be low key now

Post28 Sep 2008

I agree I think ex-BKs have forgotten that there is an exclusive place for them in this forum to share such humour - XXXBK jokes in the ex-BK section. It has been a long time ex-BKs peeped into their Section

Dear mr green,

If my above quote has prompted you to take this decision then I am sorry for this. Since yogi108 was getting upset by some of the comments of ex-BKs to the extent of getting provoked, I tried to cool him down by suggesting to the ex-BKs to use the thread on triple ex-BK jokes. I have personally never felt any of your comments to be provocative. Sometimes your lines are beyond my comprehension which I ignore.

I hope you would continue to contribute to the forum like always.


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Re: I will be low key now

Post29 Sep 2008

I hope you are only joking Mr Green!
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Re: I will be low key now

Post29 Sep 2008


I was not upset with you or ex-l. Sometimes its difficult to say whether the comments are serious, or provocative, or just simply a joke because its tough to understand the tone of the message ...

I was just thinking if its a provocation then please do tone it down ... since striking a reconciliatory note and then provoking someone is not a good way of achieving the end-result.

Arjun Bhai ... thanks for the effort to cool me down. Guess that is good service.

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Re: I will be low key now

Post29 Sep 2008

I think that one of the things to keep in mind are cultural difference.

In the UK, endless jokes about sex and willies, swearing etc are quite acceptable. Double entendres and innuendo are rife. In their time and, these are very valid responses to the censorship of a sexually hypocritical society and a fair "send-up" of British institutions and customs. Elsewhere, they are not and do not translate.

There used to be a good one in the shared toilet of the Brother's bhavan in London where there was a notice something along the lines of,
Some wit in Pandavan Bhavan wrote:"Please remember your aim and object"

which I thought was really funny. Too many of Baba's divine Angels were peeing on the ground around the toilet and expecting someone else to wipe it up for them ... except no one had incalculate THAT much humility to do so ... so the place stank. (Its a quote from the Murli and some faux 'royal' snob BKs got all in a tizzy about it).

I am always amazed how for a national such as the USA, which has converted pornography into mainstream, multi-billion dollar industry, how prudish they can be, e.g. no page 3 girls or "naughty words".

Here, too, we are dealing with Indian. I have no idea how such humor translates into Hindi society. In my opinion, for the most part the BKWSU is not a sexually hypocritical society ... but it is, say, an ethically and philosophically hypocritical society and so, to my mind, that is where the parody or satire really lies.

If you want to talk about sex, I would rather it is referenced in an honest and upfront manner relating your post-gyani experiences with what you were told in the BKWSU would happen, e.g. jumping off the 5th floor, ocean of poison etc. Don't be embarrassed about it.
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Re: I will be low key now

Post29 Sep 2008


Not to get too defensive about the whole post ... but Indians do get the humorous ... Yes, the BK Indian folk are too much into Shrimat and hence cannot afford to enjoy a joke ...

I actually found Mr.Green Rakhi comment funny but then try and associate with the belief of the BKs towards the Rakhi ceremony and then if you do that then it just brings a distaste to the comment ...

The same with your comment on Mama and Baba. I agree its difficult for us folks to actually comment on Baba and Mama since we were not there ... but then, come on, the belief is that they were a pair meant for the Golden Age and not now ...

So humor is accepted but then not at the cost of someone's firm belief ...

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Re: I will be low key now

Post29 Sep 2008

I would not bring up any firm right now, it will only set one of the malcontents off again ...

As for the 'Lucky Prince' and his princess (Lekhraj and Radhe), I think the psychologists would kneejerk to something like "folie a deux" and "acting out"*. I am not a professional in that field, and my time is limited today, so any suggestion I am making here is vague. Only time will tell what was really going on.

* 'Acting out' means literally means acting out the desires that are forbidden by the Super ego and yet desired by the Id. We thus cope with the pressure to do what we believe is wrong by giving in to the desire.
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Mr Green


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Re: I will be low key now

Post30 Sep 2008

hi all, thanks for kind words.

I just think the strength of this place stands in the acceptance we show of each other, also I am not in the business of provocation ... but I think to challenge is a healthy thing ... otherwise we fall asleep into our own cosy bubble.
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Re: I will be low key now

Post30 Sep 2008

mr green wrote:I just think the strength of this place stands in the acceptance we show of each other

You are very much correct. And thanks for the change of mind, but don't change your colour from green to red again :D
yogi108 wrote:thanks for the effort to cool me down.

You are not alone in this aspect; almost all the old members (including me) of this forum needed this 'cooler' (in the form of some member or the other) at some point or the other in the history of this forum. So, wah drama wah!


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Re: [Notice] Good byes from members leaving the Forum

Post30 Nov 2008

Good luck everyone. Ciao.
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Re: [Notice] Good byes from members leaving the Forum

Post30 Nov 2008

Wish you all the best, Bansy.


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Re: [Notice] Good byes from members leaving the Forum

Post30 Nov 2008

Me to, but no need to leave though.
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Re: [Notice] Good byes from members leaving the Forum

Post01 Dec 2008

We are all mourning Bansy, don't go too far. Come back soon. You always brought lightness and light to this forum. The train has not reached the end station yet.

Waiting for your posts.
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Mr Green


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Re: [Notice] Good byes from members leaving the Forum

Post01 Dec 2008

Hey Bansy, why are you going?

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