Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post26 Sep 2008

ex-l wrote:Would that be "literature department" ... or book selling souvenir shop?

The photograph also shows three BK Brothers standing at equal distance from each other atop the terrace of the building housing the literature department with video cameras seriously engaged in videographing the entire proceedings. I don't know how many more there were in the other three directions :D. Click to enlarge.

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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post26 Sep 2008

'Struth ... its not over yet. That picture and frame must be 4 meters high. So what is the literature department behind? Perhaps where they produce propaganda?

Its ridiculous. They have way to much money to spend on frivolities. Is this one not grander than Lekhraj Kirpalani's? And what is so special that 1,000s of her followers have to come all the way across India the world ... the soul has left the body? It did not even make it to the end of the Confluence Age. There is no guarantee she was "karmateet". Its all contrary to Shrimat as far as the Murli goes.

Can anyone explain this to me?
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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post26 Sep 2008

Hideous Bhakti.


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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post27 Sep 2008

It makes me wonder if I belong to the same religion ...

What happened to what inspired me to join in the first place?

Is it me changing or them?
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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post27 Sep 2008

ex-l wrote:That picture and frame must be 4 meters high.

I think you have forgotten to see that Hindu style lamp which is equal to Dadi's frame in height. I think that must be a record of sorts in the BK Yagya. Generally, BKs use big sized lamps for the inauguration of their conferences in India. But this one has broken all records. :D

No Dadi could have reached the top of that lamp to light it. It is not clear from the picture if they have fitted bulbs on that lamp to give the appearance of a flame. May be they tried to prove their height of Bhakti with such huge symbols of Bhakti.
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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post29 Sep 2008

arjun wrote:I think you have forgotten to see that Hindu style lamp which is equal to Dadi's frame in height. I think that must be a record of sorts in the BK Yagya.

I think you are right ... what is that all about!?!

When I went to the Baba Bhavan of London in the 1980s, they used to have a brass one there which was a modest 3 or 4 feet. I had no idea what it was and thought that someone must have donated to them a fancy cigarette ashtray.

To quote mr green above, they are hideously ugly and unnecessary things with no meaning whatsoever. But they must have some emotional significance to the senior Sisters ... perhaps Lekhraj Kirpalani had one in his house, or one was lit during their early trance mediumship sessions.

When you consider that just a few hundred meters from where all this is useless expense is going on, human beings are still living as if they were in the stone age it makes you realise how sick it all is.

Hindi-lamps.jpg (29.77 KiB) Viewed 16943 times

These are what we are talking about.
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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post29 Sep 2008

ex-l wrote:To quote mr green above, they are hideously ugly and unnecessary things with no meaning whatsoever. But they must have some emotional significance to the senior Sisters

Actually, these lamps are used by Hindus as part of the worship of Hindu deities. They are found more in the houses of affluent or moderately rich Hindus. Middle class or lower class Hindus manage with tiny sized brass lamps or mud lamps. Before the advent of electricity, these lamps were used to light the main sanctum sanctum of Hindu temples which generally did not have proper ventilation.

From BK point of view, ShivBaba and Avyakt BapDada has been telling since many decades that these lamps represent the awakened souls, there is no need to light any physical lamps, but who cares for Him?

My only fear is that whatever has happened on the first anniversary of Dadi Prakashmani's demise at Shantivan may be replicated by other BK centers in different forms to prove their devotion to Dadi. Even in the outside world, it is seen that when public worship of deities like Ganesh and Durga takes place in large parts of India, there is a competition among the organizers of Pooja Pandals to make their Pandal and Idols more attractive, bigger and costlier. In the same way, BK centers may enter the race to outdo each other in case of Dadi worship.
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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post04 Oct 2008

What is the actual official line? Is she subtle, rebirth, Advance Party ... does someone know?


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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post04 Oct 2008

mr green wrote:What is the actual official line? Is she subtle, rebirth, Advance Party ... does someone know?

In the Murlis, it was said that she took rebirth as a boy.

It was also said that she comes and goes to the Subtle Regions and does all kinds of subtle service. Now, I am not sure how much of that was said in the Murlis and how much came through trance messages. We also keep hearing about Dadi Prakashmani having become Avyakt from the Sisters who read the Murli here as well as many BKs sharing the Yoga experiences they are having with Dadi.

However, I do not remember Sister Mohini, our main instrument in the USA, ever saying anything of that sort. As for Dadi Janki's classes. I do not know since I do not read them.
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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post07 Oct 2008

I love my bhagata's each one more than the next. Not everyone wants Jeevan Mukti, give em what they want I say ... seems to work for Sat Chit Anand and the one in the middle, Mama, Dadi Ji and anyone else that likes to spread light and might from Da House. Noblesse Obliege ... anyone speak French? Takes me all my time to spell English! And I am, at least once !

Have fun I say ... unless you want to be a long time dead ! :D
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Dadi Manohar: Potential similarity in way she may die

Post18 Oct 2008

May God Bless her soul ...
uk BKWSU wrote:-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Manohar Dadi's health
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2008
From: jasu.ladva@uk.BKWSU.org

17th October 2008

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our sweetest lovely Dadi Manohar Indra's health has suddenly become critical from 16th October 2008. Because of having a heart problem, she has gone into a comma. She is currently under the doctor's care in Global Hospital in Mt. Abu. We all should continue to give Dadi sakaash through Yoga as proof of our love. It would be good to have collective Yoga for the soul at all centres.

Dadi Janki
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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post18 Oct 2008

It would be good to have collective Yoga for the soul at all centres.

Is that Shrimat?

I still don't get this "giving Yoga" for the old dears business ... but is not it wonderful they have managed to get a hospital for free to look after them! I was told by Ray Batt, said to be a bit of a Janki Bhagat and involved in setting up the Janki Foundation, this was what the Global Hospital was really all about.

I wonder how they will afford to hospitalise ALL their old BKs ... even the Westerners ... once the 100s of 1,000s all start to reach retirement around the same age. Or is the hospital only for the chosen few at the top of the pyramid/food chain?

The other issue they have too look out for is compassion fatigue. I mean, there are only so many dying BKs one can care for and only so many you can milk for a media campaign. It is not as if there are not far worst cases of suffering going on in this world, and far more worthy cases for compassion.
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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post18 Oct 2008

ex-l wrote:The other issue they have too look out for is compassion fatigue. I mean, there are only so many dying BKs one can care for and only so many you can milk for a media campaign. It is not as if there are not far worst cases of suffering going on in this world, and far more worthy cases for compassion.

Although it is not wrong to give good wishes for anybody's speedy recovery, but since BKWSU claims to be following Godly knowledge, it should be aware that there is a seed of the human tree and a Father of even that seed. So, instead of sprinkling selected leaves of the human tree with the water of love, why not sprinkle the seed of The Tree with the water of knowledge so that the water reaches each and every part of The Tree irrespective of its status/importance?


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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post18 Oct 2008

ex-l wrote:I still don't get this "giving Yoga"

I don't either.

I thought Yoga was the remembrance of the One God and no one else and that its main purpose was self purification.

Love, good wishes and pure feelings we may have anyway but what is the purpose of "praying" for them? Are not those Dadis claimed to be the top most souls of the Universe, equal to God and serving the world through their every thought, word, action and breath? What is the point then of giving them sakash? Are they not supposed to be constantly in a blissful combined stage?

As for Shrimat, whilst Dadi Prakashmani was going through her thing last year, mostly unconscious, and everyone around worrying, the Shrimat that was given was to keep an atmosphere of powerful Yoga instead of worrying, and having waste thoughts and conversations about it. I understood that it was for our own good first. Of course, respect for the dying commands that we should maintain an atmosphere of dignity and serenity around them.
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Re: Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

Post18 Oct 2008

I would hate the idea of being told what to feel, think and practise, by some trumped up power tripping 'Sister'.

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