BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post09 Sep 2008

Actually, I should laugh at your above comment.

Yes, you should.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post09 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:You accuse BKs, BKWSU, Lekhraj Kriplani, and seems that you do not believe even in God. You know that BKs believe Murlis as God's version and you consider them as Lekhraj's words. So, do you think you have any right to say, GIVE Murlis to these Brothers and Sisters?

You are correct to say that I do not think at present that either Lekhraj Kirpalani or BapDada is or was ever God.

However, I do accept that there is more going on that just Lekhraj Kirpalani and that Lekhraj Kirpalani was channelling either a higher state of consciousness or other spiritual entities. Its just a shame that we do not have the real, unedited, original Murlis to study, and a true history, in order to understand things better.

I also perfectly accept that for many individuals, Lekhraj Kirpalani and or BapDada is their spiritual guide and that they have received benefit from them. I utterly support them having access to their god's scriptures, just as I would a Muslim to the Koran or a Christian to the Bible.

Imagine if a soldier became a Christian and the Vatican refused to allow him to have a Bible to study as he went to war. What would people think of the Vatican? Well, that is what I think of the BKWSU.

It may be difficult for you to understand coming from a caste bound society but these are basic ethical, egalitarian (equality) and democratic principles within the West; Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Information, right to fair representation etc.

One may not agree with what another says, but one defends their right to say it. One may not agree with what another believes, but one supports their right to do so and encourages them to develop themselves as a better person. And, generally, one supports the underdog, not the overlord. It is an ever changing position.

You might have also noticed that I am utterly critical of those that are cutting off little bits of fat and selling The Knowledge™. My disrespect for those manipulating the power monopoly within the BKWSU is almost equal. That those who are allowed to sell The Knowledge™ are allowed to do so by those that are also manipulating the power monopoly within the BKWSU, doubles by contempt. The only way to counter this corruption is to give all the right to all Knowledge equally and let them have a direct relationship with their god.

It strikes me that you are of the ilk (kind) that likes to align itself with the power monopoly, and sees your own best self-interests served by doing so. "Don't rock the boat ... brown nose (kiss ass) ... grease palms ... be like sugar-in-the-milk". Well, that has been the way of courtesans through out all history. Indeed, it is pretty much the way of the BKWSU leadership as they work their way up the Kali Yugi caste system by deceit.

So here I am ... not even a faith-filled one ... thinking of the BK soldier, the BK little old lady, the BK sick, or the BK away from home. And there you are ... an oh-so-faith-fulled one ... playing 'Murli lawyer' trying to ignore their voices.

I can see why you try not to believe in Dharamraj because when you, and all the other BKs like you, go to meet him; you are all going to have to answer for what you DID NOT DO. I look forward to listen to your excuses. For your information, here are a few Dharamraj Murli quotes. Funnily enough, although I do not believe your god is the God; I do believe in Dharamraj ... and if he turns out to be Lekhraj Kirpalani, then at least I will be able to look him straight in the eye.

And I thought the BK was all about "values" these days ... pah.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post10 Sep 2008

arjun wrote:We have just said whatever is mentioned in the Murlis. If you feel we are accusing, then it is your vision.

It is good to hear that you really do not accuse. Thanks for comments of all.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post10 Sep 2008

The BK leadership and these BK supporters don't believe Murlis to be spoken by God. Otherwise they would not discuss ages long and offer whatever Murlis they have to the BKs who need them.

See this point from Sakar Murli 2002-11-26:
"You have to make effort to claim your full inheritance from the Father. If you don’t
claim it now you will miss it every cycle. You will then not be able to claim such a high status. This is a deal
for birth after birth. Therefore, you should follow Shrimat that much. This study is for cycle after cycle. You
have to pay a lot of attention to this. You can take the aim (course) for seven days and then study the Murli
at home. Even if you are going to America etc., you can still claim your inheritance from the Father. Simply
imbibe this knowledge in a week and then go.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post10 Sep 2008

Dear Tom soul,

I am not at all saying that Murli is not needed. In fact, I am living on Murli. But I say, PBKs and ex-Bks have no right to accuse BKWSU for that. Anyhow, it is good that you have Murli points with you.

I also believe that even if good BKs are refused Murlis, it would be their test for some period. If they love Baba, in a short period, they will be able to get them.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post10 Sep 2008

Like always the most meaningless comment from one "soul", who never learns to address us members with our names.

All Murli points I refer are from the BK Murlis folder-Library. It means that these supporters never take a look at them.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post11 Sep 2008

tom wrote:The BK leadership and these BK supporters don't believe Murlis to be spoken by God. Otherwise they would not discuss ages long and offer whatever Murlis they have to the BKs who need them

Deas Soul,

It is not me who has posted this thread. It happened accidentally in drama. This is for your kind information. But I also agree that I am also nimit for that. Since my name was put in the topic, I had to react in that way. Jaisaa desh, vaisaa vesh(As the place, so is the costume). It is left to you to see the costume or the person inside.
tom wrote:Like always the most meaningless comment from one "soul", who never learns to address us members with our names. All Murli points I refer are from the BK Murlis folder-Library. It means that these supporters never take a look at them.

Dear Mr. Tom,

You can say how should I address you in future. I will try to address you in that way. Regarding Murli points, I had down loaded around 10 Murlis from this forum. When I found some errors including grammatical mistakes, I slowed down. Not only that, I like reading hard copies of Murlis and at present I cannot afford (and do not wish) to spend money to take print outs.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post11 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:When I found some errors including gramatical mistakes, I slowed down. Not only that, I like reading hard copies of Murlis and at present I cannot afford (and do not wish) to spend money to take print outs.

See how much this "BK supporter" soul can lie ill intentionally to slander this form. Anybody who takes a look into the Library can see, that the English Murlis donated by incognito members of this forum- who defend the right of all members to read them- are scanned pdfs of hard copies or pdf files sent via mail.

If somebody has real interest can click and read or download them, which costs nothing.

Enough with the lies and tricks of BKs and their supporters.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post11 Sep 2008

OK, dear soul, your comments are respected. It is not that I am not satisfied with those Murli points (I believe even Murlis with few cuts are enough for self effort). I had thought of quoting some Murli points from the Murlis existing in this forum for clarification of some topics being discussed in this forum. But when I saw the error, I stopped. For swapurusharthah, these points are more than necessary, dear I agree.

And I did not know how to link from the post (which I write) to that page directly. Even now, I am still a learner how to use the forum.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post11 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:But when I saw the error, I stopped.
And I did not know how to link from the post(which I write) to that page directly. Even now, I am still a learner how to use the forum.

I find it disgusting that this BK supporter still continues to lie that "he saw an error" to cover his disinterest in the Murlis.

Otherwise instead of giving everyday pages long BK pundit lessons since months he would ask the Admin fairly how to make one click on the Library and study the Murlis.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post11 Sep 2008

If I see it in future, I may bring it to your notice. But I do not want to make small things big. I am going to put fullstop.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post12 Sep 2008

I had a look at the download section, (the Library) and download a Murli, e.g. SM_1996-01-21.pdf. Its an original BKWSU PDF. Absolutely most, if not all are. But it is true to say I have seen minor spelling or grammatical errors in them. Very seldom though. Blame the BKWSU Murli team.

I looked at the searchable Murlis in the Encyclopedia. These are copied and pasted from the BKWSU released batches and include very uptodate ones. Now and again, I see very small errors such as "Shiv a" or "My sore" but you would have to be a copywriter with a magnifying glass to do so. If that is what you mean, it is impossible to say if they were copied from the originals like that or it is just a software thing.

Either way, it is no big issues. You can use them as an excuse, you can correct them, or you can add 100% perfect ones in ... the decision is yours.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post12 Sep 2008

It is sad to see that this BK supporter soul, in so many months in the forum and after sending hundreds of posts NEVER looked in the previous posts, BKWSU History thread and never had any interest to see the original historical documents in the Library which opened our eyes and transformed us into recovering normal human beings. What a loss for him.

This soul is using this forum, like other BK supporters, instead of a useful source of knowledge only as a gratis media to make a show to the BKWSU with his preaching and to gain some credit amongst them.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post13 Sep 2008

Dear Tom,
Good morning.

    1) I get Hindi Murlis easily. Hence I do not want to spend money to take print outs.
    2) I need Murli points to quote for others. In such cases, it is better to have Hindi words and then English Translation so as to eliminate confusion to the maximum possible extent. But in some cases, direct English words also may be better when I fail to translate properly.
    3) Another thing is, as I go on quoting Murli points, I wish to create my own database, which I like to begin from Hindi.
That is all dear souls.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post20 Sep 2008

tom wrote:I find it disgusting that this BK supporter still continues to lie that "he saw an error" to cover his disinterest in the Murlis.

ex-l wrote:1) Blame the BKWSU Murli team.
2 ) I see very small errors such as "Shiv a" or "My sore" ...

The truth seekers and demanders need unedited, uncut Murlis. But not at all interested in correcting the existing errors. One example is below. The meaning of nirahankari (egoless) is translated as nirkar (incorporeal). There is both spelling mistake and in the meaning. I have seen three such mistakes (just in half an hour of reading). In one, the meaning was negative (due to missing word not).

ShivBaba ko bhi haath jodne pade haat nahi jodenge tho insult samjenge. Ye Baba tho hai hi nirahankari. Inko haat jodne ki darkar nahi hai” -- ShivBaba also need to fold his hands otherwise he will feel insult. This Baba is nirkar and there is no need to fold the hands for him. This is from Sakar Murli 1966/05/66 Translation (29th paragraph)- encyclopedia.php

Anyhow, I have no complaints. It is up to the members of the forum. Good wishes to all truth seekers/demanders.

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