Power of thought?

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Re: Power of thought?

Post10 Sep 2008

Again, this is in relation to the Thought Power as conceptualized by BKs. Since BKs subscribe to the idea that some souls have more powerful thought than the other, on what basis do they believe that such comparison can actually be measured? Are they really measuring thought power by observing how it manifests or are they just asserting because this is what they believe in?

Which thoughts are more powerful following the BK concept of thought power? And please explain why so ...

    1. A bright student's thought versus a dull one's in science class.
    2. A greedy human's being versus selfless one's.
    3. A lustful human being's (having sex many times a week and can easily get one if he/she desires) versus a celibate one's.
    4. Meditator's versus an extremely stressful person's.
    5. Dadi Janki's thought versus Uri Geller's
    6. Adolf Hitler's versus Mahatma Gandhi's
Assume thought is energy and has power. How much energy does it contain relative to the energy of a single photon with specific frequency as calculated using Planck's equation (E = h * v, where h = Planck's constant and v = frequency of photon, graviton, or any massless particle)?

Assume soul is separate from the body and soul interacts with the brain through some psychic phenomenon not yet fully understood. The soul "thinks" (thoughts come out) and creates some patterns of vibrations in surrounding space (i.e. there is frequency), and the brain catches those vibrations.

Is there a way to know that Janki's thought frequency is higher than that of Uri Geller's, and therefore Janki's thought energy is greater than that of Geller's. We can safely say that Dadi's physical brain activity is lower than that of Geller's following the infamous "Most Stable Mind in the World" experiment (proven to be innacurate but just take it for the purposes of discussion).

The BK concept of thought power/energy is designed to delude the masses. It is nothing but a subtle form of materialistic idea to affirm the concept of "THE GREATER THE BETTER", "THE MORE THE BETTER", "THE HIGHER THE BETTER". We don't need MORE patience, we just need to BE patient.

The concept of thoughts on the basis of power lead us to believe to gain more and more of this value, and more and more of that value. In reality, the soul is very subtle (i.e. its kinetic energy is very, very neglible, if it exists at all). Thoughts are not just vibrations. They are vibrations with EMBEDDED CODES. When tera-tera-tera-bytes of codes are transferred in a second by the mind through some form of vibrations, those vibrations create an impact in the brain. They create an image or sensation when the codes are decoded by the brain. They cause the brain to act, to feel, to love, to get mad, etc.

Let's take some simple codes known to have some image in the mind if decoded. We can send these codes and transferred through several electromagnetic frequencies.

    A. Binary code 1010011010 through an FM Radio frequency medium (with higher energy photon)
    B. Binary code 1101100 through an AM Radio frequency medium (with lower energy photon)
I received both binary codes through my mp3 radio receiver and using my scientific calculator, I decode those numbers. The results is in decimal numbers:

    A. 666
    B. 108
Then my mind has images of the devil and images of the divine beings. However, the medium for code A has higher energy than that of B. Medium for code A is more powerful than medium for code B. But is code A more powerful than code B? The answer is we don't know.

Your memory of your first kiss, your feelings of mercy towards someone, the image of the naked body of your spouse, etc., these can be contained in tera-tera-terabytes of codes. We know that data has no mass at all and has no energy. We have limits with current technology of how much data we can put in a square millimeter of disk, but we can assert that we can put more and more data in the same space. Therefore, information per unit space is so vast, and we cannot measure its energy in our current understanding.

It's time to rebuild this concept of thought. We MUST start using QUALITY of thoughts as opposed to POWER of thought. Our supply of thoughts never runs out and therefore there is no reason to think in terms of power or energy.
Dadi Prakashmani Jewel of Light wrote:"...only a powerful soul can afford to be humble. If you are weak, then you become selfish ..."

I would paraphrase Dadi's word using an old religious or philosophical background.

"... only a good soul can afford to be humble. If you are bad, then you become selfish ..."

Which one is more accurate to ordinary people? Which one appeals more because of language and use of sophisticated terminologies?

Good and bad are qualities. Good thoughts and bad thoughts are of the same power. It is its uniqueness and counts (repetition on one's mind) that create an impact on the soul.

Maharishi's siddhi program, costing about $6000 (check me on this), is designed for one to think you will someday levitate/fly. Is such power of thought able to produce one human protocol able to do such levitation? Or is just the use of clever language that attracted millions of followers, therefore the thought is so powerful?

Again, we cannot compare souls on the basis power or thought power. We cannot compare thought power in terms of greater or less, or in what amount or currencies, in Joules or in BTUs?. We can only watch the different ideas as they "travel" in form of thought, and how those ideas become the roles we play in this world. Thoughts are ideas in motion. Ideas are preserved and passed on, not on the basis of being powerful, but on the basis of their uniqueness. Uniqueness in idea is a function that allows the idea to get multiplied many times by way of replication on the hosts' minds through thought.

There are ideas being sent in forms of thoughts (directly by souls or indirectly through for example your email), that get multiplied SEVERAL MILLION TIMES through the hosts' minds everyday. Are these ideas powerful or are they just simply unique?
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Mr Green


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Re: Power of thought?

Post10 Sep 2008

I went to the Dadi and Uri Geller thing, there is no doubt his was a better show.
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Re: Power of thought?

Post13 Sep 2008

mr green wrote:I went to the Dadi and Uri Geller thing, there is no doubt his was a better show.

Did you get a sense of whose thoughts were more powerful?

Was it immediately obvious that Dadi Janki was a lighthouse and mighthouse and the other guy a Kaliyugi sideshow?

I think D.J. may have more followers, but U.G. no doubt has a higher number of viewers.



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Re: Power of thought?

Post14 Sep 2008

tinydot wrote:Good and bad are qualities. Good thoughts and bad thoughts are of the same power. It is its uniqueness and counts (repetition on one's mind) that create an impact on the soul.

Power of Positive thoughts are much higher than power of negative thoughts:- To do a good deed, there is no need of action. Just thoughts are enough. But to do something bad, just bad thoughts are not enough. The bad thoughts have to be put into action. Eg: Just by remembrance of God, one becomes happy. When one listens to Murli or religuious things, he becomes happy. But just by thinking bad, one does not become unhappy to the same extent.
Just a thought can give happiness to others, eg: smiling faces of a yogi, child (or even film actors, but does not look good here, of course). But to give sorrow to others, one has to do bring the thoughts into ACTION, hence there is limit. One can sit in Yoga for hours together. But one cannot continue to commit sins without break due to;

    1) The law prevents.
    2) The criminal will always have some fear and have to be attentive whether somebody is watching him or counter attacks him.
    3) As he continues to commit sins, his organs become weak and the there is break*.
    4) There is guilty consciousness and hence there is declaration.
    5) There is dependency (like weapons, etc) in doing many crimes, but no such dependency in doing positive things.
In doing elevated thoughts, such obstacles are not present. Hence there is no limit. This is the reason why positive thoughts of few souls for a small duration can convert hell to heaven, but negative thoughts of the whole population is needed to convert the heaven back to hell and it takes a lot of time (nearly 5000 years) for the degradation.

If we take the history also, few religious souls have influenced many people, whereas those religious souls were uninfluenced by the negative thoughts of a large population. There is highest determination in positive thoughts, where as in negative thougts, such faith is not possible. Even if it is present, it would be temporary and will end in repentance. But in positive thoughts, there is no such thing.

*for how much duration one can shout with anger? Within few minutes, his energy gets exhausted and he cannot continue to commit sin longer.
People like Hitler also need a large no. of manpower to influence others. This implies that they are really weak. Hence they need support of many people!
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Mr Green


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Re: Power of thought?

Post14 Sep 2008

I disagree about Hitler, in my view he was very powerful.

He had command over others and inspired his vision into others ... he wasn't weak.



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Re: Power of thought?

Post14 Sep 2008

You are correct. But I would also like to say that he was pride of his military force. As I know, at the end, he committed suicide. And also directed to his close officials to destroy his body (with the intention that they should not get even his dead body.) Do you think strong people will commit suicide?

What I mean to say is such power (of body-consciousness) is temporary both internally and externally.
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Re: Power of thought?

Post14 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:Do you think strong people will commit suicide?

In some cultures and at some times, yes, of course. Many women, for example, have chosen suicide over being raped by an enemy. That must take tremendous strength to do.



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Re: Power of thought?

Post14 Sep 2008

That seems to be OK for women. So what do you prefer for a soldier having weapon fighting alone with the enemy - kill the enemy as much as possible, or kill himself?

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Re: Power of thought?

Post14 Sep 2008

Sucide rate is not correlated to the power of thoughts. I prefer the term 'Sankalp Shakti' to 'power of thoughts'.
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Re: Power of thought?

Post14 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:That seems to be OK for women ...

I was thinking more of the religiously persecuted, like the Cathars, who chose their own death rather than murder at the hands of the Vatican's armies. Most faiths have had similar martyrs. There are also other traditions of suicide as a noble retribution for shameful acts or disgrace, e.g. within Samurai culture and many others. It takes strength and is not easy. In India, Suttee is another obvious one.

Hitler ... a little off topic perhaps ... was not a soldier but a politician. In his own words, "I myself and my wife - in order to escape the disgrace of deposition or capitulation - choose death. It is our wish to be cremated immediately on the spot where I have carried out the greatest part of my daily work in the course of a twelve years' service to my people." Rather than accept a then obvious defeat, he shot himself.

There was a pretty simple logic for anyone not to wish to be caught by the Soviet Army whose reputation was one of being exceptionally vicious. His life or death was obviously much more political than most.
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Re: Power of thought?

Post14 Sep 2008

mbhat wrote:People like Hitler also need a large no. of manpower to influence others. This implies that they are really weak. Hence they need support of many people!

So BapDada and Dadis are weak too because they need a lot of followers to propagate their ideology? Again, you must distinguish between really the power of thought (power of ideas in motion) and nature of thought (i.e. its uniqueness, quality, etc).



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Re: Power of thought?

Post17 Sep 2008

tinydot wrote:So BapDada and Dadis are weak too because they need a lot of followers to propagate their ideology? Again, you must distinguish between really the power of thought (power of ideas in motion) and nature of thought (i.e. its uniqueness, quality, etc).

You are correct if BapDada or Dadis have any personal interest when dealing with BKs. Even if many BKs leave BKWSU, a BK should not get upset. BapDada love even a thirdclass BK. He teaches without any negative feeling. That is the power of love. Even if a good BK loses faith in BKWSU, BapDada do not get upset. That is the power of detachment! Regarding quality and nature of the thought, there is common thing and difference. The common thing is to what extent one is free freedom from vices or bodyconsciousness. For example, a child's intellect is free from vices. Even the deities intellect is also so. But the happiness of deities will be much more than a child. A BK has knowledge about good and bad. He is capable of being detached from bad even while knowling what is bad. Hence that is the power. Hence it is like having power of thoughts in motion (eg:- swadarshan_chakradhaari. Even seed stage is like a fire of Yoga). Hence Baba says deities are buddu (foolish). The intoxication is the highest in Confluence Age. HENCE KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

    1) When there is right knowledge and right desire, the thoughts are both powerful and pure (Confluence Age, strong BKs).
    2) when there is just purity without knowledge, the thoughts are just pure (heaven).
    3) When there is wrong desire, the thoughts would be negative (hell).
    4) When there is no knowledge, but good desire, the thoughts would be better than 3), but not as good as 1) and 2). Eg: Sanyaasis.
When there is right knowledge and both right and wrong desires, the person will be fighting with himself (weak BKs).
ex-l wrote:That seems to be OK for women ... - (actually quote of mbbhat)

Dear ex-l soul,

Since you felt (or argued that) it as OK, I also wrote OK. Otherwise, not! It definitely indicates some weakness. But in India, a woman is forced to death when her husband dies (sat-sahagaman). You said, Hitler was a politician and not a soldier. Then do you say, one who should send his troops to die in battle field and he himself should not face the situation. Previously, Kings were also fighting in the battlefield.
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Re: Power of thought?

Post17 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:Even if a good BK loses faith in BKWSU, BapDada do not get upset.

That is not exactly true. There are numerous stories of Lekhraj Kirpalani crying when a BK left, so he was obviously moved.

Ditto, children perform terrible crimes on each other and animals and emotionally manipulate adults. So, you build your argument on false assumptions.

And is it not risky to anthropomorphize (to ascribe human characteristics to things not human) a disincarnate god spirit to try and prove a point? Never mind exist ... you still have failed to offer any explanation on why there was no mention of Shiva in the first 20 years nor how he was incorporated into the theology and ignored all question of it ... do we know if the Shiva soul/s "feel" at all?



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Re: Power of thought?

Post17 Sep 2008

I meant Avyakt BapDada. Before that Kriplani was a purusharthi. So, he could had been influenced.
But ... It can be even pretending also to maintain the atmosphere.
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Re: Power of thought?

Post17 Sep 2008

We have also proven here from original documents that much of the Yugya's story is falsified, which you avoid discussing. So how can it be powerful?
mbbhat wrote: It can be even pretending also to maintain the atmosphere.

Do you mean, emotional blackmail or putting on pretenses?

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