BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

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Mr Green


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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post06 Sep 2008

It is possible for someone with a computer to print them and take them there.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post06 Sep 2008

But, What about those who are illiterates?
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Mr Green


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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post06 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:But, What about those who are illiterates?

They could read it to them if they were kind enough.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post06 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:Do you think by your this unlimted sense, people of villages who do not have access to internet will get Godly message and Murlis?

Giving advanced knowledge or information about PBKs to the world through internet is one of the ways of Godly service and not the only one. Very minute percentage of PBKs have access to internet and so the number of PBKs doing service through internet is negligible. Mostly the advanced knowledge is spread through the word of the mouth i.e. through individual contacts. That is how advanced knowledge has spread to many villages.

But what mr.green has written is also true. In order to save costs, all the typed matter (Clarification Murlis/discussions/other PBK literature) is sent to all mini-Madhubans, gitapathshalas and PBKs (having internet facility) in the form of daily mails. Those who have access to internet take printouts and provide them to others who do not have access to internet. Some PBKs access these daily mails on their mobiles too. Apart from this all audio and video files of clarification Murlis are uploaded on the website of PBKs for anyone to access.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post06 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:But, What about those who are illiterates?

If the BKs allowed them to be put on normal websites, as they are here, they could use the same software as blind people use to have them read out by the computer. Likewise, old people whose eyes are not good.

There are small free downloads for those whose Operating System or Applications do not do so automatically. Another incident where the small minded and mean heartedness of the Brahma Kumari leadership shines though.

In all their anal concern for security ... long after the horse has bolted the stable ... they deny those that would wish and appreciate them access. Spoken book-type audio files could likewise be made for download ... aren't they already!?!
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post06 Sep 2008

ex-l wrote:If the BKs allowed them to be put on normal websites, as they are here, they could use the same software as blind people use to have them read out by the computer. Likewise, old people whose eyes are not good.

Are you speaking about 2036 or 2136 AD? :D



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post07 Sep 2008

Excellent Ideas from all. Congratulations. But let us hear from Baba.

achchaa koyi vilaayat may jaaye, sirf yeh gyaan smruti may rakho to bhee bedaa paar ho jaaye. Phir Murli miltee rahegee. NA MILE TO BHEE HARJAA NAHEEN. LAKSHY TO MIL GAYAA NA. Baba NE SAMJHAAYAA HAI CHAKKKAR KAISE PHIRTAA HAI. PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE KO Yaad KARTE RAHO TO BHE BEDAA PAAR HO. AUR PAVITR RAHNAA HAI, PHIR Baba BHEE MADAD DENGE. Baba KO SABOOT DIKHAANAA HAI.(Sakar Murli 12-3-78, pg no. 03)

achcha, if some one goes to foreign place, just by the remembrance the boat (of life) will be saved. Then Murli can be received. EVEN IF NOT RECEIVED, IT IS NOT A PROBLEM! AIM IS RECEIVED, IS IT NOT? Baba has taught how the wheel rotates. If you remember the past, present and future also, the boat will be saved. AND ONE SHOULD REMAIN PURE. THEN Baba WILL HELP. ONE SHOULD GIVE PROOF TO Baba. [Sakar Murli 12-3-78, pg no. 03]
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post07 Sep 2008

Dear mbbhat Bhai,

Omshanti. It is surprising to read that you are taking the support of ShivBaba's versions to shield the discriminatory policies of BKWSU in denying access to Murlis.

The above Murli was spoken at a time when the communication between Baba and the children living in different corners of the world was possible only through letters. There were very few telephone, which I suppose only millionaires could afford pre-1969. Delivery of letters used to take many days or weeks. Sometimes postal parcels would be lost in transit. In such conditions Baba might have told that even in case Murlis are not received one should not worry and remember Baba and churn The Knowledge based on the Murlis they had heard/read.

But you are applying that Murli in the present time when foolproof technologies are available for the transmission of Murlis to anyone who wants to read/hear/see. Despite all the facilities for swift communication, if the administrators of BKWSU deliberately keep the Murlis in captivity, how can you expect the thirsty souls to forget Murlis and blame their karma for not receiving Murlis?



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post07 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:But, What about those who are illiterates?

I am surprised for such a thought to come out, when there are those who are even literate not getting the Murlis.

mbbhat, do you even have the faintest clue why Murlis should be given to all ?

Because the Murlis have been revised and edited. Which means someone is controlling the Murlis. Which means someone is controlling you. This has happened and been happening post 1969. So it is the work of a human being. An impure human being. We are all impure.

So we need to have exposure to all the original Murlis, so that each soul in the world will recognise the words of God as they were spoken. Not as they have been edited. Of course if you are happy with edited versions, it means you are happy with being under control by human beings. And thus you will be under the control of such even in the Golden Age. Yes, you are that lucky if you keep it that way. So open up that eye of yours and use that intellect you have in a clear way, you have the ability that has been clouded. And forgive yourself and those who have prevented you from seeing this reasoning. It's not your fault.

That is my advice to you, soul to soul.

(* a human being, as said in Murlis, is a devil)



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post08 Sep 2008

arjun wrote:Omshanti. It is surprising to read ...

Dear Arjun soul,

Why do you get surprise when I had quoted Murli point? Don't have limited feelings. This is the problem with PBKs. They select the Murli point which they need. Is there any Murli point that Murli SHOULD BE given to BKs who demand?
bansy wrote:I am surprised for such a thought to come out, when there are those who are even literate not getting the Murlis.

Dear bansy soul,

This was reply to Arjun's comment that he (or PBKs) is doing service in UNLIMTED SENSE through this forum. I know that editing and cutting Murlis are not correct. But do you understand at least a little that there is also role of PBKs (misinterpreting of Murlis) in that?

Dear Bansy soul, Do you feel bad if when your Brother or Sister commands you? In love, one becomes ready to do serve. I am ready to be servant of all even in Golden Age. Whe God Father himself says NAMASTE to the most degraded souls (children), why should I feel bad about children of the same God?

*I just desire to get rid of punishment. In fact, that should not be aim of real Gyani. Because he will not have any fear. But I have to some extent. A Gyani's aim should be sacrifice everything for Baba which still I have not done. I am writing here just to make understand the things better and not accusing anybody. I am an actor, so you and all. If my attitude changes, then I will develop karmic account.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post08 Sep 2008

You are twisting the argument, mbbhat. There are many Murli points that say BKs can have the Murlis sent to them if they ask. Why does the BKWSU ignore that Shrimat?

We are not asking "SHOULD", i.e. MUST ...
mbbhat wrote:achcha, if some one goes to foreign place, just by the remembrance the boat (of life) will be saved. Then Murli can be received. EVEN IF NOT RECEIVED, IT IS NOT A PROBLEM! AIM IS RECEIVED, IS IT NOT?

For something to be "not received" it has to have been sent in the first place. I think anyone with half a brain can see that what Lekhraj Kirpalani is saying here is;

    a) firstly, that any BK CAN have the Murli sent to them even if they leave their center and go to a foreign land.
    b) in a conditional situation, even if those Murlis that are sent do not arrive, i.e. are NOT RECEIVED, then the BKs should not worry. Worry in the sense that they have broken Shrimat of not reading every day.
It hardly goes as far as to say the BKWSU, or any individual BK, should withhold the Murlis. So be careful in your accusations of "misinterpretation".

I would say it is more obvious that the BKWSU leadership just wants to maintain a monopoly on the control of the minds (... free labour and wallets) of its followers and by withholding the Murlis amongst other methods, it achieves that.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post08 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:Don't have limited feelings.

Do those who want to keep Murlis in captivity have limited feelings or do those who want to make the Murlis available to the entire world have limited feelings?
mbbhat wrote:But do you understand at least a little that there is also role of PBKs (misinterpreting of Murlis) in that?

The BKWSU leadership is openly violating/misinterpreting the following Godly directions (Shrimat):

    1. Murlis don't permit exchange of drishti.
    2. Murlis don't permit amassing wealth and property (except at Mount Abu).
    3. Murlis don't permit direct or indirect seeking of cash or kind.
    4. Murlis don't permit tying of Rakhis.
    5. Murlis don't permit display of individual photos of Brahma Baba, Mama, Dadis or any BK at Madhuban or BK centers or BK homes.
    6. Murlis don't permit offering of Bhog to Baba.
    7. Murlis don't permit BKs to assume different titles like Chief Administrator, Director, zonal incharges, heads of departments, etc.
    8. Murlis don't permit BK centers (at least the larger ones) to be closed during day time.
    9. Murlis don't permit manipulation of Godly versions.
    10. Murlis don't permit pomp and show in Godly service including organization of conferences, megaprogrammes, etc.
    11. Murlis don't permit acceptance of garlands, bouquets, gifts, titles by BKs from non-BKs.
The list could go on.

In spite of clear directions of ShivBaba in the Murlis BKWSU has been openly flouting the Shrimat or in other words misinterpreting the Murlis. In the same equation that you are denying Murlis to PBKs, will you deny Murlis to the BKWSU leadership who are clearly misinterpreting Murlis to continue violating Shrimat as detailed above? I can provide Murli proofs for each and every point mentioned above. In fact, Murli proofs are available for the above violations in the PBK Section (Q&A with Baba).



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post08 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:Dear Bansy soul, Do you feel bad if when your Brother or Sister commands you? In love, one becomes ready to do serve. I am ready to be servant of all even in Golden Age. Whe God Father himself says NAMASTE to the most degraded souls (children), why should I feel bad about children of the same God?

It is apparent that you are not clear what is meant by control of Murli and serving with love.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post09 Sep 2008

bansy wrote:And thus you will be under the control of such even in the Golden Age.

Dear Bansy soul,

That was reply to your this comment. What do mean by control? Just see, at present I am not influenced by any BK (except that ladies can handle many situations better than men). Do you think at present I am in their control?(fear?). Even in Golden Age, you think me to be in their control? Actually, I should laugh at your above comment. But I tried to close that. The real thing is I have faith in BKs that defintely one day they will correct themselves to the extent predefined in drama. That's all.

Dear ex-l soul,

I am not twisting anything. Can you name at least one BK who says, "I have honestly followed the Murlis I have heard so far and BKWSU are not issuing me Murli?". You accuse BKs, BKWSU, Lekhraj Kriplani, and seems that you do not believe even in God. You know that BKs believe Murlis as God's version and you consider them as Lekhraj's words. So, do you think you have any right to say, GIVE Murlis to these Brothers and Sisters?

arjun wrote:1. Murlis don't permit ... The list could go on.

In spite of clear directions of ShivBaba in the Murlis BKWSU has been openly flouting the Shrimat or in other words misinterpreting the Murlis. In the same equation that you are denying Murlis to PBKs, will you deny Murlis to the BKWSU leadership who are clearly misinterpreting Murlis to continue violating Shrimat as detailed above? I can provide Murli proofs for each and every point mentioned above. In fact, Murli proofs are available for the above violations in the PBK Section (Q&A with Baba).

Dear Arjun soul,

I think it is incorrect to say Murlis don't permit ... . It is correct to say that Murlis say such and such things are are unnecessary. In fact, there are many points, which say, *celebrate shivratri with dhoom-dhaam, *There is need of bhabhkaa(pomp). Nowadays, people see bhabhkaa and then step inside. Actually, I think you would be knowing all these. I will have to get Murlis and then I will come. In Avyakt Murli, Baba has clearly said, 'Don't become royal beggar by demanding justice here'. In Sakar Murlis, Baba has said, do not take law into your hands.

Does Shrimat says accusing BKs is correct? The editing of Murlis started after PBKs (before it was by careless). When drama reveals who are correct among these (BKs and PBKs), then only truth will come. When you feel that PBKs are getting advance Gyan, they should be more wise and such accusings should be lesser. I have already admitted that there is mistake in BKs. If you accuse BKs then you should prove that you are better than BKs.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post09 Sep 2008

I think it is incorrect to say Murlis don't permit.... . It is correct to say that Murlis say such and such things are are unnecessary. In fact, there are many points, which say, *celebrate shivratri with dhoom-dhaam, *There is need of bhabhkaa(pomp). Nowadays, people see bhabhkaa and then step inside. Actually I think you would be knowing all these. I will have to get Murlis and then I will come. In Avyakt Murli Baba has clearly said, 'Don't become royal beggar by demanding justice here'. In Sakar Murlis, Baba has said, do not take law into your hands.

I am aware of those Points. So there is no need to quote them. Since Brahma's role was a mother's role and since he was not so strict when implementing Shrimat in case of children, he gave some concessions. For example ShivBaba said one should not marry, Brahma would say - OK children you can marry, but lead a pure life. ShivBaba said one should not build property, Brahma would say - OK children you can build a house, but earmark a room for meditation/class. ShivBaba said there is no need to tie Rakhis, Brahma would say - OK, you may tie rakhi, but obtain a promise of donation of vices. etc. etc.

Seeking Murlis is not begging. If you do not want to give, be happy keeping them at home. ShivBaba will provide us from source or the other.

mbbhat wrote:When you feel that PBKs are getting advance Gyan, they should be more wise and such accusings should be lesser.

We have just said whatever is mentioned in the Murlis. If you feel we are accusing, then it is your vision. If you want us to shut our eyes to violations of Shrimat (at organization level) to obtain your appreciation, then you have come to the wrong place.

Anyways, you are either unable to understand the importance of providing Murlis to everyone or deliberately don't want to understand. So, I will not write any more on this topic. Be happy with your stock of Murlis.


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