BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

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Mr Green


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Re: BK mbbhat

Post17 Aug 2008

I am not critising you or your intentions, I wish you well in all your endeavors.

I would like to help you a little is all, maybe Baba is trying to help you through me, (heheh)?

All the best MBHAT, I am not irritated by you. I just think your slightly deluded, and I mean that as nicely as I can.

I am not here to help ex-l. She is my friend, she has her faults but also much virtue (do I get paid for this ex-l?).
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Re: BK mbbhat

Post17 Aug 2008

BapDada spoke not wrote:Sakar Murli 2003/09/04 Revised

Baba has explained very clearly ... If you cannot go to any centre, you can at least ask for the Murlis to be sent to you and read them. There is no harm in that.

mbbhat wrote:But I would like to point here one thing since this has happened three to four times with me. When the person (here ex-l) cannot reply properly, another person (here green) comes to rescue him/her.

Sorry to be so logical mbbhat ... but perhaps it is just because we are all in different time zones and do not spend all day on the computer!?! As to "cannot replying properly" ... what on earth are you talking about!?! Does the saying "Do not cast your pearls before Swine" mean anything in India? What would "properly" mean to you?
Matthew 7:6 wrote:Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

Just to save you some work, I thought I would copy in a few of the other BKs' Murli requests topic for you. Look in the mirror of your heart and decide how much of a Master Donator and worthy of your high status in the 16,108 you are ... why would you not help these poor Brothers and Sisters of yours?

Can we stick to the subject?
Author : sunil sharma
E-mail : dholadhola@xxxxx.xx.xx
sunil sharma wrote:
It is requested to you, please send me Hindi version of Baba’s Murli daily on a given email address.i am bandhela bhae.

Author : b.k. sarmista
E-mail : b.k. sarmista@xxxxx.xx.xx
b.k. sarmista wrote:
Om Shanti,
i am a regular student and child of BapDada. can i get few Hindi Sakar Murlis?

Author : maheshbhai
E-mail : vickkyshree9@xxxxx.xx.xx
maheshbhai wrote:
Om Shanti, I am a regular student of BapDada . I reqiest you to send my Email ID for BapDada Avatarn Murli and send me daily Baba’s murlai in Hindi language to this my ID

My ID This ... xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Author : Roshan Bhai
E-mail : rodbontuyan@xxxxx.xxx
maheshbhai wrote:
I entered Gyan since 18 January 2005. The teachings of Baba made my spiritual life more advanced. Please send me the Murli in English language through my email...Om Shanti

Author : Dr.P.S.Oberoi
E-mail : psokullu@xxxxx.xx.xx
Oberoi wrote:
Baba has changed me and my family's value system altogether. Please send me murlee through e mail.

E-mail : sriramulu_bk@xxxxx.xxx
I am a regular student of Baba's Godly knowlwdge for last 4 years. please send me Baba's Murli in English to this id.

Om Shanti ...

My Id is

Author : G.Ritu
E-mail : ritustsh@xxxxx.xx.xx
G.Ritu wrote:
I am living in Chennai. I am working. I request you to send me daily Baba's English or Hindi Murli to my email id. Since center is very far and return home at 8pm after work, it will be useful to me if u send me regular muralis...

Author : Srikishoon Singh
E-mail : ksingh@xxx.xx.xx
Srikishoon Singh wrote:
Please send me Murlis for this year. I have been unwell and unable to get copies. Please help!

Om Shanti!



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Re: BK mbbhat

Post26 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:Baba has explained very clearly ... If you cannot go to any centre, you can at least ask for the Murlis to be sent to you and read them. There is no harm in that. ... why would you not help these poor Brothers and Sisters of yours?

Definitely I will provide some Murlis to this forum. Baba has said, "if you are nashtamoh, you can do anything". So, I also have the conscious that even if I give Murli to agyaanis or, ex-Bks or PBKs with good intention, I will not get sin. But I will not give all the Murlis at once. Because I am not trikaladarshi and 100% nashtamoha.

At present, I am far; as I have already mentioned.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post26 Aug 2008

Well, sure you could do it on a proportionate basis? For example, if you are only 30% nashtamoha, why not just donate 30% of your Murlis to these BK Brothers and Sisters.

As I underline, it is not to "This forum" ... it is to these BK Brother and Sisters and others.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post27 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:Well, sure you could do it on a proportionate basis? For example, if you are only 30% nashtamoha, why not just donate 30% of your Murlis to these BK Brothers and Sisters. As I underline, it is not to "This forum" ... it is to these BK Brother and Sisters and others.

There is a saying that, "paatr ko hee daan denaa hai" = Donation should be given to eligible people. So, it is not just proportionate basis.

If you believe not to "this forum", do you suggest Murlis to be sent through email?

Do you love all the BKs or just these BK Brothers and Sisters? Do you really love at least these BK Brothers and Sisters? If yes, great and good.

Do you really feel Murlis speak truth? If yes, very good. If not, do you want to feed these BK Brothers and Sisters with lies (Murlis)? Can that be called as love?
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post28 Aug 2008

It's a quick method to put into place that will soon let us know the official 'stand' by the BKWSU regarding Murlis going to ex-students. All we need to do is write a friendly letter to our local BKWSU centre and make a request to receive regular Murlis. Either we will receive an answer or we will not.

If we receive an answer in the negative, we should then write back and ask for a suitable reason why we are not able to receive them. It would be interesting to compare the end results we all (may or may not) receive.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post28 Aug 2008

Please do Paul. That is very practical and it would be interesting to discover the results. To see if there is a universal embargo.
mbbhat wrote:There is a saying that, "paatr ko hee daan denaa hai" = Donation should be given to eligible people. So, it is not just proportionate basis.

Whether there is a saying or not, it make no difference. My favourite saying is a Sufi one that translates, "the definition of a fool is someone that is honest to dishonesty people" and how foolish I have been in my life.

The God of the BKs has clearly said in the Sakar Murlis that his children can receive Murlis at home, that there is no question of ownership in this and that the Murlis should be read many times.

    How can a BK read then many times if they do not have a copy in their hands?
    When ever did BapDada ever decree, "no Murlis" any more?
    Yes, please ... Murlis by email, Murlis by web pages, Murli by download ...
When I state "proportionately", I mean that if you are only 30% nashtamoh, then share 30% of the Murlis you have. But, surely, as one of the top 2,000 souls of all time, you must be higher than 30%. So let's say 60% or even 80%. Please then donation 60% to 80% of the Murlis you keep locked up. That can be 2/3rds of every single Murli or 60% of complete Murlis. You choice.

I am sick of "miser kings" pretending to be holy Brahmins ... holding back their God's wealth (in order to protect their position), while allowing other BK children to starve. How can they call themselves "family"? Family ... they are the thieves that have stolen the wealth of 'the family' and set up a business for themselves.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post28 Aug 2008

TOP 2000......?????¬¬```````!!!!!!!!!!!! whooaa



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post30 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:1) How can a BK read then many times if they do not have a copy in their hands?
2) When I state "proportionately", I mean that if you are only 30% nashtamoh, then share 30% of the Murlis you have. But, surely, as one of the top 2,000 souls of all time, you must be higher than 30%. So let's say 60% or even 80%. Please then donation 60% to 80% of the Murlis you keep locked up. That can be 2/3rds of every single Murli or 60% of complete Murlis. You choice.
3) I am sick of "miser kings" pretending to be holy Brahmins ...

Dear ex-l soul,

1) In many centers, photopcopies of Murlis are given to BK students. They are being misused by some. [That is why PBKs, ex-Bks have received Murlis]. Hence BKWSU had made the rules strict. It is unavoidable. Do you think the BKs who have requested Murlis are really going to read Murlis many times? If yes, then can you say whether they had read the Murlis (which have with them at present) many times?

3) Sometimes, one cannot write all the reasons at once. So one of the reasons I mentioned in one post and another (donation should be given to eligible only) in the next post. See some more reasons.

    *Has Baba said anybody that a BK must donate Murli to another BK?
    *Does a BK has right to demand Murli even if he is refused?
    *When I mentioned Murlis "to this forum", it means "To all who those visit the forum". But you say "To these BK Brothers and Sisters". Is this the way of demanding?
[There is a saying in Kannada, "beralannu needidare kaiyanne kacchuvaru"= When one donates finger, the other bites the hand itself].

Just see, even in official matter, when one requests, he will ask politely. In personal matters, one will beg (if he is a stranger). But here while you ask Murli, you are paying disrespect. Is this the way of demanding? *Has Baba given me responsibilty of those BKs? In fact, BKs should be ready to face tough situations. The BKs who beg (expect) Murlis from those ex-Bks who defame BKWSU are fools. In fact, it is not wise to write like this. When it is absolutely necessary, then only I write.

2) I may give even 100% of what I have. That is not an issue to me at all. But Baba has said clearly that, "You should be in ek math, *do not beg, desire, *even if you do not get Murli, why should you bother?. Just churn swadarshanchakra; *Do you find faults in my creations (BKs), *Don't blame anybody; *The most important thing is, those who expect justice in BK Yagya are also beggars " These make me to think twice.

In fact, I may reach my native place earlier (by October end), two months before as decided earlier. If you consider me one of the miser Kings, it is left to you. What should I say? All as drama. But what I have promised is true. I will definitely give. No change in that.

Dear Mr. mr green,

YOU CAN CHANGE IT AS "ONE IN THE BOTTOM MOST 2000". Because I am not bothered about my status in Satyung. I am just trying to clear my past sins. Have a good day.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post31 Aug 2008

mbbhat wrote:Does a BK has right to demand Murli even if he is refused?

Does one BK have the right to refuse another BK if they ask politely?

If so, at what level of the hierarchy or BK caste system does the refusing BK have to be? (Or are they perhaps not even a BK but something else in the 'disguise' of a BK?).

Lekhraj Kirpalani, or BapDada most certainly HAVE said individuals should be allowed to have the Murlis at home. It is clear. I have never read of him talking about "increased security systems" and limiting BKs to reading Murlis in "designated places" within the center where they can be watched (that is a police state ... "of who over whom?", I ask).

You offer an incredibly general point. As the Buddha said better, "indiscriminate charity is a sin". There is no reference of that being made regarding the Murlis.

Can you provide any specific reference being made by BapDada on this matter?



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post31 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:1) Does one BK have the right to refuse another BK if they ask politely?
2) Lekhraj Kirpalani, or BapDada most certainly HAVE said individuals should be allowed to have the Murlis at home. It is clear. I have never read of him talking about "increased security systems" and limiting BKs to reading Murlis in "designated places" within the center where they can be watched ... Can you provide any specific reference being made by BapDada on this matter?

1) I had given my Murlis to my friend BKs. I have already mentioned this in forum. I do not bother about anything. But BKs are weak and PBKs come in disguise.
2) I also like even reading Murlis myself alone. I actually wish BKs should get them. But is there any guarantee that these faithful BKs take care of Murlis and do not leak them to PBKs?

    Can you expalin why PBKs target just BKs?
America wishes Nuclear technology should not be leaked to terrorists. Similarily BKWSU wishes Murli should not be leaked to PBKs.

BapDada has not said to keep Murli secretly. But has said it is not good to give it to newcomers. Now, you decide.

Some BK Sisters mix manmat. That is true. But you accuse BKWSU as though it should not had got established. It seems that you even wish now for BKWSU to sink as early as possible.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post31 Aug 2008

Interesting ... so the BKWSU worst fear is against the PBKs ... ? There are about 1,000 Murlis doted around this website, so you must be able to find a few that you have not read. There is some duplication within that number but they come in different forms. PDF, Text bundles, databased version, summaries etc. Its a good collection and increasing. Eventually all of them will be in the public domain and out of the BKWSU monopoly.
mbbhat wrote:Can you expalin why PBKs target just BKs?

I am not aware that they do. I am not a PBK. I have not done their course. I have no faith in what they teach. I have nothing to do with them except for what you see on this forum. You ask them.

"Logically", I think their argument is that going to the BKWSU is like attended to secondary school ... and, to them, the AIVV is like university. So there would be no point in approaching kindergarten infants (non-BKs) to do a Ph.D in Sociology of Hindu Theology. They see themselves as specialists.

That makes sense. To understand what the AIVV teach (which is Murli based), you need to understand what the BKWSU taught first as a reference point.

What you are asking is another fallacious argument that the BWKSU uses to denigrate the AIVV. It appears logical to someone that does not know the circumstances but, in fact, is illogical.

The PBKs base their religion, or business, on attempting to resolve the bit of the Brahma Kumari religion that don't make sense but which the Brahma Kumaris want to ignore ... because their business is going very.


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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post31 Aug 2008

If there is something as Godly and divine as the Murlis, why should anyone be concerned into which or whom hands these Murlis go into? is not that simply the work and power of God Himself, we are all simply his instruments and children in the drama?

This is SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE we are talking about. This is not a Beano or a Marvel comic. A Godly "scripture" speaks for itself. It has no material value, nothing that can be bargained. Even terrorists are spiritual beings and souls. Do these souls also not need spiritual knowledge to be able to recognise the true face of God? Likewise, for simple old mother Hubbard who is illiterate but struggles to make 5 chapatis a day to feed a family of 6 each day. There is no difference.

The worst type of terrorism is to deny those who seek spiritual knowlege, spritual knowledge.

It is like trying to put stones to block the flow of water.

Well, unless it is not true spiritual knowledge.
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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post31 Aug 2008

mbbhat wrote:America wishes Nuclear technology should not be leaked to terrorists. Similarily BKWSU wishes Murli should not be leaked to PBKs.

Thieves, Shudras, Traitors, and now terrorists ... what a garland of praises you have for the PBKs and the members of this forum who are trying to make the Murlis available to everyone. Thanks. :D Baba says these garlands of abuses would become actual garlands in future. :D

You may continue to hide and safeguard your Murlis. If possible you can put them in safe bank lockers. Meanwhile just as Draupadi's brother-in-law was disrobing her in a packed court in front of all her elderly male relatives, Krishna continued to increase the length of her saree. Her brother-in-law finally fell to the ground tired of pulling her saree but Krishna did not stop increasing the length of her saree (It would be more clear if someone could upload a relevant picture from Mahabharata).

Similarly, however much the BKWSU may try to protect the Murlis from the thirsty souls, the Murlis will reach them one way or the other by the grace of ShivBaba.



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Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

Post01 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:Can you expalin why PBKs target just BKs?
Dear ex-l soul,

I just asked the above because you had asked me why BKs beat PBKs? Else, I have no problem at all.
bansy wrote:1) If there is something as Godly and divine as the Murlis, why should anyone be concerned into which or whom hands these Murlis go into? is not that simply the work and power of God Himself, 2)we are all simply his instruments and children in the drama?

Dear bansy soul,

1) It is since there is divine, it has to be taken care of, so that it does not get into wrong hands. 2) We are not simply his instruments. If that is the case, why should God teach us?

I have no problem or issue from anybody.

Hello Dear Arjun soul,

I am not saying that I feel PBKs as terrorists or you have said so. I feel some of the BKWSU feel that PBKs are threat to BKWSU. I value anything in everybody, even in animals. So, in future, if PBKs get better status than BKs, I would be happy, because for me all are Brothers, and only to those who follow right path win. So there is no margin to accuse anybody. Congratulations for your level of confidence. I will come to PBKs later (if it is in drama) when I get Murli points with dates.

All the best for all.

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