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Post22 Sep 2006

jim brady wrote:Which of the images mentions 5 billion?

The Ladder - original English version. Right down the bottom, click on the thumbnail below for a high resolution image. It will take a little time to download/scroll if you are on slow dial up.


Thanks. Don't let me do all of the work though! Post away folks ...

jim brady


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Post22 Sep 2006

Ex-london ... oops found it

That is weird! I never knew that they used to once promote a figure of 5 billion in their early literature. They sure as hell never told me that one. Makes the whole thing seem even more like childish nonsense. It's embarassing to think that I fell for it all.

Mathematically the whole philosophy / religion is ridiculous. No wonder it is such a covert organization.
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Post22 Sep 2006

jim brady wrote:They sure as hell never told me that one. Makes the whole thing seem even more like childish nonsense. It's embarassing to think that I fell for it all.

I just found out that they never told the original Westerners coming into Gyan about the failure of the 1976 Destruction prediction either. Even though the first Double Foreigners had just, or were just coming into Gyan. I am starting to wonder whether the push into the West was to escape the mess they had made in India in 1976 when a whole load of BKs left and, my guess, service would have been hard and slow.

In the News and Articles section, it documents "Baba" speaking as BapDada, that is to say Supreme Soul "God" and a perfected "Adam" or "Brahma", clearly predicting 1975 or 1976 as the date for Destruction. They, the BKWSU chose to cover this up. Indeed, in the early days, because the Murlis went sent out in Hindi, it was up to the sisters-in-charge to translate them as they wanted, on the hoof as it were.
    Imagine, the entire expansion into the West was based on a series of lies.
Frankly, that certainly defines these peoples' capabilities for me ... and their conception "God". And nothing has changed that much except the quality of their PR.
    But, I bet you, even the people doing that PR probably don't know about all this stuff. Or else, how could they do so?

    a) it would require them to be dishonest, and I honestly believe the majority of BKs are well meaning if habitually deluded by their leaders.

    b) it would be the stupidest PR honcho in the World that did not confess up to such mistakes and address them publicly to avoid the inevitable bad PR that would obviously ensue at a later date. Frankly, I'd say it was enough to sue them for deception, gain wealth on false pretenses.
It is said that whilst Brahma was alive, he had to be stopped writing a letter to Indian Government promising to give away all of his money to them if the World did not end then. In my opinion, this is where the unseen, shady element seems to have taken control. There is no doubt Lekhraj was a sweetheart and great medium BUT the guy was outrightly bananas, and certainly even in my time, individuals were encouraged to go bananas on joining. Writing letters to the King of England, sending heavily ornate gifts with The Knowledge written on it and the organization boasting about it as if it was a big thing to establish credibility ... just like they do now with the UN relationship. What is there al value of that? They would have gone straight in the file marked "Dangerous Whacko".

Apparently, and this needs confirmed although you will never get the organization to do so itself, this is when the legal trust side was established by Brothers. This is also part of the bullsh** about "women being up front" PR. If you look at the legal reality of it, the legal structures, trustees etc. are all bound up with Brothers and the Senior Sisters default to them - especially when the dirty work has to be done. [ More of later ... ]

[N.B. I know the PBK understanding of Destruction and I am not dismissing it. This post is written purely within the given BK model to expose the BKWSU for what they are].

• And more feedback from the big event?
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Post22 Sep 2006

So did the figure change from 5 billion to 5.5 billion in those days? i.e. was upped as the population increased?

I guess if the world did end in 1976, then 5 or 5.5 billion could have been correct.
Hmmm indeed.

jim brady


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Post22 Sep 2006

I remember quizzing Sudesh about the 1976 fiasco. The most convoluted explanation was given. It sounded reasonably plausible at the time but I was made to feel that it was wrong to question apparent anomalies or discrepancies or controversies or things that might put doubts in the minds of newcomers. Questions on meditation, Brahma's lifestyle or becoming perfect were fine but any kind of **** stirring was only rocking the boat and showing myself up as some kind of low level Silver Age shoo in / waste of space.

I did think, at the time, that it was very unprofessional of the organization to not have published for the benefit of all a detailed report / enquiry into the whole 1976 episode.

It would surely come back to haunt them one day.
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Post22 Sep 2006

Is there any way this forum as a collective can put questions to senior BKs for explaination and have it documented?

With any organisation there must be official channels to go through. Some members not being part of the BK org anymore will not have the worry of being spiritually blackmailed to make them shut up.
I remember quizzing Sudesh about the 1976 fiasco. The most convoluted explanation was given. It sounded reasonably plausible at the time but I was made to feel that it was wrong to question apparent anomalies or discrepancies or controversies or things that might put doubts in the minds of newcomers.

Seems to be an answer here, if the 1976 is brought to light they think they will have difficulty getting or keeping new recruits. the credibilty wouldn't be there. They'd be amongst the hundreds of other spiritual/New Age/wacko/ alien abductees/star children groups who's destruction prediction date has already passed by. On the other hand if they say it means subtle destruction, then they are playing into the hands of PBKs.
any kind of **** stirring was only rocking the boat and showing myself up as some kind of low level Silver Age shoo in / waste of space.

Wonder which category of sin spiritual blackmail comes under....
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Post22 Sep 2006

Hi, John, Jim, ex-l ...

Reading your posts gave the chills ... to think that for more than 12 years my life was based on the destruction date, my perfect stage, and my constant struggle with relationships, lack of career and money, happiness, love ... only "drama" will unveil the truth ... you know what they are saying about us now, right? Who cares ...

have you guys heard about this ?, :wink:
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left in the lurch

Post22 Sep 2006

Bap and Dada have been there all along. They could have given instructions which would transform what came down the mountain and be more palatable for the rest of the world. Why have they left many in the lurch? On the other hand, What about those souls who are still passing go? Have we all been given the one teaching, to make it fair? There is only one point of knowledge after all, so they are all off the hook, we have been told that we are souls.

Then, now, when all have been, does the game change? Because the game is about to change, there can be nothing more sure. This lot cannot survive without drastic change. They don't listen to the Murli and its directions, they have created their own religion. It has become a women's guild. What does that say and mean?

Another slant might be that, our current awareness merely shows us how much we have progressed, which is reason for them to keep us all out. No worries, I am out, and am moving on. But that suits the teacher as more universal things can be done. This feeling of betrayal from the Father teacher has almost toppled me, but not quite. There IS such a thing as faith, and it should be rewarded. Observe, while applying pressure of course. Time to press their buttons.

I am curious about this area whereby the senior Sisters are manipulated by Brothers. Who are they? are they the prominent ones? do they skulk in the background? Do they think that God is an Indian, a BK? As for the United nations, huh. :roll: The Tree may prove to be one of the biggest lies in BK history. Why does the Murli never mention Abraham? Because Brahma IS Abraham. Time to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so ... They could have done so at the weekend, while no one was watching.
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Post22 Sep 2006

Freedom wrote:you know what they are saying about us now, right?

No...what are they saying?

jim brady


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Post25 Sep 2006

John wrote:Is there any way this forum as a collective can put questions to senior BKs for explaination and have it documented?

I don’t think any approach to the Seniors is likely to bring a result. It is devilishly difficult to get answers from the hierarchy. Many years ago I wrote a lengthy piece to London. The reply was basically that your questions are very good but I’m too busy, so why don’t you drop over sometime and we’ll look at some of them. Then when I did get there the response was pure evasion and dismissal - why are you asking all those questions - I’m too busy - you’re not really important enough for me to waste my time on such trivia – you’re no V.I.P. - I’ve important meetings to go to, important people to see – I’ve world tours to go on – just go away with your pathetic little questions about cycles and dinosaurs and flags on the moon – why don’t you just sit down and have a nice long bhatti like the rest of them and you won’t need to ask any questions anymore and we’ll all be happy. Eventually they just wear you down and you give up.

Out in India once I questioned Jagdish but he did not seem to be any the wiser. He was just more into speculating than the rest of the Seniors, but he certainly did not seem to have any inside track.



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Post25 Sep 2006

ex-l wrote:I wonder how much the celebrities know about the BKs? I very much doubt whether Robin Gibb and Ruby Wax etc.

On the day of the program, Ruby Wax told us that sometime ago she went to the Oxford Centre and took the course/lessons there. And was in Oxford that she met Dadi Janki for the first time. So DJ said that Ruby Wax is her good friend.
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Post25 Sep 2006

surya2037 wrote:On the day of the program, Ruby Wax told us that sometime ago she went to the Oxford Centre and took the course/lessons there. And was in Oxford that she met Dadi Janki for the first time. So DJ said that Ruby Wax is her good friend.

The question then to ask is WHICH course?
    The Classic 7 Day Course?
    • The 3 Day Postive Thinking Course?
    • The 5 Day Dada Brian Bacon Self Management Leadership Course?
    • The Special VIP and Journalist Only Soft-shoe-shuffle-around-the-difficut-bits-like-4am, celibacy, dinosaurs and The 5,000 year Cycle-with-an-extra-nice-teacher-and-a-meeting-with-Dadi-in-a-big-house-in-the-country Course?
I apologize if I sound skeptical.

I am. I have lost count of how many courses there are now.
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Post26 Sep 2006

I am interested in how this event will show itself in the broad drama... i can picture it now :).. well maybe not :|

I found it interesting two the BK leadership refered praised mother nature and I did not hear a mention of God Father at all.

hope everyone is having a pleasant day.

jim brady


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Post26 Sep 2006


You cannot beat the classic 7 day course ... aka ... "get em in and blow em out fast ... or "give it to them right between the eyes" ... or ... "time is short, there's no need to pussyfoot around"!


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Post26 Sep 2006

DJ was sad

I heard she was/had been/is in hospital during the J-A-M period. Must have taken a lot of effort to attend.

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