Relax kids

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Relax kids

Post02 May 2008

I have raised this issue before but now have a better example if it. Here is a link to a RelaxKids (... "Visit Secure ONLINE SHOP - Click Here") meditation for kids. Now, would someone please tell me this is not a straight forward, pure and unadulterated BKWSU meditation?

So why is a BK, and I understand the child of BKs, allowed to turn Gyan into a business, allowed to use the BKWSU's facilities to promote her business, used by the BKWSU to promote the BKWSU ... while it would appear to my impure intellect that it is all contrary to the Maryadas and Shrimat? When was the word given that it was OK, and is it OK for all now. I mean, can I sell BK-style Raja Yoga meditation tapes on the internet and if anyone is now allowed to ... why did they attempt to register Trademarks to protect their "online shopping" university.

There are also a few more general ones, although these are just clips, so who knows where they go. I think it is fair to say, we know what the intent is;

Special Angel ...

Its funny, but when Marneta "UK's leading expert in children's relaxation" Viegas appeared on the TV show called The Dragons ... one of the business investors immediate clicked asking her if she was in a cult and 'panicking' because he felt like he was "being hypnotised". Allegations, specifically invloving trance and children, the Brahma-kumaris have lived with for 70 years and Om Mandli.

Why is this allowed and the other business venues?

Well, my feeling is that the leadership does not have enough positions of rank for all the gifted Westerners (especially) ... and does not quite trust them enough to hand over centers and zones. By preference, they appoint more dependent and less non-conformist Hindu imports to those role, e.g. the Gujerati Sister parachuted into a God forsaken center that some white BK set up, in some foreign country whose language she does not speak, and with no way out.

The Brahma-kumaris accept those with financial support, e.g. "wives of" with husband funding, pensions and others with state funding, heir souls with family money but they do not want to spend their finances supporting gifted Westerners, especially Brothers who are expected to go out and bring the bread in. (Exceptio probat regulam in casibus non exceptis ... Charlie Hogg in Australia and Golo Pilz the sun powered specialist in India ... although I wonder if Brian Bacon ever got any money out of the Yugya, or just the use of premises, like Mike George as well, and accommodation?). Partly, in my opinion, this might be because they see gifted Westerners as "cavaliers" rather than elephant riders or maharatis ... partly racial discrimination perhaps?

So ... my working theory is ... that the BKWSU leadership allows some gifted and talented Western BKs to run businesses interlaced with Godly Knowledge (TM) as a way of rewarding them, keeping them business ... and keep their hooks in owning the rest of theirs lives in other words. Kind of in the same way the gangs sets up drug dealers by supplying them with their first delivery "free, upfront and on credit" and then owning their supply chain afterwards.

I imagine, "We wont support you, you have to support yourself ... but you cant leave us because it is not just your religion but also your livelihood and when we want you, we will call."

Any contradictory theories?

The get out clause for the Brahma Kumaris is, "If Dadi says it is OK, it is Shrimat and so therefore God will take care of karma". But don't expect either to be there when the **** hits the fan or you get old and die.


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Re: Making money out of BKWSU Gyan (II) ... why?

Post02 May 2008

So, if this is Gyan it should be free...I just googled this and found this: (i don't believe there are charges for classes!) God, why did I even dare to check this out!??

Area: Scotland › Lanarkshire › Edinburgh › Edinburgh - EH10 - Transportation: Edinburgh Lothian - Ad ID: 4901216 - Postal Code: EH10 - Type of ad: Professional - Offer - Expertise: Other - Level: Beginner - Contact by Email

Add your comment to this ad - Print this ad - Help us moderate vivastreet - Scam Miscategorized Expired - 4901216 Description

Would you like your child to be more confident, positive and imaginative during the day and go to sleep calm, content and relaxed at night?

Relax Kids offers a unique system of children's relaxation and personal development that has been used by thousands of parents, teachers, play workers and therapists.

Relax Kids has been devised and developed by Marneta Viegas - the UK's leading expert in children's relaxation.

Relax Kids is a gentle and fun way of introducing children to the world of meditation and relaxation, so helping them explore their imaginations and their creative talents.

We will be starting classes at Fairmilehead Parish Church on a Friday afternoon - FIRST CLASS FREE

Classes times and age groups

2.00 - 2.50pm - Nursery, P1 & P2 (ages 4 to 7 approx)
3.00 - 3.50pm - P3, P4 & P5 (ages 7 to 10 approx)

Classes cost £4.50 per class when block booked (minimum of 4 week block) or £5.00 per class. FIRST CLASS IS FREE.

You can add your child's name to our waiting list by emailing us at with a note of your child's name, age and chosen class.

Visit our website for more details at

'Thank you so much for creating Relax Kids - it's so great to have affirmative and spiritual inspiration for children that manages to be fun and appealing at the same time!' Germaine Knight

This ad was posted on: 11/03/2008 Last updated: 29/04/2008
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Re: Making money out of BKWSU Gyan (II) ... why?

Post02 May 2008

In fairness to the individual, she does offer more than just the BK stuff and I am sure is excellent at what she does. I, personally, would have no issue with that. But then there was the involvement of all the other BKs in setting up her business and the using of BK property to promote.

I am, genuinely, just very concerned at the BK stuff being introduced unannounced into kids' minds and the principles of some BKs being allowed to use/sell Gyan ... but not all. I have seen some individuals introduced to BK meditation via a front (Inner Space) really flip out, e.g. hit the 'Honeymoon Phase' but not know what is going on or how to handle it.

BK Raja Yoga and business seems to have been merged, when was the Shrimat and where is the dividing line?

What is weirder is that these two (Carol Pollard and Elaine Gradone) say, "They have both trained as Relax Kids teachers". Does anyone know if they are BKs? Are non-BK now teaching BK meditation and offering it as a professional service?

Is she franchising?
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Re: Relax kids

Post20 Aug 2008

We have considered "Relax Kids", on more than one occasion, which I want to pick up on today. Following on from the Girl Scout episode, and BapDada's instructions to the BKWSU this season to target children to the extent of taking over a school and so on, I wanted to ask what is the Brahma-kumari leadership's agenda here and what are the values and principles that are at play?

The BapDada spirit is very clear and repetitive. Sexual abstinence (purity) is number one. Every day in the channelled messages and in every Seniors class, the same message in drummed into adults', and kids', minds. "No looking, no touching, no experimenting, no affection, not even one single thought ... no sin ... no vice ... no sword of lust ... no ocean of poison murdering the soul and turning it black" ... and we all know that not only "The Baba" can look into our souls and see what we have been up to but all the senior Sisters can too.

Donors have supported the Brahma Kumaris on this basis. Especially the Gujeratis who value the BKs because of their apparent "Purity", an idea they all hold but few are able to follow. Charitable donors have paid the bills, bought the property, published the books, supported the PR campaign and covered the business class airfares ... for what? The faith in the BKs' Purity. They are the Pure Ones, the Divine Ones, none of the rest of us are.

So ... palaces in India and now a Palladian Mansion worthy of Kings and Queens in England and what is it used for? Well, in theory I thought, like any BK property ... "to give individuals the experience of their spiritual purity". To crate such a vibration that individuals would have the experience of their god. Was that not why they moved out of hired municipal halls tarnished by "impure" untouchables and their dirty habits?

We read that BK Marneta Viegas wanted a lover, fell for a prince, they married and are now, presumably, enjoying their hot, wet, thrusting, passionate conjugal rights. We heard that Janki Kripalani, global chief, was informed and left Baba's back door open if ever she wanted to return. Its does not require enlightenment to predict the shine of first love to wear off and expect the BK Sister to come "back to Baba" with her tail (rather than his tail), between her legs ... and with any luck bringing a husband or kids to swell the ranks.

BUT ... how does the charity justify allow her to use their Global Retreat Centre to promote her business? ... Albeit a British Country Mansion retreat center restored at great expense by Cigarette, Tobacco and luxury good brand Rothmans, Inc. One who achieved profitable growth by supplying cigarettes to British troops during successive world wars and, latterly, by targeting countries like India and the former Soviet Union where smoking remains prevalent amongst men.

What values and ethics are at play here? what are they saying to kids? What does this say about the charity? Is this a service offered to all adherents to alleviate their poverty? Is there a cash back deal on it for the BKWSU like with SML and Values in Healthcare? What is the degree of purity and level of consciousness behind it all ... and most importantly ... is that business and consciousness the end to which all the previous charitable donators gave their time, money and bones to the BKWSU for to build up?

I do not know. You tell me.

BKWSU Global Retreat Centre, Oxford wrote:Relax kids
A BK Yogi with Baba the Star above it
rk.gif (2.75 KiB) Viewed 5261 times

Relax Kids, a gentle and fun way of introducing children to the world of meditation and relaxation. These sessions are organised by Marneta Viegas, creator of Relax Kids. ONLY FOR CHILDREN AGED BETWEEN 5 - 12 years. BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL, by phone only 01865-343551

For more information on Relax Kids:

    DATES (all 2008)

    Wed 03 Sep, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 10 Sep, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 17 Sep, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 24 Sep, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 01 Oct, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 08 Oct, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 15 Oct, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 22 Oct, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 29 Oct, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 05 Nov, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 12 Nov, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 19 Nov, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 26 Nov, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 03 Dec, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 10 Dec, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm
    Wed 17 Dec, from 04:00pm to 05:00pm

BKWSU Relax Kids Meditation Program

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