BKs have no love for anyone as said in the Murlis

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Re: BKs have no love for anyone as told in Murlis

Post05 Aug 2008

As much as Baba says to have love for no one else but the one Father, he also says to be loving to one another and live together like milk and honey.

It seems to me that one has to use a bit of common sense here. In my understanding, being loving to one another means giving and receiving love; whilst love no one but the one Father means not to be attached or emotionally dependent on any human being.

My experience has been that freeing myself from my attachments and emotional dependencies have helped me to become more loving towards all, even those who ruffle my feathers and push my buttons; and that the experience of God's love has greatly helped me to heal my attachments and emotional wounds, as well as taught me to love myself and others more wholly.

I agree that there are many dysfunctional personalities within the BK movement and that many seem to have lost their common sense.

I am happy to be an independent minded BK and not follow blindly. Doesn't Baba say that what he teaches needs to be understood and that it is not a question of blind faith? I want to respect everyone's understanding but I do claim the right to use my own discernment and do trust that my understanding suits me well and is not worth less than any one else's, whatever is their position in the hierarchy.



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Re: BKs have no love for anyone as told in Murlis

Post05 Aug 2008

A child is capable of loving all, because it does not know the full knowledge (nationality, religion, status, etc) about the person with whom it is communicating. It knows less, hence it is capable of loving more. That is why Baba says, "forget everything" know nothing in (limited matters). This is why Baba says, what all you have read, you should forget. The full effort is here. Then one will be able to love everything.
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Re: BKs have no love for anyone as told in Murlis

Post05 Aug 2008

Mbbhat ... you are singing the siren's songs of the BKWSU again ... forget ... be stupid ... do not think ... another argument based on a fallacy ... do children really love or, in their dependency, are they just programmed to express whatever gains them the response they need? Protection, nourishment, entertainment.

Please, no Murlis quotes without dates and contexts so we can check them without your projection of them. You are not our guru, nor are your gurus.
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canopy of protection

Post05 Aug 2008

bkti-pit, I'd like to make a poster with your post and hang it over my bed. Thanks. Some guardian angel has protected your mind and preserved your commonsense. What's the trick? Different fortune and actors in Drama?

As you suggest, many people who come into cults have dysfunctional personality and lose their compass, become fundamentalists etc? Or does it depend on the spook/s one is having Yoga with? Suppose you open up to evil forces, will they not work through you and compel you to do all sorts of misdeeds, in this case being non loving, non caring or hurting others ... paradoxically with the certainty of being right and being able to get away unpunished?


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Re: canopy of protection

Post05 Aug 2008

alladin wrote:As you suggest, many people who come into cults have dysfunctional personality and lose their compass, become fundamentalists etc? Or does it depend on the spook/s one is having Yoga with?

I do sometimes wonder who or what some BKs are having Yoga with ...

And since I have been properly informed about the real history of the Yagya, the non-existence of Shiva until the fifties etc, I have started wondering who or what I have been having Yoga with myself throughout all those years!!!
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Re: BKs have no love for anyone as said in the Murlis

Post06 Aug 2008

I will try to quote from other Murlis on this subject later on.

“Your heart knows that we are obtaining the fortune of kingship once again like the previous Kalpa by following the Father’s Shrimat. In this you are not directed to use the sword, etc. He says – children become sweet tempered. Become very sweet. In the Golden Age lion and goat used to drink water together (i.e. from the same source). They used to love each other. There used not to be any attack of sorrow. Here, there is a lot of attack of sorrow. Using the dagger of lust is also an attack of sorrow. Speaking bad words to someone or becoming angry, scolding is also like giving sorrows. The Father says – One should not give this sorrow to anyone. Make your temperament very sweet. Do not perform any task that causes sorrows even by mistake.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 11.03.08, pg 1 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)



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Re: BKs have no love for anyone as told in Murlis

Post07 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:Mbbhat ... you are singing the siren's songs ... Please, no Murlis quotes without dates and contexts so we can check them without your projection of them. You are not our guru, nor are your gurus.

Dear Ex- l soul,

I want just to sing and dance in my life. The aim is to enjoy every second of life. In Golden Age also, there is just singing, dancing and some drawing, perhaps. In the Murli Baba has said, "I do/perform dance of knowledge". Baba is also murlidhar. The flute of Krishna is actually of ShivaBaba.

* At present I do not have Murli dates. If you are interested, you can search for dates or ask others about the point mentioned. Be happy at least that the point is mentioned here.
* If you cannot digest, you can change your route. I have never said that I am anybody's guru. Why do you think like that?
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Re: BKs have no love for anyone as said in the Murlis

Post07 Aug 2008

Because you are acting like it ... and you really seem to think it works around here. Its doesn't. We expect better.

Look mb, you're not special, certainly no more special than anyone here. You are making the same mistakes as all the other BK Gurus that have come this way. We are not stupid. We are neither children nor uneducated (agyani even). We know all the 'magic bullets' of Gyan. They don't work and it does not impress anyone.

If you want respect, do something to earn it. Copy out a few months worth of original and unedited Murlis, dig out some archive, resolve a few hard truths about the historical revisions, go ask your beloved holy cows of Krishna some difficult questions for clarification for us ... or even start attending Amrit Vela and morning class for 6 months.

Why would anyone want to eat something you have already chewed over? If you want to flame me, please do it on the topic about me and do not disturb others.



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Re: BKs have no love for anyone as said in the Murlis

Post09 Aug 2008

Dear ex-l soul,

This is a public place. All are free to express their views. You cannot take law into your hands. I have never said that I am special. I need no respect. God himself has given respect to me. Why do you ask this to me? You have commented many people like anything. I have no complaints. Why do you have complaints?

You say do not disturb others. But initially you chased me like a wild horse and disturbed me wherever possible. This had made me to think that you are part of Admin and a mistake had happened from me. Even after that, I have pardoned you. I still say that you are OK to me. But if you come on my way, be ready to bear it.

May I know who are others to you? Are they just ex-BKs or anybody who could visit this site?

Dear ex-l soul, why do you worry? You have said that you have achieved God's search all by YOURSELF! Take everything easy. It is all REAL drama!

Please understand one thing:- I am very soft for a person who is soft. But if you start throwing bouncer, I may hit sixer or bypass it. Because Baba has given me good power and I do not hate anybody. My principle is,

    Do not hate anybody.
    Do not have extra love with anyone.
    Have unlimited love to God.
* Definitely I will try for original Murlis. I have around one thousand Murlis from 1972 to 1985. But they are not in proper order and some of them are present with my friend. At present I am very far my native place and it will take sometime for me to reach there. Please understand me. I have hope that even if you get pain from me, one day, it will turn into happiness. Even if you find mistakes intentionally, I will not find in you. But sometimes I will have to mention here for right analysis.

* Now I have around 50 Murlis with me which I read daily twice at home. From today, I have started doing Yoga by sitting in amrutavela. A BK with me asked me to sit for Amrit Vela Yoga (company=sangathan). It is after that I am seeing this thread. Also thanks for your blessings.

* Actually my heart (mind) says to give everything to you (all here) what all I have. But I should follow srimat, right? One will have to wait for the whole truth. See the Murli point, "Drama badaa dheere chaltaa hai" = Drama moves very slowly. 26-08-2000.

* I had disclosed myself fully that I am not doing Amrit Vela Yoga regularly and do not attend classes. My aim was not to hide anything and also make others feel confident that when a person like me can have so confident in his life, why cannot they try? If you (and some members in this forum) misuse and accuse me as not pukka and try to defame me, it is OK to me. Because it will turn into garland one day. Let your wishes get fulfilled before me!

* A person having expectations is like beggar. (You said in your quote that you have expectations). He has to wait till the donor gives. He cannot force! You see, truth is so simple. But you say many times, they are fairy tales!
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Re: BKs have no love for anyone as said in the Murlis

Post09 Aug 2008

Stating the obvious, especially when it is true, is not "defamation". Defamation is, by definition, a false and defamatory statement.

    No Amrit Vela, no morning class ... no Brahmin. And, frankly, I would say it will take a good 6 months solid before you were on track again.
The rest is just all idle sophistry. There is no point in anyone reading you spout Gyan because the inside is missing.

If it all worked, you would be there. If you were yogyukt, you would be there. What are you connecting others to? You or 'the Baba'. Make all the excuses the BKWSU like ... why are they hiding 'the Baba' and his Murlis? Why do they glorify their old ladies in public instead?



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Re: BKs have no love for anyone as said in the Murlis

Post09 Aug 2008

ex-l wrote:1)Stating the obvious, especially when it is true, is not "defamation". Defamation is, by definition, a false and defamatory statement.

2)If it all worked, you would be there. If you were yogyukt, you would be there. 3)What are you connecting others to? You or 'the Baba'. Make all the excuses the BKWSU like ... 4)why are they hiding 'the Baba' and his Murlis? 5)Why do they glorify their old ladies in public instead?

Dear Soul,

Please calm down if possible.

1)Some have called me parrot, computer, impure soul, etc. Anybody can call me as dog, monkey, etc. I will not get hurt. If Dharmaraj calls me then only I will get hurt. I know that I am still far from the goal. That pain is there. I know that I am also lazy in purusharthah. I am just a numberwar soul in this drama
2)I have mentioned the reason for this in different thread, "Self study= sanyaasi". I had never said that I am yogyukt. Why do you say that?

3)I am not saying that BKs are right. In fact, the punishment for BKs is 100 fold! But Drama is like that! So far I have not posted any topic of myself in this forum. When I post, you will/may understand.

4)I did not understand what exactly you mean by this.

5)If one is not soul consciuos, then it is not possible to show God. So they may have to glorify them. Also people may not be able to understand God when a person with bodyconscious does their service [Same thing has happened for many BKs. Bodyconscious BK teachers taught them and they could not understand God and became ex-Bks]. Today, people are more bodyconscious, may be interested just in physical personalities. So, Something is better that nothing!

I agree that in this forum, I had been a little bit faster or harder than what I should had been. But, due to the attitudes and posts of many members here, lack of time and poor English I had to react like that. It will become better gradually. I felt it is not a mistake from my side, because many people are writing like that. Sometimes a thorn has to be removed from a thorn(needle). So such words are not incorrect. Also please note that I had said once good bye. I was aware of these consequences. I did not want to waste my time and energy here. But somebody(may be John or Global soul in accurate Yaad) challanged me "Do not runaway". Then I started to continue.

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