Enjoy sport

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Re: Enjoy sport

Post05 Aug 2008

arjun wrote:Was Dadi Janaki invited?

Be fair now. How would this have been possible, she was in hospital having an operation you know :|. Besides she's too old to play football.
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post05 Aug 2008

Personally, I am not so much into sports due to laziness rather than any fear of Shrimat! Although I do enjoy walking. I remember someone I know being told they shouldn't go swimming, even though they wanted to do it primarily for health reasons. A lot of this is fear based rubbish, not based on Gyan at all; more prudishness. My experience is also that the senior crew don't necessarily say that you shouldn't do this or that, but you will get sniped at behind your back and not respected.

I've been visiting in the UK recently and one place I stayed at, from a recommendation by a BK friend, was a retreat place which is open to all as a health retreat and vegetarian guest house by some BKs who seem to have a chilled out attitude to exercise, therapies etc. It was nice to stay somewhere where I felt comfortable eating the food, and with the attitude of those treating me, and spend some time with a loving and accepting spiritual approach.

They do all the BK routine stuff, but its in the background not in your face. You wouldnt know if you were staying for therapies or accommodation, although they do offer free meditation sessions in the evenings for guests who are staying for health treatments, as well as Yoga in the morning. I joined Avyakt Murli Murli if I felt up to it and not if I did not; it was relaxed.

They did a special deals as I was staying for a few days. They told me they'd sent an open invitation to centres in the UK offering BKs discounts, but they hadn't had much takeup. From discussions I had, they seem to be accepting to all shades of BK, ex-BK, etc. Anyhow, it's in Wales and it's called the Phoenix Retreat. It's not listed as a BK centre.
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post05 Aug 2008

hope1 wrote:They seem to be accepting to all shades of BK, ex-BK, etc. Anyhow its in Wales and its called the Phoenix Retreat. It's not listed as a BK centre.

Very interesting, hope1.

That "they" don't list it as a BK center, that "they or we" don't like it does not matter. The developments are showing if "Brahma Kumaris" is going to survive in the West, it will most likely more or less transform into this model you are describing above.
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Post06 Aug 2008

Hi hope 1 and welcome to you and all the new members I haven't met yet. About sports: do you think that even these days those who practise any are considered Class B, less pukka BKs, more body-conscious and not trustworthy, or making good teachers or good zombies? Do you feel that after all it is better to hide or be discreet if exercising?
hope1 wrote:They do all the BK routine stuff, but its in the background not in your face. You wouldnt know if you were staying for therapies or accomodation, although they do offer free meditation sessions in the evenings for guests

Really amazing news about the Chamaleon BKWSO! That is called "power to adjust" , or "incognito service" ;). Some marketing guys are definitely working hard for them! I hope that they will eventually open up a resort in some unspoilt tropical island, clothes optional ... So they are more distinctively than ever going "undercover"?!
The Rolling Stones wrote:Undercover of The Night

Cuddle up baby
Cuddle up tight
Cuddle up baby
Keep it all out of sight
Keep it all out of sight
Undercover of the night
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post06 Aug 2008

tom wrote:That "they" don't list it as a BK center, that "they or we" don't like it does not matter. The developments are showing if "Brahma Kumaris" is going to survive in the West, it will most likely more or less transform into this model you are describing above.

I think you are right that it is already transforming in this direction, Tom. This is very similar to the Relax Kids and Mike George breakouts.

    Do the BK provide them with Murlis to give class with?
OK, I promise to not stomp all over this one, and I take it as a sincere effort for BK stepping outside of the mainstream to incorporate the two parts of their lives, e.g. how to make a living doing something one like and one's religion ... but does the Brahma Kumari leadership accept this or just turn a blind eye to it? In truth, I imagine a BK run holistic heal center to be a very attractive retreat and can understand how comfortable it would feel to you (no onions ... no smoke etc). If the Sindhis are making a money out of the core spirituality by adding their cultural baggage, why should not Westerners by adding true value to it?

The Phoenix Retreat ... I have to say thought that "Values-based" has almost become a shorthand for Brahma Kumari, e.g. noting their "Values-based Programmes and Courses". It reminds me of the model used by the Casa Sangam that brings in good revenue for one BK related family. No mention of which "charity" it is but a nice clear logo.
The following courses are sponsored in conjunction with a charity that teaches meditation. So they are all priced at a sponsored price. The courses are:

Meditation – An Introduction

Introducing the technique of Easy Raja Yoga, a meditative Yoga, which takes you on a journey inwards, into infinite space and being in the consciousness of eternity.

    Single - £125 pp
    Double - £95 pp
    Single Deluxe - £195 pp
    Double Deluxe - £135 pp
Self-Esteem for a Balanced Life

    Single - £285 pp
    Double - £245 pp
    Single Deluxe - £395 pp
    Double Deluxe - £295 pp
Living a Conscious Life - A Spiritual Invocation

    Single - £200 pp
    Double - £175 pp
    Single Deluxe - £270 pp
    Double Deluxe - £215 pp
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post06 Aug 2008

paulkershaw wrote:Be fair now. How would this have been possible, she was in hospital having an operation you know :|. Besides she's too old to play football.

I was aware of this fact and in fact expected this reply, but I wrote it consciously. I do not expect her to play football but she could have been invited for the picnic. After all, BKs are fond of picnics. I have attended a couple of picnics with Dadis in my childhood. Moreover, when BKs can organize inter-faith conferences all over the world and even attend many such programmes organized by other religious organizations, they should not have any objection in attending a picnic organized by a group of BKs, ex-BKs and PBKs together. :D



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Re: Enjoy sport

Post06 Aug 2008

Dear all.

When you all keep talking, I keep sporting :D .

Today, I climbed a big mountain on my vacation in Poland and it feels good. I really wish you all some sport time.

Also I want to say I walk this mountain up and down with people of around 65 years old. I really sprinted up this mountain to the top and it took them only 10 minutes more than me. And down hill the were almost too quick to follow.

Wow this makes me very happy :D .

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Re: Enjoy sport

Post06 Aug 2008

peterbindi wrote:Also I want to say I walk this mountain up and down with people of around 65 years old. I really sprinted up this mountain to the top and it took them only 10 minutes more than me. And down hill the were almost too quick to follow.

You can imagine the senior Brahma Kumaris ... any further than the toli kitchen and they would all start giving Shrimat how it is "not Royal" to walk up hills and then would make the boy in Madhuban start editing out the stuff about where 70 year old Lekhraj Kirpalani played sports and walked up hill faster than the lot of them!

Congratutions Peter. I agree. Constant and strenuous physical exercise is what our bodies were designed for and, psychically, it is excellent at "blowing out the cobwebs" from our minds ... getting rid of little mayas.
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post07 Aug 2008

Maybe I will set one up (involving cake).
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post07 Aug 2008

peterbindi wrote:Wow this makes me very happy :D

Dear peterbindi,

You brought a fresh breeze to this forum. By showing us how contentment and happiness comes from the way we chose to live our daily life and how this state radiates through our posts.

I hope your humble life becomes an example for some hooligans, some so called "BK supporters", who with their unsatisfied and unbalanced minds have chosen in their childish and immature way as a lifestyle to attack most posters in this forum, including our BK members in order "to give us a good lesson!". And on this way to achieve some satisfaction!!!

Thank you peterbindi.



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Re: Enjoy sport

Post07 Aug 2008

Dear Tom.

There is nothing wrong with a good fresh and unnest fight with a hooligan. But, yeah, nowadays most hooligans are not arrested any more and they do not fight with empty hands any more. They are like poison in the milk ... also in sport as we know.

I think the best way is when they want to pull some rope with you ... don't take that rope ;) .

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Re: Enjoy sport

Post07 Aug 2008

Hi guys,

while not wanting to hijack the direction of the thread, I thought I should respond to the points raised earlier. Yeah, Tom, I think you are right about
tom wrote:The developments are showing if "Brahma Kumaris" is going to survive in the West, it will most likely more or less transform into this model you are describing above.

I feel the BKs need to stop getting so stuck on being judgmental and start living spirituality, walking their talk; being not talking about it ...

Hi Alladin, thanks for your welcome!
alladin wrote:So they are more distinctively than ever going "undercover"?!

As far as I could understand from talking to them, and some of my UK friends, they aren't a recognised centre and they are not part of the mainstream centre system. So I am not sure if you could say that the organisation itself is even more distinctivly going undercover, as I am not sure how much they are "run by" the uk BKs. Anyhow, they had the basic leaflet for the UK BKs in reception and there were some basic BK meditation books in the bedrooms, so it wasn't that concealed, but it wasnt run by people floating round in saris, and there isnt a big BK sign on the door!

ex-l, I think you make some excellent points here
ex-l wrote:Do the BK provide them with Murlis to give class with? ... but does the Brahma Kumari leadership accept this or just turn a blind eye to it? In truth, I imagine a BK run holistic heal center to be a very attractive retreat and can understand how comfortable it would feel to you (no onions ... no smoke etc). If the Sindhis are making a money out of the core spirituality by adding their cultural baggage, why should not Westerners by adding true value to it? No mention of which "charity" it is but a nice clear logo.

I don't have answers to your first couple of questions but would suggest that these guys seem open to discussion, so you could email and ask em. I went to Murli a couple of times, but I am not sure what the supply situation is. I understand your reservations. Believe me, I am a pretty cynical person and I was burnt pretty bad in the "organisation", but I needed some physical detox work going so I decided that I would try it out and was pleasantly surprised about the attitude and atmosphere I found there. The prices you listed are purely for accommodation; they do not charge for the courses based on BK philosopy.

I actually ended up with much cheaper room rate than that, and met folks who were just staying for b& b for £20 a night for longer stays and getting 30% off treatments. Anyhow, would suggest might be worth checking it out.


Hey; I am glad you had a great time mountain walking; When I do get motivated to do exercise, walking in the beautiful outdoors is the thing I like most.

Mr Green; did you say cake? I am coming ... :D.
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post08 Aug 2008

We are headed off topic and so may be we need to split or rename this one.
hope1 wrote:ex-l, I think you make some excellent points here.

Thanks. There are a lot of straight and insecure people, and individuals lacking in vision or creativity, in the BKWSU that will always be happy to have "The Unquestionable Truth" (TM) spoonfed to them and a 'managed leadership' to take responsibility for making life decisions for them either on a full-time or part-time basis. And there are enough ambitious people, or people with no other options, to see the power structure and what it offers and want to be part of it enough to sustain it.

Brahma Kumarism satisfies closely enough the basic requirements of a religion; social order, a little ritual and mysticism, entertainment, some nice property and real estate for communal use. And so, for many, they will continue to follow it through all controversies and exposé. Just as other people follow other faulted or failed religions and their leaders. The real estate/accommodation options, and carefree lifestyle of a surrendered BK, must be very attractive in India.

One of the accusations levied at this site by Colonel Hansa Raval was that the admins were somehow making money from it. She claimed that because it has links leading to other websites, the site was somehow - mystically - making money from them and her lawyers demanded for individual's personal bank statements etc to be made public to prove this.

Now here, with this healing center, Relax Kids, Sixth Element, ex-BK Brian Bacon's work, Mike George's and all other there are obvious proof of a direct connection with the use of BK-ism and making a living, making money. Of course, what the Sindhis and Hindis have been doing since Lekhraj Kirpalani money ran out. (What do we think all these memorial's and trusts are for?) The BK services might be free but they are "loss leaders" in marketing terms to promote the core business.

    "Providing sentimental entertainment for the direct and indirect return of cash". Why do they wheel out Janki Kripalani? ... Same equation.
So how does being Brown give one a monopoly over the Baba's trademarks and intellectual property? (And remember that even some non-Sindhis feel, e.g. Punjabis etc, that they have been over looked because they were not Sindhi enough). Is it just more marketing? Does the market demand a warm Brown voice being unself-conscious about little Indianism, and charming but childish ditties, in order to sell their brand of spirituality?

So ... good on these individuals for striking out on their own. I only hope that the Greater Brahma Kumari community further breakdowns the Ivory Towers that have ruled them - dishonestly - for too long and that the demand their birthright, take it with them and create their own fortune.

Just keep questioning and examining everything closely ... and take lots of long walks or break a sweat from time to time.
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post08 Aug 2008

I have heard it is not BK approved, but just wait ... if the place takes off, it soon will be.


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Re: Enjoy sport

Post08 Aug 2008

I am going for a long hike in the mountains tomorrow with an ex-BK friend. Wah the mountains Wah!

I also like swimming and ice skating but I do not so much like swimming pools and skating rings. I like to do these activities in nature, in the wilderness. Anyone has experienced skating on a 5 miles long lake in winter, 20 miles away from the nearest human dwelling? Or swimming in a 15 miles long lake with cristal clear water and nice sandy beaches with no one in sight but the friends you are swimming with? Just thinking about it I fell euphoric.

I remember one of my first BK retreat with Dadi Janki as the main guest. There was a moderate size lake on the property and canoes with paddles were available to use. I went canoeing on the lake with two Brothers and when we got far enough I could not resist stripping and jumping in the water. I knew enough to stay at a distance from Sisters.

Well! These were the good old days. I do not get to do much of that around here although my duties requiring a lot of physical activity I do keep fit and healthy.

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