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Re: Dadi Janki on BBC Asian World TV

Post24 Feb 2008

There is a new edit buttong on the posting page for Youtube. Its not quite clear but here is how to use it, you have to put the video clip's number in the tag;
Code: Select all
[youtube=gYBJDIA7yH4]BBC World TV[/youtube]

Listening to the BKWSU provided PR, what exactly is a "spiritual branch of Hinduism" ... is Hinduism itself NOT spiritual!?! :? And they clearly state they are a "branch of Hinduism".

All the usual BS ... "ancient practise of Raja Yoga" and unqualified exaggeration of "advisor to United Nations" etc.

I also notice a minor difference in Jayanti's translation. Janki talks about using "time and money" in English (although we don't yet know where she got hers from). Jayanti translates that as "... all my energies" for the English speaking world.

But what made me roll off my seat with laughter was sitting watching her speak about women saying that they have two intrinsic qualities ... "compassion and honesty"! What world does she live in ... !?! Its certainly not the BKWSU, nor this one. Then she also highlights their major failing, apparently ... "attachment". I suppose attachment to what is the question.

Oh, welcome back folks. Nice new center you have got here.

[youtube=gYBJDIA7yH4]Janki on BBC World TV[/youtube]


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Dadi Janki operation

Post23 Jul 2008

I hear Dadi Janki had an operation in Global Hospital.

Anyone with more news ?


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Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post23 Jul 2008

I heard from a BK friend that Dadiji will be in London at the beginning of August. Usually when she is in London there is a public program with Dadiji as the main speaker, but I don’t see any schedule involving her this time.
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Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post24 Jul 2008

bansy wrote:I hear Dadi Janki had an operation in Global Hospital. Anyone with more news ?

... They were trying surgery to remove someone's wallet from her fist but the operation was not successful :shock:.

Is there an other Brahma Kumari that has made such a career from being ill so often (I can think of one other old Sister in the UK ...)? I am starting to think they do it just like Kali Yugi politicians just to bury bad news or distract their followers from other issues.

Folks falling asleep in morning class ... release a Dadi Janki health scare!
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Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post26 Jul 2008

Omshanti. I enquired from a BK friend about Janaki Dadi's health. He was not aware of Dadi Janaki having undergone any operation, but he said that she was not keeping good health and was bed ridden throughout the programme of senior BK Sisters organized at Abu recently.

He also said that ever since Dadi Janaki has become the Chief of BKWSU her health has been on a decline because unlike the serene atmosphere of London/West, life at Madhuban means a lot of physical and mental pressure with a lot of '...' politics to deal with throughout the day. I can understand her situation given the huge number of surrendered teachers and BK centers/sub-centers/gitapathshalas throughout the world.

Apart from this, what was a bit surprising for me is that some of the pressure that Dadi Janaki has to deal with has to do with two senior Sisters associated with Late Dadi Prakashmani. They had become the centers of power in the days of Dadi Prakashmani and refuse to let go of that power (of administration) leading to two or three centers of power. Although these Sisters are second generation BKs, much junior to the existing senior Dadis (excluding Dadi Janaki), but they continue to exercise the same power that they wielded during the days of Dadi Kumarka. For the new BKs even these Sisters are like Dadis but for the slightly older BKs (born even upto the early 1990s) they are just senior Sisters (Brahmanis of Late Dadi Prakashmani).

Anyways, it is the internal affair of BKWSU. I wish Dadi Janaki good health. I appreciate her activeness even at this age of 90+. By the way, I asked my friend that given her age, does Dadi Janaki recognize BKs known to her and whether she has a hand in the administration of the Yagya, I was told that she is still very active and replies to emails daily. My friend said that until Dadi Janaki is alive, there is no danger to the Yagya, but God knows what would happen after she is gone because her next in line Dadi Gulzar is normally kept out of administrative tensions to keep her mentally and physically healthy for BapDada's programmes.

On Godly Service,
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Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post28 Jul 2008

Well, to the post of Arjun Bhai and DJ's health ... we all know how many times she has literally come back from the grave so to speak. I wish and hope she continues ... but the BK organization have built a solid organization in terms of heirarchy and It will be foolish to underestimate that after DJ its going to be left high and dry, in terms of Dadi Gulzar, and there is no one that is there to manage Admin and stuff like that ...

Today the Brothers Nirwair, Ramesh, Mritunjay etc manage a lot of things in Madhuban and the Rest of India. In Europe there is Jayanti, NY there is Big Mo, Hansa Rawal and Sister Chandru. In Australia there is Dadi Nirmala, Charlie Bhai etc ... in that way they have built an organization that is beyond individual personalities and people ...

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Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post29 Jul 2008

I, too, have heard she has had an operation and the details are withheld from BKs. She is coming back to England soon.


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Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post31 Jul 2008

An email was send to xxxxx
Alka Patel wrote:Dear xxxxx,


Thank you for your concern re Dadi Janki’s health Dadi Janki is now much better and already into activities in Shantivan.

Kindly let us know which city you are from. Dadi Janki will be coming to London on the 1st August.

With all good wishes.

Sister Alka


Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post31 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.

I hope my dream will be false. I actually had a dream yesterday where I saw that I was seeing news. And there was news that Dadi Janki died. I saw that many old BKs were sitting in chairs. Dadi Janki too was sitting and was normal but suddenly she leaves body, i.e. died. I thought of writing it, but then thought it was unnecessary. But today I saw this post with subject regarding Dadi Janki's health. I really hope that my dream should be false. But at the end everything happens according to drama.

Thanks, Sanjeev.
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Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post31 Jul 2008

Your dream of Dadi Janki's death will happen in the future, whether we like it or not, simply because of the "facts of life"; that is, "MAN IS MORTAL". To dream the mode of death is something else. We can predict though how a person is going to die based on his/her stage, disease, etc.

Also, dreams may be interpreted in a different way. Check this site: a dream dictionary.


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Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post31 Jul 2008

tinydot wrote:Your dream ...

Hello tinydot!

Nice to have you around here again!

We are expecting Dadi's class this coming weekend. So, if she turns up to class, I will give a good look at her and let you all know if she is different in anyway. I will see if she comments on her health issue.
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Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post01 Aug 2008

sachkhand wrote:I actually had a dream yesterday where I saw that I was seeing news. And there was news that Dadi Janki died.

Interesting. I accept your account as true and honest and can confirm that others have had exactly the same dream prior to the news being announced.

Thankfully ... and it may surprise a few ... neither Power Janki, her god Lekhraj Kirpalani nor the BKs in general do not occupy my dreams. I must be having Yoga with something else! Would it not be exciting if she really did die in public ... then we could have many first hand accounts of whether it was in a yogic fashion or not, and if anyone saw any soul leave etc. Given her guddhi grabbing tendency, and how much the BKWSU milks the old holy cow (... metaphorically speaking with relationship to the Krishna and gopi tales), I really would not be surprised if she did go in that manner.

OK, remember where you heard the news first folks ...


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Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post01 Aug 2008

I am so good at BK detachment, for this organization these days, that I don't give a damn.


Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post02 Aug 2008

AUM Shanti.
ex-l wrote:Interesting. I accept your account as true and honest and can confirm that others have had exactly the same dream prior to the news being announced.

You have written that you can confirm others too having exactly the same dream. I too did not know that Dadi Janaki was hospitalised. Will you help me by giving me names of those forum members who had such dreams through personal message? If they are not forum members would you give me their email IDs with their permission. I would like to discuss with them about their experiences about dreams.

Because this is not the only dream. I had many other dreams involving BKs and AIVV members. So I want to make true assessment of such dreams. One of such dreams is very important and crucial.


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Re: Dadi Janki operation

Post02 Aug 2008

So far she is well and kicking ...
BKWSU wrote:Om Shanti

Special event tomorrow Sunday 3rd August, Dadi Janki Chief Administrator of the Brahma Kumaris will be speaking at the Chatsworth Hotel, Steyne, Worthing (near the seafront) 6.30-8.00pm. Her topic is Forgive and Forget.

Hope you can join us.

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