Good quotes

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john morgan


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Re: Good quotes

Post27 May 2008


There is happiness when each moment is used in a worthwhile way.
Happiness is such a nourishment that it can transform a person from weak into powerful.
It makes difficult things easy; heavy things light.
To remain happy and share happiness with others is the greatest act of charity.
No matter what happens, your happiness should not be lost.

I found this on the BK publications website (so they do write some useful stuff :D ). If you would like a copy that is nicely printed with a golden background to hang on your wall for just £1.50 (+p&p) then here it is


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Re: Good quotes

Post28 May 2008

Andre Gide (1869 - 1951) wrote:Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.

john morgan


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Re: Good quotes

Post30 May 2008

Thomas Edison wrote:"I didn’t fail ten thousand times. I successfully eliminated, ten thousand times, materials and combinations which wouldn’t work."

(He was being interviewed about his attempts to invent the light bulb and the interviewer asked him why he continued with the impossible when he had failed 10,000 times, surely it was time to give up!)

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Re: Good quotes

Post01 Jun 2008

"When the Buddha gave up he became enlightened."

A nice contrast to the previous post. Where you are has to be understood before the best way to go can be divined.
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Re: Good quotes

Post02 Jun 2008

From an email sent to me by a friend:

Indian pres.jpg
Indian pres.jpg (19.25 KiB) Viewed 24320 times

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Re: Useful words, concepts and terminology

Post08 Jun 2008

Alexander Baburin wrote:It has been said that science or research has a strong tendency to kill the problem or system that it is researching.

First a simplified view of the system is taken which enables the first researcher to focus on achieving some progress in analysing a part of this simplified system. Then the next researcher comes, uses the same or even very slightly more simplified version or definition of the system and continues digging in a similar direction. This kind of spiral in the direction of knowing more and more about a more and more simplified system that is more and more distant from reality can, and in many cases does, continue for a very long time. It might even happen that people think that they know almost everything about the system when in reality they have only iterated the spiral long enough to let the simplified system become very very small.

At some point it usually becomes obvious that reality and theory do not match and someone decides to jump up out of the deep hole and take a fresh look on the system that people are trying to understand. This is often where real progress happens.

This is an extract from Chess Today, it was written by Alexander Baburin, a Russian Grandmaster who is the editor. I ilked it very much and thought that although it was written in a chess context it may be useful here.
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Re: Good quotes

Post12 Jun 2008

Trudie Bartholomew wrote:Some people give, in a very special way, much more to humanity than they can ever receive in return in the current life.

The things that we do in selflessness, asking nothing in return for the self, creates positive effects in the substance of the highest heavens, therefore it is not possible to see the fruits in the dense atoms of the physical plane.

It is however built into the permanent atoms and are seeds in the new physical, astral and mental bodies of the next life, or possibly a lifetime thousands of years from now. If you feel that you are not being compensated for your little deeds of unconditional love, understanding, sacrifice and goodwill, just carry on and let it go! The reward is so exquisite and special, that it is kept for you in a place of beauty and bliss beyond our imagination and comprehension, much closer to the heart of God.
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Re: Good quotes

Post14 Jun 2008

A quote from the June'08 issue of PURITY magazine published by the BKs:
"An ounce of mother's care is worth a ton of priest. - Spanish Proverb"
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Re: Good quotes

Post28 Jun 2008

Baher Azmy wrote:Milan Kundera, the absurdist critic of soviet totalitarianism wrote that 'the struggle of humankind against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting'. Becuase Kundera believed that the great tool undemocratic regimes is to use their power to alter or reconstruct reality, he thought it essential that artists, journalists, and dissidents make a record of their memory as a form of resistance and of truth.

From "Five Years of my Life, an innocent man in Guantanamo" by Murat Kurnaz
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Re: Good quotes

Post28 Jul 2008

Sivandanda wrote:
You should always keep your word. All the setbacks in life come only because you don't keep your word.
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Re: Good quotes

Post01 Aug 2008

Here's a very good one I've just refound. It's from Sandy Cotter who is visiting fellow, director and co-founder of Praxis, based at Cranfield School of Management:
Sandy Cotter wrote:Before people develop a higher consciousness, they need to have a robust psychology.

This always strikes me as so relevant to numerous threads and people on this forum, especially me! :D

Best wishes,

john morgan


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Re: Good quotes

Post01 Aug 2008

James Allen wrote:He who aspires to the betterment of himself and humanity should ceaselessly strive to arrive at the exercise if that blessed attitude of mind by which he is enabled to put himself, mentally and sympathetically, in the place of others, and so, instead of harshly and falsely judging them, and thereby making himself unhappy without adding to the happiness of those others, he will enter into their experience, will understand their particular frame of mind, and will feel for them and sympathise with them.

One of the great obstacles to the attainment of such an attitude of mind is prejudice, and until this is removed it is impossible to act towards others as we would wish others to act towards us. Prejudice is destructive of kindness, sympathy, love and true judgement, and the strength of a man's prejudice will be the measure of his harshness and unkindness towards others, for prejudice and cruelty are inseparable.

There is no rationality in prejudice, and, immediately it is aroused in a man he ceases to act as a reasonable being, and gives way to rashness, anger and injurious excitement. He does not consider his words nor regard the feeling and liberties of those against whom his prejudices are directed. He has, for the time being forfeited his manhood, and has descended to the level of an irrational creature. While a man is determined to cling to his preconceived opinions, mistaking them for Truth, and refuses to consider dispassionately the position of others, he cannot escape hatred nor arrive at blessedness.


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Re: Good quotes

Post01 Aug 2008

Best quotes for me :
My daughter wrote:"I love you"
My mother wrote:"I love you"
My Sister wrote:"I love you"
My Brother wrote:"I love you"
My Father wrote:"Where's the dinner"

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Re: Good quotes

Post04 Sep 2008

A thought for today? :-
Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites?



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Re: Good quotes

Post05 Sep 2008

The foolish reject what they see:
The wise reject what they think

- Zen saying

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