Enjoy sport

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Enjoy sport

Post30 Jul 2008

Dear all.

When I was young I have passion for sport in practice like swimming, martial arts, athletics and how it feels good to do, so i remember :D. More later when I came into the BK world I start to feel that sport is evil an not permitted or something like this :sad:. But a year ago or so on this forum i read that the PBKs have passion for sport and I was like ... huh???? So that made me think and I feel it has somthing to do to accept life and the possibilities for the human condition.

So, 3 months ago I start with sport and you know what, it feels good and happy and also painful and fresh. Are there here more people who have respect for Baba and do sport so that whe can learn that sport is not so bad?

So nobody has any passion to skate 30 km in 27 degrees celsius mid summer :D .



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Re: Enjoy sport

Post30 Jul 2008


In the old Yagya days, Brahma Baba (Lekhraj Kirpalani) used to take the children for walks to Baba's rock, there used to be a tennis court in the courtyard where the Tower of Peace stands now in Madhuban, and there is a badminton court outside one of the lodgings in Madhuban (Sukdham I think).

Sport is often seen as body consious, but if sport is fresh and good for the health and helps to relax, then it is good for the body which holds the Chariot. Sport is a way to energise your body elements and maintain a fresh mind. There is physical sports as well as less physical ones, so it is best to have the sports which do not exert too much pressure as it will cause tension, and also sports that become competitive will bring out competiveness in which someone will win and someone will lose. If one can humbly accept loss and well as a win, then it is fine for both parties. Otherwise egos will fly when a "winner takes all". Yoga is like a sport of the mind.

I often go swimmming, and also do many other exercises, to a lesser a degree than when I was younger. I enjoy sports with others and also I like it on my own (it's a bit like studying). Floating in the pool backwards and thinking about God is very pleasant, it's a nice feeling of floating but also of swimming in the Ocean.

However, if you feel pain, you should moderate your excercise and slowly build up your muscles and timing. In the Mahabarat story, Arjun has the concentration of being able to always hit the target with his archery skill and his pandav Brother Bheem had the strength and power but maintained softness. Physical pain will usually come with the process of aging anyway, but if you learn to know your own body then you will be able to acommodate it and control the pain. But you need not be attached to the body and accept the body you have been cherished with, so look after it well too. Feed it well too. Don't look at others when you do sports, enjoy it and feel free.

The aim of sports is not the target but the enjoyment.



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Re: Enjoy sport

Post30 Jul 2008

Dear Bansy.

I see in the mirror so as you write, and I can say I do it good already. Softly and gently press the body to the limit. The affect of sport is that you simply feel better in mind and body, and to be in unhealthy competition, I don't like it at all. And in my case the focus on the soul becomes better also, so it is a win-win situation :D .

You can see for yourself, if the pressure doesn't fall off your body or mind fast, you did too much ... but not when you have a bad day.

The mind in sport is Yoga :D .

Thanks, peterbindi.
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post31 Jul 2008

I agree with you that the BKWSU leadership was always against sports, funnily enough especially swimming (either because of the imagined lust angle or the impurity of getting into the water with Shudras who don't wash their bottoms) and any sports such as Tai Chi, hatha Yoga or martial arts that might have an alternative "religious" value. I do not know how it is now.

I also agree with you that sport and exercise are very good for the mind and body and to keep a balance between the two is best. How on earth do they think all those dough balls Indian Sisters are in a good state ... well, I suppose it stops anyone lusting after them. My experience is that may be at least 50% or more of what we think if "Maya" is actually just caused by a bad diet and an unhealthy body.

I suppose they just wanted us working for them for free instead of wasting our "precious Confluence Age" keeping healthy when the "old, impure body" was going to be destroyed any minute.
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post31 Jul 2008

Hatha and Pranayama styled Yoga does it for me ... the "God" realisations I have during my exercise is truly wonderful for me.
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post31 Jul 2008

I keep fit and healthy, my job is enough ... but I like hiking too.
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post31 Jul 2008

Dear peterbindi,
Omshanti. Discussing about the health of the body is always welcome. And there cannot be a better way to be healthy than participating in sports.

You can find more views of the past and present members of this forum in the following thread of this Section: Are healthy exercise and the BKs mutually exclusive?

You can also find many Murli points related to physical health in t http hat thread.

Many BKs/PBKs may see sports/physical exercises as a waste of time, but having experienced the bad results of not exercising. I have corrected my lifestyle and I exercise daily, mostly twice a day, in the morning as well as in the evening (after returning from the office). Although I would have loved to participate in sports also, but the lack of time does not permit me to get involved in sports, which is a group activity. In the evenings I go for a walk and do some physical Yoga alone, but in the mornings, I do some rigorous exercises.

I am able to exercise twice daily because there is no gitapathshala/mini-Madhubans near my house. And hence I am unable to attend daily classes. I listen to Murlis at home by playing the VCD*. I can attend the Murli classes only on the Sundays. For those BKs/PBKs who attend daily Murli classes, especially in the cities it is difficult to spare time for exercises/sports, but they can compensate for that by walking to the gitapathshala/center. They can also go for a walk or do physical Yoga in the evenings if they are going to the center in the mornings and vice-versa.

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Re: Enjoy sport

Post31 Jul 2008

arjun wrote:I am able to exercise twice daily because there is no gitapathshala/mini-Madhubans near my house. And hence I am unable to attend daily classes.

Yes, very honestly spoken arjun, like you always do. How could we have time and energy to make some sports if we had no time to sleep properly.From 04.00 am to 12.00 pm nonstop service or Yoga, if we are lucky , two hours rest in the afternoon. I left all my hobbies and sports by surrendering my bones to Yagya and started to a healthy life with sports again as i left Gyan with my own initiative.
ex-l wrote:I agree with you that the BKWSU leadership was always against sports, funnily enough especially swimming (either because of the imagined lust angle or the impurity of getting into the water with Shudras who don't wash their bottoms) and any sports such as Tai Chi, hatha Yoga or martial arts that might have an alternative "religious" value. I do not know how it is now.

It is the same now. They don't express it straightforward with words but they let the BKs feel that these activities are for body conscious Shudras. Our bodies are valuable for them to use as their own smiling slaves until one day we are of no use any more and are thrown away and forgotten.On the other hand we knew that some center in charges used every opportunity to go swimming when they were invited by some students.



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Re: Enjoy sport

Post31 Jul 2008

Dear all.

I am so happy to hear from you that sport is not at all bad, because from the time I was involved with the BKs, there was strictness in the atmosphere that sport was not done and evil and this pursued me for a lot of years. I am glad to have this freedom back :D .

And with respect, all this in the BK world fat ladies need some diet and the weaker Brothers and Sisters need some training. Because we all know that in the BK world the body suffers a lot and mostly there is no balance made for them between soul and body.
And even now in iron age the 5 elements pull like crazy on the body.

This precious instrument, which is the body, must stay in good condition and this is not done only by swallowing as many darna Murli points as possible as the BKs taught me.

So I am happy to hear healthy information from you all :D .

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Re: Enjoy sport

Post31 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote:I agree with you that the BKWSU leadership was always against sports, funnily enough especially swimming (either because of the imagined lust angle or the impurity of getting into the water with Shudras who don't wash their bottoms) and any sports such as Tai Chi, hatha Yoga or martial arts that might have an alternative "religious" value. I do not know how it is now.

I think the 'imagined lust angle' of looking at sports, whether by BKWSU is not correct based on my personal experiences. Imagining about bodies and lust is lustful rather than the sports. When someone is sitting idle he may indulge in lustful thoughts/vision/activity, but if someone is participating in a group sports activity, especially in fast sports like football, volleyball, hockey, swimming, atheletics, rowing, cycling, etc. the soul is focussed on the physical activity rather than thinking about the body. In fact, when you are intensely involved in a game, you forget about your body and the surroundings.

A spectator of a swimming, diving, wrestling, gymnastics, atheletics competitions (where the body remains largely uncovered) may get lustful thoughts on seeing the competitors, but the competitor himself/herself does not think either about his/her own body or others' bodies because he remains focussed on his performance.

I would like to relate another personal experience although it is not completely related to the topic. Because of my association with the BKs since my early childhood (and partially due to the Indian background), I used to be very shy in changing my dress (or you could say undressing) even in front of male members (I still don't change dresses in front of females). Even if I was forced to change dresses in front of others (like at Madhuban. or when relatives are at home), like other persons of my 'tribe' I would cover myself with a big towel before getting into different set of clothes. It took me a long time to change that habit.

My experience as a PBK and thinking about the practical aspects of soul consciousness helped me in that switchover. In this aspect, I feel PBKs are advanced than BKs, partially due to the constraint of space/facilities and partially due to the freedom they are given. During summers you can find PBK Brothers sitting/sleeping in shorts (only in the Brothers portion; they cannot venture out in non-conforming dresses in common portions of the AIVV premises).

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Re: Enjoy sport

Post31 Jul 2008

If one consider the body to be one's temple, its' wonderful to see how some sports can produce such beautiful altars of perfection. Its about looking after one-self in ALL respects and enjoying the body. Of course not all of us will go to such extremes but its good to exercise and do some form of sport as its paying homage and respect to physical, emototional and mental well-being.
During summers you can find PBK Brothers sitting/sleeping in shorts (only in the Brothers portion; they cannot venture out in non-conforming dresses in common portions of the AIVV premises).

Hmm, maybe after reading this I will after all now consider becoming a PBK ;) and I could think of a few alternative words to what "PBK" really means - :oops: - but I'll refrain in case I get attacked online by any angry and abusive supporter of celibacy ... and i wouldn't want to change the thread's angle would I? ... Pretty Beefy Kumar ... Pretty Big K ... oh stop it, Paul, you'll get yerself banned! Oh darn, I changed the topic of the thread, so sorry peterbindi. (baie jammer). It must be the 'healthy' libido arising from exercise that does it ... :D.

I do wonder if our upbringing and teaching does create shyness, when I was growing up I too was shy about changing in front of my peers after playing sport, nowadays I don't care who sees my body, naked or not, its probably my experience as a massage therapist that has cured me of this experience. I remember many of the "Brother's" I was around in my BK days slept only in 'shorts' or briefs so nothing new here. Does anyone think there's a difference between Gyani sleepwear between Western and eastern sides of BK/PBK life?
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Post01 Aug 2008

I remember and am grateful to the exchanges of ideas we had on this section. "Are healthy exercise and the BKs mutually exclusive?", especially because it is one of those taboo topics the BKs are not allowed to ask or argue about.

Possibly you are not looked down upon like a Shudra if you practise sports now, compared to the old days when double foreigners were just a handful and the SS wanted to strictly curb their habits, passions and hobbies.

It is well known, though, that totalitarian regimes, traditionally encourage young people to practise sports because physical activity and tiredness are very efficient ways to channel rebelliousness and other types of energies. Logically, physical fatigue could help people who must follow sexual abstinence. But maybe the BK philosophy is so much about prudishness, that what prevails is the idea that a healthy relationship with the souls' vehicle, is body consciousness, sin and this includes fitness and proper diet. Why then do they order adepts to wash several times a day? Religious tradition?

Muslim and Hindu religions include such practises whereas in Christianity, whether in the Middle Age or during Victorian periods, washing, looking at and taking care of the body was to be avoided as if leading to further corruption!
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post03 Aug 2008

paulkershaw wrote:maybe after reading this I will after all now consider becoming a PBK ;) and I could think of a few alternative words to what "PBK" really means - :oops: - but I'll refrain in case I get attacked on-line by any angry and abusive supporter of celibacy... and i wouldn't want to change the thread's angle would I? ... Pretty Beefy Kumar

You are welcome, but you will also have to adjust with many other things like no tea/coffee/milk; meals, just twice a day, small bathrooms, no hot water, no tolis, no sofas, sleeping on the floor, etc. etc. After reading all this, I hope you would change the definition of PBKs to Pretty Boring Kumars :D
paulkershaw wrote:I remember many of the "Brother's" I was around in my BK days slept only in 'shorts' or briefs so nothing new here. Does anyone think there's a difference between Gyani sleepwear between Western and eastern sides of BK/PBK life?

Yes, there is definitely a vast difference between the Gyani sleepwear between Western and eastern sides of BK/PBK life.

Some surrendered BK Sisters enjoy the self-granted freedom of wearing 'maxies' during the nights, but I don't think surrendered PBK Sisters are allowed that freedom. At the most they might be allowed wearing the Punjabi dress. I don't know what kind of freedom the Western surrendered BK Sisters have when it comes to nightwear.

As regards the Brothers, as I have already said, some PBK Brothers may sleep in shorts (Bermudas type) only in the Brothers' room. But most sleep in kurta pyjamas/pants only. I don't think surrendered BK Brothers in India are allowed the freedom to wear shorts. They are expected to sleep in kurta pyjamas, I suppose.
aladin wrote:Logically, physical fatigue could help people who must follow sexual abstinence.

Yes, it definitely helps and even ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has given this advice to PBKs. He says that one should become tired to the extent that one falls asleep as soon as one lies down on the bed. Most people do not wish to tire their body unless someone is very enthusiastic. There are some mini-Madhubans/ BK centers where the surrendered PBKs/BKs have enough physical Godly service to tire their bodies, but at most places there is not much service, so, physical exhaustion is not possible unless one does physical exercises out of self-interest. Moreover there are so many items of luxury at many BK centers, besides the non-surrendered BKs helping out in the daily work of the centers that the surrendered BKs tend to become fat due to inactive life.

It is only in the free time and when not having a sound sleep that there are chances of thoughts of lust/wasteful thoughts disturbing us.


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Re: Enjoy sport

Post03 Aug 2008

Arjun wrote:When someone is sitting idle he may indulge in lustful thoughts/vision/activity, but if someone is participating in a group sports activity, especially in fast sports like football ... the soul is focussed on the physical activity rather than thinking about the body.

Interesting! One thing is to talk and another thing is to actualy experience this fact while practicing activities with the gyany souls.

About two weeks ago we organized a picnic and also played football in the park. There were BK, ex-BK and PBK. It was nice and easy no body argued about anything. Everyone just shared their points of view on different topics of Knowledge and about the BKWSU.

Our football mach was more like passing the ball between us, not a proper mach, and as far I am concerned no one seemed to be worried about lustful thoughts or any thing like that.

You can imagine if the forum members were to get together personally and have an open chat ... so that was the way it happened. I was amazed how everyone was fully informed about what is going on at the BKWSU.
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Re: Enjoy sport

Post05 Aug 2008

warrior wrote:About two weeks ago we organized a picnic and also played football in the park. There were BK, ex-BK and PBK. It was nice and easy no body argued about anything. Everyone just shared their points of view on different topics of Knowledge and about the BKWSU.

I hope the next time some ex-PBKs and some chariots (of God) also join the football match. :D Anyways it is a good attempt to unite all parties. Was Dadi Janaki invited?

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