Healing for money

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Re: Healing for money.

Post22 Jul 2008

Dear Paul.

What would you like a 75 % pure treatment or a 100% pure treatment :D? Let say a full-time job that is 75 % pure is where the fish can come in the kitchen :D and free payment is 100% pure, healed in all your blood barrels.

For me the choice is easy.

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Re: Healing for money.

Post22 Jul 2008

That depends on what you mean by the term 'pure'? Its been discussed in length on the forum and no consensus was reached at the time, someone else's 75% purity may be better than someone else's 100%, eh?

But still, some people expect more than others from a healing experience. Surely, going back to an earlier comment you make (it may be that I am not understanding the point correctly ...) surely "to recognise the need for healing" is the first step and then "asking for healing" is the second so I do not understand your comment about "not asking for healing".

Either I do not understand what you are saying or we differ in our concept of what healing really means. I think this has also been discussed in earlier posts on the forum but can you kindly clarify your viewpoint for me about this aspect?

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Re: Healing for money.

Post22 Jul 2008

Perhaps Peter Bindi has something right about these Alternative Healing people ... Captured Bosnian Serb war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic was practising alternative medicine and living in Serbia's capital, Belgrade.

Its a little off topic but ... obviously ... proves everything!
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Re: Healing for money.

Post22 Jul 2008

Ahha yes ex-l. But he WAS in disguise and riding a bus when caught!



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Re: Healing for money.

Post22 Jul 2008

Dear Paul.

Not asking for healing I mean from the point of the healer him/her self it must be free and clean from the heart. When you do the best you can there is no need to ask, it all come to you automatic, skills I mean.

From childhood, I am interested in magnetism and after the Brahma Kumaris i am still with interest in this. To heal some one means to bring back the other in balance from sickness like cancer and try to remove this. So in the past i visit a men who devoted his live to heal people with cancer (later on he died himself).

Paul, healing is to transport your energy so that you help others with there mentall or body problems or live problems. And there is also knowlege involved to keep your or them live healthy, like food, habits, peace.

Purity depend for sure on the caliber of the soul but even a small caliber can have good purity to heal.

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Re: Healing for money.

Post22 Jul 2008

Hmm, I think 'nature' takes care of that process herself ... I know if ever in the past I have been 'worried' about money or begin to rely on the income from the spiritual healings and work I do, I have noticed that the client often does not arrive for the appointment. It is a good way to keep the heart open and 'pure' as you call it, and that the client will receive the best healing, free from any other intent, which is what I think you are saying in this thread.
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Re: Healing for money.

Post22 Jul 2008

Dear Peter,

I think I understand now your point. I agree with you with all my heart. But I have to add; Nothing is black and white. Important is the intention. As you said spiritually gifted people should always take care to stay with pure heart and intention. Even not only for materialistic reasons, some tendency for fame and name or power can also affect badly their gift.

I do believe that by abusing their natural skills, the source of their gift, the channel dries out. And at the end what they are doing is only imitating what they were doing initially honestly. If they achieve some good results after loosing their ability, I believe this is because of the pure hearts of their patients. But this is only my humble thinking. We must consider that these gifts are coming from sources of other dimensions which we can not understand with our limited consciousness. Other rules than ours are in charge.

I do also agree with Paul. My sincere belief is, that we are obliged to give something- whatever we can - in return when we take something. This is the universal law i believe. We should not create a burden on ourselves by only taking. Of course, the intentions and measures are important. The thousands of dollars which the famous so called healer mediums are charging from their patients are here off topic. In the village, the patient visits the healer with some simple product from his garden or stall, which is very much appreciated. In the city however it is of course the best to bring some money, as the survival of every citizen in the city depends on money. Just for now of course. I agree with you,Paul, the times when we have to return to simple bartering system in the cities seems to be close.

I myself and many friends of mine we had such extraordinary experiences by the late retired healer I mentioned before, who lived the simple life of renunciation with devotion to his work, that after his demise decades ago we never thought to try anybody else. We witnessed the pure miracles through his hands. Unfortunately he became in his last years mentally sick and died a very slow and tragical death.
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Re: Healing for money

Post23 Jul 2008

Is not the problem where the healer does not actually heal but uses their charisma to gather donations or payments for doing nothing, e.g. they depend on the victim's "faith" or blame the victim's "lack of faith" for the cure not working?

I mean, we pay ordinary doctors, surgeons, dentists etc huge wages through our taxes, insurance or directly ... why should we not pay some other sort of healer IF they can do the job ... a job that we would otherwise pay for?

It is also worth pointing out that doctors and surgeons etc regularly mistreat people, even kill them and are often unable to treat their illness ... yet the health systems continues to pay them premium wages.

All of this discussion exists against the backdrop of the BK apparently giving all their services for "free", a claim that is slowly being exposed as not quite true. Its fine to set the benchtest for payments at zero WHEN you have a rich sugar daddy, or have managed to con a string of donators to support you.
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Re: Healing for money

Post23 Jul 2008

Hello all,

I wanted to mention that having been in India and other parts of the world. I have observed a few people who do not charge anything for their so called services which they have either learnt from their guru's ... In the southern part of India there is a group called, I think, "Sitthars". Now these guys do not belong to any organization, nor have any permanent place to live, so in a sense they are wandering nomads ...

If you would go to the beach you might be lucky to spot them by their very different looks in terms of the clothes or what they carry. you could strike a conversation and learn some tremendous truths about the universe and I have personally experienced much before joining the BK's some of the Gyan explained in a much simpler manner ...

They also guide you through some of your difficult moments in life by giving simple non-voodoo measures to ease suffering ... In fact they guy whom I had met said that I will enter spirituality in 7-8 months and It came to be true ...

So, YES, there are folks out there who do it for free with absolutely no axe to grind ... I offered this guy money he laughed and asked me what he would do with it. I told him I will buy him a meal .. at last he accepted an apple for spending almost three hours of quality time with me ...

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Re: Healing for money

Post23 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote: I mean, we pay ordinary doctors, surgeons, dentists etc huge wages through our taxes, insurance or directly ... why should we not pay some other sort of healer IF they can do the job ... a job that we would otherwise pay for?....It is also worth pointing out that doctors and surgeons etc regularly mistreat people, even kill them and are often unable to treat their illness ... yet the health systems continues to pay them premium wages..

Hmmm, I am wondering if one could 'sue' a healer that hasn't charged for for their services, if the healing is not working that it is???

One can sure sue a surgeon for malpractice, but does it still count if a healing or surgery is done free?



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Re: Healing for money

Post23 Jul 2008

Yogy 108 wrote.

I offered this guy money he laughed and asked me what he would do with it. I told him I will buy him a meal .. at last he accepted an apple for spending almost three hours of quality time with me ...

That give,s me horripilation and good heart feelings :D .



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Re: Healing for money

Post23 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote:Is not the problem where the healer does not actually heal but uses their charisma to gather donations or payments for doing nothing, e.g. they depend on the victim's "faith" or blame the victim's "lack of faith" for the cure not working?

Is not this a familiar sound within the BK and other so called "spiritual" groups?
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Re: Healing for money

Post23 Jul 2008

Of course it is. There's nothing ever wrong with the teachings, only the learners' or recipients' understanding.

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