Daily Murli churnings by BKs

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Daily Murli churnings by BKs

Post18 Jul 2008

Just looking at saturday's Murli and Baba saying "to create a little room with a picture of Baba in it and by keep going to it throughout the day and talking to Baba, remembrance and closeness will remain throughout the whole day".

I guess thats the whole ball game really. I remember when I was distant from Baba in a disintegrating marriage, listening to Jon Anderson singing, "like the time I ran away, turned around and you were standing close to me". Just to taste that closeness again and not see what others are doing is all that matters.

Sometimes, when I am low I just sit in front of Baba's picture and say to myself right I am going to just study what Baba says until the feel good factor returns with the belief that sorrow only befriends me if my mind is journeying through something of no use to me in my quest to experience true love ... Now, if I do not feel close to love then I sit with Baba's messages that guide me and the love light becomes bright again.

In saturdays Murli Baba says ..."At the Confluence Age, you receive love directly from God. This love is new and unique. You have loved bodily beings throughout the whole cycle. Now love the bodiless Father". Baba is giving the answer to everything (for me anyway) and that is become a child again ... because there are more questions than answers

Om Shanti


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Re: Murli 19/07/08

Post19 Jul 2008

newlife wrote:Just lookin at saturdays Murli

I don't know what the rules are in the BKWSU anymore but I am sure that when BKs are provided the Murlis in advance (which in itself is an odd situation since it means someone has prepared it), the BK is only supposed to read that day's Murlis on that day.


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Re: Murli 19/07/08

Post19 Jul 2008

Just dropping by and PFFFF, they are still so full of it.

Keep brainwashing yourself ... put up a picture of your dog, goldfish or anything ... and you feel the same way!! Stop wasting your time!

“The Father says you should not remember any subtle or corporeal or incorporeal picture. You are given a target; people remember (God) by seeing pictures. Baba says – stop seeing pictures. This is a path of worship ... He says – Children, do not look at any picture. Remember Me alone. Connect the intellect above. We have to remember the one where we have to go. One Father, that is all, none else. He alone is the true paatshaah, the one who narrates the truth. So, you should not remember any picture. You should not even remember this picture of Shiv because Shiv is not like this. Just as we are souls, He is the Supreme Soul. Just as a soul lives in the middle of the forehead, Baba also says – I occupy a little space adjacent to the soul and sit. I sit as a charioteer and give knowledge to this one. The soul of this one did not have knowledge; he was sinful. Just as his soul, the charioteer, speaks through the body, similarly I speak through these organs. Otherwise, how would I explain?” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 20.02.08, pg.3 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)



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20/07/08 ... just a few thoughts

Post20 Jul 2008

Om Shanti good morning atmas,

Todays Murli is the Avyakt of 25/10/69. Baba says, “BapDada has come to see our transformation. Each one has brought about transformation according to his own capacity ... there are those with a faithful intellect, that is those who have full faith in themselves as well as in the Father, that whatever transformation they have brought about, they will maintain that eternally. They are the ones who have a completely faithful intellect whereas the other poor things are still trying to maintain their courage.”

There seems to be something that some adjust to much better than others and that’s the subject of numbers or capacity. In our centre we have about 20 Brahmins, only one of which still has the aim of being one of the 8 jewels. Good for her. When Baba says about the poor things I, (a soul that at one time had such aspirations until falling), feel that Baba really means the statement as it sounds not in a manner that makes me feel that those of the highest category are special and the rest, which includes myself, not really special at all. But that every human soul is special, beyond comparison.

It is human souls that do the comparing bit. In reality if it is true that I have performed a lot of vikarma in The Cycle but show the courage and eagerness to set it right while living in the real world away from mt abu 49 weeks of the year, surely that shows God my statement of intent and therefore attracts, by the very laws of courage that Baba has told me are real, that I will receive the power needed which will balance everything out (as in the souls that remain purer compared to me will experience Gods support at this time because their purity attracts Gods light and might, whereas my fluctuating stage attracts the power because I showed the patience to wait for something negative to finish, and the courage to bounce back, and to keep going like cool hand luke in that punch up).

The more elevated souls will breeze through much easier than me because of purity but although it is harder for me to follow Shrimat, by following it and proving that endeavour to Baba, and proving that I will remain pure I must surely attract Baba's special attention in a personal way. And this has been my own experience after being back in Gyan 14 months. I look at the Seniors and feel that their advice is correct but, when connected to me personally, only Baba knows my level.

On the other hand I feel that i would divorce myself of that help by saying “mistakes make us grow, we shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves”. I know one soul that regularly creates sorrow for himself by going drinking for 3 days running, then comes back to class feeling weak about himself, then feels good about himself again and then does the same thing again two weeks later and says we shouldn’t beat ourselves up. That’s fine if he is happy with that, but I know he is not ...

I am looking more toward the power of acceptancy or the comfort zone but with the aim to push towards short term aims that make me move out of that zone and into a higher zone that I very quickly feel comfortable in, staying there until it is my own inner calling that makes me move. And if anyone expects anything more to just remain silent and they will soon get the message. As Baba says fortune makes us make effort so it is only a 3 way relationship between the self, the fixed future fortune and the Father ... any thoughts on this subject are welcome ... newlife


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Re: Murli 19/07/08

Post21 Jul 2008

I donot have a of Murli 19/7/2008. Please send me a copy.


Re: 20/07/08 ... just a few thoughts

Post21 Jul 2008

Om Shanti,

Another poor thing soul here. Trying to keep my transformation intact.

Falling some days getting up again and thinking may be this is what happens to everyone before they fly.

    BapDada says if you keep trying that will continue till the end.
    Baba has confidence in each of his jewels.
That spurs me on . :D
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Re: 20/07/08 ... just a few thoughts

Post21 Jul 2008

Dear newlife,

Welcome to the forum. See how you address us:
newlife wrote:Todays Murli is the Avyakt of 25/10/69. Baba says, “BapDada has come to see our transformation.

Except the word "atmas" you are giving us a morning class. For God's sake, save us from these classes. Please never address us "atmas". As a member of this forum, I am asking you kindly to come down from the Guddi or I cannot read your posts because I am tired out.

You are writing in a previous post that you have been away from "Baba" 13 years and now back again since 14 months. Good for you. But if you have chosen this forum to confess your repentance for your "missing" years and to practice Murli classes, allow me to say that you are here in a wrong address.

Before you start to write again, read please the previous posts, if you are able to understand what you read- no offense- because we had here before you other examples of not pukka but sort of BK supporters - who were not able to understand what was written to them and not to hear what was told to them - their conscience became so narrow like parrots that they were only reading their own classes and hearing their own salmons. So they got many complaints from our members including myself, because most of us have been decades long in Gyan listening every morning to class and giving classes. And even now if we wanted we would be able to go back to the morning classes. Some of us are still regular BKs. See the members list.

Instead of trying to teach us Gyan, please try to understand why we have chosen to be here. And what we share with each other. You must know we are satiated with preachers. Don't look at other examples who continue to give their salmons.

Please read the BK History and other threads and take a look at historical documents in the library until you feel you are ready to share with us your personal experiences and thoughts about some of the hundreds of interesting topics, but not a topic like this one again and not a class again please. I want you to take advantage from this forum, which saved lives including mine, waking me up from my Kumbakarna sleep and which is full of incredible documents the BK leadership is hiding from you BKs.

with my best wishes


Re: 20/07/08 ... just a few thoughts

Post21 Jul 2008

Hello Newlife,

Was Baba saying something about putting ?!? When required, of course, each one of these symbols should fit into the situation. It's up to you to decide wat to use.

You know what tom wants you to use.



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Re: 20/07/08 ... just a few thoughts

Post21 Jul 2008

Thanks for the salmon, tom ... I wont bother you all again.
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Re: 20/07/08 ... just a few thoughts

Post21 Jul 2008

Hi, newlife,

This post above is my own request from you. Because I am fed up with BK classes before you came and I want to read your posts.

This forum belongs to all of us. I want you to stay and take benefit from this forum. Please take it easy.



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Re: 20/07/08 ... just a few thoughts

Post25 Jul 2008

I am happy for anyone to use this forum as means for BKs to also come to share their churnings. Those who do not want to read this thread can ignore it.

However, I think this thread should be merged with 19/07/08 thread and renamed to a single thread called "Daily Murli churnings by BKs". Then newlife and life can share their churnings, but also be prepared to hear what other members churn, which may be different from their own churning.

Does newlife/life think this is a good idea?

You should also churn at least one or two points each day in this thread. There are very few forum members who can keep up with points each day here (except Arjunbhai :D ), but if you feel you need a place to share churnings, you can ask Admin to help you here and set up a specific thread for this. Alternately if you prefer, each forum member also has a blog feature for personal churning rathered than shared churning.


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Re: Daily Murli churnings by BKs

Post26 Jul 2008

I will raise some Murli points here if and when I can get hold of a Murli, so as to initiate churnings preferably by BKs. Fortunately I got today's one by fax. BKs can likewise add their own churning points.

The following was the Q+A in today's BK morning Murli 26 July 2008 :

    Question : What method can you colour new students with the colour of knowledge ?
    Answer : Make them sit in a bhatti furnace for 7 days. It is a custom that when someone comes to make them fill a form. Only when they first stay in a bhatti for 7 days can they be fully coloured.
Can someone (newlife, life. mbbhat and others) explain what is meant by 7-days bhatti ? How many new students do this ? Did you do this ? Can anyone afford the time, with lokik work, to do this ? Does this 7-days bhatti mean differently to the 7-day basic course (BKWSU) or the the 7-day Advance Course (AIVV) ? Or is this just plain vanilla 7-days bhatti Yoga with Father Shiva for 24 x 7 x 7 ?

This is just the Q + A at the start of today's Murli, but how many BKs have churned this and understood it ?

You got to churn this on the premise that someone new who reads this Murli for the first time, what does it mean and how can you explain it to them. But it will also apply regressively to those who have studied Murlis for many years.

As you can see from above, I am slow at going through a Murli. :oops:



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Re: Daily Murli churnings by BKs

Post26 Jul 2008

Dear Bansy soul,

Even I was interested to know details about these. But couldnot get much. But from Murli points (I do not have date now) what I know is - 7 day's bhatti means the person should keep completely moun (silence), not even write (or desire to write) letter to his friends or relatives. He should keep himself busy just in Gyan and Yoga. I do not know how many have done this and where all it was done (just in Madhuban or even in centres).

I think Murli says this should be done immediately after 7 days course when one gets faith in knowledge.
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Re: Daily Murli churnings by BKs

Post26 Jul 2008

Sister bansy wrote:Does this 7-days bhatti mean differently to the 7-day basic course (BKWSU) or the the 7-day Advance Course (AIVV) ?
mbhbhat wrote:Even I was interested to know details about these. But couldnot get much. But from Murli points (I do not have date now) what I know is- 7 days bhatti means the person should keep completely moun(silence), not even write(or desire to write) letter to his friends or relatives. He should keep himself busy just in Gyan and Yoga. I do not know how many have done this and where all it was done (Just in Madhuban or even in centres).

Here is a Murli point related to this subject:

"Baap kahtey hain, mai tum bachhon say baat kartaa hoon. Haan, kabhi koi mitra sambandhiyon aadi ko ley aatey hain toh thodi baat kar letaa hoon. Pehli baat toh hai pavitra banana hai tab hee buddhi may dhaaranaa hogi. Yahaan kay kaaydey bahut kadey hain. Aagey kahtey thay 7 roz bhatthi may rahnaa hai, aur koi kee Yaad naa aaye, na patra aadi likhnaa hai. Raho bhal kahaan bhi. Parantu saara din bhatthi may rahnaa padey. Abhi toh tum bhatti may padkar fir baahar nikaltey ho." (BKs dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli taareekh 04.01.06, page 1)

“Father says, I speak to you children. Yes, sometimes some children bring their friends, relatives, etc. So I talk to them a little. The first matter is that we have to become pure. Only then will The Knowledge get inculcated in the intellect. Here the rules are very strict. Earlier, it used to be said that one must stay in the 7 days bhatti. One should not be reminded of anyone else. Neither should we write letters etc. Although one may live anywhere, but one should remain in bhatti for the entire day. Now you have undergone the bhatti and now you venture out.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 04.01.06, page 1 published by BKs)

The bhatti as prescribed by Baba can be possible only if the newcomers stay at Madhuban full time for seven days. It cannot be possible if someone is just coming for an hour everyday to the BK center to attend the course. In case someone is coming from home to the BK center to listen to the basic knowledge it is termed 'seven days course' and not 'seven days bhatti'. Throughout my BK days no newcomer has been asked to stay at the centers (known to me) to attend the seven days bhatti.

But ever since I have become a PBK, I have observed that every newcomer is required to undergo a seven days bhatti at Kampil (which has been temporarily shifted to Farrukhabad due to reconstruction of the building at Kampil) where the above conditions are fulfilled. Mostly the newcomers come to Kampil for bhatti after having done the same course at their respective gitapathshala/mini-Madhubans. But still there is a great difference between the Advance Course done at their city (by shuttling between home and center) and the seven days bhatti at Kampil where they cannot venture out, cannot write letters, cannot call up their relatives on phone, cannot get outside food. If someone leaves the bhatti in between, he/she has to undergo the bhatti once again to be eligible to meet Baba.

Although there are many ex-PBK groups at present, but I have come to know from persons who have attended their programmes that such seven days bhatti is not organized even by those groups.

With regards,
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Re: Daily Murli churnings by BKs

Post26 Jul 2008

bansy wrote:Answer : Make them sit in a bhatti furnace for 7 days. It is a custom that when someone comes to make them fill a form. Only when they first stay in a bhatti for 7 days can they be fully coloured.
mbbhat wrote:I think Murli says this should be done immediately after 7 days course when one gets faith in knowledge.

In the existing letters from the Om Mandli days that we have, there are references to a 7 day induction. In one that I am thinking of, Om Radhe is writing to invite Gandhi to come and join them. It obviously existed in the early days.

I have never heard of any Murli that suggests what mbbhat does. It hardly makes sense given that there is no more 7 Days Course either (which was obviously a watered down version of the earlier 7 days bhatti).

As it all depending on one's faith in whether the Brahma Kumari system is worthy or a waste of time, either way I would have to flag it up as an applied form of 'Stockholm Syndrome' we started to discuss, here which relates to the conditioning hostages or victims of abuse undergo that binds them to the captors (even if their entrance into the captors' net was voluntary). Some geneticists relate it to successful survival mechanism going back into history where if caught by enemy tribes, it paid to struggle for a few days in case you were rescued back but if not, it paid to surrendered to the ways of the new tribe and accept one's position. This is the history and learned behaviour of all our souls/genes at some or another.

It also illustrates for me how the Murli is increasingly becoming of 'symbolic value' only to the BKs, used for ritual like purposes during their daily disciplines (we sit, we listen ... and, of course, edit it out when it becomes too embarrassing) but not actually adhered to, whereas the PBKs are attempting to sustain its literal value even if it time has passed.

Logically, if it is God and God is saying this, and all important is placed on this god's words ... then why is it not happening? Does one not define one's self as a BK by following what is spoken and written ... when did it all get changed, by whom and under what circumstances? The need for rapid expansion to ensure financial liquidity post-1976? I do not know but would be interested to know. Yes, it is good to take just one point and go into depth about it.

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