Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:When it is raining everywhere (plenty of Murli points are available), and I am not able to store all the water given to me (the Murli points which are already available), if some water is kept secret or edited or cut, is it correct just to cry for that? Is it correct to come in body-conscious state, fight for that and lose the soul conscious stage?

Dear mbbhat soul,

I hope I have proved my soul-consciousness to you by addressing you as a soul. :D Do you see the numerous requests for Murlis as fights with BKWSU?

Anyways, would you kindly guide me as to where is it raining Murli points apart from this site? Does any of the numerous official BK sites provide any Murli or Avyakt Vani point (even if it is just related to dharna)? If you see the Aussie BK forum you will find only Janaki Dadi's classes everywhere.

If you wish I will once again produce the Murli point related to cutting of Murlis during Brahma Baba's time. It clearly mentions about children yearning for every gem (word) of Murli and you say that why should we cry even if some portion (which could be upto 50%) of Murli is cut.
“Father now says- Put practice of considering yourself as SOUL, so that NAME, FORM, BODY, everything gets forgotten". Then how can you say that we have to remember VD's body? In 90% of the cases, Murli will say remember just incorporeal. In 10% of the cases, Murli says remember the incorporeal through Sakar.

I never said we have to remember Virendra Dev Dixit's body. We have to remember the Supreme Father Shiv through the body of Shankar (Baba Virendra Dev Dixit). As regards the Murli points asking us to remember the incorporeal PBKs believe that we have to remember the Supreme Soul through the person who attains that incorporeal stage.

BKs say that Shiv is 100% incorporeal. But how can one know whether Shiv is actually incorporeal (i.e. free from body consciousness) or not until He actually displays that stage even while living in adverse conditions? It is easy to sit in a hall with red lights, the fragrance of incense sticks, white dresses, soothing music, no worries about food and accomodation and meditate and say that God is incorporeal. But the real test of incorporeal stage comes when you are in difficult circumstances.
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

And another thought, exactly what is the meaning of accurate? Accuracy is something relative to each individual just like reliability, one can think one is reliable but everyone else's experience is not the same.

Accuracy implies many things and like truth cannot be seen to be one thing or system. So asking what Accurate Remembance is, is like asking if Christianity rules. Only to the Christians does it.
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

And keeping 'on topic', if we bear in mind that for the first 20 years the Brahma-kumaris were doing nothing but being in love with Lekhraj Kirpalani (aka God Brahma) and there was no Shiva of ANY SORT to remember ... it is not absolutely unreasonable by the same principle for any to remember Virendra Dev Dixit (if they so wish).

We know now that the BKs did not remember God Shiva because for the first 20 years they did not know there was another spirit called Shiva ... so who were they remembering.

    Logically ... how could they possibly be gaining any benefit from being in love with their God Kiripilani and if so, how?
Any yet, they talk of those first 20 years as their Golden Age of the BKWSU and it was full of wonder. So if it changed so significantly after 20 years, and changed time and time again ... who is to say that it will not change again?

The bottomline is that the whole thing is so vague and manipulatable ... no one really knows who is remembering what or how ... it keep changing ... and God BapDada now just keeps spinning everyone's head around. (For those that do not understand what I am talking about the first 20 years, read the History forum).


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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

Well, dear mbbhat, I wish you well in your endeavours even if it may be barking up the wrong tree. At least it is your mango tree. Also there are many on this forum who also do not know English so we all make an effort to converse in it.

General : To follow on my previous post, there is nothing wrong with the Murlis because the reader has accepted that they are edited and revised and the versions in circulation are not the original ones. That's all. Go ahead with all other explanations, meanwhile the baseline date of Murlis keep changing. (I picked up the word "baseline" from the recent G8 summit held in Japan where the world leaders could not agree to set the date of their proposed gas emissions percentage cut. )

I don't know much about PBKs, but seems they have Murlis clarification points which means that even if Murlis are revised or edited, the ShivBaba (of the PBKs) is therefore supposedly claiming to further reclarify the human mistakes being made by the Murli editors. And what do the BKWSU have ... a bunch of Murli editors with scissors in the darkroom at the back, and then dish out 2-3 weeks in advance the daily Murli and monthly Murli points. On what basis are such decision made ?

So next time, a BK Brother or Sister picks up "Murli", which should be tomorrow morning if you really are a pukka BK, then have a thought about where that piece of paper came from and how many weeks in advance it was made. Do you how easy it to read tomorrow's Murli today, or even next week's ones tonight ? :shock:
paulkershaw wrote:Accuracy is something relative to each individual just like reliability, one can think one is reliable but everyone else's experience is not the same.

Accuracy is personal. So a person who is happy with the current way the Murlis are made, and they are not the original versions, well that is subject to their own level of accuracy. There is nothing wrong with that, but should there be an original version available, that very same person may simply be happy with what they have (i.e the status quo), and feel the non-neccessity of trying the original. Due to fear.

I prefer the original Sunflowers from Van Gogh, but then some folks seem to like reproductions.
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

Politics are the same as 'Accurate Remembrance' then:-
Bansy wrote from the Far East:-
(I picked up the word "baseline" from the recent G8 summit held in Japan where the world leaders could not agree to set the date of their proposed gas emissions percentage cut. )

If one cannot know who or what to remember due to all the cuts, omissions and editing of a supposed 'scripture' - supposed words from the very mouth of God, then we can also see that politicians have no concept nor care of the earth and our environment and cannot even remember the 'accurate' need for immediate and intelligent action that will benefit not only them but the entire human population and like the SS and their volk, are only out to look after themselves. Now thats accurate Yaad for sure, when you know the Self, make sure you look after number one, which is what majority of the sari-clad rajyogis are taught to do. See a 'senior' as close to Number 1 and look afer them. That's the BKWSU baseline.

Mbbhat: Here is another very appropriate and to the point 'Murli' quote of another kind: (Do remember that this 'scripture' too has been edited and altered to suit the needs of the times):--
Proverbs 14 wrote:The simpleton believes every word he hears, but the prudent man looks and considers well where he is going.

A wise man suspects danger and cautiously avoids evil, but the fool bears himself insolently and is [presumptuously] confident.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008


How can you consider the Avyakt the same as the Murlis and why would God need to speak through Brahma through the Avyakt? It makes no sense. If God is speaking through the Dadi's than why are they not called ShivBaba?

Dadi Lekrahj is with God than why did he leave his children? If God is not needed here on earth than couldn't he make all the changes up above without any need for us to have an introduction?

If you believe that the Murli is the word of God would it not make sense that hearing it from the mouth is much more authentic than reading it from a book or text which is dead?

I find it interesting you remember a point of light but pose the same question to a PBK about Virendra Dev Dixit on how they know which point of light is in Virendra Dev Dixit?

How in the world do you know your point of light is God?
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post17 Jul 2008

Global wrote:
If God is not needed here on earth than couldn't he make all the changes up above without any need for us to have an introduction?

Here's a thought to bounce around today:- "What if the Divine ("God") was simply a 'mirror' for us humans or even the other way round, we're a mirror for him/her to work with? That would change our concepts a bit wouldn't it? (Remember the old scriptural points " You are made in Gods' image"?) So we would then be remembering both ourselves and the Divine. And what if one mirror changes the other in a synchronised manner of growth and awareness? Sure it may all be 'What if" here but if we consider it the again we could ask what is "accurate remembrance?" It's not possible, viable or even truthful.

What too, if we could say that God is not "Source" but only a figurehead, only a part of the bigger picture and there's another Infinite Being in the play of life which creates it all including "God" as we 'know' him/her? :shock: We will agree that when one looks deeper once always sees more, so I'd say that this thread is completly open to those whose (shall I say....) "intellect" is open to see the possibilities. The problems arise when one has a deep bottomless emptiness within and need to know and belong and feel part of the world--- a need to know what the aboslute 'truth' is, and sometimes that 'need to know' can create a situation where one will lock onto a system of teachings which we then call our truth and try and live it accordingly, simply because to not do so would bring deep unhappiness and longing to belong to something or someone - this itself is subject matter for another thread.

I'll take this time say that the majority of ex-bks, of those who left the BKWSU, for some reason or another at the time, realised within themselves that the 'truth' was still out there and made a life-enhancing decision to continue that growth process, which was all encompassing, universal in nature and non exclusive, and this makes their 'intellect' far more open than many of their classmates who may still be within the BK setup (and I say this with utmost respect to many of the BK's who have the courage to say their beautiful say on this forum). One can see this in the desperate need within some BK's on this forum and others see arund me from time to time, in that they have to spew forth their knowledge they call Gyan time and time again, displaying the ego of exclusivity and alignment with some teaching they 'believe' to be truth but is in fact...... well, not. It cannot be truthful if it creates fundamentalists of such a determined and closed mind-frame. But what is the alternative to and for them? To live in a state of 'theory' and philosophy only? This to them woulld be the biggest punishment and this is what keeps them stuck in the need of remembrance of whatever it is they see as truth.

Not to change the thread: but I'll be away until early next week - no I am not off dolphin swimming again. Alas, just a personal journey for a few days. Speak soon and take care.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post19 Jul 2008

Dear Souls,

*My belief is that even if something is edited or cut-off, any Murli will give full satisfaction if one honestly loves God.

*Rights and Responsibilities go together. I am still not an honest purusharthi. But Baba has given me both happiness and inner power more than what I deserve. So- even though I have not fulfilled my reasonsibility, I have got more right and fruits. Hence I cannot complain anything. Hence I would continue with my same belief. My heart is for Baba, then for BKs, then for others. For me, after Baba, BKs are nearest, because they are the only people who give message of my MOST BELOVED INCORPOREAL GOD Father ShivaBaba to the whole world.

*So far in my life, I have never seen any PBK who can challenge what I have disclosed or mentioned in this forum. Since I knew that these discussions or arguments would not end easily (especially with PBKs), I had challenged them directly. So I think it is not wise (at least for me) to accept PBK philosophy at present. It is also said, “It is foolishness to leave a bird in hand for two in a bush”. But I would like to see if any PBK can accept my challenge or really become powerful.

But still, I have faith that BKs, Ex-Bks, PBKs all are part of DIVINE FAMILY in heaven even though numberwise. Hence all these souls are special to me.

*Thanks for all for playing their unique role with me in this eternal drama. I am HAPPY that you all have strong belief that your way of thinking and judging is correct. Let this belief be there with you till your last breath of your life so that you need not have to repent in your life. Some of you may wish the same to me. For them, my advance thanks.

Good Bye.


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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post19 Jul 2008

My belief is that even if something is edited or cut-off, any Murli will give full satisfaction if one honestly loves God.

I am glad that someone has admitted an edited/revised/cut off Murli is fully satisfied. There is nothing wrong in that.

I prefer to have the original full Murli, God's words unedited and untouched. Also nothing wrong with that. And also loves God.

Each person eats the food (Murli) as according to their mind, intellect and sanskars. This is evident as found by the variety in this forum. And love God.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post19 Jul 2008

bansy wrote:
Each person eats the food (Murli) as according to their mind, intellect and sanskars. This is evident as found by the variety in this forum. And love God.

Dear bansy Bhai.
You have said it right that each soul eats food( Murli) and each soul will get his inheritance as per his understanding of the Murlis of Shiva and each soul loves God irrespective of his understanding; This whole behad ka drama is created by BapDada in a mysterious fashion to make the souls numberwise.( Vani point : ''BapDada sabko ek hi padayee padate hain lekin apni apni buddhi ki dharana se bacche numberwar ho jaate hain''.)

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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post19 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:*So far in my life, I have never seen any PBK who can challenge what I have disclosed or mentioned in this forum. Since I knew that these discussions or arguments would not end easily (especially with PBKs), I had challenged them directly. So I think it is not wise (at least for me) to accept PBK philosophy at present. It is also said, “It is foolishness to leave a bird in hand for two in a bush”. But I would like to see if any PBK can accept my challenge or really become powerful.

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. I think we have replied to most of your questions, in most cases with Murli proofs. Whether you accept those answers or not is your prerogative.

If there are any questions yet to be answered, then kindly post them in a single post so that we can try answering them.

I don't think the purpose of this forum is to facilitate members to challenge each other, but to facilitate cordial discussion. But if you wish to feel happy in having defeated PBKs, you can enjoy that happiness. But I suppose your challenge of having attained certain level of purity is yet to be proved. I think some members are awaiting your response. :D
With regards,
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post19 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:My belief is that even if something is edited or cut-off, any Murli will give full satisfaction if one honestly loves goo

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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post21 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:I am still not an honest purusharthi. But Baba has given me both happiness and inner power more than what I deserve so that you need not have to repent in your life.

What an absolute shame, the 'lack of consciousness' has all been revealed in one post alone ... And its' so easy to see how he's being used, its the good ole' Catholic, "I am a sinner and I am not good enough to even see the Pope never mind kiss his hand" lack of self-esteem and self-worth thing. The worst kind of repentant sinner, who'll always give to the 'church' so that the church and all its 'high priests' will survive and stay alive in order to keep him going and 'save' him over time 'cause he cannot do it for himself.

C'Mon - Stand up and take a bow mister, and be a "master" wouldya - Get your life back dude.
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post21 Jul 2008

paulkershaw wrote:its the good ole' Catholic, "I am a sinner and I am not good enough to even see the Pope never mind kiss his hand" ...

I think the best offer you get is to kiss his ring. Not exactly one I would take up either.


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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post21 Jul 2008

I think the best offer you get is to kiss his ring. Not exactly one I would take up either.

Reminds me of the scene when Wayne and his friend (of Wayne's World fame) goes down on their knees kowtowing idolistically to Alice Cooper in his dressing room, chanting "We are not worthy" , and so Alice Cooper stretches out his hand for the pair to kiss. :D

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