Churnings on the 4 main pictures

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Post16 Sep 2006

In the original Trimurti (English) picture, on the left hand side within a circle there are 4 male and 4 female souls.

At the very top of the original Ladder (English) picture, there is something very similarly drawn, where there are 4 male souls but only 3 female souls.

Has anyone spotted this and for what reason ? Wasn't The Ladder drawn several years later after the other 4 pictures (Trimurti, Wheel, Tree, L & N), so this missing female soul has some significance ?
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Post17 Sep 2006

Hi Bansy,

The seed soul of Christian religion becomes responsible for the breaking of the household path of Father in the beggining.

What does this mean? The soul of Christian religion becomes responsible of separating mother from Father. This is said for the first mother Premkanta (Maya) who surrendered first to Baba. Who then was pulled away by the other seeds Islam & Christian.

The seed of the Christians Shatrugan, gets the result of his actions in the same way. So his own path/house breaks & He misses his partner in paradise.

Perhaps some other PBK can shed more light on this :)

Om Shanti


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Post17 Sep 2006

The seed of the Christians Shatrugan, gets the result of his actions in the same way. So his own path/house breaks & He misses his partner in paradise.

Thanks for the reply pbktrinityshiva,

Shatrugn was one of the Brothers of Rama in the Ramayana. There were 4 Brothers of the king, are they also seed souls ? What religions are they the seeds of ? Why is Shatrugan the seed soul for Christianity, and how are the religions "assigned" to each Brother ?

From your quote, means the other 3 Brothers have a female partners, so that makes 3 more seed souls. Then there is Baba and Mama. So in total there are 9 seed souls ? But there are 10 base religions (in PBK Gyan). Why the difference.


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Post17 Sep 2006

Another query :

Ladder (English) versus Tree (English) pictures:
In The Ladder picture, at the bottom, there are 2 male souls and 2 female souls on either side "Brahma" and "Saraswati", whereas in The Tree picture, there are 4 male and 4 female on either side. Does anyone know the reason for this ?
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Oh Christ ...

Post17 Sep 2006

pbktrinityshiva wrote:The seed soul of Christian religion becomes responsible for the breaking of the household path of Father in the beginning.

Clarification for ignorant ex-BK please ... by "seed soul of Christian religion", you don't mean the Christ soul or Jesus, you mean some Brahmin soul with "Christian like" sanskars etc? Can you clarify what this means and what these are?

Or is this the soul goes goes on to "possess" Jesus and make Jesus Christ like the BKs say, e.g. two souls in each religious avatar?

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Post20 Sep 2006

bansy wrote:Shatrugn was one of the Brothers of Rama in the Ramayana. There were 4 Brothers of the king, are they also seed souls ? What religions are they the seeds of ? Why is Shatrugan the seed soul for Christianity, and how are the religions "assigned" to each Brother ?

Hi Bansy,

The Brothers of Ram are the seed souls for Islamic, Buddhist & Christian dynasties. The Brothers were instrumental of helping Father well in the begginning and they realised their parts based on their sankars (I would assume). Later on in their impure stage they defame the Father.
bansy wrote:Ladder (English) versus Tree (English) pictures:
In The Ladder picture, at the bottom, there are 2 male souls and 2 female souls on either side "Brahma" and "Saraswati", whereas in The Tree picture, there are 4 male and 4 female on either side. Does anyone know the reason for this ?

From memory I think that The Ladder picture where the Brothers and their partners are shown is shown as (Confluence Age) paradise & in The Tree picture they are shown in heaven (Golden Age). So although the Christ seed misses his partner in paradise, I don't believe he would miss his partner in Golden Age. I don't know for sure though.
ex-l wrote:Clarification for ignorant ex-BK please ... by "seed soul of Christian religion", you don't mean the Christ soul or Jesus, you mean some Brahmin soul with "Christian like" sanskars etc? Can you clarify what this means and what these are?

Or is this the soul goes goes on to "possess" Jesus and make Jesus Christ like the BKs say, e.g. two souls in each religious avatar?

Correct, no the Christian seed is a PBK, Jesus is a BK (root) and Christ soul is a subtle soul which does not study rajayoga but takes knowledge from Jesus (I think) in the end. The seed soul is not the soul which comes into Jesus, but another individual who being the seed is more powerful.

In the broad drama the seed of Christianity would play the Father of Jesus in a practical way, just as the Father of Buddha was the Buddhist seed.


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Post20 Sep 2006

Thanks for the clarification pbktrinityshiva. This missing partner for the seed of Christianity is interesting.
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Post21 Sep 2006

I think so too, I think theres still much to churn on the topic. Living in a Christian land, it seems fitting to try and understand how things came to be.

You would probably already be aware but this information was provided to me during the 7 day course in Kampil.

Om Shanti
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Post27 Sep 2006

trinityshiva wrote:From memory I think that The Ladder picture where the Brothers and their partners are shown is shown as (Confluence Age) paradise & in The Tree picture they are shown in heaven (Golden Age)

What I said here is incorrect, I was refering to the Trimurti not tree picture where the 4 Brothers and their partners can be found in Golden Age heaven. I was comparing this to The Ladder picture where the Christian seed is missing his partner. These can be seen at the very top left of The Ladder picture and the middle left of the Trimurti picture.

So my answer to your question related to this...As per your next question Bansy, I do not remember off hand who each of these souls in The Tree picture beside Brahma and Saraswati or the ones beside them in The Ladder picture are but I shall verify and repost for you.

Just wanted to clarify that.
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Post27 Sep 2006

bansy wrote:From your quote, means the other 3 Brothers have a female partners, so that makes 3 more seed souls. Then there is Baba and Mama. So in total there are 9 seed souls ? But there are 10 base religions (in PBK Gyan). Why the difference.

I will verify further then let you know.

Off topic;
trinityshiva wrote:Correct, no the Christian seed is a PBK, Jesus is a BK (root) and Christ soul is a subtle soul which does not study rajayoga but takes knowledge from Jesus (I think) in the end.

I can verify that this is correct, Jesus the root soul gives The Knowledge to the subtle soul christ in the end.


Ram & 3 Brothers (from Ramayana)

Ram – Diety Seed (Prajapita)
Bharat – Islam Seed
Lakshman – Buddhist Seed
Shatrugan – Christian Seed



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Post28 Sep 2006

Dear PBK Brothers.

My views about The Knowledge in the pictures is that The Knowledge and interpretations of the pictures is very controversial and changes according to the time of the shooting period and the intellect of the BKs and pbks----when we were in the outside world and came to basic knowledge of BKs we were very elated about the neo-knowledge and neo-pictures---then as time went by we realised the imperfectness of The Knowledge in pictures and then some of us who received the Advanced Knowledge were again elated as a deeper meaning of the pictures emerged as per advance knowledge-------------------------------------but if one reads the Murlis very carefully then it has been said in Murlis that "chitra sab hai Bhakti marg ke--gyan marg mein sab chitra hain chaitanya"--(meaning that all pictures are of Bhakti marg---in Gyan there are live pictures)---meaning that all the picutres in basic and advance are the same but their intrepretations are different (meaning thereby that BKs are doing basic ki Bhakti and advance are doing advance ki Bhakti)----------but when the real p. Sangamyug starts in the near future, then all these jad(dumb) pictures will give way to live pictures(ShivBaba and his 108 rosary souls) for the whole world to see in person----then all controvery regarding the pictures will automatically put to rest-----this is my sincere feeling.

OK om shanti----shivsena
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Post28 Sep 2006


I would definitely agree with you. I think though the information given at Kampil although maybe in a simple form of Advanced Knowledge is still important to know as a starting point.. otherwise ShivBaba (Virendra Dev Dixit) would not have instructed it to be given this way.

Over time will glean deeper unlimited meanings and finally the real living pictures would emerge :) One cannot jump from having no knowledge to having incredibly deep knowledge however, stepping stones are needed.

Om Shanti 8)


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Post28 Sep 2006

Dear Shivsenabhai

I agree. We won't need the pictures later. Everything will be destroyed.

All knowledge is living, not stagnant. However for the purposes of this study, the most central point is the Murli. The pictures are mentioned in Murlis. How accurate are the pictures. How accurate are the Murlis.

If the Murlis are constantly changing (BKs editing them, Virendra Dev Dixit narrating them), then should this be acceptable as according to the time of the shooting period and the intellect of the BKs and PBKs.

So what is constant in the entire Gyan ?


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Post29 Sep 2006

Dear pbktrinityshiva

Look forward to the clarifications on the pictures. Thanks.




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Post29 Sep 2006

pbktrinityshiva wrote:Shivsena,

I would definitely agree with you. I think though the information given at Kampil although maybe in a simple form of Advanced Knowledge is still important to know as a starting point.. otherwise ShivBaba (Veerendra Dev Dixit) would not have instructed it to be given this way.

Over time will glean deeper unlimited meanings and finally the real living pictures would emerge :) One cannot jump from having no knowledge to having incredibly deep knowledge however, stepping stones are needed.

Om Shanti 8)

Dear trinity Bhai.

Yes--first basic knowledge(study of vedas)--then Advanced Knowledge(upanishads--commentary of vedas) and then further deeper knowledge(the true Gita knowledge)--which i feel has still not started --will be given in the end------so during the shooting period of the subtle drama the process remains the same as in lokik-(-primary knowledge in school--higher studies in college--and then post graduate or phd study after that-----the sequence remains the same)-------whatever happens in lokik life has to be corroborated with alokik life and vice versa---then only one will understand the how and why of what is happening in the Yagya at the present time-------if we BKs and PBKs can understand this small fact(that the whole 5000 years broad drama has to be rehearsed in a subtle way in Sangamyug) then things will be much easier to understand.


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