Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post13 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:e) If you find such a girl and wishes to marry, you can please give my details to her. [Some more thing:- Even if somebody do not wish, but if you need proof for pure house hold path, I am ready to stay with anybody for a convenient duration, anywhere in the world. You may have to bear the expenses].

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. I appreciate your knowledge of Murlis and BK Gyan, but as we all have requested you on previous occasions, please reply to the point. If you start writing stories like this, then the main issue of discussion would be lost somewhere. While starting off on a right note in your replies, you stray in some other direction. You speak so much about Murlis, but I think you must be very well aware of Baba's directions to be short and sweet, and to give knowledge by feeling the pulse.

By the way, instead of asking the people of the world to search a girl for you, why not directly ask BapDada when you go to meet him since you have 100% faith in him? Will the so-called 'sinful' souls of the world be able to bring a more suitable girl for you than BapDada?

Anyways, in India (and probably other countries) as long as the parents are alive it is the parents who search for suitable bride/bridgroom and not the Brothers/Sisters. I suppose ShivBaba is still 'alive' to take care of us, but even if BapDada accedes to your request, it will be a problem for Him since there will be big queue of eligible bachelors/virgins with their applications ready :D.




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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post13 Jul 2008

Dear Mr mbbhat.

After reading your posts, I am now able to understand the meaning of the famous saying, "Empty vessels make the most sound". If you are a writer (as described in your profile), then please show some respect to that writer by being precise and to the point (short and sweet). Lengthy explanations just defeat the very cause you are trying to defend.

Just answer this one question below in one sentence, which will give us an indication, whether your arguments make sense or they are just hollow words which mean nothing.

Who and where is the living Chariot of GOD Shiva ???

Is God Shiva going to be revealed through Gulzar Dadi (as Godmother) or is Shiva going to be revealed through some other male body Chariot as Godfather or does Shiva not need any Chariot to be revealed and He will appear out of thin air in future? Let all BKs first decide on this very vital issue of "Who is going to be the Chariot of Revelation of God Shiva" ??????




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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post13 Jul 2008

tom wrote:On top of this, you offer us to make a spectacular show again, as you offered once to another member in another tread. And this time you add we should pay for the expenses.You are making me laugh so much.You could have so good chances in the showbiz and make people happy, why wasting your time with endless preaching and making people angry?

Dear Tom soul,

I wanted to prove that many ex-Bks demand proof. But when proof is given, they are not ready to listen it with neutral attitude. I knew this. But wanted to be doubly sure. Similarly ShivaBaba is silent in front of these egoistic souls. Even if you are angry, I am not. I will be in this forum for some time, do my service, and then keep silence one day.

    *There is no cause to become angry. If you wish, you read. Else, leave it.
    *Congratulations for you for commenting about an elephant just by describing its tail, that too upside down!
Dear Arjun Soul,

Do You think I am asking these people to get me a girl??? I just informed that a BK should have neither wish, nor be allergic to marry. Let me know all the people fully by their responses and let them also know me fully.

Thanks for your regards and suggestions.

Dear ShivaSena Soul,

If I am empty vessel, how can I give anything to you?
shivsena wrote:Just answer this one question below in one sentence, who and where is the living Chariot of GOD Shiva ???

What is need of postman after receiving the letter? OR what is the need of mediator/broker/dalaali after getting married?
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post13 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:What is need of postman after receiving the letter? OR what is the need of mediator/broker/dalaali after getting married?

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. Please read what your, in fact our 'husband' has said in his 'love letter' (Murli) addressed to us 'wives':
“Many children get confused on seeing the ordinary form; they start speaking in an opposite way. Maya slaps even the nice children. They think – the incorporeal one is everything. That is alright, isn’t it? Had the incorporeal one not been there, how could I or you have existed? But the incorporeal one certainly requires a Chariot, doesn’t He? What can He do without a Chariot? What can ShivBaba do? Only when He comes in a Chariot that you can meet Him. (It is said that) “I shall listen only to you, I shall sit only with you.” So, the Chariot is certainly required, isn’t it? OK, remember the incorporeal without the corporeal and show. Will you get knowledge through inspiration? Then why did you come to me in the first place? This Baba also says that the inheritance has to be obtained from ShivBaba. ShivBaba says I sit in this ordinary body and teach. Knowledge is certainly required, isn’t it? The brains of very nice children get twisted. No sooner than they open two-four centers they become egotistic. Then they keep speaking in an opposite way. Then sometimes it even comes to their intellect that whatever they spoke was not proper. Then they repent. Baba says how will I explain without the corporeal (medium)? There is no question of inspiration in this at all.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 22.09.07, pg 2&3 published by BKs in Hindi and translated by a PBK)

I suppose you'll say this love letter is for those who got married to Him before 1969 :D

With regards,
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post13 Jul 2008

mbbhat ,

I am amazed and find it now very entertaining to read your posts and answers, when it comes to face your own writings which are published just in the previous page here, to see how you find quickly hanky-panky answers and shift.

Purity does not need any proof. It is shining from the dharna of that person.I am sure many Brothers in this forum including myself have been practicing celibacy decades long naturally without bragging arrogantly and calling out like you, and not needing to invite people to make a show like in a circus. I found your proposal for us to find you a girl with all specifications of faith you described and to test your purity, very funny and disgusting at the same time.You are becoming from master teacher which you desired to be, the entertaining poster of this forum.

I don't want to miss your posts any more. Reading your salmons and answers i am laughing now whole day. :D



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post13 Jul 2008

tom wrote:I don't want to miss your posts any more. Reading your salmons and answers i am laughing now whole day. :D

Good that you are happy to read my posts. Hope you will maintain the same state in future. Giving happiness is also a service. Than You for blessing me with your good wishes, dear Tom Soul.
arjun wrote:Omshanti. Please read what your, in fact our 'husband' has said in his 'love letter' (Murli) addressed to us 'wives':

Dear Arjun, any soul is bride and Shiva is bridegroom. Brahma is the mediator. We have to marry (love, remember) Shiva and NOT Brahma. Is it OK?
“Many children get confused on seeing the ordinary form; they start speaking in an opposite way. Maya slaps even the nice children. They think – the incorporeal one is everything. That is alright, isn’t it? Had the incorporeal one not been there, how could I or you have existed? But the incorporeal one certainly requires a Chariot, doesn’t He? What can He do without a Chariot? What can ShivBaba do? Only when He comes in a Chariot that you can meet Him. (It is said that) “I shall listen only to you, I shall sit only with you.” So, the Chariot is certainly required, isn’t it? OK, remember the incorporeal without the corporeal and show. Will you get knowledge through inspiration? Then why did you come to me in the first place? This Baba also says that the inheritance has to be obtained from ShivBaba. ShivBaba says I sit in this ordinary body and teach. Knowledge is certainly required, isn’t it? The brains of very nice children get twisted. No sooner than they open two-four centers they become egotistic. Then they keep speaking in an opposite way. Then sometimes it even comes to their intellect that whatever they spoke was not proper. Then they repent. Baba says how will I explain without the corporeal (medium)? There is no question of inspiration in this at all.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 22.09.07, pg 2&3 published by BKs in Hindi and translated by a PBK)

I know this Murli point. It is almost clear that this point was directed to those children who were not paying any respect to BrahmaBaba. Some children(BKs) were not paying respect and were taking law into their hands. It is also written in your quote, " No sooner than they open two-four centers they become egotistic".

    * To run an institution, there is need of some Sakar head. ShivaBaba is invisible and not present in Brahma's body always. (If special respect is not given to BB), BKs may ignore Brahma and each and everybody will act according to their own wish. If there is no teacher in a class, what may be the condition of the student? So Baba directs to GIVE RESPECT TO Brahma, but ... LOVE JUST Shiva (POINT). Just see below.

    * "This Baba is also a student like you. He is just your Brother". Baba says this in Murli not to get attached even to Brahma. But ome egoistic children may misuse/misunderstand and give dis-respect Brahma or not listen to Brahma and then there will not be Ekamath (one direction) in Yagya. So, Baba says the contradicting point (as mentioned by your quote) to neutralise it.

    * In most of the Murlis, Baba says remember ONE Father. Baba says, do not remember any body or bodily relations.
Can you explain these?
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post14 Jul 2008

mmbhat wrote:In most of the Murlis, Baba says remember ONE Father. Baba says, do not remember any body or bodily relations. Can you explain these?

For 2500 years all the souls had been remembering God as a point of light or as an idol. Did the world become a better place to live?

(According to BK/PBK view) the world gets transformed only when the Supreme Soul Himself comes in a corporeal form in the Confluence Age. The ONE Father gets revealed only when He comes in the corporeal form. Otherwise how can you distinguish between all the point-like souls in the incorporeal world that this particular point is the incorporeal God Father Shiva?

Only after coming in a corporeal form does He say that forget all other bodily beings and remember me alone.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post15 Jul 2008


Thanks for your replies.

As Tom I also received a good laugh. What would you prove moving in with a married couple?

Not married and giving advice to married couples hmmmmmmm. Very interesting.

So I go out today punch an old lady in the face, steal her purse, pour poison chemicals in the local water supply, watch child pornography while eating a couple of burgers and I am better than someone having sex with ther wife?

If your both male and female do you walk around in a dress?

Mhbhat nooffence but your living in a very bizarre world. Your reality is from from reality at least here in North America that is.
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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post15 Jul 2008

Its a bit off topic but, just out of interest mbbhat ... you offered to allow us to test you for lust and body-consciousness by setting you with a woman, any woman, even young naked ones ... or married. I had any idea that I might be willing to try but only if you agree to me having the film rights.

What do you say if test you in a relationship with another homosexual, preferably a nice, muscly, tanned, naturalist guy?

Do we register the same "virag" (disinterest ... check spelling)?



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post15 Jul 2008

Dear Souls,

I have got message from Admin to be brief. So I cannot write more. "jo ishaare se samajhtaa hai- vah devataa hai". So I do not think to explain more about this. Thanks for all for those who have spend time with me. Wish you all the best.

Dear Admin,

I am not complaining You. As an Admin, you have done your work properly. I respect you as an actor in this drama. Drama has made you Admin of this forum during the present time (my faith). Salutations to you, sir!
arjun wrote:Otherwise how can you distinguish between all the point-like souls in the incorporeal world that this particular point is the incorporeal God Father Shiva?

Now, will you please tell me how can you distinguish the three points (Virendra Dev Dixit's soul, Brahma's soul and Shiva) in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit?
global wrote:Not married and giving advice to married couples hmmmmmmm. Very interesting.

That is the greatness. You see, ShivaBaba does not come in birth and death. But advices (bestoves) full knowledge of 84 births.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post15 Jul 2008


This is you saying such things. I do not know that ShivBaba is saying these things because according to you Dada Lekrahj was and he has passed away. So it is now like the Christians, or any other religion, who can twist and change to suit their agenda.

Are you saying you are now ShivBaba?

To say someone is ShivBaba is that not saying this is God?
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Re: Welcome Mbbhat

Post15 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote:What do you say if test you in a relationship with another homosexual, preferably a nice, muscly, tanned, naturalist guy?

ex-l stop it, thats my line of questioning k? ;)



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post15 Jul 2008

Dear ex-l and paulkershaw souls,

Testing can be with anybody. I can stand nude in front of anybody without getting influenced. I did not mean physical contact. It is definitely a sin. Today, I have reached to this state. I am still a purushaarthi. This has already given me power and satisfaction.

To say more, I have the confidence of touching anybody like one touches a child or just non-living physical objects. You can make any comments but I may stop here in this topic as already mentioned the reasons.
arjun wrote:For 2500 years all the souls had been remembering God as a point of light or as an idol. Did the world become a better place to live? Only after coming in a corporeal form does He say that forget all other bodily beings and remember me alone.

Dear Arjun Soul,

1) For 2500 years NOBODY HAS remembered God as POINT. It was in linga form, boundless light form, and different deities, idol form.
2) You have not answered to the point. You have just repeated the (last) sentence. What do you mean by, "forget body and all bodily relations and remember Me alone?"
global wrote:To say someone is ShivBaba is that not saying this is God?

Dear Global,

What are you saying? I am saying that I am child of ShivaBaba as any BK. I do not know whether you have understood what I meant?
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post15 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:Testing can be with anybody. I can stand nude in front of anybody without getting influenced.


can you send or upload a picture for us first please? I am not sure who might put of who first. I mean, we don't want the Sister running out screaming ...

So, what about a warm, darkened room with noises going on ... heavy breathing, sexual noises? Do you think that would test your hardened resolve?

Keeping on the topic of 'Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)' ... is it theoretically possible to be soul-conscious or remember Shiva whilst being aroused or making love? I was just considering all the recent BK marriages (defections to the Kingdom of Vice) and wondered what effect it might have on their consciousness?

    Do you think that might be able to get it up to beginning with but then have it drop off later?



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post15 Jul 2008

Dear ex-l soul,
In fact, I had tried to put my picture in the small square available near view blog sign (situated in the right side of individual's quote) in the beginning. But I failed. I am not good in Computers. If you explain, I will put it. You can explain either here or by PM.[Not to waste space here].

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