The Tao of the Traveller

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Re: The Tao of the Traveller

Post12 Jul 2008

john morgan wrote:How about creating a little encouragement or support or even inspiration now and then? Why ignore those aspects of yourself?

Is this the encouragement or support or inspiration you create for this forum = our playground and for us members = your
buddies, calling us "creatures" and our forum "menagerie"? Which role would you like to play in this menagerie, john Brother?
This of course is my view, perhaps other creatures in this menagerie will not concur, lets see..

john morgan


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Re: The Tao of the Traveller

Post12 Jul 2008

Hi Tom,

If you consider that to be a retaliatory post it is ineffective for the following reasons.

    1) It is your conduct that we are discusssing and not mine.
    2) Notice that I included myself in the wry comment on forum life that you quoted. To make it clear just read the sentence with "other creatures" once again.
    3) A comparison of this post with how you treated Ermine in the "Where are you all going???" post should make the difference clear. (Just imagine that it was me speaking to Ermine and try to see it as someone who is not involved)
I suspect that you may be a verbal bully, I hope not because bullies are ultimately cowards and we all need reserves of courage on occasion. You may think that I am personally attacking you, much as you did Ermine. If such is the case at least something with you is accurate.




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Re: The Tao of the Traveller

Post13 Jul 2008

Dear Tom,

Good morning. Please see previous post where I dealt with these questions. If your concern is still did the PBKIVV/BKWSU/O/BKRYCINC invest in the film or financially support the film in any way no it/they did not.

Regarding your other observation. Saligram is hoping to make the film available freely and easily, while maintaining the quality and integrity of the film through 'streaming video', which I heard about last weekend. Apologies once again for being slow on the uptake with new and improving media matters. I know little about film Downloads on this site. but there would, I understand, be concerns relating to the above.

We still hope to also sell the English DVD film from the site as a hard copy.. with an attractive insert. All funds being directed as previously stated.


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Re: The Tao of the Traveller

Post13 Jul 2008

Speaking as a traveller ... I would just like to take a moment to congratulate Robin & Tamasin on being such fabulous Pandava Shiva Shakti Souls, for being so unlimited and fielding such questions with Baba and truly delightful equanimity, Padam Padam Guna Mubarak. Hello one and all, and a hearty double Om Shanti to you all, Samarpann bhav naseeb kush michael Bhai here BK wollongong, brahmaloka, Dilwarra, somnath etc etc.

I have not seen the new TOTT yet, as much as I would love too. I have not seen it because I am not allowed anywhere except my local centre and only one day a week ta boot!! I was recently put in GRC in Madhuban during a visit last October.

I have sent many quotes to our tireless and inundated Seniors such as this; "Sakar Murli 16/02/07 "Don't speak on seeing the atmosphere. You have been doing that for a long time, and, according to the time, that was all right. However, now that the land has been prepared, sow the seeds of knowledge. Let there be such topics. You people change the topics so that people of the world can be interested. However, let only those who are interested come. You have had so many fairs, conferences and seminars. For so many years you selected topics on the basis of the people.

For how much longer will you remain in an incognito form? Now let yourselves be revealed. Whatever happened according to that time has happened, but now drop the Godly bomb on your own stage. Let their head spin about what you are saying. Otherwise, they simply say that you spoke very good things. So, that which was good remained good, and they just remained where they were. Now let there be some upheaval. Each one has his own right. When you give some points, speak with authority and love and no one will be able to do anything

Do I have any complaint, not at all. Did I intend to be a troublemaker? Not in the least, are so many of our wonderful sweet world family members full of fear and denial? But of course. Do I have any feelings of dissatisfaction towards the souls who have me in this situation, No absolutely not, i know they are doing their best and they have my best interests at heart, same as I theirs.

I have had the all the Murlis until they were recently stopped due to what is actually nothing more than my over enthusiasm and belief that as Baba has said we are not doing enough to inform how late in the night it actually is. Of course it's true and i am sure we would ALL like to do more.

We are ALL doing our best, so i simply wait with Baba until I am allowed back more to enjoy my beloved fellow travellers company, i have made my understanding and feelings clear but it would serve no useful purpose to go away, or to criticize.

I love all my Brothers and Sisters completely whether they think i am nut's or understand i am simply very enthusiastic, and because I remain loyal to the Yagya I know Baba can use this. I am so fortunate i don't know how to blame, as it is anathema to anyone who really understands Drama. Baba has told me I am the instrument to bring the end sooner and the only reason I have this honour is because I completely understand we are all effort makers doing our best and well ...

Well I am going on too much, time for a full stop and the last words from our sweetest Shri Shri darling Baba, except to say "happiness is the golden key!" come home all of you, you cannot bring the much needed changes from here.

Over to you BapDada: "When you complain about others, you are speaking about others but in fact, you are revealing what you yourself are like, because you are carrying the negative feeling of others. Baba says: Child, look at the self, and only look at the goodness of souls in your connection and you will become good. If you don’t look at the goodness of others, you won’t become good. If you reform yourself by working on yourself with introversion, this will be visible, as nothing of an honest heart remains hidden."
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Re: The Tao of the Traveller

Post13 Jul 2008


Except your first sentence of good wishes to Robin & Tamasin, the rest of your post is crazy, meaningless talk.

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Re: The Tao of the Traveller

Post13 Jul 2008

Thank you for your advice Tom, my apologies if I caused you any sorrow.

Shiv Baba Yaad, sneh, preet & pyar Hai. :|
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Re: The Tao of the Traveller

Post04 Nov 2008

I see the Tao of the Traveller DVD is now on sale at the BK's shop for $12.80. A DVD costs about $0.70 to replicate. 1000 boxed DVD for $1000 is quite possible. That is an increase of 1200% or more.

I would be surprise if they cant knock them out cheaper in India, and even more surprised that the BKs do not have their own pressing plant by now. Chasing God and Bliss is even more expensive, as any ex-BK will tell you, $19 to $20 but I suppose they have the artistes to pay.

Of course, the BKs being the BKs, there is no stated breakdown of what and where the profits are and going on any of their products. Looking over the shop, it is a wonder how many BKs are getting in on the book and publishing game. Ditto ... where is the money going?

Yes, I am really glad to see the back of spaced out, BK roadkill like dilaram too. Its amazing. Even when the BKs chuck their followers out for being to nuts for them, they still remain addicted to the abuse.
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Re: The Tao of the Traveller

Post05 Nov 2008

Dilaram wrote:For how much longer will you remain in an incognito form? Now let yourselves be revealed. Whatever happened according to that time has happened, but now drop the Godly bomb on your own stage. Let their head spin about what you are saying. Otherwise, they simply say that you spoke very good things. So, that which was good remained good, and they just remained where they were. Now let there be some upheaval. Each one has his own right. When you give some points, speak with authority and love and no one will be able to do anything."

Your 'Murli' quote here is spot on target Dilaram - and designed just for us ... for the ex-bks members ... For many members (on this ex-BK forum), we can say that we are longer in an incognito form, as we have learnt to stand firm in our processes. We speak with power, knowledge and authority and we have have also stood up and ensured that each has their own right.

And as for the upheaval, when truth is spoken then chaos and upheaval certainly ensues. Our truth is apparent and spoken with clarity. The BKWSU is not so. If any upheaval is happening, it is because the BKWSU is not speaking their truth, nor does it seem to intend to do so. We are a mirror for the soul of the BKWSU to look into it and if they choose to not see the point of light therein, there is nothing anyone else can do about this.

Only they can make the changes within they so proudly advertise that they are supposedly masters of. Truth always emerges and it is doing just that.

Yip, I am back!
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Re: The Tao of the Traveller

Post04 Jan 2009

Try clicking to enlarge ... business as usual.

Repeat after me, "The Tao of the Traveller is not a BKWSU service device ... The Tao of the Traveller is not a BKWSU service device ... The Tao of the Traveller is not a BKWSU service device". Its all about the Tao, Rumi and Rabindranath Tagore. OK, OK ... the 'Tao of the Traveller is NOT a BKWSU service device', it is a 'BKWSU service device AND famous people making a personal work of art'. In my ignorance, I missed the subtle difference. :shock:

But the famous people are all BKs, demi-BKs or recently exed-BKs who made it when they were BKs (but also making money out of it in one case). Now I am confused again. Life was much more simple when the BKs, like Sister Sudesh, just "did service for Baba" and there were not all these high flying professional interests involved. Ah, I see ... its a a BKWSU service device introducing Sister Sudesh to simple BK service.

BKWSU Tao of Traveller service programme


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Re: The Tao of the Traveller

Post27 Aug 2013


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Re: The Tao of the Traveller

Post27 Aug 2013

Service device? :D

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