Who is Maya ???

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Re: Who is Maya ???

Post26 May 2008

Maya is everything BKWSU demands you not to get involved with. Simple as that.

No need to get into any details, it is you that creates your own Maya ... indoctrinated by others ... like the BKWSU.

Everything that seem to be wrong in your life is named Maya all of a sudden ... and made it in to a big deal. Although it is just bad luck ... like ..."**** happens".

For you to do is ... get over it and move on!!! Stop being so serious and just be/act "stupid"! Because you know better and that comes from your guts (inner voice) and not from a Murli.



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Re: Who is Maya ???

Post09 Jun 2008

Dear PBK Brothers.

A few days ago, while surfing the net i came across a revealing paragraph about the sacred Hindu symbol OM, which i wish to share with you.

AUM.jpg (12.27 KiB) Viewed 15062 times

    ''Visually, OM (as pictured above) is a sacred Hindu mystical symbol which consists of three curves, one semicircle (cresent) and a dot.
    The lower curve 1 symbolizes the conscious or waking state of souls guided by the sense organs. The larger size signifies that this is the most common state of the human consciousness.
    The upper curve 2 denotes the state of deep sleep or unconscious state of souls.
    The middle curve 3 signifies the dream state of souls.
    These three curves, the three states of a person's consciousness, together represent the entire physical phenomenon.
    The semi circle 4 (cresent) symbolizes Maya and separates the dot from the other three curves. It is the illusion-veil of Maya that prevents us from the realization of this highest state of bliss (Turiya state of consciousness) which is represented by the dot above the semi circle. The semi circle is open at the top and does not touch the dot, which means the highest state of consciousness is not affected by Maya but observes this whole physical world as an observer. Maya only affects the manifested phenomenon. The dot signifies the coming to rest of all differentiated and relative existence. This quiet, peaceful and blissful state is the ultimate aim of all spiritual activity. This absolute state of supreme consciousness sustains the other three states. In this way the form of Om symbolizes the infinite Brahman(supreme consciousness) and the entire Universe."


My interpretation in view of the above paragraph from bhakti-marg:

The larger 1st curve represents the world of 7 billion souls (completely ignorant of Godly knowledge) who think they are bodies and so guided only by the pleasure of senses.

The 2nd curve represents the PBK world, who are aware of Godly knowledge and Chariot, but are in deep sleep and not aware that the 100% nirakari stage of Ram's soul(dot) is the only one absolute Truth to be revealed as personified GOD in the near future.

The 3rd curve represents the BK world, who are living in the dream state and who believe that nirakar ShivBaba is still with them, in spite of their Chariot Lekhraj Kirpalani having left the body in 1969. They preach about ShivBaba but they do not know how, when and through which Chariot God ShivBaba will be revealed to the world.

The semi-circle or cresent represents Maya (the veil) which seperates the three stages of consciousness from the absolute truth i.e. supreme consciousness, 100% nirakari stage of Ram's soul (represented by dot). All the Three Worlds are under the illusion of Maya (from gross to the subtlest) and have no knowledge of the supreme consciousness (100% nirakari stage of Ram) and only those souls who can pass through these 3 stages, and pierce the veil of Maya with the help of Murlis and Vanis will be able to reach the highest level, i.e. 108 rudramala souls.

So who is this Maya (cresent) in the symbol OM???. It is none other than gyan-chandrama Krishna (brahma-feminine power) who is given the role of Maya (as per drama) to be played through the same Chariot, which is going to reveal the final nirakari stage Ramshivbaba as supreme consciousness GOD.

Let my Brothers decide whether they need any further proof regarding who is this personified Maya, who is playing the part to veil the souls from the final Absolute truth.

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Re: Who is Maya ???

Post09 Jun 2008

Can we have what I asked for sometime ago ... a simple list of which individual refers to which character's name in all the tradition, i.e. BKWSU, PBK and your own world view Shivsena?

It would be really easy to do, a simple table with three columns or a genealogical table. It would help others if you can prove one single, simple visual teaching aim.




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Re: Who is Maya ???

Post09 Jun 2008

Dear ex-l.
I am working on this tabular form of beliefs of BKs PBKs and potential 108 souls and i shall put it on the forum in a week's time.



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Re: Who is Maya ???

Post27 Jun 2008

Dear PBK Brothers.

Murli 1-8-97 says, "Maya badi prabal hai; yeh ladyee hai diya aur toofan ki; issme toh bahaduri dikhani pade."(meaning: "Maya is very strong; this is a fight between the lamp and storm; one has to show courage in this fight")

In the above Murli, Shiva is clearly pointing towards the personified form of Maya (and not 5 vices), which the 108 souls will have to fight through weapons of knowledge (Murli points) and these 108 souls (diyas) will have to show a lot of courage in this fight against Maya (toofan), to get the title of mayajeet.




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Re: Who is Maya ???

Post28 Jun 2008

Dear PBK Brothers.

Just adding some more thoughts on the above post.

I was just wondering why Shiva has compared the fight between Maya and souls to the fight between Diya (lamp) and toofan (storm). The internal fight between Maya (5 vices) and souls is a purely subjective matter and no one else (but yourself) can know how much you have conquered the 5 vices, but this ladayee between diya and toofan will be a battle of knowledge, which all 108 will have to take part collectively and the whole PBK world will observe it.

The personified form of Maya is trying to extinguish the light of knowledge from the intellect of PBK souls by the storm of ambiguities of Murli clarification and will create such a confusion state in the minds of PBKs, that only those 108 diyas who have the oil of knowledge (their own churning with reference to Murlis) to guide them, will keep their diyas burning, while the rest of PBKs will succumb to the storm of Maya and their light will be extinguished. That is why it is said in Murlis that "Maya se jeete so jagatjeet, Maya se haare so haar. (meaning: '' if you win over Maya then you get the title of jagatjeet, and if Maya wins, then you lose the title'')

Also in some Murlis, there is a quote in the beginning of the Murli which says "yeh kahani hai diya aur toofan ki" (meaning that ''this is a story of the lamp and the storm'' ). This clearly indicates that this whole Sangamyugi behad ka drama is the story of the fight between souls (diyas) and the personified form of Maya (toofan).

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Re: Who is Maya ???

Post28 Jun 2008

I am sure that we are still all looking forward to your list of characters Shivsena ...


Re: Who is Maya ???

Post01 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.

I read all the pages of this post. I think it is wrong to say that Dada Lekharaj's soul is Maya. In a way it appears to be true, but it is a misconception. To understand how and why please take time to read the folloiwng posts in the following sequence.

In BK Splinter groups:

As it is explained in the above posts, there is no need to explain it all here once again. Also it will be very lengthy. If anyone cares to go through them, then those will be helpful to understand many confusing Murli points. I earnestly request you to go through them.

I just want to make a statement here. There is very intricate relation between mind and intellect. With a mind interested in adharma or tilted towards adharma the intellect will not shine with the Radiance of Truth. Only when mind gets one with Dharma only then will the intellect shine with the Radiance of Truth. But who is Chaitanya Dharma? It is Dada Lekharaj's Soul, the Mind of The GodFather. As anyone drifts away from That Mind and goes on increasing differences with That, more will the intellect of such a person lose it's radiance of Truth. To understand all this please go through those posts given above in the given sequence.

I think the Hindi saying, "Parada uthane wala hai, tamasha hone wala hai, koi hasane wala hai, koi rone wala hai " is to happen within this year. Parts will unfold and Mahabharat will begin. I have posted a subject "Answers Required" in the commonroom group. In this many interesting points are given. Take time to read and if possible churn them and try to explain.




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Re: Who is Maya ???

Post04 Jul 2008

Dear sanjeev Bhai.

If you just go to google search and type "Brahma son of god and feminine energy" you will find hundreds of pages about ''Brahma described as maya-shakti of GOD''. It is said in Murlis that whatever happens in Sangamyug in practical is remembered in Bhakti marg as katha (stories), so Brahma (Krishna) must have definitely played the role of personified Maya in Sangamyug (which only 108 will recognise). Otherwise there would not be any mention of this fact in scriptures. (There can be no smoke without fire).

Just think about it; Maya is not a misconception but an illusion.



Re: Who is Maya ???

Post04 Jul 2008

shivsena wrote:Dear sanjeev Bhai.
If you just go to google search and type "Brahma son of god and feminine energy" you will find hundreds of pages about ''Brahma described as Maya-shakti of GOD''; it is said in Murlis that whatever happens in Sangamyug in practical is remembered in Bhakti marg as katha (stories), so Brahma(Krishna) must have definitely played the role of personified Maya in Sangamyug (which only 108 will recognise), otherwise there would not be any mention of this fact in scriptures.(there can be no smoke without fire).Just think about it; Maya is not a misconception but an illusion.shivsena

AUM Shanti.

Read my post Ram becomes Ravan, Krishna becomes Kansa, is it so? In BK Splinter Groups. I have explained why Krishna appears as Kansa. Surely Maya is illusion. But due to what? It is due to our own ego which stands between us and God and due to our ego our intellect cannot see The Truth. It distorts our vision. Hence an illusion appears.

Read "Explanation Required" in Commonroom and explain what is meant by the Murli point of Ravan. In my last message I have done mistake in typing subject of the post as "Answers Required" instead of "Explanation Required".

Thanks, Sanjeev.



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Re: Who is Maya ???

Post04 Jul 2008

sachkhand wrote: Read my post Ram becomes Ravan, Krishna becomes Kansa, is it so? in BK Splinter Groups. I have explained why Krishna appears as Kansa.

I feel that during Brahma ki raat, Krishna(Brahma) becomes kansa (meaning one who puts kanyas and matas in jail), then he also becomes Ravan(meaning rulanewala dukhdenewala - one who makes others cry and who gives sorrow) and also plays the role of Maya (meaning one who attracts and leads you away from God Ramshivbaba). Are not the above three things happening in Advance Party at present; almost all PBKs are feeling it that way but very few are voicing their feelings and most of PBKs are just passing time as they do not have the intellect to read and understand the Murlis and apply the Murli points to behad ka Sangamyugi drama and some of them who do understand, do not have the guts to say it openly.
Surely Maya is illusion. But due to what? It is due to our own ego which stands between us and God and due to our ego our intellect cannot see The Truth. It distorts our vision. Hence an illusion appears.

First you say that Maya is a misconception and now you say it is an illusion. I am not able to read your thoughts clearly. Also what you say about ego is also said in Bhakti marg, that ego stands between soul and God (nothing new about your statement) but in Gyan marg, one has to understand who is that personified soul, who has been given the part in drama to come between the souls and Ramshivbaba (GOD) as Maya illusion. To understand this personified Maya illusion, one has to study Murlis for years and collect all points about Maya from Murlis/Vanis and then try to understand who is this personified soul which Shiva is describing. Until one has done that sincerely, one is just speculating about Maya and mayapati Bhagwan. This is what I feel.

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Re: Who is Maya ???

Post05 Jul 2008

So who is Maya ... you say the soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani?

Why cant you say Lekhraj Kirpalani rather than confuse the hell out of us with constructions as as "Brahma (Krishna)"?



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Re: Who is Maya ???

Post05 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote: So who is Maya ... you say the soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani?
Why cant you say Lekhraj Kirpalani rather than confuse the hell out of us with constructions as as "Brahma (Krishna)"?

Dear ex-l.
Lekhraj Kirpalani is the name of the body which is no more, but Brahma( Krishna) refers to the soul and part which is being played even after leaving the body in 1969. This is what i wish to say.



Re: Who is Maya ???

Post06 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.
shivsena wrote:I feel that during Brahma ki raat, Krishna(Brahma) becomes kansa (meaning one who puts kanyas and matas in jail), then he also becomes Ravan(meaning rulanewala dukhdenewala - one who makes others cry and who gives sorrow) and also plays the role of Maya (meaning one who attracts and leads you away from God Ramshivbaba). Are not the above three things happening in Advance Party at present; almost all PBKs are feeling it that way but very few are voicing their feelings and most of PBKs are just passing time as they do not have the intellect to read and understand the Murlis and apply the Murli points to behad ka Sangamyugi drama and some of them who do understand, do not have the guts to say it openly.

I think your concept that Dada Lekharaj's soul is misleading people or that he is playing the part of Maya or Kansa or Ravan is wrong. Actually He is The practical part of The GodFather. He has taken rebirth, and His practical part will be revealed soon. My calculations are as follows.

(Murli date: 2-5-71) "Krishna jab 20-22 varsh ka hota hain tab use gaddi miltee hain. Lakshmi - Narayan bannay mein Krishna ko 20-25 varsh lage honge" ( In English: When Krishna becomes the age of 20-22 then he gets the throne. Krishna must have taken 20-25 years to become Lakshmi - Narayan). If we consider birth date of Dada Lekharaj to be 1886-87 then he completes 60 years in 1946-47. It is in 1946-47 when Murli began to be spoken through Dada Lekharaj (And I think there are proofs in Murli itself for this). And therefore 100 years of Dada Lekharaj would have been completed in 1986-7 if he was alive. As Dada Lekharaj is the soul of Krishna and I think Dada Lekharaj took rebirth after leaving his body. Then from 1986-87 (from when Krishna's part begins) if we add 20-22 years it will be from 2006-7 to 2008-9 ( two years gap from 20-22). So during the period of 2006 to 2009 Krishna gets the throne. Which means according to me, Krishna ( the next birth of Dada Lekharaj) gets the power of Knowledge of Truth and will be considered so. And in the period when Krishna becomes 20-25 i.e., from 2006-7 to 2011-12 Krishna becomes Lakshmi - Narayan. So there in no question of Dada Lekharaj playing evil part or part of Maya.

shivsena wrote:First you say that Maya is a misconception and now you say it is an illusion. I am not able to read your thoughts clearly. Also what you say about ego is also said in Bhakti marg, that ego stands between soul and God (nothing new about your statement) but in Gyan marg, one has to understand who is that personified soul, who has been given the part in drama to come between the souls and Ramshivbaba (GOD) as Maya illusion. To understand this personified Maya illusion, one has to study Murlis for years and collect all points about Maya from Murlis/Vanis and then try to understand who is this personified soul which Shiva is describing. Until one has done that sincerely, one is just speculating about Maya and mayapati Bhagwan. This is what I feel.

I hope you have read my post ShivBaba in Nutshell.
Now What is Maya? Or what is the personified Kansa or Ravan?

Maya is an illusion caused by our intellect. It is said that Maya hides Truth and shows us something else like snake instead of rope. It is our intellect which decides the rope as a snake ( which is an illusion) . Why? Under whose influence does this happen? According to me Dada Lekharaj's Soul is The Mind of Shiv. And there is an entity which is The Cosmic Intellect, and also there is The director of this world drama, which is referred to as The Ramata Yogi in Murlis (Read 1d and 1e in the explanation given by sachkhand in the post ShivBaba in Nutshell). Now if anyones mind is working against Mind of Shiv i.e., Dada Lekharaj's Soul, then intellect of such person is influenced by The Director of this world Drama or Ramata Yogi such that the concerned person gets entangled in his/her own web of karma. Instead of releasing the knots of his/her bondages he/she creates them. This is Maya. People get confused about Maya and Ravan. People use them combined as Maya - Ravan.

Ravan is the soul which diverts people's mind from The GodFather Shiv. Diverting anyones mind from The GodFather means what? Is it from Shiv Bindi? No. Any bodyconscious person can never come in contact with Shiv Bindi. But if someone is Soulconscious then there is no question of getting affected by Ravan or Maya. It is the question of bodyconscious people with whatever type of sanskars (resolves) they have. Such people do Purushartha by remembering The GodFather through His Mind i.e., Soul of Dada Lekharaj. There are many ways for this. So, Ravan diverts the people's mind from Dada Lekharaj's soul or even make people think evil of Dada Lekharaj's soul ( as you are doing now) or decreases the importance of Dada Lekharaj's Soul by belittling His part. This is not just for BK's or PBK's. It is for the whole mankind. (Whenever anywhere, anything goes against Dada Lekharaj's Soul subtly then automatically The Ramata Yogi influences it such that the cause gets weakened).

Now, in Sangamyug the Ravan, the soul that is against Dada Leharaj at heart, has disguised itself as sanyasi (one who has renounced worldly pleasures and is always in rememberance ) and is kidnapping souls(i.e., taking under it's influence). This is none other than V.Dixit. Ravan, who was knower of all Vedas and Shastras and also who had done great penance and was a devotee of Shiv, but was also highly egoistic and with asuri (devilish) sanskaras (resolves). Those people coming under the influence of Ravan (Virendra Dev Dixit) have their heart unknowingly against Dada Lekharaj. Though PBK's may say that they respect Dada Lekharaj but at heart they consider Him as lower than themselves in Purusharth. Even Virendra Dev Dixit considers Him (D.L) as head of kauravas ( see VCD* of Haveri in aug/sept/oct of 2006) where Virendra Dev Dixit considers D.L. as bluffer. In Sangamyug Virendra Dev Dixit is Ravan who is accompanied by Maya ( an illusion affecting intellects of all automatically by the affect of Ramata Yogi).

Virendra Dev Dixit mistook Ramata Yogi as his own higher self and thought himself to be Pramatma and started belittling Dada Lekharaj's soul. As he is a powerful soul but with asuri sanskars ( devilish resolves) he fell by lust (kama vikar) but never admitted his weakness. Instead of renouncing lust he started purusharth to control lust and win it and thus got more and more inolved in it. He devised various plans to enjoy lust without getting affected by it. But it is impossible. This is the reason why he is suffering by diabetes. His thought and even his vibrations are poisoned with subtlest form of lust. People think that they are getting uplifted by Virendra Dev Dixit because they feel nice in being contact with him, but actually they are getting intoxicated by very subtle form of lust power which they are enjoying and getting addicted. That's why in reality they are getting weaker spiritually and losing their Peace and Bliss.



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Re: Who is Maya ???

Post06 Jul 2008

Dear sanjeev.

I sincerely think that you need to stream-line your thoughts and be more precise and to the point, so that everyone can understand what you are trying to say ; i have read all your posts many times but i cannot get the gist of what you are trying to say; either you are trying to confuse all of us or you yourself are confused and do not understand what you are saying; Views have to be expressed in simple straight way (no beating about the bush) , so could you please put your thoughts in simple equation form, as to who is personified God and Ravan and kansa and Maya, Krishna , Narayan, Brahma etc etc, (like who is abstract and who is in practical) in this Sangamyug.


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