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Post11 Sep 2006

sparkal wrote:I have had a fair bit of opposition from a BK locally who is ex military / secret society and who is favoured over others.

What are you talking about here? The trouser-rolling, apron-wearing, funny-handshake brigade? The Scottish Rite? Freemasonry? Now that is interesting ...

What inroads to the GrandMasters' Lodges are the BKs making? Or vice versa, what inroad to the BKWSU is the Brotherhood making? I cannot imagine two more incompatible traditions.
    I wonder where Freemasonry fits within the Kalpa Tree of religions ... Judaism or Satanism?
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Authority comes from Yoga and not worldly status

Post13 Sep 2006


If by freak of nature we really are number-wise, then it is determined by closeness to God. The closer or, like God we are, the more power God will entrust in us. It is we who have the worldly experiences remember, God needs us.

There are 3 issues here. There is naming and shaming individuals/groups in the hope that others learn from it. There is naming and shaming individuals/groups out of revenge. And there is taking the weaknesses of individuals/groups without naming and shaming in the hope that every soul who runs a centre or role may learn from it (which could be a fancy excuse to be negative?).

I would rather take the 3rd route here as I am not really here to name and shame. I don't mind others doing it. I am a very fortunate soul. I don't need the hit, no matter what they have put me through, or I myself through. There is a reason in everything. I have indulged in enough self pity on this forum, the worm turns now. I am a very fortunate soul. They will have to work harder to destroy me, and they no doubt will, try. There is not just one ex-military/secret society member of the BK family, and I presume that they are all battling terribly with the traits which have been laid down from being associated with such circles. For whatever reason, they have been chosen to play a role. It is their role and not mine or anyone else's.

Souls practise Raja Yoga because they have weaknesses, it seems questionable to judge therefore. There is nothing new about women being impressed by men with wealth and worldly status.

A man whose job it is to sack people will no doubt think that he can sack people in the centre. Souls punish themselves, we don't need to add to their suffering. The soul in question here is battling with their weaknesses, I would rather be me. If you are masterminding an elaborate "sting", you may well enlist individuals who do not realise what they are involved in at the deeper level. Dangling carrots works, carrots of power. I already have power, unlimited power. So do others, if they choose to access it. My heart sinks when looking at what has past, not in self pity, but pity and mercy for souls who behave in this way. I can see the sorrow that they face when the penny drops, when all is revealed, and there is nothing I can do. Catch 22. Incognito warrior. Should all be revealed now? How long must souls go around harbouring secrets of the drama? Very clever, trapped in order to settle accounts.

It would be madness to think that there are no government/secret society plants in the BKs. If you are one, and reading this, your days are very numbered, understand that. You are becoming more transparent by the day. If you are abusing deep spiritual beings because they are of a working class background and wear non-Brahmin clothes and churn too deep for you, I am afraid you may find large internal earthquakes going off in future. But you act out of ignorance, so you will be admonished and so it is all for the benefit of those on the receiving end. In short, you will be rewarded for abusing us with your hideous up bringing and background. You were employed in the first place by the powers beyond I presume and cannot be expected to be something you are not. Nor do others have the right to demand this.

Military/secret societies. We are talking about the most violent profession on the planet, yet the BKs for some reason seem to see it as some sort of plus point that a soul has been in the forces. We have Nirwair with his Navy lark also. So what is the attraction? Being paid for either doing nothing for much of your life, or destroying lives while supposedly protecting society from, yourself as the most violent people around. Who is kidding who here. They have a guilt thing, as if they know that they have been given a hand up The Ladder, for being potentially violent? I think they should all be made Dadas, pronto.

I promise that I won't say anything about latent homosexuality driving "the hard man", honest. The individual on this occasion is not an active member of these ultra male groups AFAIK. (Sounds like a secret society itself). This individual contributes money and offers protection to those in the centre because they lack experiences and therefore understanding. The con is that he does it to protect them but is really competing with Brothers over women. It can only be expected from someone with a non-BK wife. Nothing wrong with that though. It is the mask, the front. Taught by the military. Poor souls. May God allow you to understand.

The Sisters feel threatened by the depth of some. Part of the real problem here is that, they fail to comprehend that God would want anything to do with a working class type. Such an individual cannot sit in Gods lap, not speaking in such a common way at least. And they don't wear the right clothes and have the audacity to question things like knowledge and the sometimes ridiculous notions and methods practised by those in the centre at times. The deeper one goes, the less they are understood, and the more they are abused. This is spiritual abuse. Expecting to have authority over others because I have authority over others at work (what?). Or have a certain body type i.e. female, Hindi. And it is rife throughout the organisation. All these important people, and they are of course important, if they would give themselves a chance.

And, yes, I have been locked out of the centre while this individual looked out at me through the window from a darkened room. To be honest, it bothered him far more than it bothered me. I am well used to being shut out of all groups of all sorts. So we become stronger. I had left a note for the Sister on my way out that morning. I felt that she was inserting her own words into the Murli but did not want to challenge and embarrass. I still think that this Sister has inserted her own guff at times to teach a filthy Brother or two. Indeed, on a rare visit to morning class recently, the Murli was going on about fashion. I was sat in a combination of an old friends' brand name hand downs and my dead fathers left overs, it made me sick. I have been wrong before though.

Incidentally, my Father died in the awareness that I was a failure in this world. Unlike the BKs, he always saw other things in me beyond, "how can I use this soul to make me a higher number and please the London or Madhuban machine?". I never found a way to convey to him just how successful his son actually was/is. One of the most successful meditators of all time, or at least,"one in a million". Actually, I am one in 6 bn. As he lay riddled with W & H.O Wills cancer; cigarettes. I had to let him go unaware. He allowed me to do my thing, even though he did not agree with my spiritual path. They recognised a diference in my life when I was meditating and its benefits. Better than taking drugs they probably thought.

The BKs can learn a lot from "low numbered" individuals. I don't want to use this to get at the BKs at the same time, but whatever works. So, sometimes we have to be strong and let others get on with seeing us as they do, with faith that they will understand some day. My lokik mother is still confused at the way that spirituality has destroyed her son. It has not, but there is no way to reach these souls, they would have to experience, as with many BKs. B/D, souls need experiences.

I don't need your sympathy. Save it for those who are really suffering. I write so that others may benefit. I sacrifice the love of the family so that the souls who are coming in behind me on the path don't have to go through what I have. The positive outlook may be that of planting seeds, seeds which I have no control over as to when they germinate. After, during Murli revision, within a sentence or two, she was playing the number-wise thing. She may have meant it the other way of course, as may the Murli. 'All are number-wise based on closeness to God, so don't think that , just because you run a centre that you are some sort of big shot BK' kind of thing. Could it be this reversal thing again?

And through her eyes, Brothers are filthy. She has been changing though, there again, there are no Brothers left for the Sisters to learn from or to. Ghost ship centres?. Of course, most souls may have "been" now. I have been stopped from going to Oxford and Madhuban and pretty much rejected from all in London over the years. (Thanks Paradise club for trying to help at least). I came for help, and it was assumed that I was chasing a Sister, I think. From match-makers to match-breakers, anything but have some proper damn Yoga it would seem. Let go.

I don't think those in centres are quite as sure about the conviction of their ways as they used to be. The numbers have not swelled that much if at all. Still, at least all the centres are run by women who seek wealthy types. If they have a military past, they are surely even more peaceful than your average male and will have the appropriate skills to deal with souls with humility and humanitarianism, unless you want them taken out of their body that is. Raf could just as easily mean sas. I have talents coming out of my ears, or so it seems, but the BKs have not used many. Least said about past dealings the better. Especially, with the literature dept. What a farce. There again, it only seems that way because the spiritual wealth is not legal tender in this world, yet.

No communication. Poor poor communication. Be straight and honest with souls and it will be returned, even if it hurts them. ( I am not 100% sure @ the same time) They will feel hurt anyway if not, and your credibility will be less. Dadi Janki seems to have been avoiding personal meetings with me for years. No need now.

There is another Brother in London who is ex-military who harbours guilt in his eyes. He knows that he has done well, and that others have not been so favoured, to say the least. I can read peoples eyes enough to tell. Why should someone be given an easy time simply because they have a military background? Or do they arrive via secret society knowledge, you know, the stuff that says that they will be destroyed by one of their own as in many movies.

Then there was the Mark Hooper Tape/CD. No one likes this concert pianists ambient stuff for meditation. But he is a concert pianist, he must surely be able to drop his intense classical training and produce the feel needed. A few days in a room at Oxford and the results were, well, "could do better". Hi Mark, love, I know you could do some great stuff, under the right circumstances, which they probably did not provide (?) 3 days to make a CD?

Please God, if nothing else, destroy the joint if only to get rid of these self indulgent Satanic movies which come out of Hollywood. Genetic-wood. The BKs don't know family names and bloodlines do they? Perhaps they just jump into spiritual bed with anyone who has wealth or status. Am I completely misunderstanding things here? I must be, it is I who has a problem ...

You see, that is what souls go away thinking because of these classist ignorants. They are quite simply mugging people off, in the most polite of ways of course. But souls go away, having been put down and abused, and have been so all their life by all sorts, so it doesn't take much to send them off feeling either inadequate, or unworthy of Gods or anyone else's love. Of course, perhaps I have been making THEM feel inadequate in their glory roles. Just when they get a good head of ego steam up, along comes a working class Western male and pops the bubble, its not fair, it was not meant to be like this in BK fairyland. So we are all learning. All moving forward without realising it. And the master manipulator beyond? ...

My counter debates throughout this thread are trying to offer answers. You cannot expect these Sisters to talk plain and up front about why things are the way they are. Because they don't know, most of them anyway. Someone who has money and worldly status is regarded far higher in the BK ladder ... you see, that is just it, it is a ladder and not a family, and that is why these souls are cast in there, to learn about true love for the self and others, and to learn about family, Godly family. So let them get on with it, but they are not going to use me as a spiritual punchbag to learn the ropes of compassionate spiritual brotherhood. I am not without weakness either. You cannot combat knowledge and deep churnings with arrogant male bullying. The lesson for me is that, some souls simply don't seem to be able to get off the ground. That is worthy of my sympathy and not judgement. We don't know what others experience. Some may fake experiences even. B/D? Time for experiences again.

Love before money. Closeness to God before worldly status. Depth of experience before position in The Ladder. This last point is valid, ask yourself, (no one has ever said after all, you have to be a mind reader) should status in the centre really reflect inner status? To be honest, I think not. Role playing.

The people at the top of the secret society pyramid are not known. (If they reverse everything surely Bin laden, the most wanted man on the planet, is therefore the head of the Illuminati). So BapDada is willing to use very crude means to run things. Let us see the wood from the trees, running a centre does not bring you a high number, closeness to God brings you a high number. At which point you see the futility of the number game, unless the numbers thing is to allow the Sisters to emerge their male aspect, and to teach military types to grow up and stop being daft wee laddies, or is that ladies. There are hierarchies within a communist system, so lets be realistic, it is about role playing and not about reality, or there would be a whole different bunch of people in there. The fact is, it doesn 't matter as much as we may think. Victory is assured, victory over our own weaknesses. We can move forward on the inside, while on the outside, even if there is nothing out there.

It is not the smokescreen which counts, it is what lies behind it. The individuals status in the centre and their status at work are somehow combined. This is when I start getting restless, not to mention feeling betrayed by God. Some souls may destroy themselves if they had enough money to do so, or simply be too content to get into spiritual things. Then there is the individual's ego which accompanies the worldly status which, quite frankly, has nothing to do with Raja Yoga or anything BK. But the BKs have created their own noose with all these facilities to maintain and so money becomes an issue, especially when souls leave.

My local centre must be run by a woman at all costs and it has always been this way. The centre has paid very dearly for this London based policy. That right, DJ? Don't worry about me Sister Janki, I am just spiritual trailer trash. But the self pity ends now, big style, and we are going to find out many things, including my own imperfections. Of course, half the world probably knows about them, my dirty laundry litters the streets. So perhaps we are now evening up the score a little, enjoying the show? I never was good at wearing glass masks. There are no other kind in this game. The result is, souls go off and do negative things. "God has betrayed me so I may as well take drugs to escape from this BK hell within hell". It would not take much to change it all. All those souls out there with their various conflicts and reasons for walking away, some being just because of military gay-boys with more latency than an old 486 PC. 'Brokeback Brahmins".

But there is nothing out here. And there is nothing in there. And there is nothing anywhere but selfish people ( not true of course, but since lying is OK ... ). Confused and blind. Stumbling around. If you cant beat them ... Don't worry, the cavalry are coming. These souls may as well be in uniform. I don't mind these dudes earning their spiritual nest-egg through contributing what they can, but there needs to be a line drawn between the FAMILY and the outside world. The outside world dictates few other parts of the BK world. Money, and class, in Gods family? Deal with it.

Nah, sorry, I cannot see how it is worth destroying something so wonderful as the spiritual family just to appease a bunch of prominent souls who go around bombing and murdering in the name of religion and blaming it on others, and that is that really. "You cannot be serious referee" as another military BK thug scythes down a creative midfielder from his own team out of competitive fear and jealousy in case they scored, with a Sister of the militarists desire. Oh yes, you can have your cake and eat it also, and the BKs appreciate the ability to wear a stiff mask at all times. You could probably wear lipstick behind such a mask and get away with it. BKs, focus on the spiritual family and not military or wealthy types, if you seek reward that is. "Get out there", Jayanti told me. Still not sure what she meant, she was probably talking about teaching. The soul who thinks she runs the centre walked in, pretending to go to a cupboard in order to hear what I may have been saying to J about her, which I was not. My first personal meeting with anyone for a long time, and they could not keep their noses out. Shame on you. We are going to find out what happens to souls who abuse others out of ignorance and immaturity. I don't want to see souls suffer because of what they may have done to me or others.

I have had relative psychological problems about going out into the work place. The thing is, I don't need to go out to work to be abused, I can get that at the centre. I can also give it remember. If it is your worldly job to sack people, surely you have the right to do it in the centre. If a soul has money and I don't, then the Sisters will go his way. They don't need non-BKs such as myself to interfere with their remembrance of senior Sisters. It is the best they can manage and have found ways to justify this weak and pathetic new religion. God is a man, I cannot relate to HIM. No, because you won't let go. It is all it requires, though, I doubt I have anything to teach them anyway, I have no money after all, better join a secret society I guess. Oh, I see ...

If only I had joined a secret society, I could get a well paid job and the BKs would love me. The individual knows that they are getting preference and so is happy to TRY and bully others. This is only possible if others fear such a fool. Either way, it does not make for a loving family atmosphere when the centre is driven by Sisters who crave success in finding such individuals and bigger fish beyond, while silencing the deeper souls, who go away scratching their heads wondering what God is playing at. This is Gods wish surely, it has to be.

Of course, you can treat people as you wish when a) God is on YOUR side; and b) "Oh, they will all come back eventually, God has said so". So it is Gods work that souls are cast out? Perhaps. It will also be Gods work when certain individuals find themselves out working for a living. Attachment is the Achilles heel of these Sisters, they will hurt when souls go, though they may well have been hounded out the door probably by Brahma for one reason or other. The Sisters will blame themselves, and the souls who have gone, go through a washing machine cycle in their head, and Bap Dada float around laughing at it all. Life may not be as serious as the illusion suggests, so it is OK to put the military forward as examples of double none violent. Those whose role it is to bang the drum see the chance and demand that the Advance Party put them forward. Well, everything is in reverse after all.

The Murli has made it clear that Brothers must overcome their lust before they can be part of the setup. We cannot hide anything from Brahma Baba and are kidding ourselves if we think otherwise. B/D have now a new wide screen TV installed, so they can see all the off the ball incidents. I don't need to explain about the birds and bee's do I? As in, Brothers doing the chasing, once they have seen off the other Brothers of course. The family does not function as well as it could due to fear of Brothers and Sisters getting to know each other, at all. Speak to or befriend a Sister and you will surely fall into lust. Maybe, and maybe not. The crux is, instead, it would be better to join the army and shoot some people up. THEN become a BK, cannot you all see where you went wrong? To change the world, condone military and religious violence, while judging others off the park so that they go out into the world and ruin their lives, then tell them I told you so.

It is time to create a worthwhile environment for souls, a less formal environment, one where BKs and souls of the world can feel comfortable, one where souls can express without fear of judgement, jealousy, and competition. If there is competition, get the military souls to sort it out, I am sure they are prime examples of none competitive spiritual enlightenment. The Brothers are good at planning, the Sisters have the gentleness and humility to carry out the task. It should be a working relationship, so why not? B.C. of various kinds. And of course, operating an, "if you have dosh we will bend over backwards to accommodate you policy". Those who have gone may well be second birth Brahmins who were in for a top up. Those who are in there may not be second birth. Put others forward.

This rigid militaristic individual has been rather against me for a long time, he cannot help himself, and the weak Sister continues to use him to hide her corrupt approach to the BK lifestyle while judging others to be non-Brahmin. It makes me mad because they are going to feel really bad one day when all is revealed but there is nothing I can do as I watch these souls. I cannot reveal all. Once I get out teaching meditation (and diet), I may well be on a different plane of thought as I will be doing what I have been trained to do. I presume the BKs will be expecting me to send souls in their direction. Why should I? They will have to wake up first and smell the love of the family. Of course, they are the family. A female family. One which can exclude males out of fear of their own lust and others suffer. Let go, simply let go, because it is very powerful energy. Accept it.

In my last couple of sessions at the centre, "Buzz Lightyear" has realised that there may just be a bit more under this bonnet than first thought. Indeed, I don't feel that bitter towards him, just a bit sad that we cannot all move forward as a unit. When the penny drops in reality that status comes from Yoga and closeness, there will be change. Then there is the individual roles. It is not my role to be in there, that is what the drama is telling me, then there was that voice which called my name early in the morning, to get up I presume, then I wonder if it is they who have been behaving badly towards me and not the other way around if Baba is telling me to get along there. Souls go away blaming themselves. The self-pity nonsense stops now, I will now pity them.

I hate all this sneaking around, harbouring secrets of the drama, having to be abused by ignorant religious sicko's just to keep Shiva and his stupid agenda happy. Who cares. Just tell the whole world and be done with it and stop all this madness. All this sneaking around. I wish they would make up their minds up there, or maybe the centre don't have any heads to destroy and mangle so want to flog this dead horse a bit more. Perhaps Bap and Dada have ran out of souls to laugh at. I am not questioning this rigid militaristic individual who I actually get on with OK, he just wants to uphold the Sisters' policy of, "no depth please, we're British". And, protector of the truth. Honourable, even if not appropriate.

Let's make it clear, I am questioning the BK policy and outlook here. The individual is lumbered with some hard work to overcome these traits. London is a long way, each centre is an Island on its own in reality. To shed responsibility, London can always cry "karma". The question then is, is this direction coming from London? To shut people out? To keep certain individuals out?

The soul who runs the centre arrived years ago and declared a number of we Brothers non-Brahmin and cleared everyone out. Where did it come from? She does not get on with the likes of Jayanti(?). I must therefore assume that she is a loose cannon who listens to no one because she has lived in India. (the West will show the East"). The poor soul is struggling to shake off the Hindi Bhakti approach, but then she had never received any training what so ever to run a centre. Now that she has, I wish she had not. DJ has informed her that she has everything back to front. Perhaps DJ should have made sure that this soul spent some time in London to at least get used to Western service and mingle with Western Sisters. She arrived in a rather ignorant state, a reflection of Indian BK-ism. I think she now has distaste towards Indian BK-ism. I don't blame her, as much as London, who were obviously desperate to get someone in the centre. Anyone with a female body that is. They are all so detached and surrendered in London that they all wanted to come and do service. Hmm.

Baba once threatened to move the teachers around at random, why has this not been put into action? They ARE surrendered are they not? I remember leaving the centre with a Brother after watching a Bap Dada video, he never returned. The hideous Bhakti on display just because God had come to speak put him off ever since. The video was supposed to impress him. So they learn through their mistakes, and Bap Dada is only too happy to put us through the ringer with them at the helm just to test us, of course. It makes us stronger did not you know. Two lives wasted on this crap. Time for something different. Brothers are considered to be filthy pieces of work. Sisters cannot have ego, and certainly never have lustful thoughts. Dreamland, madness.

At what point do Sisters such as Jayanti go and get a proper job to find out what the real world is like? I am sure she has enough secret society contacts by now to get something nice and cushy without any real contact with real people in the real world, the one she suggests others get out into. Then again, I am just a low down skivvy, a filthy Brother, who is about to get out into the world, and some souls may not feel so confident about their puffed up world of pompous BK bull, or military muscle for that matter. I don't have to at the same time, especially not to get at them, they are good at getting at themselves I am sure.

God, you gave me experiences, now give them to others. Is it against Shrimat for a Brother to wear a camouflage saree? Plenty room to hide the rifle. As I said, this post was made so that other centres out there in the world can learn from others ways. Sorry if anyone gets hurt here but some things need to change, and it has come to this. Spirituality sucks sometimes, but it is what we are.

ME ME ME ME ME ME ... and of course, "I"
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Re: Authority comes from Yoga and not worldly status

Post13 Sep 2006

sparkal wrote:If only I had joined a secret society, I could get a well paid job and the BKs would love me.

You still can if you stick with the BKs, as long as you fancy being an executive coach and don't mind selling Gyan. They all seem to find their way onto It is easy;
    Pick the vague bits out of the 7 day course.
    Start a course that is called the 7 Days *SOMETHING* Course
    Copy and paste a mid-period Sister Jayanti or Diane Meditation
    Copy and paste a few Jewels of Knowledge thoughts for the day
    Remember half a dozen inspirational quotes from famous people just so it is not ALL Gyan.
You are done. And if you are lucky, get it published so that you can say you are an international best selling author. [I guess eBay would be good enough to establish the "international" bit. How do they qualify "best selling"?]

Talking of Secret Societies ... I remember the BKs courting and being courted by Lord Carrington. He of both the Bilderbergers and Trilateral Commission, and ex-Ministry of Defence. What with the BKWSU's UN romance, the Conspiracists will be doing backflips over this revellation. May be the BKWSU is going to be the religion of choice - for which read mind control par excellence - for the masses care of the New World Order.

Putting aside any Conspiracy Theory, I prefer Spiritualist Theory, what you say about intelligence plants has to be correct. At least in India. But certainly they will be monitored throughout the West. I am told an American intelligence agency have done reviews of the BKWSU fearing that they might be conduits for other organizations but came up with nothing but misplaced drug smuggling or money laundering allegations. I emphasize the "misplaced".

You won't name the devil, so I am left to guess that you are talking about the Masons here. It would be interesting to ask is which way Brothers in the Brotherhood's allegiances lie or are they playing both sides? Surely, there must be hundreds of middle age male BKs that are also in some Mason Order or another. I don't remember Baba ever giving specific instructions on this ... and at the same time, I don't remember hearing of Jayanti and Janki being asked to go speak at the Lodge. Yet. May be they will do a Ladies Night.
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Post14 Sep 2006

You can see where it comes from..
sparkal wrote:Dreamland, madness.

yes - that sounds like the centre I knew and loved... :)
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Re: Dreamland

Post14 Sep 2006

howiemac wrote:You can see where it comes from ...

If I was to invoke the debate of when God was and was not present, and the BK orthodoxy says he was present at all times, e.g. "two motors", does this therefore mean this is a photo of God shooting monkeys at Madhuban or something?
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The underhand handover. do not let the left hand know what the

Post15 Sep 2006

So, if there is anything in these churnings, the secret society (who are not that secret and whose secrets are becoming the worst kept on the planet) hand over power to a spiritual organization once the secret society have completed their 2,000 year secret agenda and we go through the shades of grey over the next 30- 80 (?) years into what we know as the Golden Age. :D So what is the problem here? There seems to be a lack of FAITH.

To break down the fixed borders cultures and religions, it may be necessary to hire some lunatic religious thugs to level the plot in order to build on it. I don't know. Maybe Shiva or Bap Dada are capable of pursuing such a policy to transform the world. Shiva is a master role player. The sweet little point of light. That is what Shiva is, and we all are , eternally. Playing a role in this drama is something slightly different. Shiva in the dahram raj form is said to be a bit fierce. And there is the Shankar related side. When we lose the awareness of DRAMA, life becomes serious.

It was always in The Knowledge that we would have to let go of Shiva eventually. How, why or when is another matter. We are all at different stages according to ROLE. Shiva has always said that we are greater. Shivalya is a material domain, the land of Shiva, nothing prevents this from being created. Nothing and no one. So there is no point debating the method used to bring it about. It is not as if WE are being asked to exert mayhem on parts of the world. Is anyone? Perhaps we need to separate the material warrior from the spiritual warrior. Both have their part to play by all accounts. So why don't we just accept it and get on with the job at hand which is self transformation? Why the concern? Come to think of it, what IS the concern here? Is there a fear that the change over will be smooth and no one gets their nose in a sling or pays for their past conduct? What, in Gyan defines this change? We leave hell on earth and go into heaven on earth, garden of satyugalyagrala.

One answer to this may be that, it evolves around souls and not mass random chaos in the world family (6 bn and counting). The only family. Or chaos in nature. Golden Age = a material place in most BK minds. It probably represents a state of mind to BapDada. These may be part of it, but the Golden Age from a BK point of view is symbolised, if nothing else, by the birth of Krisna. Rhadi and Krisna, Lakshmi and Narayan etc. (and no one else matters, there are only two souls on the planet at that time, and God glued some ribs together...)The BKs do not control this. We can control a lot, but not who takes birth where. Neither the BKs or the not so secret society have any say in this. So, the fear may be that the BKs get some power and set up a caste/ class system of the type we are accustomed to and nothing changes politically in the future world which is said to benefit all souls and not just a few. :D

If the BKs gained power, would it be the same setup? Or is the current setup designed for the recent past and near future? Remember, the advanced party keep gate crashing these trance messages and asking when they are going to be revealed. Hardly the current regime continuing as they are really. They know what they have to do. If they are smart, they will consider that they will be the children of the Advance Party souls. It does not rule out the possibility of foul play within individuals, out of ignorance than anything else if at all.

Jealousy and disillusionment from not listening or mixing with those who churn deeper even. Shutting them out. Not churning themselves. It is a significant part of the teachings. I think DJ has always mentioned that there are secrets in the drama. They have all souls interests at heart, but are also realistic about the world "condition" and what is required to satisfy other factions and the masses. So all that is required is a skeleton force to bridge things. The BK agenda is not 'no change is sexy'. Change is at the essence of the path, teachings and activities. Self change is what it is about, so I can go and change myself and let them get on with what they are doing, they don't need me, do they? We could ask: WHAT DO I WANT FROM THE BKs? The answer from all should be nothing if their mental state is healthy. The picture of Brahma Baba taking aim @ a fluffy rabbit ? :lol: , does it relate to the Brahma Baba who is there right now, and the soul who will take birth?

Compared to the Sakar Murli, the Avyakt Brahma certainly talks a different story, and, like other souls, will be influenced by the parents to some degree who raise these souls. Do we assume that the parents will be classist and caste-ist? If so, why? None of us control this. The drama controls this. Have we lost faith in the drama due to this kingdom of many illusions. If we have faith in drama and Father, we have nothing to worry about here. It is this shades of grey period of time which may cause concern. What we see in the current BK set up is not related to Krisna. The Advance Party have little or nothing to do with the the BKs we are led to believe. For all we know, Krisna's parents may be the most hard nosed Communists on the planet. The BKs have no say in this, so we cannot assume anything. Krisna could be quite a cool dude. We are expecting someone who is liked and loved by all. We need to like and love ourselves right now.

And the ADI/ADAM label given to Brahma, is there room for a re think on this yet? The start/beginning?, the first soul? Maybe, if it is an immaculate conception.(?) Otherwise Krisna's Father could be said to be the first man etc. Chicken/egg. The BKs follow an agenda, which is directed from beyond, so perhaps we can all just go on holiday and let them all just get on with it. Wake me up just before we role into the golden station, with dust in my mouth no doubt. 8)
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Re: The underhand handover. do not let the left hand know what

Post16 Sep 2006

sparkal wrote:And the ADI/ADAM label given to Brahma, is there room for a re think on this yet? The start/beginning?, the first soul? Maybe, if it is an immaculate conception.

Otherwise Krisna's Father could be said to be the first man etc.

Yes, you are starting to sound like a PBK already Sparkal ...
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Post17 Sep 2006

The second biggest danger in the world in my opinion is belief
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Post19 Sep 2006

That one must be a leaked tape, how did you know? The PBKs made an offer for me during the last transfer window (football) but I turned it down and decided to stay with the BKs as the money is better.

And, please, put me out of my misery Mr Green, I cant sleep from trying to work it out :?: What is the first most ... And, thats Some drishti you got there Mr Green.
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Post19 Sep 2006

:D I would say the first is climatic change ... outwardly

Inwardly ... I would say not valuing yourself.
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Post26 Sep 2006

ex-l wrote:I wonder where Freemasonry fits within the Kalpa Tree of religions ... Judaism or Satanism?

From my limited knowledge of Freemasonry I would say initially Jewish side of things. Later on I am not so sure.
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Post10 Oct 2006

We need to bear in mind that the secret societies may have been infiltrated and like everything else is now in its lowest state. A 2000 year agenda means just that. So it has come out of the Caucus Mountains in the Middle-East perhaps, or did they just hi-jack what was already there? More cloaking?

If the Golden Age thrones have Vishnu behind them (or whatever), is this not the subtle start of secret societies of a kind? Even if all is transparent in the Golden Age. We would need to hear from a high end free mason. :roll:

Incidentally, when does the Murli season start anyway? :lol:

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