Books, movies and websites

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Reading Herodotus

Post14 Apr 2008

A student reading Herodotus in the original Greek alongside an English translation has some insightful articles and analyses on his blog. I would like to read more of the classics. This writer certainly whets my appetite.
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Re: Books, movies and websites


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Re: Books, movies and websites

Post18 Apr 2008

Movie :
An epic mosaic of several interrelated characters in search of happiness, forgiveness, and meaning.

Well, I've seen this over a dozen times because it's just simply a good spiritual movie, and the songs are beautiful.

[youtube=bNbTC6xLVg0#1kdBZR1XjyM]Save Me:("Why can't you save me")[/youtube]
[youtube=DsqCl2vO9xA&feature=related]Wise Up:("It's Not Going To Stop")[/youtube]


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Re: Books, movies and websites

Post18 Apr 2008

Movie : When 4 year old Amanda disappears from her home and the police make little headway in solving the case, the girl's aunt hires two private detectives. The detective freely admit that they have little experience with this type of case, but the family wants them for two reasons - they're not cops and they know the tough neighborhood in which they all live. As the case progresses, the two private detectives face drug dealers, gangs and pedophiles. When they finally solve the case, they are faced with a moral dilemma that tears them apart.

At first, this seems to be a typical crime-drama movie. But it has the tagline "Everyone Wants The Truth ... Until They Find It."
As it is not until the very end of the movie that the audience is left to face a dilemma of a situation to do what is right or wrong, a "karma-type" decision. Of which I still do not really know what I would do even after watching the movie. It has a feel of the "butcher chasing cow" situation discussed somewhere else in the forum.


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Re: Books, movies and websites

Post01 May 2008

Movie :
So far the best non-documentary movie made about Jesus Christ. This one goes quite deep for a movie, way above the many blockbuster Jesus Christ movies around.

Movie :
So far the best non-documentary movie made about Mohammed made.
andrey wrote:Can one watch this or is there only information about the movies.

These movies are available to watch, The Mahabharat series is so far the best non-documentary movie made about the Gita. All IMHO of course :D.

And, yes, I have seen them all. Please note that the movies I mention in this thread are those in English or have English translations.

Off to look for a good Jain and Buddhist movie.
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Re: Books, movies and websites

Post26 May 2008

Movie :
I am sure this one is going to bit a hit with the backrow of the Murli class but flag it up as 4 star Maya. Mike Meyers does a parody on the whole guru, spirituality, New Age scene, some of which is going to seem embarrassingly familiar, like; "Thoughts for the day" on his website, his headquarters in India and little mnemonic ditties that remind me of Sister Sudesh like;
Guru Pitka wrote:GURU ...

You (tm) No kidding.

Website :
    • Incidentally, the Spiritual Science Research Foundation, whose website I also recommend for video evidence of real research into spiritualism, possession and spirit healing warned recently that making the movie, 'The Love Guru' will condemn the makers to the 2nd region of Hell for 1000 years; watching it for entertainment without knowing the spiritual science/significance alone equals being cast to the Nether regions of Hell (Bhuvaloka) for 100 yrs, watching it for entertainment even AFTER knowing the spiritual science/significance punishment in the 1st region of Hell for 100 yrs and being a seeker of God/on the spiritual path, knowing about the Movie, but doing nothing to stop it the same. So better skip the trailers as much as that as for the images of Jessica Alba who I am absolutely sure wont look so good after 1,000 years in Hell.
If anyone has any ideas what is going on in the SSRF videos, please take start another topic ...

Image (click to enlarge - read the hand).
love_guru.jpg (25.03 KiB) Viewed 34992 times

(Close but not the Brahma Kumari Headquarters ...)

john morgan


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Re: Useful words, concepts and terminology

Post05 Jun 2008

Recommended reading - Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

Who recommended it? Answer - Me

Why did you reccommend it? Answer - In this context (Ex-I's Noble Lie etc), it is a Utopian society where everyone thinks their part the best except for the savage who does not buy into it. The foreword is well worth a read.
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Re: Useful words, concepts and terminology

Post05 Jun 2008

Ditto Aldous Huxley's latter response after "converting" to Vedanta ... BRAVE NEW WORLD REVISITED [1958].

john morgan


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Re: Useful words, concepts and terminology

Post05 Jun 2008

I am heartened that greats such as Aldous Huxley should revisit their thoughts and ideas. I find this quality of his far more inspiring than the qualities of some fixated wombats that conclude then seek to persuade others that they know the truth full stop. Who knows what will happen tomorrow or even in the next minute?
Sir Francis Bacon, Philosopher, Statesman and Essayist - 1561 - 1626 wrote:Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider.
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Re: Books, movies and websites

Post01 Jul 2008

I was attempting to discover the techincial names for a number of the argumentative tactics used by Indians, typical of panditry, and BK followers in particular. Of course, Indians are not the only to use such oratory skills but there are a few that are specifically used often by the BKWSU. I do not know that I have the correct words for it yet but on my way I came across a few sites at random regarding the use of logical fallacies (falsehoods) in debates of which the following are two.

Websites :

Ad Hominem
Ad Hominem Tu Quoque
Appeal to Authority
Appeal to Belief
Appeal to Common Practice
Appeal to Consequences of a Belief
Appeal to Emotion
Appeal to Fear
Appeal to Flattery
Appeal to Novelty
Appeal to Pity
Appeal to Popularity
Appeal to Ridicule
Appeal to Spite
Appeal to Tradition
Begging the Question
Biased Sample
Burden of Proof
Circumstantial Ad Hominem
Confusing Cause and Effect
False Dilemma
Gambler's Fallacy
Genetic Fallacy
Guilt By Association
Hasty Generalization
Ignoring A Common Cause
Middle Ground
Misleading Vividness
Personal Attack
Poisoning the Well
Post Hoc
Questionable Cause
Red Herring
Relativist Fallacy
Slippery Slope
Special Pleading
Straw Man
Two Wrongs Make A Right
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Re: Books, movies and websites

Post18 Oct 2008

Here is a short animated film about climate change by Leo Murray:

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Re: Books, movies and websites

Post24 Oct 2008

Do you feel sometimes lonely?

With one click you can visit this website and thank God again that we are not alone on this planet.

A heartwarming project by Yann Arthus Bertrand from Good

Created at 2003 they have interviewed 6000 people visited in 65 countries about some concepts like Love ... God ... Laugh ... Family ... Happiness ... Tears ... and filmed 4,500 hours of interviews and made a 450 hours of translated and subtitled video portraits which is still developing. It is all about Testifying ... Listening ...Thinking.

Good is a non-profit organisation, set up on July 1, 2005 and chaired by Yann Arthus-Bertrand with the purpose of raising awareness regarding the world's problems


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Re: Books, movies and websites

Post24 Oct 2008

6 billion Others (6 Billiards d'Autres)

Excellent. Thanks.


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Re: Books, movies and websites

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Re: Books, movies and websites

Post12 Feb 2009


A recommendation from Robin Ramsay. This book is a new and dramatically different inquiry into what India and being Indian mean in the new millennium. Such an inquiry is especially relevant today when the world's largest democracy is also a nuclear power, a potentially major economic power poised to emerge as the second largest consumer market in the world, and a growing force in information technology. In the twenty first century, when every sixth human being will be Indian, the world will have to interact with Indians in many more ways than before.
Misconceptions about India and Indians abound, fed by the stereotypes created by foreigners, and the myths about themselves projected by Indians. In Being Indian, Pavan K. Varma demolishes these myths and generalizations as he turns his sharply observant gaze on his fellow countrymen to examine what really makes Indians tick and what they have to offer the world in the twenty first century.

Varma's insightful analysis of the Indian personality and the culture that has created it reaches startling new conclusions on the paradoxes and contradictions that characterize Indian attitudes towards issues such as power, wealth and spirituality.

How, for example, does the appalling indifference of most Indians to the suffering of the poor and the inequities of the caste system square with their enthusiastic championing of parliamentary democracy? How can a people who so whole-heartedly supported Mahatma Gandhi's strategy of non-violence during the struggle for independence burn young brides for more dowry, and beat domestic servants to near-death? And why do Indians have a reputation for being spiritual and 'other-worldly' when their philosophy and tradition exalt the pursuit of material well-being-artha-as a principal goal of life?

The book also examines India's future prospects as an economic, military and technological power, providing valuable pointers to the likely destiny of a nation of one billion people. Drawing on sources as diverse as ancient Sanskrit treatises and Bollywood lyrics, and illuminating his examples with a wealth of telling anecdotes, Pavan Varma creates a vivid and compelling portrait of Indians as he argues that they will survive and flourish in the new millennium precisely because of what they are, warts and all, and not because of what they think they are or would like to be.

Pavan K. Varma graduated with honours in History from St Stephens College, Delhi, and took a degree in Law from Delhi University. A member of the Indian Foreign Service, he has served in Moscow, in New York at the Indian Mission to the United Nations, and as India's High Commissioner in Cyprus. He has been Press Secretary to the President of India, Official Spokesman for the Foreign Office, and is at present Director of the Nehru Centre in London.

See also; 'TERRIFYING VISION ~ M.S. Golwalkar, the RSS and India by Jyotirmaya Sharma.

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