Has Virendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

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Has Virendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post22 Jun 2008

AUM Shanti.

It may seem a serious allegation, but I take complete responsibility. If it will bring sin to me then too I am ready to accept it. I had a feeling yesterday. I think the reason for the Mummy of PBKs (ex-wife of Virendra Dev Dixit) being unapproachable for most of the PBKs is that she had become pregnant by Virendra Dev Dixit. Hence she went underground and a rumour was spread that she got married to the driver and has given birth to a child.

I think this is a cover-up. Because if it is known that the child is of Virendra Dev Dixit then the claim by Virendra Dev Dixit and PBKs that Virendra Dev Dixit is Amogh Veerya ( one whose semen never leaks even while having sex) will be proved as false. This will create serious problem for the institution.



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Re: Has V. Dixit become Father to a child?

Post22 Jun 2008

This will create serious problem for the institution.

Hi Brother,

I am not sure how to address this new topic of yours, but are you throwing green on us barracudas aiming to collect back some yellow fruits?

How did you come to know the above 'facts'? Or someone told you this stuff?

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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post22 Jun 2008

sanjeev wrote:I think the reason for the Mummy of PBKs (ex-wife of Veerendra Dev Dixit) being unapproachable for most of the PBKs is that she had become pregnant by Veerendra Dev Dixit. Hence she went underground and a rumour was spread that she got married to the driver and has given birth to a child.

I think this is a cover-up. Because if it is known that the child is of Veerendra Dev Dixit then the claim by Veerendra Dev Dixit and PBKs that Veerendra Dev Dixit is Amogh Veerya ( one whose semen never leaks even while having sex) will be proved as false. This will create serious problem for the institution.

Dear sanjeev Bhai,

Omshanti. This allegation is not new to this forum and I think it was raised on an earlier occasion too. And even Shivsena Bhai lent some credence to it by his speculation that Mama had entered the lokik life. But it is for the first time that you have dragged Baba Virendra Dev Dixit's name to this controversy. Can you prove your allegation?

Anyways, I cannot either confirm or refute this allegation. I can only say that the reason you give for Mama going underground is not true. She reduced her connections with PBKs ever since the 1998 incidents involving the arrest of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit and some others. I, myself, met her for the last time in 1998. Although she has not been seen by PBKs in public/mini-Madhubans/gitapathshalas since almost a decade, she severed the connection with the Yagya by withdrawing the letter of faith a few years ago.

I have conveyed your allegation to Baba through email.

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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post22 Jun 2008

Om Shanti arjun,

Can you tell what is the process to withdraw the letter of faith?
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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post23 Jun 2008

This is a pretty serious allegation and, god forbid, if the source lends some credibility then I do not know how many other skeletons would stunble out of the cupboard ...

As a BK we all hear good stories about Yagya and we have reasons to believe that what is being told to us is the absolute truth ... this is the case about any famous individual be it Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, The Disney character being a paedophile etc ...

Now what is the way to address these allegations and, since this whole thing is about faith in the organization and its leaders, it is a serious concern that this gets addressed by the leaders of the organization rather than it being left to further rumor mongering.

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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post23 Jun 2008

I would like to know, sachkhand, which party are you from? No offence taken but we have the Vishnu Party etc all come through here and they have a big beef with Virendra Dev Dixit.

Yogi108, I wish it would be addressed in an adult fashion. Let me bet ... the response we get back form the nimit souls or Baba Virendra Dev Dixit will be something along the lines of "no one else's potmail (chart) is anyone else business".

Let me chip in. There is a big question outstanding about the sexual history of the early PBK. Now, I have no problem with this. Anyone can have sex with anyone as long as it was voluntary and they are over the age of consent. It is none of my business. No one listens to me when I give advice anyway. And it makes sense to me that someone should know what they are dealing with when giving advice. Unlike celibate priests in the church giving marital guidance.

If a load of dissatisfied Brahma Kumaris were shown a little love and made 'content' for once in their lives, I am even more pleased. It fits in perfectly with other spiritual traditions and the legend of Krishna etc. So, please, let's address it for once and for all and take the wind out of the sails of the malicious gossips. Nor does it all diminish Virendra Dev Dixit input either. Any one care to add details? Was it Baba or was it Virendra Dev Dixit? Perhaps we can add that to the question. It will all come out in the end anyway.


Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post23 Jun 2008

ex-l wrote:I would like to know, sachkhand, which party are you from? No offence taken but we have the Vishnu Party etc all come through here and they have a big beef with Veerendra Dev Dixit. ... So, please, let's address it for once and for all and take the wind out of the sails of the malicious gossips.

AUM Shanti.

My answer to your first query; I am not from Vishnu Party or for that matter any parties. I want our Beloved GodFather. That's it. GodFather is not of any one person or a group of people, He is Father of all. And I am interested in Him Only. If a small child comes and says, "I know GodFather" I will listen to him also. Because I think understanding GodFather is the urgent need of the time and only by understanding GodFather we will attain actual Peace, Bliss, etc.

Speaking about the Vishnu Party, I have heard about it many years back, but do not know exactly what is their knowledge. You have asked about this even in my post, "ShivBaba in Nutshell" of the BK Splinters group. I have not gone to any one of their centres nor have I met it's head Dasharath Patel.

Sorry, If you think I have any intention of malicious gossiping. I am serious about what I have written. It was not told to me by anyone. Yes, I had heard few years back that Mummy ( Virendra Dev Dixit's ex-wife) had married the driver and had a child, but I opposed it and did not believe it. But again I read about it in this forum in one of the post. But I did not think much about it, since it is no way my business to poke my nose into others deeds which do not affect me. But when I was going for a walk in the evening day before yesterday I had a feeling that Virendra Dev Dixit might be the Father of the so called child, which as being said, his ex-wife have given birth to. Now this being an important thing and as I want to know what is the part of Virendra Dev Dixit in this world drama, I have raised this topic in this forum.

I thank Arjuna for emailing my thought (or allegation) to Virendra Dev Dixit himself. I hope we will receive a clear cut answer to it by Virendra Dev Dixit without any ambiguity.
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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post23 Jun 2008

sanjeev wrote:I thank Arjuna for emailing my thought (or allegation) to Virendra Dev Dixit himself. I hope we will receive a clear cut answer to it by Veerendra Dev Dixit without any ambiguity.

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. I have conveyed the question, but I am not sure if I would receive any answer or not because some months ago he had stipulated a condition for answering queries was that the concerned person should give his/her address and telephone number (if any). If you wish you can mail your address to him directly or provide the same to me (if you trust me).
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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post23 Jun 2008

Arjun Bhai,

What a strange request from Virendra Dev Dixit for the address, email id and telephone number for asking him any question.

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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post23 Jun 2008

What a strange request from Virendra Dev Dixit for the address, email id and telephone number for asking him any question.

Dear Brother,

Omshanti. If you can spare some of your valuable time, you will find that before stipulating this condition he has answered many questions (may be a hundred or more) raised on this forum. Probably when people started asking such questions that he asked for the name, address and phone number of the seeker. I don't see anything wrong in it. He has already been dragged wrongly into so many court cases and if his answers to anonymous questions land him in many more court cases then who will support him? Will the person who has posed the question come and tell the truth if required?

Since many years we have been asking very simple questions to the BK administration through this forum and the now defunct xbkchat forum, but the BKWSU never bothered to answer any of them. Instead they put all their might in closing down this forum. And directly or indirectly AIVV/Baba Virendra Dev Dixit has supported the struggle to save this forum. You should at least appreciate that ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has answered so many questions and is offering to answer any question provided the seeker provides his details.

BKWSU has not bothered to release the Murlis despite thirsty souls requesting them for Murlis since so many years. But as soon as the website of PBKs was launched all the printed, audio and video materials related to advanced Godly knowledge available with the AIVV have been uploaded on the site (http://www.PBKs.info) without anyone requesting for it. You can decide yourself as to who is more sincere? AIVV or BKWSU?

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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post23 Jun 2008

Brother arjun,

You get too defensive do not you? I only found the whole thing funny since if, for example, my wife says Brother X or Y mentioned that I am being unfaithful ... will I go and ask for the email id and the telephone number of Brother X and Y or try to defend myself with what has been accused me of?

Another pointer to the BKWSU ,.. their stand could be that, "they are not answerable to this forum" and that is a stand many organizations take ... I would rather appreciate if the PBKs take such a stand rather than say Baba would not answer since if he does he might get into trouble ...

Nor have I heard that the Chariot of god will go to jail if he speaks or answers someone ... I guess I am trying to drive some very hard points ... but in all fairness to the BKs at least the chariots have never gotten into this kind of accusation or rumors.

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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post23 Jun 2008

yogi108 wrote:in all fairness to the BKs at least the chariots have never gotten into this kind of accusation or rumors.

Hmmn ... not true.

In the early days, Lekhraj Kirpalani had everything from cuckolding husbands (infidelity with their wives) and setting up a personal harem to pedophilia thrown at him ... putting aside the hypnosis, breaching the peace and breaking up of families. I am not sure about the BKWSU being "answerable" to any other group but there is the issue of simple courtesy, their responsibility to donor followers/initiates and what is said in the Murli. if they were smart, they would. You would have to be awfully dumb not to.

Its an interesting twist to the tale and not one I would hold Arjun responsible for. Both he and Virendra Dev Dixit have done more than most on this forum. It suggests to me that there is some 'heat' in India ... perhaps some BKs or the Vishnu Party are spoiling for trouble again. Arjun is correct to say that individuals that have never experienced it over look the mental and financial violence behind legal actions. If I was him, I'd cover my *ss too.

He must attract many insincere time wasters.
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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post23 Jun 2008

yogi108 wrote:You get too defensive do not you? I only found the whole thing funny since if, for example, my wife says Brother X or Y mentioned that I am being unfaithful ... will I go and ask for the email id and the telephone number of Brother X and Y or try to defend myself with what has been accused me of?

I have given my reply. It is upto you to speculate further.
Another pointer to the BKWSU ,.. their stand could be that, "they are not answerable to this forum" and that is a stand many organizations take ... I would rather appreciate if the PBKs take such a stand rather than say Baba would not answer since if he does he might get into trouble ...

They may pretend not to be answerable to this forum or its own members, but are they not answerable to ShivBaba? I believe in facing the truth rather than running away from it. How far can BKWSU run away from this forum? You, me and BKWSU everyone has to live on this Earth only.
Nor have I heard that the Chariot of god will go to jail if he speaks or answers someone ... I guess I am trying to drive some very hard points ... but in all fairness to the BKs at least the chariots have never gotten into this kind of accusation or rumors.

If you go through the life stories of all the religious fathers you would understand. And as ex-l has pointed out, if you could spare time to go through the Yagya history books, or even the Murli points quoted in the BK Section, you would know what difficulties Brahma Baba had to go through. There is a oft-repeated proverb in the Murlis - Gur jaaney gur kee gothri jaaney (only the jaggery and the sack containing it knows the problem of stickiness).
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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post24 Jun 2008

sanjeev wrote: But when I was going for a walk in the evening day before yesterday I had a feeling that Veerendra Dev Dixit might be the Father of the so called child, which as being said, his ex-wife have given birth to. Now this being an important thing and as I want to know what is the part of Veerendra Dev Dixit in this world drama, I have raised this topic in this forum.

Dear sanjeev,

You are acting on your mind and delivering this ruthless allegation. You speak your mind based on your imbecile feeling. If you can prove with evidence that Baba Virendra Dev Dixit has fathered a child, then "hats off to you", for a very fundamental fact to the PBK kingdom. Otherwise you are wasting our time with your nonsensical allegation.

Om Shanti, indie.
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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post24 Jun 2008

pbkindiana wrote:You are acting on your mind and delivering this ruthless allegation. You speak your mind based on your ...

Sanjeev, its also worth reminding folks that when you first came to this forum, you thought you were Prajapita Brahma ... on the basis of a "feeling".

You did also say you had been to Kampil 9 times. Why did you not, or do you not ask Virendra Dev Dixit yourself?
Sachkand wrote:If my statement turns out to be false I will have lost all my earning in this birth cycle. I have decided to give five months for my statement to be proved right.

That was back in October 2007. The main subject of the Avyakt Murlis last season was not Prajapita Brahma. So where does that leave us now ...

I would say that I think the lesson in this for the PBKs is the same as the BKs ... given that there are all sort of controversies and false histories, there is a need for as honest, open and OBJECTIVE record of the history of the Yugya as possible to stop all such rumours and discontentment arising time and time again. One version.

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