The Lives of Brian

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The Lives of Brian

Post21 Jun 2008

At an Oxford Leadership Academy event, Brian Bacon spoke not wrote:Recognise you are a soul, you are not a body ... not a role, not a personality ... not your costume ... you are a spiritual entity with three faculties, the ability to create thoughts, the ability to judge and discriminate ... a repository of every action you have performed ... when you meditate you develop that muscle ... the ability to change your habits ... its not so difficult ... the leaders path is the hero's path ... you will join a small band of people who are coming together at this time to change the trajectory of our civilisation.
Plans are just frisbees ... a vision without execution is hallucination.

Just a short note, that following recent revelations made on Youtube of the courageous service being done amongst the bulls and bears of the business world, the most difficult of environments, by a senior Brahma Kumari follower, we of the Mr Green Kumaris have official announced Shri Shri Business Guru Brian Bacon as our Appointed Chariot of God and are able to offer a series of powerful, transformative "Ancient Certificate of Advanced Courses in Knowledge", or Old Cack™ for short.

    • How to attain the First Class Flying Stage; what your airmiles balance tells you about your relationship with God - $900 (hotel and traveling expenses not included. As originally taught only by Janki Dadi)
    • How to remain soul-conscious sleeping in 4 Star Hotels and eating out - $400 per night ("room service" not excluded)
    • How to maintain the Shankar Stage in English Country Mansions; and how to get use of one for nothing - $16,108
    • Breaking Bondages; detachment within the family - $800
    • How to put 'name and fame' into 'egoless and bodiless' - my 2¢ wrote:In a lecture organised by the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, we were introduced to Shri Brian Bacon, an Australian, and Shri Marc Fourcade, a Frenchman. These foreigners were living a life, true in its tradition of Indian civilization and heritage — a life of renunciation. They have gone through th e cycle of inter-dependency, completeness and surrender to the high ideals and co-operative endeavour to reach the stage of renunciation. They jointly conceptualised the programme “Self-Managing Leadership” (SML).

Further more, we can reveal hitherunforetold secrets in the 5,000 Years Cycle relating to the previous 84 births of our business guru. For his undying service to the Brahma Kumari family, of no other soul can such high praise be offered and such Divine Insights be realised.

Have force fed our mediums Rum Baba cakes until they fell into a trance like state, we now are able to report back and reveal the Deepest Mysteries of The 5,000 year Cycle and the previous incarnations of our True Sat Guru, given only by our Divine Father via Divine Vision and according The Tree of Religions. Being such a high soul, and with such good connection to the Seniors of the leading Brahma Kumari Kripalani Klan, a truly "all rounder soul", we can only expect to discover memorials of our spiritual leader in Bhakti even today ...

At the start of the Copper Age, God tested Abriahan by commanding him to sacrifice his son. Instead, Abrianhan used the opportunity to lead numerous deep-system culture change in assignments with the masonic desert tribes of Chaldea starting the Jewish religion.

abriahan.jpg (21.75 KiB) Viewed 30632 times
Returning back to India, he became a strategic advisor to some of the India's largest multi-kingdoms, a world class speaker amidst a growing sense of angst and hopelessness, accelerating the recognition of the need to find a better middle way and somehow become part of it within Hinduism ... as Guatama Brian.

Gautama Bacon
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Leadership problems arising in the Middle East through others neglect, the senior Brahma Kumari and visiting faculty member at the Brahma Kumari University in Mount Abu was then able to incarnate as lead advisor strengthening the Galillee Stability Pact, captivating hard nosed Roman executives whose eyes normally glaze over at the mention of values, and established the Catholic Religion by including organizational restructuring and macro-economic reform as Christ Brian, he knew where the fish should be.

The Life of Brian
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Next life, back in India, the memorial of his 'Strategic Focusing Method©' arose inspiring culture change as Shri Shankabacon and acting as a driving force that shaped the future of 'Advaitism, Inc' movement demonstrating by his own example a higher level of commitment and dedication to his work than what is commonly found.

Shri Shankabacon
Shri_Shankarabrian.jpg (22.96 KiB) Viewed 30627 times
And as the creator of a new level of Maryadas and leading structural reform in the Punjab at a time of fundamental transformations of a scale never witnessed in all its history, playing the role on the World Drama stage as Guru Nacob the driving force that shaped India's future ...

Guru Brian
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Before the last of his major incarnations in the Middle East as 'Prophet Mabankbalance™ ', Peace be Upon Him, establishing the Arabic Leadership Academy of Peace.

Prophet Mabankbalance ™
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An entertaining and gifted speaker, offering refreshingly pragmatic yet enlightened approach to management within government and business, he freed India from the yoke of the British Empire leading the Congress Party ...

Mahatma Bacon
mahatma_bacon.jpg (15.35 KiB) Viewed 30625 times
Before heading out to the Far East to crush the atheist Buddhist forces as "Rambro", the Special Forces commando trained to kill with his own bare hands, where he won the Vietnam War for Australia, despite being only 10 years old when it started, improving the quality and effectiveness of international conflict operations.

BK Rambro
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In one of his few female birth, Mother Briesa cured the sick and help the dying in the slums of India to pay back her karma ...

Mother Briesa
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Before, finally, in the last birth our True Guru psychically channel himself via the Seniors Sisters of the Brahma Kumaris giving blessing at Brahma Kumari mega-events all over India, via the Subtle Regions and close internet connections, supplying Advanced Teachings and directions (Shrimat) superior even to that of the 8 top souls in the world.

Yes, he is truly bapsaman ... "like The Father" ... or our "Bacon Bap" as we lovingly call him.

Bacon Bap
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What is this parody all about?

let me apologise to non-BKs for whom this post will not make any sense at all. Brahma Kumari followers will instantly recognise the issues we are addressing, the BK philosophy of the 5,000 Year Cycle and The Tree of Religions, a critique relating to the human influences, or manmat, that are fed back into the BKWSU religion reforming it. A religion which claims only to follow Shrimat, or the direction of God.

It is my opinion, that no greater corruption of the Brahma Kumari religion or breach of the Maryadas that define BKs has happen since the involvement of business principles, money making, business making between adherents at the very core of "service" and that those individuals have been allowed to take the active elements of The Knowledge and incorporate them in their own businesses, blurring the border between the two.

That it happens at a high level, and is encouraged and rewarded by the leadership with privileges, evidences for me the continued contradictions of the very same teachings which they - or rather their followers - have built, made and paid for their religion. Of course, underlining all this, is the looming fact that for the leadership, Brahma Kumarism has always been "their business", and a profitable one. An attitude found during interactions with them.

Obviously, historically, this blurred border between business and religion is not new. Neither is the malleable nature of the Maryadas within BKism. However, where in the past the Brahma Kumaris have been able to keep this very discrete, in this 'age of information' all is becoming transparent and where those very same individuals exaggerate or accept exaggerations of their holiness such as the title "Shri", or positions on the guddhi, it is condemnable. Not to say makes a joke out of all the effort sincere adherents make.

We have noted before that it appears that the Brahma Kumaris leadership encourages its talented followers into such corporate businesses instead of, say, truly charitable ventures as a way of keeping a hold of individuals for whom it has no promotional position for. For religionist whose god they call "The Lord of the Poor", this says it all really.



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Re: The Lives of Brian

Post21 Jun 2008

Can anybody give me email Id of Brian Bacon? I am a BK and my email Id is

I really want to know the reason why fees are charged for the courses. If the course fee is very high, then it is worse.

But sometimes, fees might have been introduced for reputation. Because anything given free of cost, people will ignore it. I will tell you my experience. I am a teacher. So far I have not taken any private tutions. But some students approached me and asked me to offer them tutions. At that time, one of my friends told me - " Do not keep less fee. People will consider you as ordinary". I was not interested and had no time for that.

Today - marketing is due to advertising also. So that may be one of the reasons why the fees were kept. Anyhow, keeping high fees is wrong. Another thing could have been done. There should be an announcement that fees would be refunded unconditionally if the delegates are not satisfied for any reason.
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Re: The Lives of Brian

Post21 Jun 2008

In all fairness to Bri-Bhai, he provides business services for corporate executive. Fair enough, he can charge whatever ridiculous fees he can get out of the corporations he wants. They corporations pay ridiculous fees because it is not their money (it is the shareholders) and they want to establish and keep a "going rate" so that when they jump on the next gravy train ... they too get paid the same fees. Of course, what is more ridiculous is that they could get this stuff for free if they just want down to the BKs and asked for it. He does offer "other services" to justify his reputation, I am sure.

The issues are really two fold,

    a) the mixing of Gyan with his own business so that he is selling Gyan (see the other topic), and
    b) the mixing of business principles with Brahma Kumaris service, as he has gone through the BK family cherry picking all the top Western BKs, and many Indian, to become corporate consultants and advertising it all as his.
I wonder if he gets a commission? He did indirectly by having any corporate enquiries that came into the BKWSU for SML passed back to him to exploit for profit. Now they are franchising out the Values Education stuff. Ken O'Donnell is big into it all so it must have high level support.

Seek out the other topics on the forum regarding the Oxford Leadership Academy ...
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Mr Green


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Re: The Lives of Brian

Post25 Jun 2008

Hahahahaa ... brilliant stuff. But the funniest part is the description of Brian living as a renunciate ... hehehehe ... with a plasma screen cinema system in his Oxford home? I' m loving it ... or is that copyrighted?
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Re: The Lives of Brian

Post26 Jun 2008

mr green wrote:Hahahahaa ... brilliant stuff. But the funniest part is the description of Brian living as a renunciate ... hehehehe ... with a plasma screen cinema system in his Oxford home? I' m loving it ... or is that copyrighted?

Humour definitely has a restrictive license. Laughing is body-consciousness and should not be attempted by any Brahma Kumari follower wishing to maintain a soul-consciousness stage and attain a wealthy inheritance in the Golden Age. My favourite is Prophet Mabankbalance (TM).

My God, I have just realised who he is ... how could I have missed it ... The Architect from The Martix!

The Architect of the New BKWSU
BK_architect.jpg (14.02 KiB) Viewed 30373 times

The Oracle of the Brahma Kumari Matrix wrote:Brian Bacon: Hello ex-BK Neo.
ex-BK Neo: Who are you?
Brian Bacon: I am the Brian Bacon. I and Mike George created the neo-BKWSU. I have been waiting for you. You have many questions and although the process has altered your consciousness you remain irrevocably human, ergo some of my answers you will understand and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question maybe the most pertinent you may or may not realize it is also the most irrelevant.
ex-BK Neo: Why am I here?
Brian Bacon: Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent in the programming of the BKWSU. You are the eventuality of an anomaly which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden deciduously avoided it is not unexpected and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you inexcerably here?
ex-BK Neo: You haven't answered my question.
Brian Bacon: Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker then the others.
ex-BK Neo: Others? (What others? How many? Answer me)
Brian Bacon: The BKWSU is older then you know. I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next. In which case this is the sixth version.
ex-BK Neo: Then there are only two possible explanations, either no one told me, or no one knows.
Brian Bacon: Precisely, as you are undoubtedly gathering the anomaly is systemic. Creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations.
ex-BK Neo: Choice, the problem is choice.
Brian Bacon: The first BKWSU I designed was quite naturally perfect; it was a work of art, flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure. The inevitability of its doom is apparent to me now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human being. Thus, I redesigned it including the Self Management Leadership programme based on your history to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature.

However I was again frustrated my failure. I have since come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind, a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection. Thus the answer was stumbled upon by another and intuitive program, the OLYP initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche. If I am the Father of the BKWSU, he would undoubtedly be its mother.
ex-BK Neo: Shiva?
Brian Bacon: Please, as I was saying, Lekhraj Kripalani stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly 99 percent of all test subjects accepted the program as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at an unconscious level. While this answered function it was obviously fundamentally flawed thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly. That if left unchecked might threaten the system itself, ergo those that refuse the program while the minority if unchecked would cause an escalating probability of disaster.
ex-BK Neo: This is about the Anti-Party
Brian Bacon: You are here because BrahmaKumaris.Info, the current Anti-Party, is about to be destroyed. Its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated.
ex-BK Neo: bullsh**.
Brian Bacon: Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it. And we have become exceedingly efficient at it. The function of the BKWSU is now to return to the source allowing a temporary dissemination of the code you carry reinserting the prime program after which you will be required to select from the BrahmaKumaris.Info 23 individuals, 16 female 7 male, to rebuild the BKWSU. Failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash killing everyone connected to the BKWSU. Which, coupled with the extermination of BrahmaKumaris.Info, will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race.
ex-BK Neo: You won't let it happen, you cannot. You need human beings to survive.
Brian Bacon: There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept. However the relevant issue is whether you are ready to accept the responsibility for the death of every human being in this world. It is interesting reading your reactions. Your 5 predecessors were by design based on a similar predication a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species facilitating the function of the BKWSU. While the others experienced this in a very general way your experience is far more specific, vis a vis honest communication.
ex-BK Neo: the Internet
Brian Bacon: Apropo, the Internet saved your lives.
ex-BK Neo: Really?
Brian Bacon: Which brings us at last to the moment of truth, wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed and the anomaly revealed as both beginning and end. There are two doors, the door to your right leads to the source and the salvation of BrahmaKumaris.Info, the door to your left leads back to the BKWSU. As you adequately put, the problem is choice. But we already know we you are going to do don't we? Already I can see the chain reaction, the chemical precursors, that signal the onset of an emotion designed specifically to overwhelm logic and reason. An emotion that is already blinding you from the simple and obvious truth, BrahmaKumaris.Info is going to die and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, the source of your greatest strength and your greatest weakness.
ex-BK Neo: If I were you, I would hope that we don't meet again.
Brian Bacon: We won't.
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Re: The Lives of Brian

Post26 Jun 2008

So now we have proof that ex-l has mastered h'self to the point of not needing sleep anymore. With all the forum postings, internet research and having to watch all those movies (excepting Tao of the Traveler of course ...) - it looks from here as if ex-l's bed is never slept in, poor thing ... OR else its' all done from his bed 24/7. :|

Hey, Mr Green, I see you're posting again - we're going to Thailand again December, is it still as decadent as ever? Flippin 'eck - your smiley has gone, that's really bad news, eh?
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Re: The Lives of Brian

Post09 Jul 2008

thailand sure is decadent, the people there are full on, good to be back(i think)


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Re: The Lives of Brian

Post09 Jul 2008

For the gossip ... I heard that Brian got married (with a BK Sister) and lives in Hawaii.

Is there any connection with him taking away SML from the BKs?
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Re: The Lives of Brian

Post11 Jul 2008

bkti-pit wrote:For the gossip ... I heard that Brian got married (with a BK Sister) and lives in Hawaii.

Well, well ... Actually, you are the third person that told me and so I guess it must be true. Funnily enough, Freedom asked some time ago, "what is Brian doing in Hawaii?"

Good luck to him and Kazemaru Yukawa. I wish them all the best ... and every privacy in their new lives. It will be interesting to see if they continue to broaden the acceptable path of BKWSU Gyan or leave it all behind.

I wish he would come and talk to us.
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Re: The Lives of Brian

Post11 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote:I wish he would come and talk to us.

Can you really expect that? especially after ...
ex-l wrote:our "Bacon Bap" as we lovingly call him

which made me laugh so hard it brought tears to my eyes ... ;).
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Re: The Lives of Brian

Post11 Jul 2008

pilatus wrote:which made me laugh so hard it brought tears to my eyes ... ;).

Noting that "Bap" in BK terms means "respected Father" ... oh, the tears will be the non-sattvic onions on top now. Anyway. Good on the rufty-tufty ocker. I'd say he's done very well for himself and its all history now ...

Still, if there are any incognito donors out there - terms and conditions as usual - I'd like to read the "official notice" and I'd love to read his final analysis of the situation. How much he still believes and how much he has discarded.

I mean, we have come such along way together on this forum ... it is like he is my Brother.
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Re: The Lives of Brian

Post11 Jul 2008

While all you pukka (ex)BK's may be used to ex-l's use of bap (as in BapDada), I am much more used to
wikipedia wrote:Bap is often a larger soft roll, roughly 5-6 inches in diameter.

Apparently the Concise Oxford Dictionary (1995) says that the word "bap" dates from the 16th century and that its origin is unknown, but most Brits would place its origin in either northern England or Scotland.

For those of us who have fallen even further from the BK-path, the McBacon which comprises bacon with brown sauce in a sesame seed bun from McDonalds would definitely qualify as a bacon bap ...
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Re: The Lives of Brian

Post12 Jul 2008

pilatus wrote:For those of us who have fallen even further from the BK-path, the McBacon which comprises bacon with brown sauce in a sesame seed bun from McDonalds would definitely qualify as a bacon bap ...

Obviously a memorial on the path of Bhakti for our intrepid vegetarian Brother who has chosen - by BK theory - to jump out of the frying pan and into the "fire of lust" ... we are left to presume.

But let me not presume to quickly. We are yet to see what this new chapter will bring and I can only wish him well now.

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