Prediction of Destruction in 1976

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Prediction of Destruction in 1976

Post02 May 2008

There was doubt in some BKs' minds about the existence of the prediction of Destruction in 1976. One the leading IT Team members in London wrote that, and asked BKs who were in Gyan at that time about it and came back saying they, "had no recollection" of it happening and it was denied. Which is strange because it is also indicated on some of the old posters. Of course, newcomers to the BKWSU are not told about it and it has been removed from more recent Murlis and other publications.

Well, thanks to an incognito donor, I found in the download section copies of a old Murli dated, "6/7/1981 Avyakt Bap - Dada Revision Course Murli" where some busy little spirits have been squirreling away a healthy selection of Murlis. I had this pointed out to me;
Bap Dada spoke not wrote wrote:If Destruction has not taken place in 1976, are you following the path of purity just simply because of Destruction? Because the original state, the natural religion of the Brahman life is purity.

The Destroyer of attachment and the embodiment of remembrance ... have you become this or have you yet to become this? Did you reach this stage by 1976? Does your final stage have to wait until final Destruction? ...

Why did Destruction not take place? ... If someone asks you, "Why did Destruction not take place?" Then tell them, because of you!

So there you have that smoking gun. Why, of course ... "Its your fault!" not Trikaldarshi, Trinetri God's.

Speaking to another ex-BK who finally gave up the Ghost after hanging in for years at London center, when they were told about it they replied, "if I had only been told about all this when I first joined, I would have never fallen for it all" and wasted their lives. They were of that generation in which artists and creatives were put off following their interests.


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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1976

Post02 May 2008

You know folks, over the past few years on this forum, I had been wondering what made Virendra Dev Dixit have that courage to turn the tables at the BKWSU and speak up to the late Dadi Prakashmani. Why would any BK go away and set up the Advance Party? Some flame was ignited. Could it be an act of revenge? Why would someone take all the time and energy and bother to re-read all the Murlis and go through all the hassle? It would have just been easier to tow the line, go back to the BK centre and behave oneself, as by now Virendra Dev Dixit probably would have made it to be in a very senior position within the BKWSU if having done so.

This 1976 issue for the BKWSU is a real thorn. In terms of the wheel drama, it is a milestone.

I don't know much enough about the PBKs yet because I still prefer to see the entire BK and PBK as one group, as according to the Advanced Knowledge both sets of Brahmins are needed, and there is still the issues of the chariots, and splinter groups and ... well, the rest you can find out in this forum ... I wonder if any PBK has or had the same thought as I do in this before they became a PBK.

And I have not even mention the issue about Father Shiva's role. Maybe I just like supporting the underdog, the David and not Goliath, the little Harry Potter and not the big you-know-who, Jack and not the Giant.

I also feel there is not even the need for PBKs to give out whatever Murlis they hold. They have nothing to really prove, as they have everything to gain. Whereas if the Murlis were made public, the BKWSU has everything to lose. On this matter, it is not the PBK's call, it is the BKWSU's.

Well, I could be totally wrong in these thoughts, but I am able to sleep well.

Interesting find ex-l (and did I just notice some PBKs similing :biggrin: ).
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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1976

Post07 May 2008

Well, Bansy ... what made Virendra Dev Dixit go and form his own group? He was trikal darshi ... he saw so much money that the BKs were likely to make and also the fact that today anyone or everyone in this forum can talk. Churn and give great classes on the BK philosophy that the poor souls of today can easilt succumb to ... Its a different question all together whether we want to go through that ...

Its Money at the end of the day that's driving all the splinter groups and a fraction of the motivation is that also to satisfy their bruised ego's ...

But for the fact that he went to jail and was accused of so many other things Virendra Dev Dixit could have become much bigger than the BKs if he had decided to do something else rather than piggy back on the BK bandwagon. Let us for one minute think what would have happened to Virendra Dev Dixit if he had used The Knowledge and come up with something totally different ... probably he would have been far more successful than what he is already ...



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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1976

Post07 May 2008

Oh I don't know anymore, yog108.

What I do find is that all these Bk-related siginficant dates such as 1936, 1976, 2000, 2008, 2012 all coincide with Olympic years and yes, even 2036 !! Only one country will enter the 2036 games, so the opening ceremony will be quite short. :biggrin:
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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1976

Post21 Jun 2008

Hello. it is interested reading about the dates for destruction. As I understand god has never given a date. It was the people that came up with the dates, combining the feeling of time being short with what they saw happening in the world. It is a bit human nature for people to want to know the date, so they hear time is short from the Murli's and see things going down the gurgler in the world, put two and two together and come up with twenty-two. All the date predictions do not bother me much. That is human stuff. Not god stuff. I think so anyway. What does everyone else think?
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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1976

Post21 Jun 2008

chai Bhai wrote:As I understand god has never given a date ... what does everyone else think?

This is what the Brahma Kumaris tell their followers to think and you are repeating it exactly.

It is absolutely not true, as we have documented here.

If they are saying the god of the Brahma Kumaris has not given a SPECIFIC date, e.g. like 3rd March 1983 ... then that it true.

But he has given a number of SPECIFIC years, e.g. 1950, 1976, specific events, e.g. WWII (1939-1945) as the Mahabharata and approximate dates, e.g. "50 years from the start of the Yugya for Destruction, 50 years for Creation" to "50 to 60 years from the start of the Yagya". These have all been repeated by the Senior Sisters whose words are Shrimat and equal to their God's according to them ... they have also been inserted into the Murlis and then removed from the Murlis.

What year did you enter Gyan? Depending on how early or late it was, they will have re-written The Knowledge.
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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1976

Post21 Jun 2008

ex-l wrote:But he has given a number of SPECIFIC years, e.g. 1950, 1976, specific events, e.g. WWII (1939-1945) as the Mahabharata and approximate dates, e.g. "50 years from the start of the Yugya for Destruction, 50 years for Creation" to "50 to 60 years from the start of the Yagya".

Yes, but I have always thought they were more Brahma Baba's churnings.
These have all been repeated by the Senior Sisters whose words are Shrimat and equal to their God's according to them ...

Any Sister and Brother is a Sister or a Brother, whether senior or junior or anything. I have not ever taken their word to be Shrimat. Shrimat only comes from god. Maybe your experience is different but I never heard a Dadi tell anyone that what they are saying is Shrimat. They will always talk about Baba and the Murli. To listen to the Murli and only follow the one. To follow god when it comes to being incorporeal and loving, and to follow Brahma when it comes to practical life.
they have also been inserted into the Murlis and then removed from the Murlis.

I know the Murlis have been changed over the years. I don't really mind. The essence of The Knowledge remains unchanged and that is why i am here.
What year did you enter Gyan? Depending on how early or late it was, they will have re-written The Knowledge.

I started to do Raja Yoga in the 80's. I cannot remember exactly what year ... I was smoking a lot of weed at the time! :D Then I had better experiences with meditation than weed, so I swapped.
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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1976

Post21 Jun 2008

Well, if you read up on what we discovered here, there was no Shiva until after 1950. Before that there was only God Brahma. Something else they changed and did not tell anyone.

But the 1976 one was definitely after that. When it failed a lot of BKs left ... and left the money they gave and free labour behind them. I think ti was highly unethical of the leadership to have written it out of the history not telling newcomers. If you came into Gyan in the 80s, then you will remember the 50 years for Destruction, 50 years for Creation lines written in the Murlis. Unless your memory is too damaged by all the dope you smoked, of course.

I would say that the change from 'God Brahma' to the introduction of 'God Shiva' was fairly significant one and I am concerned at how individuals have been manipulated over the generations by the moving target of Destruction.

I am sorry but no. I think you are bullshitting really and excuse me if I am tired of BKs coming on here and doing so. Every BK is told to "take Shrimat from the Seniors", especially centerwassis. I think you even find supporting quotes for that in the Murlis. I have such a clear recollection of that part of the system that I cannot be bothered to go find them. I also think that I would be wasting my time to do so.

Ditto, the Brahma Kumaris and the Murlis (or Shiva) also state very clearly that whatever Brahma says and does is equal to Shiva/Shrimat/Karma-free etc. Seniors state they could never tell the difference between the two (of course, not we know they did not even conceive the second Baba), followers are encourage not to question. There is a whole mire going on of Brahma Baba worship.

I appreciate your contribution because it demonstrates the internal negotiation individuals do to make the whole BK thing work. They recognize the failing but go into a kind of denial and in their minds explain or excuse them away. Its happens individuals and is then passed on collectively as "received wisdom"; knowledge or information that people generally believe is true, although in fact it is often false. Your typical BK responses underline the need for a complete, unedited set of the Murlis to be made public so that individuals can check what they are being told against the "real thing".

Whereas, perhaps, no Dadi says that what they are saying is "Shrimat" (they have some degree of shame), all the middle management WILL tell young BKs that taking advise from the Seniors Sisters is taking Shrimat. If any has any problems, they take Shrimat from the Seniors in the belief that by doing so the Baba will take care of the Karma and all will go well.

Tell me what I am saying is not true ...
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Re: Prediction of Destruction in 1976

Post21 Jun 2008

Hello again ex-lady. Although you come across very Brother I have to say! Yes, I know those things about them not knowing about god until 1950. It's quite common knowledge now. And I am sure I am probably in denial and whatever whatever, plus a complete wasted dope head, but i am happy with my life and I am a much better person for doing Raja Yoga. That's all I can say. I guess I do not get into all that organisational stuff so much. The organisation has to be there I guess, but I do not feel part of an institution. I just do my spiritual life. I suppose like a Christian could identify with uniting church or roman Catholic church or just be a Christian and love jesus and live the bible. I feel a bit the same.

The BK is there, but I am a raja yogi living my life with god as much as possible and doing what he says as much as possible. Sometimes I am successful, sometimes not but i love the whole journey. I was very into Buddhism before, so maybe that has helped me. There is a saying ... 'tatata' which means something like 'life is such'. So maybe I am a bit idealistic and old-fashioned style raja yogi Bhai, but that helps me. The ultimate justice of everything, and the chance to do something really good.

The facts you present are probably true. I will not try to refute or support or anything but my experience is my experience. I have had tough times in well more than twenty years, but I would expect nothing else. This is life and a journey and i love it.

Thanks ex-lady. I appreciate the detail in your post a lot.

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