Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post18 Jun 2008

ex-l wrote:Its a cheetah and I am merely an ant. You know your BK Gyan well enough to understand that reference.

If you are an ant then I must be a bacteria. :D

Baba says that we should do Godly service at the speed of a bird (vihang marg ki seva) and not at the speed of an ant (cheenti marg ki seva) but your ant seems to move faster than a bird. The speed at which you post different news about BKWSU on this forum definitely not the speed of an ant. ;)
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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post18 Jun 2008

Ah ... but the ant "has the ear" of the elephant riders in the Mahabharata war.


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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Jun 2008

Today is Mama's day (June 24th) and, as always, instead of the usual Sakar Murli we had one of the so called Mama's Murlis this morning. So here it is:
24/06/08 Morning Murli Mateshwari Madhuban 24/04/65

Sweet elevated versions to be read in class on the day of remembrance of sweet Jagadamba.

The third eye of knowledge (wisdom) is the basis of happiness and peace in our life.

Today, we people are in darkness ...

Om Shanti. In the song you heard that we people are in darkness. However, today, all the world consider themselves to be very enlightened. They think that there is so much enlightenment because they can reach the moon, the sky and the stars. What can human beings not do today? Seeing all of these things, people think that they have become very enlightened, but in the song, it says that we are in darkness. So, what is that the darkness of, since they are doing so much research and also have the courage to reach the moon and the stars. While having all of these things, they don't have what they should have in life; they don't have a life that should be full of happiness and peace. People have not advanced in that, have they? Instead of having happiness and peace in life, their sorrow and peacelessness are increasing even more, and so this proves that people are becoming degraded in what they want. There is the darkness of that.

Now, while sitting at home, you can see things and talk to people somewhere else through the television, radio etc. They have all these things, but there still is not the peace and happiness that there should be in life, is there? There is the darkness of that and this is why it is said that people today are in darkness. Now, they are inventing so many cures and medicines for illnesses, but patients are still increasing, and so sorrow and peacelessness are increasing for us. This is why people call out: Come now! Whom are they calling out to? They are not calling out to any human being for this; they are calling out to God. Human beings don't have anything to give. When you say that we are human beings, this includes holy men, saints, great souls etc. Those whom you think will be able to take you beyond are human beings themselves, and all human beings are in darkness, and this is why we are not able to find what we want. Then we call out to God and sing: "You are the Stick for the blind". However, what are we blind in? It is not that we don't have eyes with which to see.

Yes, we have eyes to be able to see physical things and everything else, but we don't have the eye which is caned the eye of knowledge. We don't have the eye, that is, the wisdom of how We can have complete happiness and peace in our lives. However, it is not that there would be a physical eye of knowledge (in the centre of the forehead). Because some artists have drawn images of deities with a third eye, people think that perhaps there were human beings at some point who had three eyes. However, there cannot be such human beings with" three eyes. The meanings of all the ornaments that have been shown in the pictures have to be understood. No human being can ever have three eyes, even if they are deities or anyone else.

Human beings are deities and human beings are devils. That is the qualification of a human being. It is not that He would change the make-up of a human body so that someone would have four arms or three eyes. Or, if someone is a devil the make-up of that one's body would be something different. When human beings have no qualification, they are called devils and when they have the qualification of being full of with all virtues, sixteen celestial degrees complete, completely viceless, they are deities. There cannot be any difference in the make-up of the body. There is definitely a difference in their qualifications. You can call it pure and impure, full of virtues or defects, or corrupt or elevated. All these descriptive words are based on one's character.

There is a meaning in having four arms - two arms of a man and two arms of a woman. So, when man and woman are pure, they show the double crown of the four-armed image which symbolizes the kingdom. When there was such a kingdom, all the men and women in that kingdom were happy and so that is shown in the form of the four-armed image Showing Ravan with ten heads also has a meaning. There cannot be any person with ten heads; it symbolizes the vices. When it is the impure household, five vices of the male and five vices of the female put together are portrayed as the ten heads. When man and woman are impure, the world is then so unhappy and when man and woman are pure, the world is then happy. When human beings are pure, they are naturally healthy and they have natural beauty in their make-up and features; there is a difference in this. It is not that their form would have three eyes or ten heads.

The Father says: Look, this is the eye of knowledge. It is only with this eye of knowledge that you can attain happiness and peace for ever. Here, all human beings have become tired from having searched for so long. The more research they do, the more sorrow and peacelessness increase. Research is done to invent things to give happiness, but nevertheless, only such things that give sorrow are being made. Just see the bombs etc. that they are manufacturing. Otherwise, if this science were to be used in the right way, happiness and comfort could be found through many things. However, they have a divorced intellect at the time of Destruction, and they therefore only do wrong things with such an intellect. This is now the time for destruction and therefore everything the intellect does is wrong. It only thinks about the destruction of the world. This is why it is said that they have a divorced intellect at the time of destruction. From whom is their intellect divorced From God. So, now, no one has love for God. Everyone loves Maya.

Some say that whatever they see with their eyes is Maya: this body is Maya, this world is Maya, this wealth and prosperity is Maya. However, that is not Maya. Even deities had wealth and prosperity. Even deities had bodies and the deities lived in the world too, so was that Maya? No. The five vices are said to be Maya. The vices are Maya and it is this Maya that causes sorrow. Wealth and prosperity do not cause sorrow. Wealth is a means of happiness, but who has made that wealth impure? The five vices. Because of Maya the vices, everything has become the cause of sorrow. Now, there is sorrow through wealth, and sorrow through the body; there is now nothing but sorrow received through everything because Maya has now entered everything. This is why the Father says: Now, get rid of this Maya and you will then receive constant happiness from this body, from wealth and from the world, just like the deities.

So, to be saved from Maya does not mean that you leave your body or that you don't come into this world. There are some people who think that this world is Maya or they say that this world is an illusion. However, the world is not an illusion; the world is eternal, but it has been made into an illusion. People are unhappy because of the vices. This world now has to be made pure. This world was pure and deities used to live in that pure world. They too were human beings of this world. The world of the deities is not up above. When we human beings were deities, that world was called heaven. We human beings were residents of heaven, that is, that was the period of heaven and our generations continued in heaven. So, now all of these things have to be understood and Maya has to be finished. That is, we have to conquer the vices because now, since wealth is also accumulated through sinful actions, only sorrow is received from that.

Because the body is also based on the account of vices, there continues to be illness, untimely death etc. which only brings sorrow. Otherwise, our bodies did not have any diseases or there never used to be untimely death because it was created with the power of purity (vicelessness). Now it is created through vice and, therefore, it brings sorrow. Now, in order to liberate everyone from this sorrow and to make the world happy, we invoke that One (God). So, now, the Father is giving us the eye of knowledge (wisdom). We have to imbibe that in our intellect. We Brahmins have this third eye of knowledge; the deities do not have it. Previously, we were shudras - shudras means those who are vicious whereas now, from being on the vicious path, we have stepped on to the path of purity. So, we have now become Brahmins. Only Brahmins have the third eye and when they are deities this is their reward. The deities do not then need the eye of knowledge. This is why all the ornaments of the conch shell, the discus, the mace and the lotus belong to us Brahmins, not the deities.

The conch shell is the symbol for giving knowledge, but on the path of devotion they have taken things literally. The mace means we have conquered the five vices. The discus is the four ages. Originally, we were deities and then we came down and now the Father has come to take us up again. So we have now completed our cycle. So, this is the discus of self-realisation, that is, the self has now had a vision of itself. Some people ask: How did this world become old? Oh, but it is the law of nature. It has to become old with time. It is only when it becomes old that the new will then be built again. So, all of these things have to be understood. Just see what the principles for every thing and for every situation are. This is why we now have to make effort and become uplifted again; we have to become new. However, we cannot say that since the Father was there, why did He allow us to fall? He did not allow us to fall, but if we did not fall, how could the Father come to take us. up again? It is because we have fallen that He has come.

His praise is that He is the one who purifies the impure. If we did not become impure, how could we say that He is the One who purifies us? So, we have to become impure and then become pure again, and then we have to become impure from pure. This is The Cycle. That is why this cycle has to be understood and we have to make ourselves pure from impure. We have to become worthy of worship because only then are we praised. So, praise is sung of those who become that and of the One who makes us that. There are the two sides: those who become and the One who makes you like that. It is not that those who become are the same as the One who makes one like that. It is not that the soul is the Supreme Soul and the Supreme Soul is the soul. Those who become are separate from the One who makes us like that. Therefore, you must never become confused about these things.

We have to become that, we have to be uplifted and make effort for that. The Father comes and gives us the understanding of what real effort is. He now teaches us what effort we need to make to receive an elevated attainment. For all this time, no one has taught us how to make that effort because all the ones who teach are themselves caught up in something. The One who uplifts us has now come and He is now showing us the effort to uplift ourselves. The more we imbibe that, the more reward we receive. So, we have all this knowledge in our intellect and we have to pay attention to what we have to do and what effort we have to make. However, The Cycle has to continue to turn according to its own time.

So, we now have to take full benefit from the Father who has become present to perform an elevated task. The tasks that Christ and Buddha etc. came and performed are different tasks; those tasks are of our period of descent. Now, it is the time of ascent and so we have to understand time. This is the time to take all souls back, to uplift them. Those founders of religions come in the Copper Age, and the iron age has to bring us down. So they have to come down; they have to become impure from pure and this is why you cannot say of them that they are the ones who purify the impure; no. That One is the only one who comes and makes the impure ones pure, that is, He takes all souls into liberation and salvation. This is why that is the responsibility of only the One.

No matter how great souls may be, they first come down pure and then they have to descend because that is how their cycle has to turn; that is why they have to descend. Everyone has to go through their own cycle according to their own principles. So, now is the time to ascend and there is only One who is instrumental to elevate us, and so we have to claim that great fortune from the Father now. Achcha.

You are now earning a huge income here. From one, you are accumulating an income of one hundredfold or a thousandfold. Whatever you do with that enthusiasm, you also receive an income from that enthusiasm. If you do something out of compulsion, with difficulty after being fed up with it, or just for show, you receive the return accordingly. Some think that the world should see, "I have done this, I have done this." When some people make a donation, they do it to show everyone, but that donation then loses half its strength. This is why incognito donation has great importance. It has great strength and you receive a greater reward from that, whereas by making a show of it, its value reduces. So, there is a right way of doing everything. There

is then the account of everything being satoguni, rajoguni or tamoguni. So, how can we make our actions elevated and how should we do something through which our fortune becomes higher; you need to have the right method for this too. If you are doing everything in the right way, your fortune is definitely becoming more elevated. Achcha.

Love, remembrance and good morning from BapDada and Maa to the sweetest, very good, worthy children.
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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Jun 2008

Sweet elevated versions to be read in class on the day of remembrance of sweet Jagadamba.

Omshanti. In the June'08 issue of Gyanamrit magazine published by the BKs, Dadi Janaki wrote in her article:
"मम्मा बैंगलोर गई थी। वहाँ के भाई-बहनों को मम्मा से बहुत प्यार मिला तो छुट्टी देते समय सबकी आँखें भर आईं। मम्मा उसी अचल अवस्था में रहीं। फिर हमारे पास पूना आई। भाई-बहनों ने पूछा, यहाँ से जाकर हमें भी भूल जाएँगी? मम्मा ने कहा, और क्या करेंगी। मम्मा ड्रामा के पट्टे पर अडिग, अडोल रहती थीं।"
"Mama had gone to Bangalore. The Brothers and Sisters of that place received a lot of affection from Mama. So while sending her off everybody's eyes were filled with tears. Mama remained in the same unshakeable stage. Then she came to us at Poona. The Brothers and Sisters asked her, will you forget us also after going from here? Mama said, 'What else will I do?' Mama used to be unshakeable on the track of drama."
When Mama herself taught the Brahmins to remember none but Baba, then can we please her by sidelining ShivBaba to remember her?


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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Jun 2008

I call it Mama Bhakti.

I also heard in class that we will now also have a Dadiji's remembrance day in August ...
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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post03 Jul 2008

Radhi Pokardas Rajwani (known as Big Fat Mama on the path of Bhakti) propelled to cosmic status ... see picture today on the BKWSU official site below. On a serious note, I have just discovered a copy of the hagiographic biography of 'Adi Devi: Jagadamba Saraswati ... the First Goddess' in the downloads section. Scholars please note, some incognito donor is offering their copy for you to borrow and read for critical review.

I welcome other's reviews of it first. What catches my eye immediately is that physical Father died of a heart attack after losing all his money in business leaving her mothers and Sisters to move to Hyderabad and accept the charity of her maternal grandmother and uncle. So when Lekhraj Kirpalani stepped into her life, she was ripe for adoption by a Father figure. Radhe also, as we discovered of Lekhraj Kirpalani's daughter is claimed to have worn a new dress to school every day. Her hobby was to buy any new rich dress material that came into the market.

It talks about her reaching 17 in 1936 and then soon later, Lekhraj Kirpalani going to Kashmir with his lokik family from where he sent her letters to read out to the satsang. That is strange. Lekhraj Kirpalani having lokik holidays is not mentioned in Adi Dev or elsewhere. Also Lekhraj Kirpalani was away when one of the girls, Radhi's Sister Gopi, had the first trance vision. Gopi is said to be the first of the trance mediums dating it to 1936, 4 years after Kripalani's retirement in 1932 and the start of the satsangs.

No mention of Shewakram or other trance messengers. The book then starts to lose it and descends into usual lies about "mothers promising to The Supreme Soul", Lekhraj Kirpalani's 60 years when he was only in his 50s, and later mention Shiva when we know there was no Supreme Soul Shiva until after 1950 ... only God Brahma at that point. Apparently Lekhraj Kirpalani had 3 drivers and cars.

Her Sister Gopi died one year later in 1937 of typhoid. There are picture of Radhe on page 71 being propped up by Prakashmani and 136 with Janki ... God, she looks really terrible and pretty fierce. What happened to her? How could she get to sick? (No "accounts of the body" type answer ... please). It also talks about groups within the Om Mandli like, "The Supreme Party" ... the start of the party-parties perhaps. Lots of good stuff to go through ... for example Dadi Sheel being used by Shiva Soul to incarnate so that Ramesh the accountant could speak to him in person about "delicate matters" he would not relate via trance messenger and Sister Achal being used to channel Mama. So much for the BKWSU IT Team denying all this sort of stuff on the Wikipedia ...

Radhi Pokardas Rajwani pictured - NOT ACCORDING to Shrimat
BK_Radhi_Pokardas_Rajwani.jpg (24.03 KiB) Viewed 18505 times

Its been a while since we had a good meaningful Bhakti song on BrahmaKumaris.Info. Where is abrahma Kumar when we need him?

So BK Brother and Sisters ... forget what the Murlis say about "not keeping photographs" of your gurus or "not remembering old boots", THIS is the new Shrimat. You see, everything in the Confluence Age has sing-nificance (Click the link below to increase your intoxication and understand the deep secrets of The Cycle). But, remember now ex-BKs ... let me sternly warn you that neither laughing, grooving nor shaking your toot is at all soul-conscious. Verbottten! we all know that BKs are only officially allowed to mildy enjoy Bliss CDs after their SML courses and none other having been officially hugged on stage by Janki Dadi).
Status Quo wrote: Link - Big Fat Mama

Say you need me ... say you need me
Tell me that you want my love ... Say you will be mine and I am yours
You think that you're way above me ... I am telling you that I can see
All those things that you might wanna be
I am yours ... tonight
You be mine ... tonight

You keep telling me you're not having me ... I am telling you that I can see
All the things that you might wanna be ...
Say you need me ... say you need me ... Tell me that you want my love
Say will be mine and I am yours ... I am yours tonight
I am yours ... tonight
You be mine tonight

I got a big fat Mama ... With a big fat body ... Really thinks she's something else
But I love that woman ... like fish loves the water ... and there is nobody else
I am gonna tell you woman that do as you're told ... If you don't, I am gonna bringing you down
I've got a big fat Mama ... and there's no one else around

I said say you need me ... Come on and say you need me ... I said say you need me, yeah

Say you need me ... Come on and say you need me ... I said say you need me

(Original 1975 revision, here. For the sakes of this homage, no doubt, Status Quo were recently announced by the Guinness Book of Records to be the most successful Rock Band in the 5,000 Year Kalpa with over 61 hit singles more that even The Rolling Stones.)



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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Oct 2008

Hi souls,

I just wanted to ask a question as I am researching the BKs. Mama is reputed to be the No.2 soul in the Yagya next to Brahma and yet, in the book "Is This Justice?", her name does not appear. There is no mention of a Mama, or Om Radhe, or Jagadamba Saraswati. The name of the members are in the back section of the book and the list was compiled as a legal requirement so the courts could know the members of Om Mandli. The name of the members are listed on pages 146-158. Does anyone know what Mama's real/family name is? Also, if possible her age, educational level and social status within the Bhai Bund community of Hyderabad? That is, if she was a Sindhi community member.

The more I look into her background, she really does seem a mystery. For instance, how is it possible that a young woman could rise in the Yagya at this very early stage of the Yagya history, even above Brahma's wife Jashoda, even when all The Knowledge had not been finalised, rise to be the no.2 soul in such a short time? We are told by the Seniors that Mama had amazing qualities right from the beginning, and yet we are also told that she was of lower status than the Seniors family and not well educated. So what is or who is the real Mama? Unless I missed something, my suspicion is that Mama was either a family member of Brahma, or a close relative. This would seem to fit the profile of a person in a religious group able to rise so quickly to the top administrative position. Thanks for anyone who can share this information about Mama. To try and get the real story from the Yagya is quite difficult. Hagiographies are good gate keepers to the truth.

(15:42:39) Trev: p.s. by the way, I almost forgot. if Mama was of low education, a) her name appears on the book "Is This Justice?", b) the bok is very well written for someone whose English would not have been strong and her use of writing in English would also have been weak. And yet, a very remarkable book with legal savvy was written by this low educated young woman. How is all this possible???



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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Oct 2008

Sorry folks forget my last posting. I did not look into the member section properly enough. On page 143 of 'Is This Justice?', there she appears under the family listing of Dada Lekhraj, aka Lekhraj Khubchund Kirpalani, aka Brahma. Here it says that she is the daughter of Mrs. Lekhraj's cousin. But where I get confused is that ex-l says that her family name is Radhi Pokardas Rajwani. I am not sure if this is the one and the same person, or two different people. In the family listing of Dada Lekhraj, there is no mention of any Rajwani surname. Can you help me clarify this matter ex-l??
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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Oct 2008

Just out of interest ... why do you not ask the BKWSU's own academics and the Seniors?

Stephan Nagel picked up his PhD by capitalizing on his BK experience and turning into a rather limp fanbook about the BKs that gets the history all wrong. And BK Tamasin Ramsay at Monash University in Australia is running a similar number as we type ... in my opinion.

Its appears to be a new trend in the BKWSU. Brahma Kumari followers do the easy thing of producing flattering, 'discretely' self-referential and one-sided academia that they can earn professional status from; and no doubt praise and position from the Seniors. The BKWSU gets to use later it, in order to substantiate itself to people and organizations that have not a clue. The Brahma Kumaris can then even present their scholarly authors as "independent", at service front events they put on.

Personally, I think it only works because, a) the subject is really not that important, b) the rest of academia is clueless, c) the reality of it goes so way far out of orbit. But you know how the system works ... "oh, she wrote a book ... she must be an expert".

You need to do a fews things ... a) read an article on genealogy to understand family relationships, b) read a book on Sindhi families and names, c) read some more books on Sindhi culture, and d) keep reading over the forum. Most of the information and sources are all. Then go off to speak to the people.

Yes, it is the same person. No, she did not write the book. Yes, odds on she and the committee (and probably the Trust) were just a front for Lekhraj Kirpalani to hide himself ... and more importantly his wealth ... behind to avoid being successfully sued.

You see, there is no point suing someone if they have no money personally, so what do dodgy businessmen do? Put it in the wife's name ... What did Lekhraj Kirpalani do? Put it in the wife's and a few other peoples' wives and daughters' name.

Slippery ... really but a good way to avoid scandal and disgrace. I mean ... would you want to be seen suing your own wife and daughter!?!

Usual BKWSU joke ... they say Om Radhe "brought a college education" to the "University" ... sure, it was a girls school. Find the name. If you cross reference this with what Lekhraj Kirpalani daughter wrote ... the wonders of her being able to win a prize for singing, "Twinkle, twinkle little star" in English ... you kind of get a feel at what level they were at.

My feeling is that what you are doing is going to be superficial and end up yet another "advertorial" for the BKWSU. If you, or the BKWSU, want me to write your homework for you, pay and credit me, please. In an ideal world, you could use your position to find out more of the truth and feed back into the common wealth of knowledge which we are creating here in the open.

What might be more interesting is to find out if this "trust" that Lekhraj Kirpalani allegedly committed his wealth to actually existed, what happened to it, how or even if it was commuted to The World Spiritual Renewal Trust and where all the other money came into the Yagya from. There are a lot of very interesting avenues to follow but I guess they wont fit within the brief of your thesis and might be too challenged to your faith.



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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Oct 2008

Dear ex-l. Yes, I am aware of the BKs academics doing their own particular research. Why I do not take their point of view and support the Yagya is because their view is very coloured by their support of the BKs. My aim is to get a balanced view when researching the BKs. The other problem that I find when one asks the really tricky questions is one either gets a denial or a change in the subject. This I havent got time for. I am not here to defend the BKs. I only seek the truth.

In regards to Stephen Nagel and Tamasin Ramsay. I used to know Stephen in my early days of when I first went Madhuban. I no longer know him at all. I have not read his thesis on the BKs as I am only aware of the German version. I cant read German.
In regards to Tamasin. I know quite well and am aware of her thesis research. So, the long and short of it, I make my own views and I said above, I only seek the truth.

In regards to myself, yes, I have been in the BKs for many years now, but I do not expect others to do my work for me. My bug bear is with the Yagya not the teachings. The Yagya has become so secretive over the years now and less and less transparent. To try and get any information now is very difficult. I think whoever the hierarchy are, they need a darn good kick in the pants for allowing this to become the norm. This is why to find out any information I need to share with others, and if that means outside that Yagya, then so be it. As I said, I do not expect you to do the work for me. To be honest, it breaks my heart to experience that something you give your whole life to becomes something I no longer recognise as when I came in when I did. I have found to give to a cause and not know fully the cause (Yagya), is very disheartening. Over the last few years I have distanced myself a bit and only attend the programs I find fill me with the real spirit of what Raja Yoga means to me.

Yes, you may call me an "Advertorial" for the Yagya, but lets see what happens over time. Time will tell if this is the case. As you can see I am very new to this site.

I am very appreciative of what the Forum here offers. And, the information that has been gathered here is awesome. So keep up the good work and I will offer whatever I come to know.

In regards to me paying you for your services, if I could I would. I reckon a fair days work for a fair days pay. You have done a lot for this site and that is very good. At this stage I can only share experiences and knowledge.

Getting back to Mama. Yes, I am on a big catch up with trying to find out about Sindhis family names and genealogies and Sindhi culture. Still though I come back to the point of Om Radhe as Dada Lekhraj's wife's cousin's daughter and the name Radhi Pokardas Rajwani. If the book is a legal document copy, then why are their two different names for the same person? Also, Om Radhe name appears as the President of Om Mandli. The question is, if they are two different names for the same person, then when did Mama have her name changed to Om Radhe? This name, Om Radhe, appears to be her spiritual name. I understand that in the early days of the Yagya that the members were given spiritual names. Unless they changed their name by deed poll, as it can be done today, then as the book shows the legalisation of the court case then surely the members would have to give their birth names, not their spiritual names. This I have to look more into myself, but if you have any further leads in this matter ex-l, this I would greatly appreciate.
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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Oct 2008

Wellcome trev to the forum.

You are asking sooo much information from somebody who has devoted his years, energy and money to search for them without giving or sharing anything in return. But still you don't look at it, don't care that his forum name is "ex-l" and you talk to him as "ex-l"!??

Carelessness and arrogance is one of the common characteristics of the BKs. But you can prove us from now on that you are not.
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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Oct 2008

Doncha worry Trev! :D. If ex-l had stayed in the BKWSU and researched all this knowledge then - he most certainly would not have been ex-l at all. But he left them, and so he lost his possible no 1 position, therefore he's also "ex-l" as well as "ex-l" ... :sad:. So you can now take over the reins that he left behind and now from within the BKWSU you can go for it, after all knowledge is power eh? And you will soon reach the number 1 position because you will have all the truth and no-one inside of the BKWSU will dare deny you your "Head Of All Seniors" position ...

Welcome to the forum and g'lcuk with your research. Its nice to feel the balance you bring.
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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Oct 2008

When I said "paid", I did not say "money". We deal openly in the wealth of knowledge and experiences here. Not advertising.

But speaking of which, one gem I would like to know is, "what is the BKWSU total declared annual income (... and what is its actual estimated income)?" I'd call that a fair trade.

Speaking of Mama's, I read just today that Amma, the one woman hugging saint, is pulling in over £10,000,000 a year. All the same, in 2004 she alone donated £12m in aid to the 2004 tsunami victims. In comparison, how much the BKWSU funnel? Think of these as payments in advance to establish goodwill. I mean, you'd want to know actual figures yourself in order to frame your piece.

My suggestions is that the key to it all is the published response to "Its this Justice?" from Bhaibund's Om Mandli Committee. There is more but I want to see how up front you are going to be.
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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Oct 2008

trev wrote:So, the long and short of it, I make my own views and I said above, I only seek the truth.

Dear trev,
Welcome to the forum. I appreciate your courage in seeking truth about the history of the Yagya. A lot of documents related to Yagya history have been uploaded on this site. If you have any doubt about the information contained in those documents you can contact ex-l through pm also. It may be possible that the joint efforts of members like you, ex-l and tamasin may throw some more light on the hidden aspects of Yagya history. A visit to Pakistan to search the records related to Om Mandali for the period from 1936-1947 by one or more of the members may also help unearth new facts or to confirm known facts.
I wish you good luck.


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Re: Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

Post24 Oct 2008

trev wrote:My bug bear is with the Yagya not the teachings.
Welcome trev.

I think many agree with this. I also do find that of recent, many Murlis also mention points on the sacrificial fire, as it seems to coincide with both Seniors aging, as well as the need for the history to be passed down as it gets lost (or hidden ?) . It is every BK's right to learn about one's own family, as it is the inheritance, if not then what type of Sister/brotherhood is it. How well do BKs know their family ?

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