Diane Tillman/BKWSU and Living Values Education

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Diane Tillman/BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post28 Aug 2006

Bearing in mind the handling of the BK Child Abuse Report elsewhere, from: International Journal of Children's Spirituality

    Publisher: Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group
    Issue: Volume 8, Number 3 / December 2003
    Pages: 239 - 254
    URL: Linking Options
    DOI: 10.1080/1364436032000146511
'Researching a new interface between religions and publicly funded schools in the UK', Eleanor Nesbitt and Elisabeth Arweck, Warwick Religions & Education Research Unit (WRERU), Institute of Education, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. E-mail: Eleanor.Nesbitt@warwick.ac.uk

The article reports initial findings from a values education programme that is currently being implemented, in various forms, in several primary schools in England. The programme is 'Living Values: an educational program' and it was developed in association with a Hindu-related religious organisation, the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.

The article situates the research within a social and theoretical context and reports from fieldwork conducted over a period of twelve months in schools and Brahma Kumaris centres.

Issues for researchers arising from the research are highlighted and questions are addressed for religious educationists with regard to the phenomenon itself and the challenges it presents for the methodology of such an investigation and for the dissemination of the findings.

This programme appears to be related to the BKWSU front ; http://www.livingvalues.net Diane Tillman is a USA director and author of books published by the BKWSU.

There are other links to articles on the http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com website. Sadly enough, in one the BKWSU are compared with notorious guru Satya Sai Baba's organisation. Other links; here, and here.

Rather unsurprising if I might say ;

The Living Values headquarters is at ;

Living Values Education
International Coordinating Office,
866 U.N. Plaza, Suite 436,
New York, NY 10017 USA


BKWSU at the UN Headquarters is at:

866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 436
New York, NY 10017 USA



Purely co-incidence I would presume.
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BKs get into bed with To Love Children Foundation

Post12 Jun 2008

The Brahma Kumaris, noted for their reluctance to ensure the prosecution of child sex offenders within their midsts and tardiness towards enacting a child protection policy noted elsewhere on this site, in my opinion, continue to use the Living Values front to great success ingratiating itself with a children's welfare charity aimed specifically at young girls. I wonder if they will be looking to target new potential surrendered Sisters then? (Hide those dowries, folks).

'To Love Children' says that, "it is proud to announce our new partnership with Diane G. Tillman" who has been involved with the BKWSU since 1981 (and so will remember all the previous predictions of Destruction etc. TLC go on to state that Diane is also "a Licensed Educational Psychologist and Marriage and Family Therapist in Seal Beach, California and the International Coordinator for Content for Living Values An Education Program (LVEP)" but do not mention her involvement with the Brahma Kumaris as sister in charge, which surely means that she must go through a Murli every day, see below.

I wonder how the BKWSO in the USA squares "opportunities to seek information of all kinds regardless of technology" with their legal actions to suppress this website? Are the BKs looking to use TLC to disseminate their materials?
BKWSU wrote:Diane Tillman has been a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University for 26 years. She currently directs the Brahma Kumaris Center in Seal Beach, California.
To Love Children Educational Foundation wrote:Core Values

    • To provide girls with opportunities to seek information of all kinds regardless of technology, print, form of art or through any other media of the child’s choice in order for the child to express their own voice, and to gain equal access to economic, health, social justice, cultural support, and job opportunity.
    • To encourage international cooperation and partnership in the dissemination of educational materials, primary source information and children’s literature from a diversity of cultural, national and international sources.
    • To encourage and advocate for the best interests of the girl child through appropriate legislative, administrative, social, and educational measures to protect the girl child from any abuse, exploitation, and denial of the child’s right to an education and working in conjunction to empower women’s groups with education and economic prospects to best facilitate the support of girl education.

Vision: We will provide educational and real world opportunities for girl children the right to have and express their own voice. We will ensure the inherent dignity and inalienable rights of all girl children to an education which will bring to the child economic freedom, justice, health and peace. To Love Children is dedicated to the education of girl children that is based on the principals of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and is a partner of the Global Movement for Children.
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Diane Tillman/BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post12 Jun 2008

ex-l wrote:The Brahma Kumaris, noted for their reluctance to ensure the prosecution of child sex offenders within their midsts and tardiness towards enacting a child protection policy noted elsewhere on this site, continue to use Living Values front to great success ingratiating itself with a children's welfare charity aimed specifically at young girls. I wonder if they will be looking to target new potential surrendered Sisters then?

You are right being suspicious of Dianne as a pukka sister in charge and from BKWSU et al.

But, I assure you, that 5 years ago the total separation of LVEP from BKWSU started and two years ago definitely finished. Even the Copyright of the LVEP books are given to a lokik publishing house somewhere.

In all LVEP Books, the foreword BKWSU is only mentioned very small as one of the initiators of the concept. And it is true. (Last years BKWSU headquarter wants even to get this small link out and the forewords have been edited and changed).

This a very useful tool for education of the children and youth is a creation of Diane Tillman, Anthony Strano and other intellectual good willing double foreigners and has nothing to do with BKWSU and the Senior Sisters.

So, this new cooperation with "To Love Children Foundation" must be a cooperation between them and Diane herself. As much as I know, she is totally independent in her LVEP activities. Of course, i don't know how she combines them with her sister in charge duty. And she has a heart illness as well, which hinders her from travel.

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Diane Tillman/BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post12 Jun 2008

I am absolutely able to apologise where I am wrong and would love to ... if I am indeed wrong.

But as you say, I find the borderline to be very gray, e.g. Dianne being a director of a BKWSU center, Chris Drake is a trustee of BKWSU (UK) and director of the ALIVE, both being "representative of both" ... and so many BK centers being involved. For example, take a recent look at an recent African example;
LVEP wrote:As of March 2007, LVEP in Nigeria is supported by a wide variety of organizations: the Brahma Kumaris Center in Lagos ...

Yes, I agree that there is good in the programmes but, surely, we have to agree that the BKWSU continues to use it to make fruitful inroads into nations where "Hinduism" would not work, e.g. Chris's work in China?

Whereas Chris and Dianne might be entirely professional and compartmentalised, can we honestly expect our good Sisters in white to have it so clearly set in their minds? I would say than they see it as "Baba's" ... and the regular Avyakt Murli blessing seem to substantiate that. I think BapDada sees it as one of his "wings".

We have examined the LVEP board and it seems mainly comprised of BKs. It started out of a BK service plan. I would say that in my opinion it is used as doors to and by the BKWSU to present an acceptable face for itself. Has it been taken and turned into a professional service by another charity? Please correct me where I am wrong, I am aiming for accuracy.

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Diane Tillman/BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post12 Jun 2008

I am genuinely trying to get a feel of what is going on here with the Values Education.

The organisation is made up mostly of BKs and centers do it ... but is also separated. But the BKWSU gets credit for it. We did a break down of its leadership, here.

What does it all mean? Is it a socio-spiritual "experiment" for high ranking Western BKs that have nowhere in the mother organization to be promoted to? How does it fit into with Shrimat if leading and fairly senior Western BKs are doing something that is NOT "Baba's service"? Or have are they all just elegantly ditching Shrimat and moving over to something else either in business or third sector? I find it hard to believe that if they strike gold, it is not handed back over to the senior Sisters.

Honestly ... please enlighten me.
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Diane Tillman/BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post12 Jun 2008

ex-l wrote:But as you say, I find the borderline to be very gray, e.g. Dianne being a director of a BKWSU center, Chris Drake is a trustee of BKWSU (UK) and director of the ALIVE, both being "representative of both" ... and so many BK centers being involved. For example, take a recent look at an recent African example
LVEP wrote:As of March 2007, LVEP in Nigeria is supported by a wide variety of organizations: the Brahma Kumaris Center in Lagos ...

You are right.This program is just like "saving 21 children of the red light area" project and the mobile medical service of "GRH's Village Outreach" program, a great noble project for seva created by good willing professional BKs. Of course, as the initiators and creators are still BKs, they are in Avyakt Babdada's blessings and behind closed doors the pride of the Senior Sisters and, of course, their hope to reach the countries where BKWSU has no hope to exist.
We have examined the LVEP board and it seems mainly comprised of BKs. It started out of a BK service plan. I would say that in my opinion i is used to doors and by the BKWSU to present an acceptable face for itself. Has it been taken and turned into a professional service or another charity? Please correct me where I am wrong, I am aiming for accuracy.

I know that since at least five years it has turned into a voluntary service given by non-BK professionals. The professional LVEP NCOs (mostly BKs leaving their badges home) in each country co-operate through the Governmental Departments of Education with interested primary- college- high school teachers, educators, social service officers for street children of Governmental Child and Youth Care Institutions, and give them LVEP training courses. The licensed non-BK LVEP trainers start to give LVEP training courses in the schools or in the official institutions to other professionals in their country. In many countries the Ministries of Education, in some others UNICEF are supporting the expenses if there are some, like travel expenses of the teachers and educators who participate in the course, printing expenses of educational material, books, food and beverage etc.

In my humble opinion, there is no danger for LVEP to turn into a coaching like professional program or into a charity yet, because it is functioning through Ministries of Education in each country.

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Diane Tillman/BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post12 Jun 2008

ex-l wrote:What does it all mean? Is it a spiritual "playground" for high ranking Western BKs that have no where in the mother organization to be promoted to? How does it fit into Shrimat if leading and fairly senior Western BKs are doing something that is NOT "Baba's service"? Honestly ... please enlighten me.

They are all good BKs, good human beings ex-l, who are searching with their professional background and their understanding about values from Murlis to give altruistic service to human beings without any expectation.

Even after they became ex-BKs, they still are good human beings like ex-l, and all other members of this forum.

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BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post12 Jun 2008

tom wrote:Even after they became ex-BKs, they still are good human beings like ex-l, and all other members of this forum.

How many of them are ex-BKs, or demi-BKs ... people that have been through the BK machine, believe in goodness, and are trying to make something useful of it?

What is the balance between involved BKs and non-involved or ex-BKs? (I have only read the very initial BKWSU Values service books and published papers on it). We need an honest, ex-BK critique of it all.
tom wrote:In my humble opinion, there is no danger for LVEP to turn into a coaching like professional program or into a charity yet, because it is functioning through Ministries of Education in each country.

Well, as ever, I am sorry to crush your humble opinions. It has already happened. Perhaps this is the alternative to the SML programme the Oxford Leadership Academy withdrew from the BKWSU earlier this year. Note the involvement of OLA alumni and leading BK Ken o"Donnell again. (My bad translation ... original links follow). The client list looks very similar to the client list of the Oxford Leadership Academy.
Advanced Human Systems wrote:Advanced Human Systems have formalised an agreement to marketing, spread, implement exclusively in public and private companies of Uruguay and Argentina, the corporate version of Living Values Organizations as developed by the Institute Vivendo Values which is chaired by Ken O'Donnell
In original Spanish, it wrote:Advanced Human Systems ha formalizado un acuerdo para difundir, comercializar e implementar en forma exclusiva en el ámbito empresarial público y privado de Uruguay y Argentina, la versión corporativa del Programa Viviendo Valores en Organizaciones desarrollado por elInstituto Vivendo Valores que es Presidido por Ken O´Donnell

See, here. Instituto Vivendo Valores has alliances with: Alive, Sigma, Visions for a Better World Foundation, Janki Foundation, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University and Instituto Ethos.
Living Values in Organizations by Author: Ken O'Donnell http://www.vivendovalores.org.br

What is IVV? The Institute Vivendo Securities (IVV) is a non-profit organization founded in Brazil in 2005 with the aim of rescuing the
values humans through various programmes and projects : Living Values in Organizations, Images and Voices of Hope, Living Values in Education, the Securities Health, Human Values at Work, Serena EcoVila Serra, Serra do Cipó.

Partners with: Alive, Sigma, Visions for a Better World Foundation, Janki Foundation, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Institute

AHS has signed an exclusive agreement to implement the Schedule Living Values in Organizations in Uruguay and Argentina. Website: http://www.ahs.com.uy

Why values in Organizations?

Technological advances, social and consumer expectations and global realities are transforming the way in which organizations relate internally and externally. Consequently, models of management, organizational culture and work are the subject of development of human values. The chaos that concerns all organizations, inevitably affects the individuals. The paralysis of implementing initiatives is common. The development of values such as patience, flexibility, balance and so many others becomes essential. Values such as collective responsibility social and environmental define the vital role of organizations against a uncertain future. © AHS Advanced Human Systems - Zonamerica Business & Technology

The optimization of human potential to work so is an integrated crucial factor for success or failure. Beyond issues financial or technological, values create a work environment more where pleasant people spend up to one third of their lives.

What is the program ALIVE? The program is consolidated in 2005 and is part of Institute Vivendo Values, based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It is a programme of awareness, practice and development values in a human organizational context. It is a tool to implement modern management based values for successful organizations. Its main objective, optimizing the potential human ...

    To strengthen its original qualities.
    To improve their relationships at work and in integrating groups.
    To strengthen their self-esteem and motivation.
    Raise your creativity.
    Develop a leadership based on values
The Values Agenda is based on the experience of work done in the past fifteen years in organizations of various countries in the Americas, Europe, Asian States and has concluded that the twelve values that are most important among all the values.

Companies in which it has worked Some of the companies and organisations which has been implemented schedule Live:

    BASF Citibank
    Itaipu Binacional Rede Globo
    Dupont-Merck Petrobras
    JFK International Airport Infraero
    Central Bank of Bolivia Banco do Brasil
    Xerox Belgo Mineira
    Mercedes-Benz Bank Boston
    Military Police, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
    Ministry of Health and Finance, Brazil.

© AHS Advanced Human Systems - Zonamerica Business & Technology

Contextual Program

The conceptual basis for this program is the University World Spiritual Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, http://www.BKWSU.org (international web), develops practices and research in the field of human values from 1937.
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Re: Diane Tillman/BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post13 Jun 2008

Looking at the founder Silvio Raij, he is a teacher of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. All the usual connections; O'Donnell, Bacon, George, Moira Lowe, Mount Abu ... Cooperrider etc. He does a TV slot as a BK, here.
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Re: BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post13 Jun 2008

ex-l wrote:Perhaps this is the alternative to the SML programme the Oxford Leadership Academy withdrew from the BKWSU earlier this year.

Advanced Human Systems have formalised an agreement to marketing, spread, implement exclusively in public and private companies of Uruguay and Argentina, the corporate version of Living Values Organizations as developed by the Institute Vivendo Values which is chaired by Ken O'Donnell

Yes, you are right. I must have been misinformed by my BK friends who are actively involved in LVEP.

Thank you for your researches. I feel betrayed and my goodwill misused, again, by the BKs. It is sad to see that LVEP which was created with best intentions by good willing BKs has become a tool for PR work and a mean of profit for BKWSUs corporations:
IVV wrote:The Institute Vivendo Securities (IVV) is a non-profit organization founded in Brazil in 2005 with the aim of rescuing the values humans through various programmes and projects : Living Values in Organizations, Images and Voices of Hope, Living Values in Education, the Securities Health, Human Values at Work, Serena EcoVila Serra, Serra do Cipó.Partners with: Alive, Sigma, Visions for a Better World Foundation, Janki Foundation, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Institute Ethos.

It is sad to see amongst the companies with which the agreement has signed to implement Living Values Program, DuPont , which is one of the most polluting companies of the world and one of the top ten of producers, supporters and exporters of "Genetically Modified Seeds", therefore from the ecological point of view considered to be criminal against the humanity on earth.

Military Police of Minas Gerais, Brazil is also one of the clients. To refresh our memories,please read:
BBC News wrote:Despatches: Americas. Saturday, November 8, 1997

The Brazilian Congress's human rights commission says death squads are operating in nine of the country's 27 states. In its latest report, the commission says local politicians and businessmen are often responsible for hiring the gunmen who carry out summary executions and it points to the involement of policemen in many of the extra-judicial killings. With more details, here's our Brazil correspondent, Stephen Cviic:

"Brazilians are used to the idea that their big cities are dangerous places. In the 1980s the world was shocked to learn of the murder of street children in Rio de Janeiro, often by policemen determined to wipe out what they saw as a social nuisance. These killings still go on and Friday's report names both Rio and Sao Paulo as the home of some of the country's death squads. However, the area singled out for special mention by the congressional human rights commission is a long way from the urban centres of Brazil's Atlantic seaboard. It's the Western state of Mato Grosso do Sul, which lies at the heart of South America, on the border with Bolivia and Paraguay. The commission quotes a local human rights group as saying that nearly 90 of the state's inhabitants were summarily executed in the first seven months of this year.

Thirty-six of these killings are said to have taken place in one medium-sized town. This region of Brazil seems to have become particularly violent precisely because of its frontier character. According to the commission, many of the killings are carried out on the orders of local politicians and farmers who may be involved in smuggling cocaine, weapons and other goods in from abroad. And the report does nothing for the tattered reputation of Brazil's police force. It says the supposed law enforcers of Mato Grosso do Sul are often among the gunmen hired for contract killings. The commission says it cannot accept that these crimes are insoluble but it acknowledges that there are penalties for those who speak out. Last week a journalist known for his attacks on the climate of violence in the region was shot dead as he left a cafe where he had just had breakfast."

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Re: Diane Tillman/BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post13 Jun 2008

Half of the LVEP (Living Values an Educational Program) is "Living Values Activities for Street Children" from ages 3 - 14.

I find it disgusting that "The Institute Vivendo Securities (IVV)" which is authorized to give the official LVEP Living Values Activities for Street Children Training for Street Educators in Brazil is at the same time working in close connection with the Brazilian Military Police implementing Living Values which has a very bad reputation of killing street children.

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Re: Diane Tillman/BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post14 Jun 2008

Jah protect us!! More interesting posts about how the BKWSO markets itself, and drawing our attention on which partners and clients they choose to have. Maybe I misunderstood it all. The BKs are bound to purify everybody and that's why they mingle with questionable folks?

It takes time and mental effort for BKs to read and digest such info, drawing some conclusions. Easier to drag oneself out of bed and join a Murli class. Sit there half asleep and listen to the same old points. Why criticize, looking for facts or strange "coincidences" or even remembering that one plus one makes two? Once you learned that you are awake and others are asleep kumbakarna, you can go back to sleep feeling safe and sort of peaceful; no big moral issues, duty is done, conscience is clean. Is it insulting to call them unlucky zombies???

The Yagya is always flirting and allying with all sorts of corporations and organizations and a pukkha BK doesn't need to know or question. I suppose the only mud they are afraid of soiling themselves with is lust and food cooked by shudras.
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Re: Diane Tillman/BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post17 Jun 2008

I was interested to read that Diane Tillman, the primary author of the LVEP materials, worked for many years as a school psychologists and has a counseling background that includes influences from Carl Rogers and Virginia Satir. I don't know Satir's work but I have a very high regard for the client-centered approach of Carl Rogers. I deeply regret putting aside academic studies in his training during my "manic phase" as a Brahma Kumari follower at a time, when all other influences except for the channelled messages of BapDada were forbidden fruit and "Maya", there was "no benefit to be taken from other human beings" as Destruction (the End of the World) was about to come soon. This was back in the 1980s. New BKs beware.

Dianne in her history of the LVEP programmes goes on about "creating values-based atmosphere" ensuring individuals felt "Loved, Values, Respected, Understood and Safe" ... ha ha ha ... (cue:irony alert). For those who have no knowledge of Client-Centered Therapy, here is a brief introduction, know the external influences the Brahma Kumaris are adopting on a whole scale level, one is able to act as a pathologist and "back-engineer" their development. Taken at random from the internet and edited.

What I take from this line of thought is that, without any doubt, there is goodness in individual BKs and Dianne's introduction of client centered values but that these are distinctly NOT the Brahma Kumaris' principles. Given that the Brahma Kumaris have in no way renounced their modus operandi, but apparently seem to have exaggerated it further in to unseen level of control, secrecy, centralisation and financial exploitation within the religious movement, it appears to me that the Brahma Kumaris modus operandi is contradictory to CCT and is, in fact, highly directive, e.g. "we give Shirmat, you follow it ... if any problems arise, follow it harder, longer and better". I use the word financial exploitation not necessarily to mean "exploitative" but to draw financial income with which to support their activities from others.

Although I accept certain spiritual practises and disciplines "loosen" and change mental states, I would argue that a Rogerian approach is far closer to a truly spiritual approach and that the degree of directive therapy, control and secrecy within the Brahma Kumaris is far more similar to a system of "thought reform" aka brainwashing. Whereas perhaps "thought reform" or brainwashing is a necessary tool for managing rudimentary or uneducated minds, I think it rankles the consciences of more enlightened thinkers and I wonder how the fit the two parts together?

In my opinion, the core of the Brahma Kumaris (key elements within the leadership and a large proportion of Indian followers) is actually still fairly rudimentary, and therefor exploitable, much to do with their long-term denial of the value of intellectual development. Yet, in their instinctual drive to survive and expand, they are willing to use the shop dressing of this goodness to attract individuals, especially their all important VIPs and "microphone souls". Its when I read stuff like this I wonder what people like Peter Senge, of the United Nations, all those other leaders that patronise and are used for promotionary purposes actually know about the heart of Brahma Kumaris?

Funnily enough, when I went to copy and paste a couple of sentences from the copyrighted, "Theoretical Background and Support for Living Values: An Educational Program" by author "Sister Diane", I discovered that it was password protected and did not allow me to do so meaning I had to type it out manually. Nice touch.

Client-Centered Therapy (CCT) was developed by Carl Rogers in the 40's and 50's. It is a non-directive approach to therapy. "Directive" means any therapist behavior that deliberately steers the client in some manner. Directive behaviors include asking questions, offering treatments, and making interpretations and diagnoses. Virtually all other forms of therapy are directive.

A non-directive approach is very appealing to many clients, because they get to keep control over the content and pace of the therapy. It is intended to serve them, after all. The therapist is not evaluating them in any way or trying to "figure them out".

The foundational belief of CCT is that people tend to move towards growth and healing, and have the capacity to find their own answers. This tendency is helped along by an accepting and understanding climate, which the CC therapist seeks to provide above all else.

    Listen and try to understand how things are from the client's point of view.
    Check that understanding with the client if unsure.
    Treat the client with the utmost respect and regard.
    There is also a mandate for the therapist to be "congruent", or "transparent" - which means being self-aware, self-accepting, and having no mask between oneself and the client. The therapist knows themselves and is willing to be known.
CCT may sound simple or limited, because there is no particular structure that the therapist is trying to apply. But watching CCT in action shows a very rich and complicated process where individuals unravel their own stuff, discover new things, take brave steps, and don't have to cope with a therapist who is doing things to them in the meantime. The therapist strives to understand and accept the client's stuff, which is no simple feat. Over time, the client increasingly seeks to understand and accept their stuff too.

That CCT is effective has been amply demonstrated by decades of research. Furthermore, recent research has shown that the most significant variables in the effectiveness of therapy are aspects of the relationship and the therapist's personal development - not the particular discipline they practise or techniques they employ. Client centered therapists focus more attention on these variables than therapists in any other discipline.

Remarkable as it may seem, research has never shown that it is more effective to address specific problems with specific therapy techniques. Without this result, there is no justification for a therapist to make diagnoses in the first place.
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Re: Diane Tillman/BKWSU and Living Values Education

Post18 Jun 2008

All these people are doing seva, plain and simple.

If you were ever in the depths of seva you will know that deception is the norm. You are to believe later that being deceived was your good fortune ... it's just getting these people to see and admit to what they are doing that is the problem; Janki Foundation, Values, Vision, etc all seva projects ...

BapDada has no problem recognising that these people are doing seva ... the people involved who are not BKs would maybe not be involved if they were to be told the whole story.

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