Brahmin conspiracy ... !?!

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Brahmin conspiracy ... !?!

Post03 Jun 2008

I am at a loss where to put this one ... Brahmin Conspiracy Theory!?! Not to be taken too seriously but good to paint an overview of the Indian environment.

Caste defenders Brahmo Samaj ALLEGEDLY conspires to keep "backward classes (dalits, Scheduled castes, untouchables etc) confused by religious acts like ... Brahmakumari Institution. Is this 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' for India ... !

Surely this must be a parody, is it not?

Dated 15th August, 94

Dear friends,

A district-level meeting of Brahmin Samaj was held at Balaghat on 15th August. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Trivedi, an ideal saint of Jabalpur. The following resolutions were passed in the meeting.

    • Shudra communities means Backward Class like Pawar, Marar, Lodhi, Kasar etc. should be kept involved in the religious affairs so that their attention be kept away from political rights and they always remain slaves and supporters of Brahminism.
    • The political consciousness that has developed among the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Class and Religious Minorities has threatened the leadership of Brahminism. Hence, such a confusion and conflict be created in them, that they keep on fighting among themselves.
    • We must go to the people of fourth Varna, Shudras and tell them that the constitution is against Hindus and it must be changed. This awakening must be created and spread in the masses.
    • Everybody in Brahmin Caste, of any political party like Congress, BJP, Communist and any organisation, social-religious, must gather under one banner to save Brahminism, because the leadership of Brahminism is in danger.
    • Wrong confusion must be spread among Pawars, Marars, Lodhis (backward classes), Scheduled Castes/tribes and religious minorities (Muslims/Christians/Buddhists) due to which they must fight and kill each other.
    • Because of the politics of Bahujan Samaj Party (Kanshi Ram) and consciousness of Dalits, the leadership of Brahminism is threatened. To oppose this, we must tell the people that this is the party of Mahars and Chamars only, so that other smaller castes do not join.
    • The employees of Scheduled Castes/Tribes, backward class and Muslims have developed fat in their bodies. Hence they should be physically and mentally tortured and they must be humiliated by paper actions and their work must be carried out by the Brahmin Officers who are occupying high posts, in a secret manner.
    • The Officers of Brahmin community, who are holding higher posts should spread confusion among the unemployed youths of low castes that only Scheduled Castes and Tribes people are taking advantage of reservation, and posts meant for you are being given to them only, so that they keep on fighting among themselves.
    • If Brahmin community does not come on one platform to protect themselves and protect brahminism, this will be the matter of great shame and death for them and they will become the slaves of untouchable castes. Therefore to keep them slaves, we must adopt every tactics to protect Brahmins and to retain leadership of the country.

    The backward classes should be kept in forefront, by giving the slogan of Jai-Shriram to use them as shield (source) to protect Brahmins and they should be kept confused by religious acts like Gayatri Yagya, Brahmakumari Institution, Satya Sai of Shirdi and the Buddhists should be confused by Shiva-Patra.

    • If Ambedkarism grows in the country, Gandhism means Brahminism will be finished. Nobody will be there to take the name of Dr. Hegdewar, Golwalkar Guruji, the great men of R.S.S. Hence we must infiltrate in their every organisation and get information secretly, to defeat their every plan.
    If the Brahminism is to be kept alive, then we must raise religious emotions and sentiments among the youths of backward classes, to keep them confused and create communal conflicts/riots with the youths of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, so that the children of Brahmins retain their domination, in the Government administration and politics.
    • To save Brahminism, the ladies of Brahmins should come forward and it is necessary that Brahmin ladies should sacrifice, to protect Brahminism. If one lady comes forward to protect Brahmin, they will get 'Punya' on the basis of Manusmriti.
Friends, the whole thing must be implemented secretly. This letter should not reach in the hands of lower castes. It is a secret letter.


District Level Brahmin Samaj

The Author's wrote:NOTE: The key objective of the Brahmin Samaj is to preserve the caste system. The caste system is the taproot of Racism (based on one's color) in the world society. Racism arose in the world society as a well-developed theory only in the 19th century, even though it has been prevalent in India in the form of the caste system from about the 8th century.

If racism was prevalent in Shakespeare's day, he would not have written his play Othello which portrays a black man marrying a white woman in the 17th century! Racism in the world society was birthed when Manu Dharma or the Laws of Manu devised by the Brahmins was translated into English. India and China were the most affluent regions in the world till about the 19th c AD.

When the British came to India for trade, they deceptively took control by setting Indian against Indian, assisted by the Brahmins. This completely destroyed India's moral fibre and ruined its economy. The Brahmins worked with the British to take control of India. They were quick to portray Manu Dharma (the law of the Caste System based on ones skin color or varna) as the Hindu law, and through the translation of William Jones this poison entered the society of the world. Racism is destructive to the world society and it is the responsibility of every Christian to be a salt against this poison.

john morgan


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Re: Brahmin conspiracy ... !?!

Post03 Jun 2008

The caste system in India is a social pecking order with Brahmins at the top. In Gyan everyone is taught regardless of their caste and they become Brahmin's born from knowledge which came out of the mouth of Brahma, they are not the body conscious Brahmins of the caste system. I suspect that the word Brahmin was initially used in Gyan because it automatically triggers the notion of high status in the Indian mind.

The book Siddhartha by Herman Hesse has been described a Buddhist primer. It is one place where one can learn a little of what a German intellectual knew about Brahmins in the early part of the twentieth century.
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Re: Brahmin conspiracy ... !?!

Post04 Jun 2008

john morgan wrote:I suspect that the word Brahmin was initially used in Gyan because it automatically triggers the notion of high status in the Indian mind.

I wonder ... but you raise a very good point. You are probably right, especially the later we go on. And I am sure that Western BKs buy into that myth and feel superior by doing so. The Maryadas as a highly watered down version of the types of disciplines caste Brahmins are expected to follow, e.g. all the washing and not touching.

Of course, that would only appeal to the grandiose "upwardly mobile" classes, by which one might suggest insecure in their own position and fantasist. Its not something that is ever spoken about. How many Indian BKs are "caste Brahmins"? What do caste Brahmins think of the BKs? It must be quite an insult to them and they must think that for Westerners to call themselves Brahmins is ridiculous. Westerners, despite having pale skin, fall out the bottom of the caste system.

It is interesting as well because, for sure, the Brahmin caste is not all saintly and benign, as the author's note above points out. It too has been engaged in its own scheming, exploitation and particularly power struggle with the Kshatriya. The Bhagavad Gita is a read as a political document attempting to appease the egos of both castes. Who's the daddy? ... the guy with the Gita or the guy with the sword?

We are also sold a much watered down version and understanding of the caste system. The word Brahmin might not actually carry positive connotations at all based on the exploitations and racism of the caste system but the other meaning, "of the Brahman" exists.

Anyone know the history of its use? Lekhraj Kirpalani was far from being one. No wonder he wound the local saddhus up by taking up himself their title and position.

john morgan


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Re: Brahmin conspiracy ... !?!

Post04 Jun 2008

Hello ex-I,

I really like the way you often pick up on what to me is significant, so here goes. :D

Gyan is littered with triggers such as this. Take, for example, the concept of souls and Supreme Soul combined with many small and one large saligram. Why did whoever is teaching Gyan use terminology like "Lakshmi and Narayan" which straight from Hindu thought as is, of course, Krishna. I could go on and on.

Why did Shiva Baba not, if he has something to say which he undoubtedly has, use completely new words? My answer is that he is very intelligent and knows exactly what he is doing. Why reinvent the wheel when it already exists? Now I am not getting into 5,000 years or Destruction here. Shiva Baba, or rather Bap Dada, is teaching his children students and disciples about high powered, high energy and elevated realities. Disciplines such as purity, vegetarian diet, Amrit nectar, inculcation of virtue, obedience etc are necessary to safely build and contain the superhuman strengths that Gyan can unfold in each of us. Today, I like very much the qualities of kindness and harmony which seem, to me, to be very human aspects of Bap Dada, even though many humans have no idea what kindness and harmony are, let alone supreme K&H. :D.

It is one thing to have strength coming out of one's ears, its quite another to feel very comfortable with it. Self-control is very, very important. Sooner or later Gyan synchronises the energies that are in each of us, but which we waste, because we always have, and a new and far better consciousness dawns. Waking up can be very tough for some. Doubts, suspicions, confusions, criticisms, prejudices misunderstandings and very painful realities must in my experience be encountered and mastered. Probably, its been a lot tougher than it would have been if I had stayed in touch with the highly skilled BK though. On the plus side, there may be a very good reason. Time alone will tell. Gyan likes sharp intellects, you may have high marks in this subject.

I am not a Hindu though, I guess, that for a Hindu mind that really picks up Gyan the possibility of becoming something that they had seen from afar and worshipped, such as Lakshmi and Narayan, must be very inspirational and part of Bap Dada's work of revealing original sanskaras. Also the students' realisation that they were Krishna and that it was not Krishna but Shiva Baba that spoke the Gita merely adds to Shiva Babas skill at inspiring. Similarly the concentrated thought form of being a true twice born (Brahmin), born from the mouth of Brahma and actual implementer of the highest code of conduct must be, again, inspiring and in very clear and favourable contrast to the power hungry and body conscious conspirators and manipulators of society that they were previously conditioned to admire.

A true Brahmins activity is to serve, not to manipulate for personal gain; a twice born who has realised the truth of what they are can serve because they have truly found everything worthwhile. What "everything" is is a very deep topic, those who experience what "everything" is know and some have insight and others think "everything" must be nothing, but nothing does not exist, much the same as the square root of a minus number. Bap Dada is something else, that so much inspiration can result in egoless servers with incredible strengths may be the first wonder of the world.

I have often thought whether Bap Dada could have used a completely new language from day one, I think he could have but he knew how to use the "triggers" of Hindu society and make them easily accessible to "double foreigners" so, again why reinvent the wheel?

It'll be interesting to see what if anything you make of these blind musings of a brainwashed fool ... over to you.

Incidentally, I "remembered" yesterday (I genuinely forgot) that although I am banned worldwide I am permitted to attend morning class in London, perhaps I will soon. There was an invite to Cambridge Inner Space yesterday for a short notice event starting at 7pm. I did not drop everything and go but, next time, I probably will. :oops:

john morgan


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Re: Brahmin conspiracy ... !?!

Post05 Jun 2008

My shot in the dark is that it was originally that Brahmins were one with Brahman. Brahman being a consciousness in which all causes are latent and from which any cause can emerge. Brahmins were intelligent, responsible and high creators hence their status.

This link came from an internet search.

Perhaps someone here knows about Brahman and can guess less and say more. A good time for a first post perhaps?
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Re: Brahmin conspiracy ... !?!

Post05 Jun 2008

john morgan wrote:Incidentally, I "remembered" yesterday (I genuinely forgot) that although I am banned worldwide I am permitted to attend morning class in London, perhaps I will soon. There was an invite to Cambridge Inner Space yesterday for a short notice event starting at 7pm. I did not drop everything and go but, next time, I probably will.

See now thats what I don't understand in people - about "being permitted' to go to morning class ... wow, big deal - it all stinks of a perverted sense of control and lack of attitude of care and love and purports to an approach and ego of superiority. If the BKWSU heads of state really have the deep spiritual connection they boast about then everyone and anyone would be welcome in class, at any time and any place. Does God 'permit' or does God simply give from the 'heart'? It's up to each one of us to assess that relationship I suppose ...

To go running back to class because one is now 'permitted' to do so says lots to me about the 'controls' placed on people and how some people cannot let go and have an inner need for someone to domineer them ... if someone 'permits' me to do something, wow thanks I so appreciate it - but keep it. Unless, of course, the actor Joseph Fiennes 'permitted' me to do the nasty with him, but then I'd keep him !- now thats a completely different kettle of yummy muffins me-says.

Do yourself a favour and don't forget to put your hard earned money in the little brown box when you do go, all in the name of obedient world-wide service of course. Masters create other masters not servants. And to bite into the the "Yippee they're allowing me to go to class" scenario means that one remains the servant, exactly what they are wanting and creating amongst supposedly millions of people. It is the BKWSU that should be begging you to come to class, but if you were truly a master you wouldn't need them in any way. Namaskar Greetings.
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Re: Brahmin conspiracy ... !?!

Post05 Jun 2008

ex-l wrote:ex-l copied the 'secret letter' shown in this thread re the caste system.

These things certainly prevail. Why would they not? It happens not only in India but here in Africa too. Despite all our ANC governments promises, the majority of people are worse off than ever and are manipulated and used by the government heads of departments to increase their foreign bank accounts. They're just cleverer than the Indians here. They did not write it down but rather plan meetings behind closed doors, made their promises to serve each other and then wrote laws allowing them to screw the people.

The end result? :- "I want power and control" and I'll keep the people stupid and down-trodden to do so ... Look at Zimbabwe. And Sudan. And Iraq. And ... you name it. People, this world is filled with 'leaders' who only care about themselves and are only for themselves. Servants to their own ego.

... And how do the majority of people react? They say, "yes sirree, no problem - be happy". Now that's what's got to change in our world, for people to take full responsibility of Self. But I suppose when you're under threat of rape and death, one will just go along until you either die of stress, you're actually murdered or you leave the country.

You see, I live in Africa and that's the reality here.

john morgan


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Re: Brahmin conspiracy ... !?!

Post05 Jun 2008

Hello Paul,

Yes, life is tough in South Africa. What is happening there makes the methods of control used in many other countries small fry. I, like you, distrust politicians. Anyone who cries out "vote for me" is to me very suspect. That the political sharks that kill or starve or otherwise maim others en masse last as long as they do is a blight on the planet. In other countries people are executed for just one murder. Whilst the world knows what these mass murderers do an unwritten law that you do not "take down" the leaders seems to exist, perhaps there is a fear of retribution.

Whilst these politicians proceed unchecked elsewhere a person may be on their knees asking God for forgiveness. Their crime? A harsh word.

People that consciously examine and seek to improve the influences that they create are not found everywhere. In countries where survival is major issue other priorities are necessary. Here in England we do not have to forage for food and we can speak and act quite freely. I'd like people in other countries to have the same. To make a difference must be the reason we are here, I don't think gay pride will help.
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Re: Brahmin conspiracy ... !?!

Post05 Jun 2008

john morgan wrote:I don't think gay pride will help.

Gay pride? Thats a misnomer if there ever was one. Anyway ... that's for another thread, another time.

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