Murder, Sucide & Rape Allegations Rock BKWSU Panipat

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Murder, Sucide & Rape Allegations Rock BKWSU Panipat

Post02 Jun 2008

Posted May 24th, 2007

The death of a male Brahma Kumari follower at a Panipat BKWSU center in North India has been reported. Official investigations are set to decide whether it was murder or suicide following separate incidents of an alleged rape that led to a female BKWSU follower becoming pregnant. Reports have appeared on Star News Channel and the local newspapers. BK centers-in-charges are said to have absconded. The local community responded by ransacking the center.

Relatives of the deceased and members of the BK community allege that the victim was killed because he had come to find out about a series of rapes and killings involving some influential BKs or BK contacts. They say that complaints had been made to the administrative head of the BKWSU but when nothing happened, they were killed. Accusers go on to state that the deceased knew about these, complained to Sister Prakashmani and, on no action being taken, was about to reveal the matter to outsiders when he too died. Further details are currently subjudice, however the ‘ignored reports’ to the BKWSU Administration and cover ups mirror the incidents surrounding the earlier reported Child Sex incidents.

Such controversies are also not new for the BKs of Panipat. In 2005, outside of a large BKWSU programme of “Vishwashanti Mahasammelan”, riot stick (lathi) wielding BKs assaulted up a number of BKWSU splinter group members known as ‘PBKs’ who had been distributing their own religious leaflets at some distance from the event. Individuals were forcibly taken in BK vehicles to a nearby location and beaten, at least one hospitalized. Women and the elderly were manhandled.

The BKWSU has taken young teenage girls as center trainees on the payment of their dowries. A policy the BKWSU says is to ensure families “do not dump unwanted daughters on them” which makes leaving the group, for these young women, virtually impossible within Indian societies.
Admin says: May 25th, 2007
Another newspaper reported incident a few years ago relating to the death of a BK Sister in a center in Agra. The woman’s body was found burned after neighbors saw smoke coming out of the center. Police reportedly found contraceptives at the site.

Whether the Sister was sexually assaulted or the sex was consensual and the death suicidal in unknown but these incidents go contrary to the assurances given to BK followers by the BKWSU, in the channelled messages that make up their core philosphy, that “not a hair on the head of [BK followers] will be harmed”. Their spirit guide giving them the example of he being “a mother cat looking after her kittens”.

The list of such events is considerable. An Australian Sister was recently murdered in a brutal screwdriver attack during what was thought to be another sexually motivated incident. These examples underline the caution individuals need to exhibit and the reality of life in of “Mother India” that the BKWSU is part of.

Widespread allegations of an ongoing cover up of the events in Panipat are being made. The BKWSU has been requested to make an official response.
BKBHASKAR says: May 28th, 2007

Dear Sweet Sweet Brother,
Thank you for your post
nice post keep it on.

God Bless you,
In Baba’s Rememberance
BK Bhaskar, Mumbai

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