More BKWSU Lies and Smokescreen

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More BKWSU Lies and Smokescreen

Post02 Jun 2008

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Posted August 27th, 2006

An interesting quotation arose from a recent article in The Moscow Times newspaper, kindly provided by a supporter.

It reported in the August 8th, 2006 issue, that;
Moscow Times wrote:“The university once taught that the current age, or cycle, would end in nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States. This teaching was dropped after the fall of the Soviet Union, said Brother Karuna Shebby, the organization’s chief spokesman, said by telephone from the group’s Mount Abu headquarters in the Indian state of Rajasthan.”

As we had no knowledge of such change, there had been no official statement internal to the BKWSU, we approached Global Chief of PR and MultiMedia, B.K. Karuna for clarification of this matter. Several weeks of broken promises and avoidance, we are no clearer.

After deep consideration and with a sincere regret and intent to put such doublespeak to an end, we must publish this for what it is. More BKWSU lies. We are very sorry Karuna but for an individual with your status, within an organization of your influence over others, yours is not acceptable professional behaviour and poor reflection of over 40 years of BK Raja Yoga.

On 12/8/06 3:23 pm, “BK karuna” wrote:
> Dear
> What you are up to.
> I am not getting good vibration as your intention is pure.
> Sorry for my free expression.

Let us clarify.

Central to BKWSU teachings is that this current World is going to suffer what they call “Destruction“.

Destruction entails;

• the death of over 6 Billion humans
• the sinking of all other continents except for India
• a “rivers of blood” Civil War in India
• widescale natural disasters
• Nuclear War between Russia and America

After which a heavenly Golden Age for the 900,000 chosen BK few will be established.

This has been central to BKWSU teachings since the very beginning and continues to this day to be taught on a daily basis through the Murli, or “God’s Word”. Teaching posters detailing this are held at every Raja Yoga centre. And it is under this Millenarianist pressure that every BK meditates and studies hard, makes effort and surrender their mind, wealth and property in order to reach a high status in the coming Golden Age. God says this world is a “haystack that must burn” and that the BKs’ efforts are bringing Destruction upon it.
However, the BKWSU leaders have been forced to re-write this prediction on a regular basis as “The End of the World” did not come according to plan. First in 1976, then sometime between 1986 and 1996, then around 2000, now ... may be this year as their channelled guide and Senior Sisters teach the 900,000 denizens of Heaven will be ready. Likewise, the “Confluence Age” between Hell and Heaven has expanded from 40 years to 100 years and the World population from 5 Billion to 6 Billion.

“Destruction” grew from 40 years, to 50 years, to 60 years ... until now the BKWSU is shortly to celebrate its 70th Anniversary at an allegedly 12,000 strong, VIP encrusted party in London, England. Every little ripple, natural disaster or localized war is interpretated as a sign of impending doom for the world but glorious liberation and the gateway to Heaven for the BKWSU. You might agree.

Dated from the incarnation of Shiva [approx 1936], “50 years for Destruction, 50 years for Creation” used to be the cry! With only 30 years left to Destroy the old Iron Age through the Shankar consciousness and rebuild a nuclear powered Golden Age full of jewel encrusted palaces and supersonic flying machines, the BKWSU are going to increase their efforts.

First, let us look at their Chief of Global PR’s statement. BK Karuna states that the teaching of Nuclear war stopped around 1989 to 1991, at the time of the fall of the Iron Curtain. It says that Nuclear War was “once taught”, as if a minor oversight, but since stopped. Then, let us do a search of recent teachings from the growing Murli Archive here. And lastly, let us have a look at the 2006 official Indian website, here. Documented here as we expect this to be re-written to match the watered down international versions.

Dada witnessed in his vision the destruction. He saw that very powerful bombs had been manufactured and were being fired. He saw guided missiles with warheads of such devastating potency that whole regions of earth were burnt up in a moment. Gigantic fireballs, cities in flame, unbearable storms of fire were raging everywhere. When he received his visions, America had not dropped the first atomic bombs. Dada also saw how the death came slower through wars and civil wars, culminating in an awesome wave of natural catastrophes: floods and tidal waves, earthquakes of every kind wreaking havoc on the scarred face of the earth. Dada began to tremble uncontrollably upon witnessing the scenes of this great world wide destruction. Humans and animals were running wildly about, trying to save their lives, to escape from the jaws of death. But there was no escape. The wail of horror, the rivers of blood and pus, the panic and the desperation, and then, the final death.

Now let us ask, why would the BKWSU Global Chief of PR, God’s surrendered instrument soul, lie to a leading English-speaking Russian newspaper? Can truth be promoted by untruth?

There are alternative understanding to what the 1976 Destruction referred. The suggestion is that it had a metaphorical meaning and applied to changes happening within the BK community only. These are generally suppressed and PBK Brahmins believing them barred from Raja Yoga centres. Likewise, the dark truths of BK Knowledge are now generally kept from new students until their process of indoctrination and induction through what they BKWSU calls Yoga is considered to be deep and strong enough for them to accept such “truths”. A process called “taking the pulse” within BKWSU.

What is not supressed is the use of the pressure of Destruction, of Nuclear Holocaust, upon vulnerable individuals within the BKWSU by the Senior administrators. And indeed the spirit guide they say is God. Nor the re-editing of “God’s Word” to suit.

The psychological use of Millenarism to encourage and control has been widespread throughout extreme religions and is highly effective. The truth of it ... only time will tell. However, where a charitable institution’s predictations fail, are re-written to ensure a continued effect within a following, and are then hidden from the “impure intellects” of the public domain; the intent and integrity of the leaders have to be questioned.
BK-End-of-the-World.jpg (35.63 KiB) Viewed 2989 times

Admin Says: September 6th, 2006

Follow up:

To state so clearly the word “lie” is a terrible and dangerous thing to do. But the seriousness of this issue, the public interest, and the sure clarity of this allegation, encourages us to do so without fear.

Further to the statement above, it has been discovered that the re-editing of core teachings for the public face of the BKWSU continues. Major teaching aids, posters now presented in so called “galleries” or “museums”, are being re-jigged to remove the failed revelations of Destruction. Worldwide, whether in Moscow, New Delhi or Florida, new versions of the teaching of “The Tree”, “The Cycle” and “The Ladder” have being prepared. Individuals, dates and predictions have been airbrushed out. The appears to be no specific scriptural instructions to to do so.

Reading this article;, it is clear how “God’s” teaching of an imminent “Destruction” has been used and is taking place, “The final Destruction of the whole World takes place within 6 years. Those who tell it to be 7 years have their position reduced”, “From this journey, it is 5 years for Destruction”. As do this, an original version of the image: ... r.jpg#file.

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