Questions for PBKs

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button slammer


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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post27 Apr 2008

Dear PBK Brothers & Sisters & shivsena Bhai, when Purushottam Sangamyug (Auspicious (Confluence Age) is believed to be started? - When the soul of Ram becomes complete Purushottam or when he starts becoming Purushottam?

Auspicious confluence begins when a soul becomes aware of its actions, and bears the responsibility of those actions.
If Purushottam Sangamyug is believed to be started when Ram achieves complete Purushottam stage, then how to decide that he has achieved that stage? When Ram is believed to be 'complete Purushottam'? Is it not necessary that he must have purified his body to be entitled as 'Purushottam'?

There is a saying "free your mind and your ass will follow." .
Is it possible that even during the period of night of Brahma, Purushottam Sangamyug continues? Or do you believe that only the period of 'day of Brahma' is Purushottam Sangamyug?[/color]

No two souls occupy the same time and place, all souls play a different role. Some slumber in darkness longer, some awake sooner. :)
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post27 Apr 2008

There are different stges for one to realise his role. One is to recogize it with his intellect. Second is to sit on the seat and third is to start performing the work. Maybe they were different, but the point is there are stages.

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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post27 Apr 2008

button slammer wrote:Auspicious confluence begins when a soul becomes aware of its actions, and bears the responsibity of its actions.

Brother, then do you mean that to be aware of & to bear the responsibity of our actions is sufficient for the beginning of the Auspicious Confluence Age? And is it not necessary that those responsibilities should be completely fulfilled for the beginning of the Auspicious Confluence Age? Or do you think that the Auspicious Confluence Age begins when a soul bears responsibilities of its actions & ends when that soul completes all responsibilities of its actions?

There is a saying "free your mind and your ass will follow".

I agree that the purification of mind is followed by the purification of body, but both do not occur simultaneously. Our soul becomes pure first, then purification of body completes after a long period (possibly after few yours?). Thus both soul & body do not purify at the same time. Then, is only the starting of process of purification of soul or complete purified stage of that soul the final criterian as the sign of beginning of the Auspicious Confluence Age? Or is the starting of the process of purification of body or complete purified stage of both soul & body deterministic criterian for the beginning of the Auspicious Confluence Age?

Some slumber in darkness longer, and some awake sooner.

Then, is the Auspicious Confluence Age different for different souls? Is this your logic? Now if (in Advanced Knowledge) the shooting periods of the Golden, Silver, Copper & the Iron Age are strictly divided into specific time durations irrespective of the slumbered or awakened stage of individual souls, then why is the Auspicious Confluence Age viewed as different for different souls?

andrey wrote:There are different stges for one to realise his role. One is to recognize it with his intellect. Second is to sit on the seat and third is to start performing the work.

Brother, when the Auspicious Confluence is believed to be started? - When one recognizes his role with his intellect? Or when he actually sits on the seat? Or when he starts performing the work?
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post27 Apr 2008

In the Avyakt Vanis it is said that for you children who are the confluence aged Brahmins, it is the Confluence Age whilst the rest of the world is in the Kaliyug. So maybe Confluence Age starts with recognizing.

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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post28 Apr 2008

andrey wrote:So maybe Confluence Age starts with recognizing.

Thanks for reply. Brother, I am talking about average shooting of the Auspicious Confluence Age. Though shooting periods vary from soul to soul, does not Advanced Knowledge speak of the average shooting periods of 4 ages based on the average trends of Purushaarth (spiritual efforts) of the Brahmin community, in general, irrespective of the trends of Purushaarth of hndividual souls, in particular? Then, why are you avoiding to speak about the average shooting period of the Auspicious Confluence Age, based on the average level of awakened stage of the Brahmin community, in general, irrespective of the levels of awakened stages of individual souls, in particular?

Or, do you think that the beginning of the Auspicious Confluence Age depends only on the awakening of the soul of Ram?
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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post28 Apr 2008

Yes, how do yo think? Will one awaken first in the first place or will everyone awaken at the same time? One will awaken first in the first place and no one in corporeal form will be instrumental in awakening him, but he will be responsible for awakening others. Like in the divali festival first one candle is lit and then from him the others.

I don't avoid speaking about anything, but i just cannot understand what are you asking. Pleaase, make your question more clear.

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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post28 Apr 2008

I wish to know about 40 years of the shooting period of the Auspicious Confluence Age with reference to Murli points?



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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post28 Apr 2008

button slammer wrote: You have overlooked the matter revealed in the poem that Maya also has a close connection with 'Kesava, the sustainer. The Priest. The Pilgrim. The Yogi. The king. The merchant. The beggar. And also Kabir. Beggar or King. A pilgrim or a God. All come[b] under the influence of Maya. This is the world of Maya. :)

Dear slammer Bhai.

It is nice to hear from you after a long time.

We all know that in the broad drama, Maya does not exist in Satyug and Tretayug; the word 'Maya' is used only in Dwapur and Kaliyug and there are various descriptions of Maya in the scriptures as the great illusion(that which is not true), andhakar (darkness), avidhya (ignorance), 5 vices, etc. All these are abstract descriptions of Maya in the broad drama, so what i feel is, in this behad ka Sangamyugi drama, something must have happened in practical to give to give rise to these beliefs in the broad drama and since this behad ka drama is enacted by chaitanya souls (BKs and PBKs). I wish to know, who are the souls or soul responsible for creating this concept of Maya as rememberence in the broad drama?

BKs still believe that Maya has no personified form and Maya is nothing but 5 vices just as the outside world believes. Advanced Knowledge gives the definition of Maya as the 5 base souls of 5 different religions (though it has never been clarified as to who are these souls and since when they have started the shooting of dwapur-kaliyug). In Murlis, it is said that you are all on the battlefield, and you have to fight Maya to become mayajeet-jagatjeet, but if we do not know our enemy on the battlefield, then how do we fight this Maya and become mayajeet !!! This is my dilemma.

If we are to fight our internal 5 vices to get the title of mayajeet, then there are many BKs who are more pure than the PBKs, so do they get the title of mayajeet-jagatjeet? Vijaymala souls (queens) are supposed to be more pure than the rudramala souls (kings), so do the vijaymala souls get the title of mayajeet-jagatjeet?? In short, i wish to know how many souls really get the title of mayajeet-jagatjeet in the end and what is the criteria?? Is purity or abstinence the only criteria to be considered as victory over 5 vices. I feel that this most important topic of ''who is Maya'' and how to fight this Maya and who gets the title of mayajeet-jagatjeet has been taken for granted by both BKs and PBKs and i have raised this topic, just to understand these issues. If we PBKs are all are secretly striving to get the title of mayajeet, and if we are not knowledgeful about who is Maya and how to fight it and overcome it, then we may just be in the same boat like BKs (for whom we say that they have no aim or object in their study).

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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post29 Apr 2008

There is also this matter that the shooting first takes place in mental way and then in practical way. Regarding the Confluence Age of 40 years it is till 76 when the Father is revealed.



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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post02 May 2008

button slammer wrote:You have overlooked the matter revealed in the poem that Maya also has a close connection with 'Kesava, the sustainer. This is the world of Maya. :)

Dear slammer Bhai.

Who is ''keshav"?? It is another name of Krishna and who is sustainer??; it is Vishnu and so Vishnu and Krishna mean one and the same thing; so in Brahma (Krishna) ki raat, Krishna has to play the role of Maya(the great deceptor) and when Brahma ka din comes Brahma (Krishna) becomes Vishnu (sustainer); in Hindu scriptures it is shown that Vishnu also adorns the mohini-roop (female form) to mislead the asuras.


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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post11 May 2008

Dear PBKs,
* If you strictly oppose to remember ShivBaba in the inert Paramdham, then why does the Advanced Knowledge suggest to go intellectually in that inert Paramdham during the frozen ice episode???
* When does the soul of Ram becomes worthy to be entitled as 'Sangamyugi Narayan' as shown in the picture of Lakshmi-Narayan? - Before going to inert Paramdham or after returning from that inert Paramdham?



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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post17 May 2008

arjun wrote: “The Father sits and explains through the mouth of this Brahma. This Dada, whose body I have taken on loan did not know about his births. This one is manifest – Prajapita Brahma. He is Avyakt. Both are one and the same. You are also becoming Subtle Region dweller angels through this knowledge. Subtle Region dwellers are called angels because they do not have bones and muscles.

Dear arjun Bhai.
You have quoted the above Murli point in the BK forum, which clearly says that vaykt prajapita Brahma and avaykt Brahma are one and the same. But PBKs believe that Brahma and prajapita are different souls ie. Ram is vaykt prajapita and Krishna is avaykt Brahma. Can you please throw some light on this difference of teaching in Advanced Knowledge and what Shiva says in Murlis?

Also are we going to become farishtas ie subtle angels or are we going to become 16* pure devtas with this Godly knowledge? Again a lot of confusion between farishtas and devtas and what is our aim?? Can you please give your views about who are farishtas and who are devtas??




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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post01 Jun 2008

Dear arjun, indiana, suryavanshi, andrey and slammer Bhai and PBK Brothers.

I have a very genuine query for all PBKs. Last night a query crossed my mind and i wish to share this query with you.

God Shiva started speaking the Murlis from 1947, directly through Dada Lekhraj (temporary Chariot) i.e. Krishna alias Brahma (badi Maa). Lekhraj Kirpalani Brahma did not have the need to do the 7 days basic course to know his part.

But when Shiva and Krishna enter Virendra Dev Dixit after 1969, the permanent Chariot has to do the 7 days basic course. So what i wish to know is, which soul did the 7 Days Basic Course in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit??? Was it gyan-surya Ram's soul or was it gyan-chandrama, Krishna's soul, who did the basic course in paldi seva kendra in Ahmedabad???

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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post01 Jun 2008

shivsena wrote:God Shiva started speaking the Murlis from 1947, directly through Dada Lekhraj (temporary Chariot) i.e. Krishna alias Brahma (badi Maa). Lekhraj Kirpalani Brahma did not have the need to do the 7 days basic course to know his part.

But when Shiva and Krishna enter Veerendra Dev Dixit after 1969, the permanent Chariot has to do the 7 days basic course. So what i wish to know is, which soul did the 7 Days Basic Course in the body of Veerendra Dev Dixit??? Was it Gyan-surya Ram's soul or was it Gyan-chandrama, Krishna's soul, who did the basic course in paldi seva kendra in Ahmedabad???

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. Since the soul of Dada Lekhraj already knew the basic knowledge when it left its own body and started playing the subtle role through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit in 1969, it must have been the soul of Ram (Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) who must have undergone the 7 days basic course at Paladi Center.

In some of the Discussion CDs, ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has clarified that during the Confluence Age, sometimes the soul of Ram becomes the Father of the soul of Krishna and sometimes the soul of Krishna becomes the Father of the soul of Ram. Similar thing happens in the broad drama of 5000 years also.



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Re: Questions for PBKs

Post02 Jun 2008

arjun wrote:In some of the Discussion CDs, ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) has clarified that during the Confluence Age, sometimes the soul of Ram becomes the Father of the soul of Krishna and sometimes the soul of Krishna becomes the Father of the soul of Ram. Similar thing happens in the broad drama of 5000 years also.

Dear arjun Bhai.
Thanks for your reply.
Can you please quote any Murli or Vani which says that Krishna becomes Father of Ram and Ram becomes Father of Krishna in Confluence Age and broad drama, because i just do not believe what is said in cds and cassettes.


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