Nepal is set to become republic

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Nepal is set to become republic

Post28 May 2008

It may not seem relevant but it is another example of how WRONG their holiness the Divine Dadis can be. Reference all the sucking the Senior did to the "special souls" of the Nepalese royalty.

Following "Nepal's royal massacre" when the drunken Crown Prince Dipendra killed his parents, the King and Queen of Nepal, and seven other royals before killing himself ... would anyone have the original copy of World Renewal or Purity in which Janki etc was pictured with them?
BBC wrote:Nepal is set to become republic

Many Nepalese are looking forward to becoming the world's newest republic Nepal is due to become a republic and end 240 years of royal rule. A newly-elected assembly is to meet in the capital, Kathmandu, with the tasks of abolishing the monarchy and preparing a new national constitution.
As the assembly was being sworn in on Tuesday.

The assembly is huge and the ceremony, performed by an older member of the newly-elected body, saw 575 men and women being sworn in. Many wore traditional clothing and used their mother tongues for the occasion in this ethnically mixed country. Just 26 more members have yet to be nominated by the biggest parties.

[The king] has no choice, but if he refuses to leave the palace we will use the law to force him out of there and the assembly has been given the initial task of rubber-stamping the abolition of the monarchy. Reports said King Gyanendra and Queen Komal were seen driving out of the royal palace on Tuesday afternoon, but it was not clear where they were going or for how long they would be gone. Senior politicians have urged the monarch to leave the palace peacefully, but some have said force might be used if that does not happen.

"He has no choice, but if he refuses to leave the palace we will use the law to force him out of there," said Baburam Bhattarai, the deputy leader of the Maoists, Nepal's former rebels. "Once a republic is declared the king will automatically lose his position and place in the palace," he told the Associated Press.
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Re: Nepal is set to become republic

Post28 May 2008

ex-l wrote:would anyone have the original copy of World Renewal or Purity in which Janki etc was pictured with them?

Before the massacre of the Royal family of Nepal, the BKs used to be frequent visitors to the Late King Birendra. But after King Gyanendra ascended the throne, I have hardly seen any photograph of BK Seniors with the King and the Queen of Nepal. So, the photo of Dadi Janki with the Late King Birendra, if any, should in all probability be dated prior to his massacre.
It may not seem relevant but it is another example of how WRONG their holiness the Divine Dadis can be.

ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) also used to mention about Nepal being the only kingdom in the world, i.e. ruled by a King till the end. But the circumstances seem to have changed drastically with the Communists taking over the power and the end of monarchy in Nepal.

I am sure someone or the other will raise this question in the discussion classes with ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit).
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Re: Nepal is set to become republic

Post28 May 2008

Very honest and humble of you to publicly note that Arjun.

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BKWSU in 1999 wrote:Nepal

An International conference on Spiritual & Moral Values for a Better 21st Century was held at the Royal Nepal Academy in Kamaladi, Kathmandu, from 29th to 31st October 1998. Inaugurated by His Royal Majesty King Birendra Shah Dev and graced by the presence of Her Royal Majesty Maharani AIshwariya Rajya Laksmi Devi Shah, the conference was a gala event attended by 2,500 delegates, including representatives of 80 countries.

To translate, "gala event attended by 2,500 delegates, including representatives of 80 countries" means it was a big Brahma Kumari event with 9 BKs for ever non-BK because the Dadi were coming and BKs from all over the world attended. Normally "representatives of countries" means ambassadors or governmental representatives and "gala event" means 'black tie and ballgown dress' ...

It was somewhere else that the Dadi was reported saying they were "special souls" etc and, I think, there was speculation about Mama (Om Radhe) being reborn in some royal family there. Generally, Dadi's utterance are taken to be of God like importance. My point is that if they can be so wrong in one incident, who many others times are they utterly meaningless?


Re: Nepal is set to become republic

Post29 May 2008

Maoist are useless people. Communist are another virus. No wonder the Europeans kicked them out of Europe. Communism is an European virsus. Communist are the most hopeless people I have ever seen in this planet. Chinese communism is an exception because they did not implement Marx's theory. Perhaps they went against the theory of Marx.

Kerela has a Communist Party who rule alternatively every 5 years. Communist have history of creating fear, violence and terrorising people. This is the most manipulative political party i have ever seen in this planet.

A Kingdom is better than Maoist for sure.


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Re: Nepal is set to become republic

Post29 May 2008

Hi jaycdp.

I was in Kathmandu and Pokarah a few months prior to the elections. The Maoist party wasn't popular with a lot of people I came across. But it was the most active party I saw, and it has attracted a lot of disenchanted people, particularly the very poor and uneducated (longstanding corruption and incompetence of the previous politicians being the cause).

Most Nepalis seemed resigned to letting the monarchy go. King Gyanendra (who inherited the crown from his murdered Brother, the well loved Birendra - believed to be the reincarnation of Vishnu), and his wayward son Paras were a blight to Nepalis. Gyanendra and son were the only two royals not to attend the family gathering, being in Pokarah when the rest of the royal family were wiped out.

Nepalis don't speak this openly, but they view the surviving pair with deep suspicion and disdain - as if the pair knew something was going to happen and made themselves absent. Paras is particulary hated for his direct involvement (and impunity) in a hit-run death, playboy ways and open use of drugs. It's this which effectively finished the monarchy. The fact the Nepal Maoist party won a majority of seats in the new assembly means a huge change for Nepal, for sure.

The true test will be whether the Maoist leaders are capable of more than partisan politics and dated idealogues. Nepal's economy relies heavily on tourism, which was bought to it's knees over the last ten years due to the Maoist practices of extorting money from and harrassing tourists, and guerilla attacks in protest on government posts. If real progress doesn't begin now Nepal's economy will be in the dark ages for another fifty years.

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