Suicide in BKWSU, center-in-charge absconds again?

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Suicide in BKWSU, center-in-charge absconds again?

Post25 May 2008

A young Sister falls in love and then commits suicide under mental pressures of a BK center? ... Does anyone have any more information about this one?

Note well how well the BKWSU leadership "cooperates" will the local Establishment. Does the BKWSU Leadership have any statement to make on this one ... or is it all "ashes in the Ganges" already?

I heard about this a while back. It took a little time to trace but it coordinates with both the murder/suicide in Panipat AND the Dawn Griggs murder mentioned in another post. To the former because the 'noble center-in-charges' absconded just as they did in Panipat (I wonder if that is a centrally advised policy); and, to the latter, because it reminds us unfortunately that God Shiva and his centers are not the Omnipotent Umbrellas they are mis-sold to be.

Oh ... the sweet holy Sisters cleaned up the place destroying any evidence before the police came ...

First reported December 31, 2003. Event happening two days before.

A young woman from Orissa was burnt alive in the ashram for Gyan and shanti (knowledge and peace) belonging to Brahm Kumari Samaj a week ago, but the police and the intelligence agencies are still groping in the dark for the body and other relevant clues which have deliberately been cleared or concealed.

Senior police officials say they are still looking for the kingpins of the ashram who have disappeared after the crime, but a case of murder has been registered at the Etmauddaula thana. The ashram has been sealed.

Residents of the Trans Yamuna colony were shocked to hear shrieking cries, and see leaping flames that almost burnt the ashram at the dead of night. A few vehicles later arrived and carried away what looked like dead bodies, according to eye witnesses. A woman named Bharti from Orissa has since been missing. Police suspect she was burnt alive in the back yard. The police found birth control pills from her room. This has naturally given a sexual twist to the crime.

Some people at the centre believe Bharti had self immolated herself. The Centre-in-Charges Satya Behan and Anita Behan admit Bharti is no more but they too have no idea about the dead body and who tried to clean up the whole place of vital clues. When the police reached the Ashram around 9 am after the locals informed the thana, the centre in charge told the cops that there was a fire from the stove which was put out promptly.

The headquarters of the Brahmakumari Ashram at Mount Abu have been sounded and efforts are on to sort out the murky mystery, which one ashramite said was part of the conspiracy to malign the movement.

Meanwhile, the police has recovered the white Qualis which was used for transporting the dead body to some unknown place. The driver Prem Singh and two others are still missing. The Ashram-in-charge said there was no information available about the background of the deceased. The police is either under pressure from some high quarters or is just not interested in the case. No vital breakthrough appears likely as the investigating agencies are seen dragging their feet.

Only ten days ago the big wigs of the Brahma Kumari Ashram were in Agra for the inauguration of a new centre near the Taj Mahal by UP governor Acharya Vishnu Kant Shastri.

A senior police official said on Saturday that a person called Hari was having an affair with Bharti and the two were planning to get married soon.

Since the Ashram management generally frowns on such relationship, the deceased Bharti was under mental strain for quite some time. At one stage the couple had decided to run away.

The Bharti murder case has become a challenge for the police which has so far failed to work out the case nor nab the three accued in the FIR including Hari, who have all gone underground.
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Re: Suicide in BKWSU, center-in-charge absconds ...?

Post26 May 2008

Now, just let us make a small juxtaposition ... and look at a random sample of the IPs "contact souls" and VIPs the BKWSU engages itself with, in long term relationships. These were the first two that came out of Google;

    Dr A R Lakshmanan, Judge, Supreme Court of India as the Chief Guest
    Mr D R Kartikeyan, former Director, CB
The "CBI" is "The Central Bureau of Investigation". India's premier investigating agency and responsible for a wide variety of criminal and national security matters.

Now, why with such a terrible tragedy as a women being burnt alive or committing suicide by self-immolation taking place in a Brahma-kumari center, could the BKWSU leadership not have swung their contacts at the top of the Judiciary and the Investigative police services into action to have discovered and rooted out the causes ... instead of their center-in-charges absconding and then covering it all up? Is tampering with a crime scene not criminal in itself?

In the absence of an "official response" ... as usual ... let us paint the scenario for ourselves;

    a young Brahmakumari having surrendered as a teenager finds that she really did not want to live the life ... trapped because her family had given over her dowry to the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University ... she falls in love with someone that will accept her even without a dowry and wants to but cannot leave ... the cold shoulder of disgust and severe lectures from center-in-charges ... confession to or 'the eye' from some Dadi or another that has heard all about it second hand.

    A young women torn inside by natural instincts on one hand and a load of bogus, re-written psychic mythology on the other ... an emotional stand off, perhaps banned from going out ... the center's canister of cooking kerosine ... the useful collaboration of some "serviceable" Brother or contact soul in the services tidying up the burnt corpse ... the Sisters "purifying" the center as quickly as possible and then running ... a few calls to the local media and orthodox Hindu contact souls to keep the whole thing quiet?

    "Yes, of course, we understand. What a terrible accident. But how worse to have fallen to the vices!"

    No Bhog offered and no Murli noticeboard messages for the dirty, dirty soul. Three week later, it is back to business as usual at the center.
I may be wrong but you tell me what went on. Or, please, the BKWSU come here, tell us and clear your reputation. And are we really to believe that they did not call up the headquarters or some BK Zone-in-Charge to take Shrimat on what to do? This is why I draw parallels to the Panipat center-in-charges ALSO doing a runner. Is it a matter of, "run away, hide out at your lokiks or some other BK center ... come back in a week or so once it has all died down, the police really wont be that interested for long ... Oh, and remember Baba and don't worry. It was there karma".

It is India after all. For Westerners, I think this has to put in perspective and the story of, say, Phoolan Devi which illustrates traditional Indian society very well. Born into a family of a Shudra caste at 11 years of age she was married to a widower 20 years older than her who raped, mistreated her and then abandoned her. Sent her back to her village, her family also disowned her. Taking revenge against upper caste males that abused her and her caste, she was arrested and then later raped by the policemen etc etc etc ... Such a women is worth nothing. Little better than a whore. Perhaps worse as she was once a Brahmakumari.

My apologies to our more sensitive readers but I want to paint clearly a picture of Indian society where a woman, lest of all a strong minded woman, falling in love and having a sexual relationship becomes utterly untouchable and so valueless that even her own family would ... conveniently for them as it would "cut costs" ... disown them. I am, of course, reminded again of Ranjana Patel in London "jumping from the fifth floor" of a building to her death.

How often did we hear of both jumping and the "fire of lust"?
The Tribune wrote:Conference on better life and society ends - New Delhi, October 7 2004.

The one-day conference on “Towards Better Life and Society”, organised by Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya and sponsored by MTNL, was concluded at Vigyan Bhavan here last evening.

Justice Dr A R Lakshmanan, Judge, Supreme Court of India, was the Chief Guest while Mr D R Kartikeyan, former Director, CBI and Mrs Laura Rosureau, Ambassador of Philippines in India, were the guest speakers in the concluding session who spoke on the topic “Spiritual Empowerment for Coping with Pressures”.

Justice Lakshmanan said that in order to make life and society better, we had to practise truthfulness, transparency, fearlessness, fellow-feelings and community service. This would be possible only when we powered our inner selves with the regular practice of spirituality and meditation with God, he stressed.

The Tribune wrote:Railways, Haryana Roadways staff attend spiritual retreat - June 30 2002.

Mr D. R. Kartikeyan, former Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), has asserted that practical application of spiritual exercises in daily life was highly essential to ensure immunisation against hatred, tension and other causes of irrational behaviour.

He was addressing the concluding function of the four-day all-India seminar of officers from the transport and aviation wings of the Indian Railways, Haryana Roadways, Shipping Department and other private transport agencies at Om Shanti Retreat Centre at Bilaspur, 30 km from here, on Saturday. Over 225 men participated in the seminar. Dr A. C. Ghosh, Executive Medical Director of the Union Railway Ministry, said that ... "he would like the organisers to make it a regular feature for their officials".

Giving her good wishes to the participants, Rajyogini Dadi Gulzar, chairman of the trade and industries wing of the organisation, exhorted them to take a pledge for an inward revolution in their life.

In the same vein, Mr Brij Mohan Anand, Chief Editor of a foreign magazine 'Purity’, and Sister Shukla also gave advices on how to succeed in life.

The Tribune, first published in Chandigarh on February 2 1881 and a trust comprising five eminent persons as trustees, is the largest selling daily in North India. "Purity" is, of course, the BKWSU own in-house magazine.


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Re: Suicide in BKWSU, center-in-charge absconds again?

Post26 May 2008

"Purity" is, of course, the BKWSU own in-house magazine.

And "World Renewal" $ 30 (US) dollars a year.
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Kids and Suicide

Post27 May 2008

Not sure where to put this. Usual twaddle, e.g. "more of a university than a church". nice juxtaposition to the above for someone else to work out. Note also recent post about BK Charlie Hogg doing gigs at depression groups. This was the paper where the BKs had some connection with the publisher/editor, Sacramento News Review, here bearing fruit.
Suicide and kids - Present children a picture of the hereafter by Kimberly Brown07.19.07

To help bridge the gap between the "Have-Gods" and "Have-Nots," Sacramento News Review brings together faith leaders each week and pitches them the real-life ethical questions that spring from their communities. Venturing beyond biblical references and high-minded philosophies, our hope is to give voice to the complexity, insight and compassion inherent to any spiritual calling. And while we're breaking bread with the Godly, we might also shed light on some unfounded stereotypes ...

Next, there was Sister Hansa of the Brahma Kumaris community. She was warm and wise, and instantly made everyone feel at home in her presence. She explained her practices with the BKs as more of a university than a church, teaching what it means to be connected to the spiritual in practical ways. They seek the similarities in different theologies, leaving the essence as a universal truth ...

Hansa: In India, fortunately, the concept of reincarnation is very clearly accepted in family life, in the community, in culture. So we don’t have that much of that kind of fear that I’ve felt in Western culture. They have a different connotation about death and quite a lot of fear. But if I meet some Western kids, then we can share certain things that are written in the Bible and we try to help them to understand that this is a journey, and there is nothing we are losing or finishing - we are moving on. And always God protects us.

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