BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post13 May 2008

But once you're on their systems, you cannot get off! I've been trying to unsubscribe from their email rosary for years now, and it just keeps coming. Free, of course.

Aren't they breaking international internet law by not unsubscribing people on request & also not including "unsubscribe Info" we're all required to adhere to in 'business' emails we send out?
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post13 May 2008

paulkershaw wrote:Aren't they breaking international internet law by not unsubscribing people on request & also not including "unsubscribe Info" we're all required to adhere to in 'business' emails

Yes. In most countries you must proving a working 'opt out'. I get them all the time too from media mogul BK Karuna Shetty, ever time he starts up a new blog somewhere else.

Another successful government funding application, this time in Australia. Baxter Retreat perhaps?
Brahma Kumaris Retreat Centre Protecting & Enhancing the Brahma Kumaris Native Vegetation $ 6,500

Not sure how this quote swings ...
Baba definitely loves those who help Him a lot. In lokik life, if one child earns 2000 rupees and the other one earns 1000 rupees, which one would the Father love more? However, nowadays, children aren’t even concerned about their parents. The unlimited Father also sees that such-and-such a child is a very good helper.

Sakar Murli 2003/01/22
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BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan II

Post24 May 2008

Oh, I think this one might warrant a new topic of its own ... "Sister Jayanti and selling Gyan".

Now available on iTunes and via Amazon ... Sister Jayanti makes it as a recording artist, her name on selling individual BK Raja Yoga mediation tracks for 99 cents or 5 Pepsi Points!!! Now, I am not sure how one is taxed on "Pepsi Points" but dollar and cents are more straightforward. Pepsi are just another multinational capitalist corporation exploiting Indian communities and natural resources. Oh, I see ... that is the connection! ;) But don't PepsiCo own Kentucky Fried Chicken, the world's largest quick-service chicken restaurant, in-house animal-testing facilities and lobby the US Congress to cut US funds to World Health Organization after its report criticised the health effects of high sugar diets?

Yup, it is all there to buy, here is a selection;

    God the Being of Light
    Characteristics of the Soul
    Different Types of Karma
    The Faculties of the Soul
    Forgiving and Forgetting
    God the Being of Truth ... etc
Now please, Mr Wise, tell me why in this day and age of cheap to free webservers can these audio files not just be given away for free like it says in the Murli ... did not you tell us, good Sister, that Baba says all this technology was being inspired by Baba for the sake of service!?! Is that service with a commission or without a commission?

Funnily enough, both Apple, inc and Amazon, inc will be making some money out of selling these. They are not charities you know ... but then neither in BK Publications. Also on Hear2Books, Audiobook Central, http://m-ybooks.co.uk/audiobooks/brahma-kumaris.html (along with Anthony Strano, Mike George, Carmen Warrington, Eyesee etc) and elsewhere.

Now, to achieve all this who has been doing the business ... sorry service ... representation, all the producing and postage? What is it that they are running, a business or God's University? How do you get official clearance to be on the sales list ... etc? No wonder they wanted to trademark the words 'Brahma Kumaris' and 'BKWSU' for a online shopping experience! And, no wonder young BKs like Lucinda Drayton think, "screw it ... why cannot I sell the stuff if they do"? See example list, below;

    Sister Jayanti;

    Cycle of Change: Informative Talk - With the awareness of the eternal self our concept of time changes from linear to cyclical explains our connection with the world of matter and how change is cyclic. $6.75
    Meditation For busy People pt1 - Learn how meditation and a busy lifestyle go together. $10.25
    Being Light: Creative Meditations - A series of meditation commentaries introducing meditation in a light entertaining way through creative visualization and positive affirmations. $6.75
    Creating Self Esteem - When we do not know ourselves we cannot respect ourselves, without Self Esteem we lack inner strength and lose control over our thoughts words and actions. $6.75
    Inner light - Stress Management Meditation from Sister Jayanti. $10.25
    Knowing God - Guided Meditations. $10.25
    Knowing Myself - Meditation to know yourself. $10.25
    The Link of Life - A series of meditation commentaries introducing meditation in a light entertaining way through creative visualization and positive affirmations. $10.25
    Meditation for Busy People Pt 2 - Being busy is NOT an excuse! Learn how meditation and a busy lifestyle go together. $10.25
    A Time For Healing - In the world today there are so many crises and sorrows, a great deal of disease, emotionally, mentally and physically and where do we begin to heal ourselves ? $10.25
    Time Out - Give yourself time to refresh your old thoughts by listening to these inspiring meditation commentaries. $10.25
    Understanding Karma - A lecture on the concept of karma (action), an essential ingredient in the practise of Raja Yoga meditation. $10.25
    Understanding Myself - Grow strong by taking control of your real self. $10.25
    Meditation for Busy People Pt 3 - Being busy is NOT an excuse! Learn how meditation and a busy lifestyle go together. $10.25
    Practical Guidelines to Meditation ... etc
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post24 May 2008

ex-l wrote:Now please, Mr Wise, tell me why in this day and age of cheap to free webservers can these audio files not just be given away for free like it says in the Murli ... did you tell us, good Sister, that Baba says all this technology was being inspired by Baba for the sake of service!?! Is that service with a commission or without a commission?

The proceeds would be reinvested in Godly service ;)
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post24 May 2008

I am sure that a percentage will be, as sure as I am that the 'merchants' will take their commission too ... what is the Shrimat please, Mr Wise.

But are we not "burdening the intellects" of these poor BKs making them have to remember 'the business' instead of 'the Baba'!?! Just on a minor point, I wonder which BK centers get what territory when it comes to selling via the internet ... first come, first serve ... or first come, first earn?

And if the BKWSU is willing to sign over sales rights to the big multinational corporations, why can individual BKs get in on the act too; buy wholesale and retail to their friends and family? I mean, it sounds logical ... does not it? No point giving them away if Baba can get a buck out of it, is there?

I suppose it won't be long until we see "Tao of the Traveller" up there too.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post24 May 2008

See also, here.


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan II

Post24 May 2008

That list of items is a lot of money, especially in some parts of the world where a dollar goes a long way.

And we all know that at the top of the heap for spiritual guidance, Murlis (can/could/should/would/will/maybe/must/have to) be gotten free :-?

Imagine Murlis going on Amazon. Wait, has anyone checked if any paperback editions of yearly compilations of Avyakt Murlis are on e-bay ? :shock:

Oops, did I just give away another easy-moneymaking idea :oops:

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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan II

Post24 May 2008

If the BK wish to extend their business empire diet tapes seem a good idea. They are very popular and should sell well both inside and outside the Yagya. By including a food diet in the thought diet, the sumo wrestler type ideal that is so prevalent today could be transformed into one that is a little more athletic. This combining of physical and spiritual service should appeal to many. For example, "eat light and become light" or "to chew well means no hell." Even "an angels feet should never touch the ground, neither should her stomach" may appeal to some.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post02 Jun 2008

For historical references only, as it seems Brian Bacon has pulled the SML course, but it is said that the BKs are developing a new executive and management consultant course. But, here is how it was sold; SWOT, SOW and SML (tm) ... usual blah-blah-blah about the United Nations. Have these people no shame!?!
Discover the leader in you - Thursday, December 14, 2000


Developing positive attitudes, personality traits and behaviour that will lead to conducive interpersonal relationships among employees has become an integral part of the human resource development programmes of many Indian corporates these days. Taking a cue from the trend, the Rajasthan based Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya has developed Self Managing Leadership (SML) and Self Orientation Workshop (SOW) programmes for people in business and industry.

Headquartered in Mount Abu, the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya is affiliated to the United Nations' Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as a consultant NGO.

There is a growing realisation in Indian industry that apart from an employee's special skills, his personality, commitment to work and rapport with fellow employees all have significant impacts on the overall productivity of the organisation. A person's attitude and behaviour towards his colleagues can build up or spoil moods and team spirit. So, there is need for the all-round development of employees. Most available training programmes do not include spiritual wisdom as a rich resource for self-development. By imparting training in moral and spiritual values, the SML and SOW programmes help participants to feel the inner goodness of their own personalities. This makes them feel happier and, in turn, makes their job seem more fulfilling to them.

It is essential for businessmen and industrialists to apply universal as well as spiritual values in their field of action through spiritual empowerment. This helps in the development of value-based management and business practices along with individual excellence.

While SOW helps you to bring about change in all your activities, including attaining self-mastery, SML provides you with the skills and confidence necessary to master changes in life. SOW is the more recently developed programme, and it helps you to break through all personal limits, master your own world, develop skills of introspection, sustain awareness of positive thoughts, words and actions, discipline yourself and progress steadily to control all situations and bring about a perfect balance in life. It tells you how to maintain a balance between relationships and responsibilities in the three areas of home, business and self.

The Inner Assets' Management module under the SOW programme analyses the utilisation of thoughts, words, time and actions. This tells you how you can utilise your inner energies, their correlations and provides a close look at the accumulation and economic spending of these energies. The programme also teaches the art of business-how to deal with customers and employees tactfully, yet sincerely. SML, on the other hand, is a practical self-management development programme for people who are facing major changes in their life. It provides the skills and confidence necessary to master changes in life. It contains tools for an individual to realign with his changing environment and thereby develop greater self-esteem and self-control in terms of new attitudes, style and behaviour.

The SML programme trains you to develop a clear focus for the next stage in your life, to take responsibility for your own mind, emotions and life itself and stop blaming others or circumstances for adversities. It also helps you to improve the quality of communication and relationships as well as the overall quality of your life. This programme is especially helpful in coping with sudden changes or chaos in work situations when anxiety and stress become unbearable. The programme helps you master self-management skills to overcome such anxieties and stress. Pressure at work puts unbearable strain on relationships at home, health and self-confidence.

SML also clarifies the changing role of a manager. It demonstrates why the old methods of controlling people are no longer suitable and identifies new paradigms of leadership. There is also an introduction to the transformational leadership model, which explains a 10-step personal planning process that is the foundation of SML. This includes a personal SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. SML also distinguishes between `innate' values and `acquired' values and explains how to use these as the basis for choice selection and decision making. Moreover, it identifies the negative habits and attitudes of a person, his barriers and how he can deal with them.

Both the workshops, SML and SOW, have been well accepted in corporate circles. Companies who have enrolled for the courses include Nagarjuna Fertilisers, Godrej, GNFC, Atul, Spic, Silvassa Industries, RIL Patalganga, Central Bank, Bank of India, BPCL, ONGC, IOCL, IFFCO, KRIBHCO, Jindal Iron and Cadilla Healthcare.

Apart from SOW & SML, the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya offers many other customised programmes pertaining to stress management, among other things.

(For more details , you can contact: Brahma Kumaris, Business & Industry Wing, Om Shanti Swastik Society, NS Road, Juhu Scheme, Ville Parle (West), Mumbai-400 049; Tel: (022) 616 08206, 616 0789; E-mail: bkyogini@vsnl.com.)

Copyright © 2000 Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd.
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financial details

Post02 Jun 2008

BK Tax benefits stuff relating to the Global Hospital & Research Centre.

Rupees 1361.27 lakhs ... that equals £ 1,640,595 Pounds Sterling or $ 3,220,035 US Dollars with a [b]corpus fund of 500.00 lakh Rs (£ 602,597.22)
Any one care to explain to us what this means and check my mathematics? There is more in there if anyone fancies doing the digging.

A "corpus fund" generally refers to money donated to a charity with the provision that it will not be spent, but the income from investing the principle or "corpus" will be used for the charity.

Thus let's say someone donates $1M to a charity. The $1M is the corpus funds and that money cannot be spent but instead it is set aside. However the $100,000 a year it generates in income from the $1M can be used. So it is sitting on money ... depending on others to donate more ... despite Destruction being on its way imminently.

How many corpus funds and investments, and where, does the BKWSU hold?

N O T I F I C A T I O N - New Delhi, dated the 15th February, 2007

S.O. 241 (E).- Whereas by notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), number S.O.698(E) dated the 3rd October, 1997, issued under sub-section (1) read with clause (b) of the Explanation to section 35AC of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government had specified at serial number 8, for Construction and running of hospital at Mount Abu, District Sirohi, Rajasthan, by Global Hospital & Research Centre, 102, Om Shanti, 48, Swastik Society, N.S. Road No.3, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai-400003 as an eligible project or scheme for a period of three years beginning with assessment year 1998-1999 which was extended further vide notification number S.O.863(E) dated the 21st September, 2000 for a period of three years beginning with assessment year 2001-2002 and which was extended further vide notification number S.O.1126(E) dated the 29th September, 2003 for a period of three years beginning with assessment year 2004-2005;

And whereas the said project or scheme is likely to extend beyond nine years;

And whereas the National Committee for Promotion of Social and Economic Welfare, being satisfied that the said project or scheme is being executed properly, made a further recommendation under sub-rule (5) of rule 11M of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 for specifying the said project or scheme for a further period of three years and enhancing the project cost from Rs.61.27 lakhs plus a corpus fund of Rs. 500.00 lakhs to Rs. 1361.27 lakhs including a corpus fund of Rs.500.00 lakhs;

Now, therefore, the Central Government, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with clause (b) of the Explanation to section 35AC of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), hereby -

(a) specifies the scheme or project for Construction and running of hospital at Mount Abvu, District Sirohi, Rajasthan, which is being carried out by Global Hospital & Research Centre, 102, Om Shanti, 48, Swastik Society, N.S. Road No.3, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai-400003 as an eligible project or scheme for a further period of three years commencing from the financial year 2006-2007; and

(b) further amends the said notification number S.O.698(E) dated the 3rd October, 1997, to the
following effect, namely :-

In the said notification, in the Table against serial number 8, in column (4), relating to maximum amount of cost to be allowed as deduction under section 35 AC, for
the letters, figures and word “Rs.61.27 lakhs plus a corpus fund of Rs. 500.00 lakhs ”, the letters, figures and words “Rs. 1361.27 lakhs including a corpus fund of Rs.500.00 lakhs” shall be substituted.

[F.No. 40/ 2007/ F.No. NC-274/04/2006] D.P. Sengupta, Secretary (National Committee)
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post15 Jul 2008

I was looking at Velvet-Club.com, the leading website for Lesbian events in the UK (don't ask why ...) when I came upon this is gig at the Sisters' so called Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University in Willesden Green;

    Saturday, July 19, 2008 Spiritual Upbeat - A Summer Concert

    We invite you to enjoy an uplifting evening of music and entertainment featuring Niki Gregory and Sakaash (with songs and music from their new album).
Looking at their website, we see the an awfully similar Bliss like graphic of the point of light in the forehead of a yogi, a radiant "sun" and the usual co-prosperity recommendation from another Brahma Kumari follower (in this case the ex-Massive Attack guy). Is this the revenge of the musos finally biting back at the BKWSU for all those failed artists it encouraged to give up there heart's desires to "serve" the yugya with their bones instead?

BK_massive_attack.jpg (31.99 KiB) Viewed 17608 times

Looking closer at the BKWSU's own site about the event, a bigger picture and a more pertinent picture emerges ... with BeeGee wife Dwina Murphy Gibb (who raised the temperatures of Daily Mail readers last year with bi-sexual leather druidess allegations and for bankrolling Dadi Janki)

This picks up on what I was asking earlier in the BKs getting marriage topic about "what consciousness EXACTLY are the BKWSU promoting these days?" Is it any old thing as long as it delivers "bums on seats"? What we see now in these events, which would have once be 100% all BK for the sake of the consciousness and vibrations, is a mix of BK and non-BK ... to me it is as if they are now depending on 'BK Contact Souls' to be the main pull in public service events.

Cue the usual Senior Sister roll in at the end to dowse allcomers with "The Vibes" and some toli before they go. Free "by donations only" presumably ... the products (books, CD, DVDs etc) are available for purchase at the door or via their usual Brahma Kumari shop outlets. I mean ... have artists clicked that 900,000 plus people constitute a good alternative market place for non-commercial products or have the Beakies just joined the New Age Market wholeheartedly?
BKWSU wrote:COOL SOUNDS OF SUMMER 19 July 2008 19:30 - 21:00 Sounds to touch the heart and stir the spirit

We invite you to enjoy an uplifting evening of music and entertainment: featuring Niki Gregory and Sakaash in concert with:

    * Dwina Murphy Gibb
    * Simon Wong
    * Ann Malone and Sarah Warwick
    * Divya Shah
Niki Gregory and Sakaash - A touch of ambient world, jazz & contemporary folk music with warm vocals and acoustic instruments from their new album Mindscapes
Dwina Murphy Gibb - Poet, playwright, artist and novelist who has a lifelong passion for all things mystical, magical and spiritual
Simon Wong - Singer, songwriter and co producer for Earthstar is currently working on a mellow and uplifting solo project Peacebruvva
Ann Malone and Sarah Warwick - Healing songs for the heart with Tibetan bowls, hang, rain stick and more from two talented singer-songwriters and sound healers
Divya Shah - Trained in classical Indian dance from the age of four, Divya has taken the art of Bharata Natyam and creatively infused it with spirituality.

For more information, please contact us: (020) 8727 3350. Global Co-Operation House, 65-69 Pound Lane, Willesden Green, London NW10 2HH

Another gig aimed at Youth on the 27th offering the basic principles of meditation advertising the ultimate pull ... a space to meet others and share experiences - with ice cream!!!. Kids ... remember what your mums warned you about accepting sweeties from strangers.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post17 Jul 2008


Forgive me if this has already been raised, but did you know that in the trainings for people done in Madhuban and elsewhere for Values in Healthcare (I think this is the name of the programme), souls are advised that they can charge for giving these courses (these are all Brahmins remember), as long as they sub 20% of the proceeds to the Janki Foundation.

And excuse me for being lazy, but did you just say, ex-l, that the SML course has been discontinued? Can you point me in the direction of the original post on this?

thank you

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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post19 Jul 2008

Yes, it was announced by Ken O'Donnell at Madhuban this year. I cant remember when it was posted. I believe they were discussion some replacement.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post20 Jul 2008

Strange ... did they give any reason? SML is so firmly entrenched in India ... I know of one particular Sister in Madhuban who has spent the last 10 years on it ... I would've thought even if Brian is getting married they would think of some excuse to hang onto it.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post20 Jul 2008

hope1 wrote:Strange ... did they give any reason? SML is so firmly entrenched in India ...

There is a public answer to that question and an answer you will get if you sit down for coffee with the right people. The public mumblings we were told were something remotely to do with "ethics". Don't ask me what that means.

The BKWSU reported in one of its promotions that the SML was only "licensed", not given, to the BKWSU. In another of its internal briefings that any "corporate", i.e. paying, enquiry went through the OLA. I am left guessing that was part of the deal. I have never seen the paperwork. My guess the BKWSU India will continue pretty much doing it the same as long as it puts bums on seats and gives them access to business leaders.

For me it was always a weird one ... why would the business of God's Knowledge need to "license" intellectual property product!?! Is not the God of the Brahma Kumaris the Ocean of Unlimited Knowledge, cure all etc? If you do find out more, please documented it back here.

My feeling is that 27 years later things in the BKWSU are not looking that cool, not that much progress is being made ... and individuals have to start looking after themselves and the realities of their own lives because, sure as hell the BKWSU wont. I'd say the association was bad for business.

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