ex-l's recent postings damaging how the forum is perceived?

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Re: ex-l's recent postings damaging how the forum is perceived?

Post13 May 2008

mr.green wrote:the forum is percieved as the arse-hole of hell already by any BKs indocrinated enough to not have free thought.

The forum is what it is, the people who post here have free speech and are able to express their personalities

if someone doesn't like the personalities here, then F U C K off and go start your own forum, good luck to you

Dear Brother :mrgreen: ,

Omshanti. I agree with what you have written in the second sentence above, also agree somewhat with the third sentence, but the third sentence appears more :oops: than :o . There could be a better way to send off someone (like me) from this forum. :wink: I hope you would retain your cool colour 8).

With regards,
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Re: ex-l's recent postings damaging how the forum is perceived?

Post13 May 2008

arjun wrote:Omshanti. I agree with what you have written in the second sentence above, also agree somewhat with the third sentence, but the third sentence appears more :oops: than :o . There could be a better way to send off someone (like me) from this forum. :wink: I hope you would retain your cool colour 8).

I apologise if my language was off colour LOL ... no offence any and all.
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Re: ex-l's recent postings damaging how the forum is perceived?

Post14 May 2008

mr.green wrote:The forum is what it is, the people who post here have free speech and are able to express their personalities
mr green wrote:I apologise if my language was off colour LOL ... no offence any and all.

I appreciate your "true personality" :D and colour :mrgreen:.


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Re: ex-l's recent postings damaging how the forum is perceived?

Post17 May 2008

I've had a bit of time to look over some of this thread and related issues.

If I was ms orange I would have left this forum ages ago. Credit to her patience.
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Re: ex-l's recent postings damaging how the forum is perceived?

Post18 May 2008

I do not think it was patience but rather a will to achieve some end (part but not all of which was to continue the fudge over the movie, part perhaps personal and family based). Neither the means nor the end was straight conversation - which I respond VERY well and respectfully towards. Don't kid yourself to think there was any divinity in it bansy.

I am sorry but I am not stupid, I don't like being talked to as if I am, and was privy to more of the communication that the rest of you. I am just plain tired of having to wade through thick crap from BKs, or perfectly intelligent people defending the BKs public image. I must finish my response on that thread ...

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Re: ex-l's recent postings damaging how the forum is perceived?

Post27 May 2008

Absolutely. The result for me is that I am an infrequent user and am very disappointed. I hoped for real discussion and in some areas that almost works, but ex-l does keep popping up no matter what area you look into. In the first area of my contact with ex-l he made so many incorrect statements as though they were fact, that I cannot see him as either ‘honest’ or straightforward’ as some replies have said. He kvetches on about things he knows nothing about, making statements that aren’t true.

Also, rather than talking about the institution and the powers that be, he spent a lot of time attacking some other Brahmins.

So – is there another site or another avenue that anyone knows about? I have looked with no success, but perhaps there is some hidden away place where I can have some useful dialogue. If anyone knows of any place do let me know.
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Re: ex-l's recent postings damaging how the forum is perceived?

Post27 May 2008

From the Australian BK forum Forum post (is it working now?) and SEWA BK Sewa (This one is working and is very peaceful ... pro BK).

You can try an ex-BK site BKWSUwatch.com or try a non-BK blog:
soul and soil wrote:Are the Brahma Kumaris less than pure? - October 24th, 2007 by Francesca Cassini

I always thought the Brahma Kumaris were a highly spiritual group which were at least as white as the robes they frequently wear. I’d even heard the venerable Dadi Janki speak at the Be The Change Conference a couple of years ago and they had a major presence at the Live Earth Concert in Wembley this summer.

So my jaw dropped to the ground when an old friend of mine told me how he’d been ‘love bombed’ by a Brahma Kumaris beauty recently. Love bombed? This, along with ‘flirty fishing’ are the names given to recruitment tactics by the Brahma Kumaris ‘Daughters of God’.

Twenty years his junior and as hot as hell, she gave him a real honey trap treatment. She dressed provocatively, was all over him like a rash telling him she’d been waiting a very long time to meet a man as wonderful as him. Texting five times daily it was only her unwavering concentration on getting him to check out the Brahma Kumaris which alerted him. He did a google search on Brahma Kumaris cults and got a serious shock.

I know there are always people who set up ‘anti’ websites and I can understand that Brahma Kumaris, simply from its worldwide stature and its appealingly peaceful ways, will attract plenty of flak. However, it was a surprise to read about potential child abuse and to hear that there are cult recovery programmes which include survivors from Brahma Kumaris.

My friend felt taken for a ride, or rather not taken for a ride as the BK’s are completely celibate even during marriage! So he wasn’t on the promise he’d expected. With his ardour well and truly quenched, and his ego somewhere wrapped around the tail between his legs, he was not a happy bunny.

What makes an authentic, spiritual, not-for-profit worldwide organisation stoop to the level of honey trapping for recruitment purposes? Does this mean they are non of the above?

You can always try youtube comments: Love BOMBING "Block out information" ...

Good luck, let us know how how you get on.
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Re: ex-l's recent postings damaging how the forum is perceived?

Post27 May 2008

Well, of course, that is not exactly true. I spent a considerable time providing an example with extensive references.

But if you keep repeating the same message, perhaps you will luck out, cause a little damage to this forum's community, influence someone and have meat to go back to the BKWSU with and discredit my work or this forum. Still, even ms orange uses some of the historical stuff in her dissertation, folks will still know that it was forum members here that dug it all out in the public's eye.

I have always said, I am not interested in individual but documenting the ethics and principles behind them ... especially where Gyan, the BKWSU and business interests merge and a few of us are exploring the unspoken system of privileges within the BKWSU. To me this seems to be too fine a difference for you to pick up. That is not "personal attack".

From both yours and ms oranges posts, I have picked up another myth that is being spread, i.e. that 'I had a terrible time in the BKWSU and this is my response'. Its the old "embittered ex-BK" number/yukti that others have experienced when trying to raise ethical issues with the BKWSU.

I state it clearly again that I did not have a terrible time in the BKWSU, I am not embittered. If I was out to make "personal attacks" it would be much easier and take much less effort. We here, by posting our experiences and raising our fair comments are creating positive change within the BKWSU ... but by far not enough yet.

But is not any sorrow the fruit of one's karma? And so if the BKWSU's or some individual's karma come back to them ... should they not accept it and bow to offer fruit like a tree? (8 Powers Lesson). Its funny how malleable spiritual laws are within the BKWSU and how quick they are to forget.

    "Its your karma ..."
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Re: ex-l's recent postings damaging how the forum is perceived?

Post27 May 2008

jim freidman wrote:So – is there another site or another avenue that anyone knows about? I have looked with no success, but perhaps there is some hidden away place where I can have some useful dialogue. If anyone knows of any place do let me know.

Yes, please do go and 'discuss' else where, maybe you will get the answers you want there. Everyone is welcome here but if you cannot take it then please go.


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Re: Hello from daughter of BK

Post04 Jun 2008

Om Shanti

Well, Sister Ex-lady.

You always make particular a extraction which is suitable for you to do ordinary explanation about any subject matter illogically and emotionally. This obvious failure to adapt or apply your personality to theological theory simplifying philosophical basement and Shrimat by ordinary meanings. In this particular way, it is very simple to justify spiritual failure to develop as wholly spiritual person when it is does matter how long you had been following your own illusively materialistic interpretations.

I think that it is inappropriate to blame someone for your own experience as it is not religiously appropriate in any spiritual conceptions and confessions. I assume that you were not spiritually active because of I suppose that you had been somewhere into illusive realms but pretending to be spiritually active following your own misinterpreted Shrimat which generated fear and cultivated gradually personal instability or desirable materialistic illusions. I am not pretending to be spiritually active. It is not criticism, just conclusion - i do know your personally. Sorry for any inconveniences but it is forum.

Om Shanti
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Re: Hello from daughter of BK

Post05 Jun 2008


It is impossible for me to answer without knowing what your actual experience of the BKWSU is. Many individuals, BKs and non-BKs need to believe in a "pure, perfect ... spiritual ... BKWSU" far off in the distance somewhere. This is part of the appeal, especially in India and to Indians. I asked
ex-l wrote:can you please tell us exactly what your experience or involvement with the BKWSU is, from my recollection, you were not a full-time BK, do you go to class every day?

What is your hands on experiencing of the running of the operation?

If you notice, the majority of my work is just recording objective facts, original documents and reported evidence. You insult me as "illogical" without any example. Forget my "logic" ... look at the evidence. God said Destruction was going to happen in WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-80s, Year 2000 ... they keep changing the date.

Its a very common yukti I find, within certain BK circles, to attempt to defray any valid critique by turning the discussion around to subjective matters and attempting to personalising it as the individual's weakness or failure. The organization is always blameless. Blaming the individual, attempt to put the individual on their back foot. It does not work with me.

Even if I was the weakest, most impure, failure in the entire history of non-BK humanity ... my failings would never be able to eclipse the enormity of the deception carried out by these most holiest of holy Sisters of yours. Please refer to these recent post, here, http://www.brahmakumaris.info/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1641&p=23663&hilit=repetition#p23663 and relate them to a few of Janki Kripalani's classes.

My feeling is that this forum presents you with a variety of options, summarised as;

    a) the ex-BK - its all a load of nonsense and here is why ...
    b) the PBK - its all basis knowledge but you have to take your understanding further and here is the advanced understanding ...
    c) and alanna's position - it really does not matter, they are not going to eat your baby (although they might take your pension and family's inheritance).


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Re: Hello from daughter of BK

Post06 Jun 2008

Om Shanti, Sister Ex-lady

Many thanks for your quite reasonable response but, at the moment, it becomes more obvious using European philosophy and different things like Plato Republic or different psychological research. Unfortunately there are not any comparisons or extraction from existentialist philosophers where individual aspiration has been discovered as more important than the common materialistic approach. What you particularly have been trying to make is a persuasive conclusion using completely chaotically and emotionally elaborated information.

Logic - in Asian philosophy, logic is one of significantly detractive obstructions in the way of enlightenment. The modern Western philosophy, rule and legislation (derived from the Greek School) are very arrogant and intentionally wrong because they are based on logic. But you, personally, are not able to use this instrument properly. It is mixture of personalized human rights and illusions which lead to the modern world condition.

If you want to listen materialistic and economic explanations that we have achieved by Western way of thoughts, I will give you some references: (Conversations With History: The Rise of Asia and the Decline of the West). It is a completely materialistic point of view but I cannot see any differences between your explanation and this one above mentioned. I assume that if we look at this subject matter, from your point of view, it would look reasonable and precise but so narrowed regarding to internal experience (common simplification).

The PBK - it is all basic knowledge but you have to take your understanding further and here is the advanced understanding ...
ex-l wrote:If you notice, the majority of my work is just recording objective facts, original documents and reported evidence.

It is nonsensical facts, how can you make comparisons on the basis of it. It is just different world and realm - struggle to survive and specific failure into speculations about facts of religious movement but not about result of enlightenment.

The truth is inside you, there is no common explanation about it - it does matter whether it is Plato, the SS or somebody else. Just empty words about nothing.

Your relationships between God and You, which have been changing every second and will have neither repeated in this circle. So using materialistic past, with religious speculation, to create spiritual future is the same as what we got this world into now - 12% cognitively active consumers and 88% starving poor in the same physical structure or shape.
ex-l wrote:Forget my "logic" ... look at the evidence.

Evidence is your illusive logic - basement of nothing, illusion.
You insult me as "illogical" without any example. what kind of examples do you need- Forget my "logic" ... look at the evidence.

I do not need any necessary comments or examples. It explains everything. Evidences is your consciousness and soul.

Sorry Sister, it is a forum. Your Shrimat is your Shrimat. Your karma is your karma.

Om Shanti

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Re: Hello from daughter of BK

Post06 Jun 2008

Hello Ermine,

I am following your and ex-I's (Sister's!) conversation with interest and would like to thank you for the link in your last post. It is a valuable resource. The oppportunities for learning here are considerable, thanks for adding to them.

Kindest regards,

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Re: Hello from daughter of BK

Post06 Jun 2008

This is headed off well off topic ... it may be a forum but it is still an example of human interaction.
ermine wrote:in Asian philosophy, logic is one of significantly detractive obstructions in the way of enlightenment.

Which Asian philosophy ... you write as if there was only one? Are we talking Vivarana or Bhamati Advaita, Qing dynasty Confucianism or Bengali Shaktism? (and that is only scraping the surface of two Asian sub-continents). Does becoming an Asian groupie mean taking the top of your head!?!

Ermine, in your post to women on this forum, you come across as somewhere between tortured and chauvinist whilst at the same time ... avoiding answer direct communication. I asked you a very simple and polite question, before doing disservice to the BKWSU would you care to qualify what your involvement and experience with them is?

I am trying to find our common ground. At present, I have the impression that you actually do not have much direct knowledge or experience of them.

Thank you.
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Re: Hello from daughter of BK

Post06 Jun 2008

Ermine posted this:-
Ermine wrote:It is nonsensical facts.

relating to postings between him/herself and ex-l.

Oh come on Ermine, have you actually read some of these so-called 'nonsensical facts'? The majority of facts posted by ex-l happen to be true, backed up by others experiences, newspaper articles and other provable systems. Just read them properly.

Why will you not answer ex-l's posed question honestly and openly? It seems to me to that you really just want to argue points without any merit using high-ended wording. We don't care if you're a BK, an ex-BK, a PBK or an ex-anything or supporter of anyone, that's all fine, but at least let us know who and what you are so we can handle your tack appropriately. After all, its only good manners.

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