Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post27 Mar 2008

I just wanted to clarify one thing, when I say, "joke", I meant it specifically in relationship to the University aspect. I am not passing judgement on any individual here, nor on any potentially beneficial aspects. I am speaking about the pretense of being a University, having faculty members and even being students and not mere followers.

Fine, in some side street of Karachi, to a bunch of widows and young girls, you can call yourself what you want. But there is a LONG way before you can translate that into the West.

Fine, if that is you aim, them work towards it. But I cant see they have the material to do so. So wind it down, take it off. Stop sucking people in by pretending. I know the answer, "Oh, we are not a "University", we are a 'Spiritual University'" the underlying message being that is somehow magically different. But the bottomline is most folks read it, give it no more than a seconds thought, and presume in the first place that it is a university and that it meets university standards of management and education.

There are Vedic, Buddhistic, Talmudic, Islamic and Christian universities where real students can go to study for 3,4,5, years - properly - to become a teacher or priest. You see, the thing with the BKWSU is that they have always been running on that "2 to 3 years until Destruction" line and so a) could not bear to stop and actually train their teachers properly and b) could excuse cutting all sorts of corners ... Destruction, Destruction, Destruction! Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post12 May 2008

Hi all,

Was having a quick peruse through here and found this post ... yes, there are changes coming in the BKWSU and it can only be a good thing ... it has already shown me a side to the SS that I haven't seen before (a good side!). I am all for these changes. They will also be consulting with the "ordinary" BKs and I cannot wait for that!
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post12 May 2008

Its good to hear ... can you share with us what these changes are or are they all top secret? The RCO discussion notes we have seen have not been too inspiring.

I would not get too excited about "consultation", it has happened before. Get excited by actual changes and examples being made. Could you get a copy of their constitution and center procedural manual for us to have a look over?


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post13 May 2008

I think that the leadership is aware that they have some problems. This site is one of them.
We have had consultations in the past. Lots of talking, very little change.
I am not expecting more from this one.

It is all too complicated and I have yet to see a sign that they are serious about change.
If we had just been following Shrimat we would not need any of that.
Why would we need such a big consultation if the leaders were loving and humble? If they were they would be close to us and would listen and care and would implement changes as needed in a natural way.
Why on earth do they have to consult us about a culture of care? Haven't they been listening to God for decades?


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post13 May 2008

"Changes as needed in a natural way?" ... Natural way??? They do not know anything about natural ways!!

Natural is for humans not for angels wanna bee's. Only human nature can save the BKWSU.


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post13 May 2008

Do I detect a hint of bitterness? Yes, we are supposed to be following God's instructions, but no one is karmateet yet! And we will all mess up, sometimes small mess ups and sometimes really big ugly mess ups. The fact remains that at least they are now looking into these things and not turning a blind eye. If change has to start it has to start somewhere - these reforms are 2 fold, one is uncovering the mess in many many forms and the other issue and this will be even more difficult, is how will they effectively handle these issues and clean up this mess according to Shrimat ... that's the bit I am waiting for!
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post13 May 2008

sakaash wrote:Do I detect a hint of bitterness? Yes, we are supposed to be following God's instructions, but no one is karmateet yet!

Well, actually, a few of them are meant to be, e.g. the SS ...

Bitterness? No, just realism. You have to realise that many here have been "round The Cycle" of the BKWSU before and hear it all before. Some deeply involved right up to regular engagement with the Seniors, and others watching, for 20 - 25 years or more. Some are also aware of, and party to, what has been going on in the background to get it this far.

If you look right back to the beginning of this topic you will see the "culture of care" quote. This is really a watered down version of what some were asking for which is a legal "duty of care". Something entirely different. Something that would include the BKWSU having to make full and fair exposés of many of the issues that they have covered up for decades like the historical revision. They have not included any mention of this nor the credibility of the very same leadership that has carried it out.

Karmateet or not, when you are in a position of "equal to godness" and dealing with families and individuals lives, like the Seniors, that carries huge responsibilities. I am deeply sorry that so-called "God's University" does not match up to even lokik standards of responsibility and accountability.

I respect where you are coming from over Shrimat but I think that we are afraid that all the efforts to provoke them to do so, and all the independent individuals' suffering, has been in vain. If it was a real "university" heads would have to roll.
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post13 May 2008

Sakaaash, there will never be a clean up according to Shrimat, because there is no Shrimat.

The history of the Yagya is a falsehood including Shiva, the Murlis are not the spoken word or Shrimat (divine direction), they simply have been re-written.

They are according to Gyan, par-mat.

They have always and will always be hoping that the world as we know it will end before they have to change anything, they are old and tired and have been living lives of extremist belief for a long time ... don't hold your breath.


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post18 May 2008

Well, let the consultations begin - next Monday and Wednesday, cannot wait.


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post18 May 2008

Maybe they finally realise that purity comes from the heart.


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post28 May 2008

sakaash wrote:Well, let the consultations begin - next Monday and Wednesday, cannot wait.

So what happend?????
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post28 May 2008

sakaash wrote:Well, let the consultations begin - next Monday and Wednesday, cannot wait.

That would have been the 19th and 21st 2008 of May. Please, let us know.


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post28 May 2008

The talks did take place on Bank Holiday Monday and will continue next Wed ...

There was a brilliant turn out and people actually spoke about quite a lot, there was not enough time though even though the day was very long. I heard that there are going to be more of these and they are seriously considering making it a regular thing. All sorts were discussed and perhaps I wasn't in the right group, but issues on bullying/favouritism/equal opps etc all came up - the facilitators were accompanied by a note taking BK who wrote everything down ... I think they did a good job considering that many peole were new to the whole idea of looking at the organisation with a critical eye. There were some very committed BKs in my group and I am not sure they understood the questions in terms of looking at BKWSU as an organisation ... I was generally pleased, although I do feel that some issues were not looked at in depth - I am hoping to find my voice at the next meeting! Oh, and BTW, I am no longer a questioning BK - I am sticking with this ride all the way!!! (now that feels good! :mrgreen: ).


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post28 May 2008

Thanks Sakaash,

Please keep us posted, your doing a tremendous job!!! cannot wait to get the details though. :D


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post28 May 2008

We had our first meeting too. It was sweet talk about our spiritual principles. We have been told that we do not want criticism here but only constructive ideas ...

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