The Study of Scriptures

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The Study of Scriptures

Post02 May 2008

Many are aware of my posting of movies, well part of it is for my job, so it is a bonus to have the chance to watch movies, and I do try to seek the best available ones, based on general critics whose full time job is to be film critics. And if 70-80% of expert movie journalists say a movie is not bad, made up of both male and female opinions, then it probably is a decent movie.

There may be Murli points about watching movie (some arduous BK or PBK can quote the relevant thread here *) but I often see that Murli point referring to the watching of movies which are irrelevant towards building up some understanding or any learning potential, after all if we are told not to watch any movies, then we might as well forget anything to do with DVDs and CDs etc, but we know that all BKs and PBKs and anyone do use these media forms. I don't know much about Bollywood but it seems that as being the main source of concern for many local BKs and usually the stories are of love and dancing, and thus very little headway made in movie making into other subjects. Even the Ramayana is a love story. So for the BKs, the movie entertainment industry has tended to be lustful portrayal of life. And what would happen to Tao of the Traveller if we are told not to watch movies ?

Enough of movies, what about scriptures. The Murlis also say we should not read anything else (some ardous BK or PBK can quote the relevant thread here *) which again I agree, but I do believe one should not abhor to other scriptures as then one is ignorant of oneself as a Brahmin. Knowledge is obtained by God, as per se, and so everything that is written is a branch of God's gift to us all. From the Murli points, what I understand it means is not needing to delve into scriptures to such an extent it overtakes one's work and life. So a devout Brahmin need not study the Bible or the Sutras or the Upanishads so that each word may be recalled but capture the essence. Each Brahmin should be knowledgeable into at least each of the main scriptures of the main religions, in order to be a master of the sum of all knowledges. Keeping the Murli/Gita as the trunk of knowledge because you must have a starting point. For example, in order to be a good farmer one would be bettered by understanding a bit about the water cyle and irrigation and soil composition, rather than plant a seed and pray that it rains one day and there is sun the next day, the latter is simply ignorance. So a true spiritual learner should be aware of the vast range of religions so that he or she is aware of the differences which lay in others in order to guide them back to the one God.

When one is attached solely to the Murli, it can be ignorance. Would it be like someone saying that rice is the best staple and so the equivalent potato and pasta and bread staples are of lower value ? No, one would make rice their main staple but supplemented by the other foods by appreciating the value of other foods. So likewise, the Murli can be the main source of understanding, but have the awareness of other teachings because then you can really taste how good the Murli is. But how much time do we have to churn Murlis ? Well again, the Murli can be churned a million times but chewing on the same piece of sugar cane can make it become stale and tasteless and numb.

When one has some appreciation of other religions, then one would have a greater appreciation of the Murli. The great spiritual leaders in their time knew this, whilst they kept their main religious study at the centre of their studies. Gandhi wished for Jinna (Muslim) to be the first Indian Prime Minister in a predominantly Hindu India asking Nehru to step down. Confucius sought the wisdom of Lao Tze. Study of other scriptures is not about knowing how to chant the mantras of the other studies but knowing the essence of their understanding. Without that, conflict exists. Tibet is a modern example. The Tree that exists in the broad drama is condensed in the short Confluence Age drama.

When you have awareness about other scriptures, you are able to draw a tree yourself around you. How can one put out a branch of Islam or a branch of Buddhism on a tree, if they know nothing about the branch ? Why do you put a star on top of the Xmas tree if it is only for decoration or a deeper significance. If you are the police commissioner, do you simply set up a section to deal with homeland security but do not know what it is composed of if only just by name ? It is said to follow the Father. Follow the Father by drawing The Tree yourself. But only if you can put up the decorations yourself, copying a masterpiece becomes a fake and has no value.

And there lies the power of The Knowledge God has bestowed on you.

Have a nice weekend.

(* arjun Bhai perhaps :D )
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Re: The Study of Scriptures

Post02 May 2008

Study of scriptures and watching movies is useful when we can tally them with The Knowledge. There is no danger in knowledge becoming dry if it continues to come. It is said in the Murli that rice and potatoe is best food. One can survive just on that. There is no need to look at something else. Yes, for to know ligt we should know darkness, and fro to know happiness we should know sorrow, but then for the times of the godlen age we should expect the deities to experience sorrow also so that they realize they are happy. We isolate ourselves from everything else because we are shootion our golden stage of being fools.


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Re: The Study of Scriptures

Post02 May 2008

I was trying to figure out why started this thread and it came across with the "elephant " story.

Once there were seven blind men, none had never seen an elephant and jone had any idea of what an elephant looked like.
One day, they had the chance to meet a real live elephant, so everyonehurried to find out what an elephant was like.
Each claimed to know what a true elephant was.
One exclaimed "an elephant is like a column" (feet)
Another said "an elephant is a rope" (tail). Another "An elephant is a wall" (torso) Another "it is a fan" (ear), and so on.

Until finally the elephant spoke (yes, in our stories animals can speak :P ), "I am just an elephant. Each of you can only blindly see and feel a small part of me so how can you possibly understand the entire truth. Yet the sum of all the parts make me know I am an elephant".

All drops of water lead to out to the ocean, since the drop of water of water is an ocean in itself.

When you grow a bonsai, you not only ensure the root is strong and trunk is solid, but the leafs are nicely clipped. The fruits of the bonsai tree clinging onto the leaves and twigs are sweet too.
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Re: The Study of Scriptures

Post02 May 2008


I saw the movie 'The Secret Life of Words' and found it deeply moving and relevant to what goes on here on the site. Many don't have money, nor insurance, nor a support system once they leave and find understanding and fellowship here. Now, the story line ends in romance but the message is universal and is seen in many support groups throughout the world.

When you care for another, especially a blind person, you go into a psychic/mental realm that we shut down over time as we mature. The yearning of the blind person to know you, who you are is hightened to a new level and you find self discovery in the process. When a blind person brailles your face, it is the most intimate of hellos one can experience and they develop that sense of perception of you in the physical form. I once had a blind person yell, which startled me, and then learned that she had a small glimpse of me, albeit only for a moment (never again), but she was delighted in that I was as she had imagined. She was an executive (Matriarch of a shipping company) and I was her Girl Friday. I read all her mail, read the daily papers (together), discussed politics, money, described everyone in detail, their nuances, their apparel and most importantly how the orchids were doing. We swam together and learned to trust each other. She taught me to listen to people and I learned many things about the world through her words and wisdom.

Seeing the world through another's eyes, enables one to see many things that most miss. You learn the most interesting things even when people write. Here on this site we are like the woman (first we are the wounded, thinking no one will understand or that we are too damaged and have far too much baggage for anyone to take on) and man (later we become the understanding ones, the ones that have hope, the ones that can see tomorrow...a future) in 'The Secret Life of Words', we show each other our wounds that the outside world cannot understand, we give each other a hand and we learn to go on and survive. It is risky to share such personal hardships with others and it is even riskier to go at it alone. In the end we learn most people are good, even the ones that hurt us, as they are misguided and so we continue on our journey a little wiser but with the glimmer of hope/love to guide us.

The Secret Life of Words ... La vida secreta de las palabras

P.S. I read a Murli that said BapDada was watching T.V.


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Re: The Study of Scriptures

Post02 May 2008

The Secret Life of Words

Hi Tete, I actually do recall this movie when it came out though have not seen it.

Yes, it is something of an experience, especially when someone blind touches me all over and especially my face to try to draw a sense of what I am. I like your use of the word "braille" in this case. And I still have trouble going over to their homes when everything in the room which seems disorganised is correctly in place. Blind people are very meticulous and perception levels are very high.

Thanks for the movie note.
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Re: The Study of Scriptures

Post03 May 2008

Sister Bansy wrote:There may be Murli points about watching movie (some arduous BK or PBK can quote the relevant thread here *) but I often see that Murli point referring to the watching of movies which are irrelevant towards building up some understanding or any learning potential, after all if we are told not to watch any movies, then we might as well forget anything to do with DVDs and CDs etc, but we know that all BKs and PBKs and anyone do use these media forms.

Yes, most Murli points related to watching movies or reading magazines and newspapers speak negatively, but there are some references which indicate that watching mythological/historical dramas like Mahabharata etc. is allowed. There are Murli points that say that it is not necessary to read newspapers and there are also Murli points which say that one should read newspapers for Godly service.

Actually the reasons for very less references about watching movies in the Murlis is that the Yagya started in 1936. At that time the Indian film industry was in its nascent stage (first it was movie, then talkie). ShivBaba and Avyakt BapDada refer to movie and talkie words to denote the subtle and corporeal stages of Brahmins or to the sutble world and the corporeal world. Before the Yagya began, entertainment was limited to watching dramas, which was generally accessible only to the male society. And for about 14 years the inmates of the Yagya (especially the Sisters and mothers) were cut-off from the outside world. So, Brahma Baba's knowledge about movies was very limited. The negative references about movies must have been based on the feedback received from the new BKs who might have joined the Yagya during the period from 1950-1969.

As regards ShivBaba's part through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, since The Knowledge of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit about movies is much more advanced than Brahma Baba's knowledge, the references about movies in the advanced knowledge/discussion classes is also deeper. I remember recently a PBK from Bombay raised the issue about the latest Hindi movie Om Shanti Om. I also remember a disc. CD (457) in which two PBK mothers/Sisters from Canada and New York were discussing some points with Baba and He advised them to watch the entire Mahabharata TV serial produced by BRChopra by procuring the full set of DVDs. Many or most PBKs watch mythological and historical TV serials that are aired primarily on the free-to-air Doordarshan channel and if possible on other TV channels to tally the advaced knowledge with these mythological or historical stories.

In India art cinema is hardly produced or watched and hence the general impression about the bollywood movies is not good from the BK/PBK point of view. But there are many art movies which do not depict lust in any form and could be quite useful and entertaining to watch. Apart from that most of the programmes shown on the TV channels like Discovery, Natgeo, History, Animal Planet can be watched by any BK/PBK without the danger of experiencing downfall in their stage. :D I personally don't mind watching these programmes with my family, but I hardly get time to watch TV. Generally it happens while I am sitting with the family/guests/relatives.



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Re: The Study of Scriptures

Post03 May 2008

thanks for the reply Arjunbhai.
Murli points that say that it is not necessary to read newspapers and there are also Murli points which say that one should read newspapers for Godly service.
We know BKs read newspapers. Did you see the clip in World Renewal,in India they were so proud to announce their programs on them and listing the number of papers covering them. :lol:
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Re: The Study of Scriptures

Post03 May 2008

Dear Arjun,
Arjun wrote:many art movies which do not depict lust in any form

The above movie clip "The Secret Life of Words", is not about lust, but rather how some people can be so traumatised as in the case depicted in the movie that they cannot quite convey it into words. Some traumas are simply too hard to (convey) say, but words do serve to build a bond of friendship. The bond is the key. My child watched it with me and my child's "stage" is just fine, although I did have to explain the "little voice" to my child. Often traumatised people go within and in some cases they simple don't come out again.

Please let me know if it was a bit too racy for yogis and it can be removed. Albeit some people will find stage affecting images in a juicy tomato. :shock:

The one example I can relate to as per Murli and Gyan is many years back watching some yogis siting in silence...for a long time. They would seem to have communicated some thing rather big, yet at the time it looked like open eye Yoga (meditation) to me...? I often read about some people missing that (silence) here on the forum. I later found out what that prolonged silence was and can spot it in yogis quickly.

Sorry if the clip was too shocking for you, as I did not mean to tip you off your stage. :|

Kind Regards,
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Re: The Study of Scriptures

Post03 May 2008

Sister tete wrote:Please let me know if it was a bit too racy for yogis and it can be removed. Albeit some people will find stage affecting images in a juicy tomato.

Sorry, I have not yet watched that link you have provided because my PC is too old and too slow :? to allow me to have a glimpse of such video clips. If I am able to see the same, I will certainly tell you. :)
Sorry if the clip was too shocking for you, as I did not mean to tip you off your stage.

No need to feel sorry as one Maya (read as 'my PC') did not allow me to get influenced by another 'Maya' (read 'the above video clip) :lol:

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