Mukhri Mata funding

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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

Sakaash wrote:... could do with a hug as well! (how sad!)

Gosh ... No touching please! We're Brahmins. :wink:
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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008


Big cyber hug to you ... :arrow: big

Maybe the Admin can make a little cyber hug smiley (big hug, >:D< )... like the mr. green smiley but pink for hug ...


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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

ex-l - you sound like a real joker ... keeping it light also works for me ... :).

tete - thanks for the cyber hug - very much appreciated!
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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

In the Murli it is said that we had spent our fortune on the path of Bhakti for half The Cycle. So now, when our stumbling from door to door has ended for half The Cycle, we should not give even a single penny for the path of Bhakti anymore.

What will happen if suddenly all the students cut their donations. Big upheaval. Everything will fail. It will be seen how big part of it exist only due to material comforts and how much of it are in fact financial give and take relationships. How many tourists are there participating on a bed and breakfast basis, having the attitude of a non-stop retreat vacation.

If one does not give he cannot be accused. It is voluntary and not compulsory. Maybe the vision of Dadis and Seniors may depend on the donation given, but as long as it is a spiritual center, organization money talk and money give and take should be taboo.

How can one just have the idea and start collecting? One can have ideas based on his own fortune. Lives and fortunes of others is not in the hand of the Dadi. Is it fair if one makes plans with the lives and fortunes of others. If people like to give to God to be used in a Godly service for the benefit of society then first one should find God and give to him. Dadi is not God and it is visible from the acts - acts are there even against the Godly directions. This acting against Shrimat is called sin. So giving to a sinful one - one will acquire sin only. Instead of charity sin will occur through such money and one should keep oneself away from sin, is not it? Maybe one should not even give to someone who acts according to Shrimat, because everyone is sinful now. Whomever we may give, we will make a mistake.

It is said in this learning money is not needed. Knowledge is given for free and we receive it for free and we can learn and practice everywhere we may be and there is no need of any facility for this, so there are no need for money asking and giving. Those who ask by exercising pressure in subtle or more gross form should know through such money obtained by asking stress is given to people and the result that will come out of this money will bring also stress to others, but they act like this for they are stressed themelves. Their bread and their life depends on others.


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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

It is also said in the Murli 20-01-08

"The intellect of those who are still working understand that all of it is for Baba. Otherwise how would the business of the Yagya continue?


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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

So I ask once more, if the Dadis are doing the wrong thing, but they believe in God, then does that mean that the God they believe is wrong, or that Dadi is totally wrong, or that on the other shore, God actually doesn't exist but there is a inner belief that God does exist, only for that individual/soul, only since one likes to be attached to that idea (which is not really a bad idea as such). A Dadi is just another soul, so replace "Dadi" with "my soul" in the previous sentences.

So, is it "My God" or "Our God", or is it really "No God".

What I am trying to get act over the last few days and threads is that if someone claims they know / spoke / seen /heard / touched / felt /met "God", can anyone (remember we are all impure) be in a position to claim that such a person is wrong ? Does one need to prove they are in touch with God and need it validated ? Are we to deny that Moses did not meet THE God, or Jesus did not speak to THE God, or Mohammed, or Joe Blogg ? Does God need to prove He is God ?

OK, I'll put the bat down for a while ("hard hitter" sanskars :P ) and tend to other duties.
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Re: MukriMata

Post01 May 2008

Bansy Sanskars Batting.png
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Woo, folks lets keep our helmets handy ...

Actually, the posts were very insightful and had the Bansy touch (Heavy Hitter! 8)) ... :D

God is...
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ms orange

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Re: MukriMata

Post01 May 2008

<<<<<<< hug >>>>>>>>>>

By the way, that hug was for you Sakaash. My hug just ended up a little bit down the page ...


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Re: MukriMata

Post01 May 2008

Thank you Ms Orange for your hug ... I posted my latest on the topic "Is this the end?" and I would love to have your advice ... I think I need positivity around me at the moment ... thank you for yours!
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Re: MukriMata

Post01 May 2008

Ms. Orange, innocently, wrote: ...
Regarding the money, I would say don't do anything against your conscience. Ever. Dadi Janki would say the same.

Don't know if I should :lol: or :cry:, but I a truely :oops: about certain behaviours I have seen in the Yagya.

However, as it has been explained by other posters and most of us know, undue influence/pressure/the art of persuasion (you know, with some vaseline or maybe butter as in Last tango in Paris,) it will hurt less!! ... please, do not refuse, if you really love me!) and of extricating money from people and so on do exist and seem to work! Actually, they should start arranging proper seminars for anyone interested to learn this craft. Which is totally contradictory to the archetype/personality, as Arjunbhai reminded us, of Shiva as "Bhola Bhandari". The one I fell in love, and I still am, with :D.

Now, in order to diffuse the sick feeling the above issues generated in me, let me move it on to another lighter plan (after all it's their karma, not mine! :wink: ).
ex-l wrote:And, honestly, what BK is in a clear state and not subject to undue influence from his local and senior Sisters? Watch them pull the gold and silver jewelry out of the local Hindi following.

And the image came to my mind of "Ali Baba and the forty thieves". In the cave, with their mouth watering, passing their fingers through the heaps of gems contained in the coffers. Uncle Scrooge, diving and swimming in a mountain of gold coins ...

Since Christmas went by and I got no gift from my Forum friends - well, actually I do everyday! - I would anyone creative and clever with computers make a nice poster utilizing the characters I just mentioned and we are familiar with since childhood. May be patching them up with some real characters we become familiar with in the BKWSO?

My gift in turn is this beautiful song from Crosby and Nash. For those who know the tune,we can sing it together, as a catharsis
Crosby and Nash wrote:Take the money and run, Like a thief across a neighbor's yard
Take the money and run, Like a ghost out in the night.
Take the money and run, 'cause you found out that it wasn't hard
to take the money and run, because you were out of sight.
You cannot tell me any more lies. You cannot pull the wool over my eyes
Take the money and run

Take the money and run, 'cause the summer sun is sinking down
Take the money and run, 'cause the four winds may not blow
Take the money and run, 'cause the verdict has been handed down
Take the money and run, because there's no place left to go.
You cannot give me any more time. You've already taken too much of mine
Take the money and run

Thanks. Love and peace.


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Re: MukriMata

Post01 May 2008

You just reminded me at class today when the SS went on about how in the early days, those who committed to the Yagya gave everything they had, all their gold jewellery etc etc - except Mama, since she only came to the Yagya with the clothes she had on her back.

We, were all encouraged in a very subtle way to donate since we are receiving spiritual sustenance from God so we must make a return of that in some way. Thankfully for Mukrimata, that return will be in the form of cash! It won't be mine!
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Re: MukriMata

Post01 May 2008

Hi Sakash

Welcome to the forum. As some people have already mentioned, I would also like to say follow your intuition and your heart in whatever decision you make for your future.

I have to ask you though, who or what on earth is MukriMata? And what connection does it have to Dadi Janki and the BK Organisation?

Enlightened :roll:


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Re: MukriMata

Post01 May 2008

Hi enlightened,

Mukrimata - (not so sure about the spelling), is the name of the new building that they are constructing in Shantivan to house up to 5000 people. Dadi Janki is currently on a quest to collect all the money she can to help get this building ready before next season. I was there when she "sort of in a roundabout" way asked for money and this is what started me questioning ... actually, I was questioning long before that, but it put the spotlight on my questions a bit more!
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Re: MukriMata

Post02 May 2008

sakaash wrote:in the early days, those who committed to the Yagya gave everything they had, all their gold jewelery etc

It was not theirs ... their husbands and families paid for them. None of them had worked a day in their lives (no disrespect to the mothers, naturally, but many of them were used to having servants running after them and taking care of house too).

They lived off their families, then they lived off multi-millionaire Lekhraj Kirpalani and others for 20 years ... including money taken from the British Government as settlement for properties lost during Partition ... and then once the money ran out they have live off their followers. In BKWSU speak, "students" means "donors".

Equally so ... and I can give you quotes for this from the original Dadi and Didis ... they sent back money and gifts to their families saying they did not want it and depended on God (for which we now know Lekhraj Kirpalani because there was no God Shiva until after 1950 odds) only. Read numerous biographies and historical pages of the Yugya.

Times have changed ...
alladin wrote:And the image came to my mind of "Ali Baba and the forty thieves". In the cave, with their mouth watering, passing their fingers through the heaps of gems contained in the coffers. Uncle Scrooge, diving and swimming in a mountain of gold coins ...

Its a bit topical and I do not want to labour the point as it is well out of character, however ... I don't know about Uncle Scrooge but I do know of someone for the role of Fagin (aka villainous real estate agent Charlie Cousens). We already had BK Oliver asking for more on this forum. You see, everything in the Confluence Age has significance according to the BKWSU.

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Re: MukriMata

Post02 May 2008

Off topic but latching onto the Oliver theme, the following tune can be used for a students who graduate from the 7 day course :
Consider Yourself

Consider yourself at home.
Consider yourself one of the family.
We've taken to you so strong.
It's clear we're going to get along.
Consider yourself well in
Consider yourself par to the furniture.
There is not a lot to spare.
Who cares? .. What ever we've goin we share!

If it should chance to be
We should see
Some harder days
Empty larder days
Why grouse?
Always a-chance we'll meet
To foot the bill
Then the drinks are on the house!
Consider yourself our mate.
We don't want to have no fuss,
For after some consideration, we can state ...
Consider yourself
One of us!

There is some similarity. In the story of Oliver, everyone is an orphan.


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