Positive things to share: nice thoughts, peace, love, fun

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Positive things to share: nice thoughts, peace, love, fun

Post18 Apr 2008

A choice for humanity, Love or Fear. What do you choose?
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Re: Positive things to share:Nice thoughts, PEACE, Love, Fun...

Post18 Apr 2008

Thank you, Tete, for sharing this video with us. I choose love without forgetting the many who are in a different reality of not so much experiences of peace, love, and happiness. It brings me back to my BK times when I was constantly reminded to remember Baba, remember Baba, remember, Baba, remember Baba, remember Baba, remember Baba ... What about remembering those in tangible or intangible relationship with us?

To me this is what life and this thing, which many call god, is all about. Indeed, it is good to dwell in the beauty of the moment but at times it is necessary to be more practical so that we can help our fellow Brothers and Sisters or make our dear ones feel that we care for them; not only "Baba."


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Re: Positive things to share:Nice thoughts, PEACE, Love, Fun...

Post18 Apr 2008

Thanks Tete for this beautiful video.
I choose love too and I agree with Driedexbk. What`s the point of remembering Baba? Is it just a selfish thing or is it going to help us being more caring?
Love to all!
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Re: Positive things to share:Nice thoughts, PEACE, Love, Fun...

Post18 Apr 2008

Mercedes Sosa,sings:
Solo le Pido a Dios/I only ask of God

Driedexbk and Bkti-pit are correct, we mustn't be indifferent to mankind, as in not doing, serves no one. It is the will to do what we can and love those close to us and offer of ourselves that is the essence of God in action. Indifference leads to cruelty in the world and by not standing up we often aid in the cruelty. OM :(
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Re: Positive things to share: nice thoughts, peace, love, fun

Post18 Apr 2008

Gosh ... I wish I had a Kalashnikov when I was that black kids age (circa 1:18 secs) ... yes, the world might have been quite a different place!

What a nice thought ... :?
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For all the banned souls...

Post18 Apr 2008

Melanie: Candles In The Rain - Lay Down(Candles In The Rain

Lyrics: (copied exactly from the album liner notes)

lay down lay down, let it all down
let your white birds smile up at the
ones who stand and frown
lay down lay down, let it all down
let your white birds smile up at the
ones who stand and frown*

we were so close, there was no room
we bled inside each others wounds
we all had caught the same disease
and we all sang the songs of peace


so raise the candles high cause if you
don't we could stay black against the night
oh raise them higher again and if you
do we could stay dry against the rain


we were so close there was no room
we bled inside each others wounds
we all had caught the same disease
and we all sang the songs of peace
some came to sing, some came to pray
some came to keep the dark away
so raise the candles high
cause if you don't we could stay
black against the sky
oh oh raise them higher again
and if you do we could stay dry against the rain


P.S. I am not suggesting you go naked, I just like the song, the singer and the meaning (photos...may shock some :shock: :oops: )
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Re: Positive things to share: nice thoughts, peace, love, fun

Post01 May 2008


john morgan


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Re: Positive things to share: nice thoughts, peace, love, fun

Post01 May 2008

Very very nice Tete,

I am not sure why there has not yet been a song with the lyric "Have patience, your days of happiness are coming" its such a useful thought to hold in mind.
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Re: Positive things to share: nice thoughts, peace, love, fun

Post01 May 2008

John Morgan,

When in Sydney I will make sure my little song bird takes note: "Have patience, your days of happiness are coming"! Indeed it is a very nice thought and I am sure my little bird could work those little piano fingers to come up with some music for them ...


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Re: Positive things to share: nice thoughts, peace, love, fun

Post01 May 2008

Thanks Tete,

Please ensure that Bap Dada's name is on the lyric credits :D
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Re: Positive things to share: nice thoughts, peace, love, fun

Post01 May 2008

John Morgan,

I thought this was you and it was in reference to a hot date!
Bapdad...channelled wrote:"Have patience, your days of happiness are coming"

I guess we could title the CD, "B' from beyond"! Or, "Messages from Heaven"! Say, how did ya get me involved in BK PR...?!? :shock: You are a sly one! 8) Hemm :oops:


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Re: Positive things to share: nice thoughts, peace, love, fun

Post01 May 2008

Hi Tete,

Its really nice to know that you would respond favourably to a hot date suggestion from me though in this instance it is Bap Dada flirting with you. Having said that you really know how to make someone feel special, in this respect both you and Bap Dada have something in common.

You've now got me wondering if Bap Dada could be a little sad about these cagey BK who are holding his beautiful words back from those who would like to read them. At least his knowledge is in safe hands with you. I hope the song that you and your friends write with "have patience, your days of happiness are coming" in the lyrics is a great success. Perhaps the rest of the song could come from Bap Dada's words too! Or would that be too much? :D

By the way I really love what you are doing under this topic, Melanie is one of my favourite singers of they only put it a nickel and glory glory psychotherapy fame :D Oh! I nearly forgot the holy cow that goes Moo! Nowadays, whenever I see a Tete post I rush to look at it and have the feeling that there is something very good inside. How did you do this to me? :oops:

There! Red faces all around!

ps White should be beautiful but mostly its not! I know you will understand.

pps I choose love too!
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Re: Positive things to share: nice thoughts, peace, love, fun

Post06 May 2008

Since you chose love here is a classic for you! :P

john morgan


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Re: Positive things to share: nice thoughts, peace, love, fun

Post06 May 2008

Thanks Tete,

Really beautiful.

It made me recall Sister Madeline, who was walking with Dadi Janki in London one day. Sister Madeline said she would listen to love songs on the radio and translate them into yogic love. DJ approved.

Dolly Parton's done some very good stuff. I like her very much. Do you think a thread in praise of Dolly Parton would be a good idea? Yes :!: well :doubt: maybe not here :roll: he right thing at the right time 8) could run through all the icons but I'll leave it at that except for :D ...Thanks!


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Re: Positive things to share: nice thoughts, peace, love, fun

Post07 May 2008

I posted it before but here it is again.



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