Mukhri Mata funding

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: MukriMata

Post29 Apr 2008


My experience is limited to being part of a local branch of the BKs in the UK and my only dealings with the senior Sisters were at various events. I never got as far as the inner circle to deal with them directly.

However I did get to the point where I was regularly taking out large sums of money from my account to give my local branch members as an act of gratitude for the attention they appeared to be giving me (I assumed the money would go towards food for them and maybe heating). I only found out later that my money was being sent to 'head office' to fund stuff I did not even know about. Each time I gave more I was just told 'Baba is grateful for your gift.'

Over time it was not just my money they wanted. They wanted my life too, exclusively to serve with them. Quite frankly taking my money was the least of it. At the time I felt really guilty about feeling that no matter what I gave, it was never ever enough. Where do you go with that? What can you give them? YOur blood? Your soul? - even then it would still not be enough.

Other people here are far more informed than me and have far more experience than I do and they have shared with you their thoughts here. All I can say Sakaash is that in your heart you know what is right and you know what is not right. You know what is truth and you know what feels slightly false. No matter what you are told or the pressure you are under, in your heart you already know what you must do. It might take years or it might take weeks but you are already processing stuff in your mind and I think you must trust your own feelings, trust your instincts and your intuition. Don't be afraid. My own advice would be to just keep coming back to this forum and put any feelings of guilt or a sense that you 'should not be mixing with the wrong crowd' out of your mind for now and just hang in there with Sakaash and really listen to what Sakaash is making of all this.

All the best mate,

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sounds like rip off

Post29 Apr 2008


Belittling people, extricating money from them, interpreting the Murli according to manmat - in fact-, using points to beat people up and making stupid senseless comments. This common rubbish is unfortunately an institutionalized crime. I totally agree with BK t pit and feel the same unease about the arrogant sisters-in-charge kept by SS on the gaddhi for decades, and the doubts about who's the Spook/s . What about my loving, light Baba (maybe my projection and imagination?). What the Spook speaks is a mixure: it sounds sometime like law and fundamentalism, and this translates into the abusive system that is adopted, taught and passed on. Sometimes very sweet and sensible Bholanath that makes it clear that this is a path of simplicity and high thinking: we can live and do service in a tiny room and survive on a chapati, we are not supposed to beg for anything, become dependent on facilities or chase after donations, fame, luxury, quantity, results or proselytes. It doesn't square nor make sense.

If Gyan and BK life was a project or a deal some was offering us, laying it out in such a contradictory manner, we would never go for it, we would stand up and leave the conference room before meeting 's over!! We would walk away with the bitter taste of having wasted time with someone that either had no clue about what he was proposing or, even worse, was trying to rip us off. :|


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Re: MukriMata

Post29 Apr 2008

Thank you Sarah and others, I cannot get to sleep! I keep thinking of my BK journey, picking it apart in my head. The faces of Sister Jayanti, Dadi Janki and Dadi Gulzar, the drishti, the silence, the experiences in Baba's room in Oxford. How come I never felt comfortable with saying the word Baba? ... I would always say "God". Mike George and his "don't believe anything I say" speeches, the public programmes where many BKs sat in like undercover cops. Traffic control and Bliss! Always aiming for a seat at the front ... only to get there and find that it is reserved for someone who walks in 30mins late! The snores on a Sunday morning and occasionally nodding off myself! The elegance of a white sari, flowing as if on the subtle body of an angel. The same 2 songs for offering Bhog every Sunday, I bet I could sing them both ... this journey is not going to be easy! Let me try to get some zzzzz's now!


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Re: sounds like rip off

Post30 Apr 2008

alladin wrote:What the Spook speaks is a mixure: it sounds sometime like law and fundamentalism, and this translates into the abusive system that is adopted , taught and passed on. Sometimes very sweet and sensible Bholanath that makes it clear that this is a path of simplicity and high thinking: we can live and do service in a tiny room and survive on a chapati, we are not supposed to beg for anything, become dependent on facilities or chase after donations, fame , luxory, quantity, results or proselytes. It doesn't square nor make sense.

I like what you are saying here Alladin. To be honest, I also reacted to the fundamentalism aspect in my very beginning days but I stayed on because of my meditation experiences and because the sweet side of the teachings, the simplicity and elevated thinking matched my experience of God. I never fully understood the fundamentalism part but was able to live with it and not take it too seriously.

However, as I keep seeing how abuse and deceit seem to be built into the system, I am being reminded of something I was aware of before I adopted the BK life, that truth has to be truth all the way. If it is mixed with falsehood it is not truth anymore. I am not expecting anyone to be perfect and everyone is allowed to make mistakes but this has gone way too far to be considered as mere mistakes from spiritual effort makers.

Dropping off the bad whilst keeping the good will be done differently according to each individual. I have been doing that in my own way all the way through my BK life and it has evolved with time. I seem to be nearing a point of significant change in this process. Thanks to all of you!
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ms orange

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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

Dear Sakaash,

My gosh you have a lot of friends on this forum!

Regarding the money, I would say don't do anything against your conscience. Ever. Dadi Janki would say the same.

With The Knowledge points you brought up - I understand what you mean about the Shudra comments, droppings of the crow etc. I am now living in a main centre in a very conservative and traditional part of India (and I am a 'double foreigner'). I am also starting to learn Hindi properly, and I can tell you that these words are very different in their original language, and have a softer and sometimes remarkably different meaning. Also the expressions and terms that we (Double Foreigner's) often find abrupt have extraordinary significance for people here in India, and the majority of the family (and all of the family at the time the Murlis were spoken) were Indian.

So ... when I hear thing like the ones you have mentioned I just go deeper inside and reconnect with the task that God wants me/us to do. I go back to the essence of the spiritual knowledge. Me and God. Changing myself, becoming soft, strong, deeply appreciative of everything I am, and equally of everyone and everything around me. But at the same time not pulling on the worlds resources to sustain my heart. How I do it, is that I love everyone (and actually I do), and allow everyone to love me, but be completely in love with One. I keep my relationships, stay with my family, be in the world, but not to be pulled down by the sorrow and suffering of the world. But instead do what I can through who I am, and how I am, to help lift it up and free the world and its inhabitants from sorrow, peacelessness and suffering.

Let the rain fall on your face, run without shoes on, take and give both ... enjoy the beauty of the scene and give your love to it. Enjoy the baby laughing and love the baby - she will feel your love. The main thing is your happiness. Nothing should sacrifice that. So every now and then, when the spin comes and there's a storm (and there are some big ones), you just have to go deeper inside and sit quietly with yourself.

Everything will be okay.


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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

Thank you Ms Orange, feels like I do have friends here, even in such a short space of time. I did go to class this morning the SS was not there, so I did not have to face her "scowling drishti". Instead another member read Murli and I listened, for a moment I forgot all this and felt myself succumb to the feeling of belonging. When I left this feeling stayed with me but soon wore off ... I honestly don't know where my head is at! My heart is another matter!
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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

I am sorry and asked to be excused ... but I can not take this without speaking up.

Right as we type, King Janak is just back from the Middle East fluffing a millionaire non-BK to provide a center building for the BKWSU and the local BKs are all running around excited ... who is kidding who!?! She is the BKs number one bag man.

And, honestly, what BK is in a clear state and not subject to undue influence from his local and senior Sisters? Watch them pull the gold and silver jewelry out of the local Hindi following.

I would say, "the most stable mind in the world" Janki Kripalani's opinion (which was debunked by a forum member ... only after withdrawn by London ... and yet still used and advertised by the BKWSU globally ) has about zero credibility on this forum and encourage the individual to put/keep his wallet in his trousers until the Global Chief address some of the questions we have so politely asked her.

See some of the 'pictures-of-Lekhraj-Kripalani-everywhere' manmat ( ... entirely contrary to Shrimat, naturally).

I apologise to the rest of you ... I almost fell off my chair reading that "holy savour" reference. Its just all part of fluid seduction BKs experience that leaves them in this state in the first place.


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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

So she's asking a non-BK for the money now? What on earth is going on? I made my decision about putting money into this last night and I think I made the right decision ... I will put the money away for my dependents (close family)! So in case the world does not end in 2036, I'll be able to help them! I think Ms Orange has a point though ... me, God and silence - now there's a trinity I never really thought of!
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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

sakaash wrote:so she's asking a non-BK for the money now?

“You should be very intoxicated. Those people are simply breaking their heads to earn fame. They get the amount from the Government. Sanyasis get a lot of money. Even now they say – if we go to teach the ancient Yoga of India, then they will immediately give money. Baba does not need anybody’s money. This one is a bhola bhandari (a title of Shiv) who Himself helps the entire world; He gets help from the children. When children show courage, the Father gives help.

When someone comes from outside, they are habituated; they think that they should give something to the ashram (center). But you should tell – why do you give us? You have not listened to The Knowledge. You don’t know anything.”

(Revised Sakar Murli dated 01.01.08, pg 3 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)

The above Murli clearly says that BKs/PBKs should not seek donation (in cash or kind) from non-BKs unless they have understood The Knowledge properly.
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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

Sakaash wrote:I think Ms Orange has a point though ... me, God and silence - now there's a trinity I never really thought of!

Well, its a better one than, "you, your wallet and the senior Sisters".


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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

Thank you ex-l for the first giggle of my day!
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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

I'd just like to comment at this point in this thread that it seems to me that so many people seem to join this forum after having 'negative' experiences within the BKWSU setup and then battle whether or not to - leave "GOD" and battle internally, mentally and emotionally in deciding to go off elsewhere in their life's journey.

Having gone through this process myself, years ago - all I can say is that I found God when I was a good little BK but when I left I rediscovered God again, within me and without too.

I also realised how much ego I had as a 'practicing BK', despite feeling that I was 'beyond ego' at the time. Blah! I can say that just as it was the right time to join the BKWSU, there may also be an exact accurate universally synchronised moment when one realises thats its time to leave too. As i've stated - sure I found God, but I've also found more than God too - after I left. God just wants us to live, happily.

So my message is to say - "Have no fear" - God will be there no matter what you choose, and so long as you choose to live a life that is truthful, open and honest to yourself. And the abundance of all, follows. Amen.
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ms orange

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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

Sometimes I wonder whether Lekhraj Kirpalani found the 'universal God' as well ... and then it just became all tangled up in is ingrained psychology and the social trauma that followed surrounding the Om Mandli. A psycho-drama that the Brahma-kumaris ... for the lack of any other life skills or profession ... have invested in and turned into a business and religion.

I suppose you read in the History section Sakaash, that Lekhraj Kirpalani and the early Om Mandli thought he was Prajapati God Brahma for the first 20 years of the Yugya, believed in a universal god or light and there was no Shiva etc. All stuff that the SS have kept very secret until it was revealed here ... and they are still pushing the "revised" history to their followers despite knowing we are getting closer and closer to it. Your local center-in-charge has probably not even seen the evidence yet.

It is important for us to discussion and investigate what it going on behind the scenes. Folks like you have been encouraged to hand over their money and lives on the basis of a forthcoming Destruction in WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s, Year 2000 and so on. Now, whether Destruction is going to come or not ... they should really tell folks about all these SPECIFIC years and give a better answer than, "It was your fault for not making enough effort".

Especially where family's welfare is at stake.


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Re: MukriMata

Post30 Apr 2008

Paul and Ms Orange seem to be on my wavelength today ... I have done a lot of questioning, and as ex-l rightfully says, I did read about the early days of the BKs. I will not kid myself about the doubts that I have about this. At the same time, I know I have to be able to get some good out of this. I think Paul and Ms Orange see that and I welcome the kindness, I really need that now ... could do with a hug as well!

(how sad!)

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