Each one teach one

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Each one teach one

Post30 Apr 2008

This is the method that has been prescribed for spreading The Knowledge. When a single person sits and explains to a single person the vibrations remain concentrated, one can ask questions and have them answered, the power of eyes and speech remain concentrated for one person. If one explains to a big gathering, when one asks a question, if others are not interested in the question they tend to feel asleep.

If one explains to many people simultaneously their attention is drifted and if one explains to one then if the attention of the person slides aside one can politely waith for him to return. This cannot happen with many people because always someone's attention will be drifted. With one person one can check the pulse, check the reaction of the person and continue accordingly. Many people will have different reaction so how can one decide which to follow and whose desire to please. By expaining one to one The Knowledge can remain uadulterous.

However Dadi Prakashmani has given the order of "Each one teach ten" that shows the tendention of underestimating the quality in the favour or quantity. It is a sign of spreading adulteration by liking to please hundreds of thousands of people at the same time.

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